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Hair samples of 46 prehistoric mummies from five different pre-Inca sites in Peru were analyzed for Ca, Sr, Ni, Mn, and Ba by DCP/AES. The five sites displayed differing burial customs: whereas the dead of Cahuachi (n=13), Huayuri (n=2) and Brujo (n=5) had been interred unwrapped in simple stone pits, the mummies of Las Trancas (n=17) and Pacatnamu (n=9) had been granted protection by fabrics and wooden coffins. At the sites with no protection, the hair samples contained extremely high concentrations of Ca and Sr which by far exceeded the usual physiological ranges. This can probably be explained by contamination from the surrounding soil. In contrast, the protected depositions of Las Trancas and Pacatnamu exhibited Ca and Sr concentrations within the present range of variation. This may indicate that favourable conditions had prevented contamination in these cases. For Mn the same trend can be observed, both Cahuachi and Huayuri samples showed markedly increased values. For Ni and Ba on the other hand no correlation with the type of interment was found. In the two non-contaminated series, the mean values of Mn, Ba, and Ni were considerably higher in Las Trancas than in Pacatnamu. As Mn, Ni, and Ba tend to occur in higher concentrations in vegetable than in animal food items, these differences may indicate a differential availability of animal protein at the two locations  相似文献   
Within the framework of the Sicily Mummy Project, the orofacial complex of a significant sample of individuals (n = 111) from the Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo, Italy, was inspected. The heads and dentitions of the mummies were documented and the recorded findings described: the state of preservation of skeletal and soft tissues; dental pathologies such as carious lesions and alveolar bone loss; enamel hypoplasia; and ante- and post-mortem tooth loss. Despite limitations in data collection, the oral health of these mummies was assessed and the frequencies of pathologies were compared to those of similar populations. From their position within the corridors of the Catacombs, sex and social status of the mummies were also inferred, allowing the dental pathologies to be specified in the social and historical context. Most interestingly, the rate of oral health problems did not differ between the groups of the members of the Capuchin Order and the laymen of the city of Palermo, despite their different lifestyles.  相似文献   
An interdisciplinary team performed autopsies on an adult male and an infant male mummy from the American Southwest. Cause of death has not been determined for the infant. The presence of an unhealed skull fracture associated with an apparent hematoma in the adult male is suggestive of trauma as the cause of death in the adult. Evidence of disease is minimal. Analysis of powder thought to be dried blood from the thoracic cavity of the adult suggests the presence of human IgG. The instability of this protein may indicate the presence of proteolytic activity by enzymes that degrade immunoglobulins upon rehydration. The possibility of enzymatic degradation of proteins will be an important factor in future studies of such immunoglobulins in mummy remains and also indicates the importance of maintaining the desiccated condition of mummy tissues.  相似文献   
The frequency of expression of the mylohyoid bridge was studied in the skeletal remains of 122 Pre-Columbian Peruvians. The incidence in this population was found to be 17.6% as compared to an incidence of 15.4% found in a similar size sample population of American Negroes and a 16.1% incidence in a population of American Whites from the Terry Collection. No significant differences as to the incidence of the mylohyoid bridge were found as to the side of occurrence or between deformed and undeformed crania. A mylohyoid bridge was found in a younger individual (6 years) than had previously been reported. Females showed a significantly higher incidence of this trait in all three populations studied. A similar incidence of the mylohyoid bridge in Pre-Columbian and Mongoloid peoples adds support to the theory of a Mongoloid origin of these people. The mylohyoid bridge is considered to be a significant genetic marker which along with other such markers could be of value in population studies.  相似文献   
From Meroitic to Christian times (350 B .C .–A .D . 1400), Sudanese Nubia experienced political, economic, cultural, and environmental upheaval. Change in any one of these aspects of ancient lifeways can affect subsistence. Dietary patterns from this period are reconstructed by measuring stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in tissue samples from 146 mummies excavated from five sites in the Wadi Halfa area. On average, δ13C values of bone collagen, muscle, and skin indicate high consumption levels of C3 plants (presumably wheat or barley staples, mixed vegetables, and fruits) throughout the sequence. However, during the X-Group period (A .D . 350–550), there is a statistically significant increase in consumption of C4 plants (millet or sorghum), which are predominant in both the archeological record and in modern crop production for most of the Northern Sudan. The X-Group period was also associated with a low Nile and political and economic restructuring. Increased use of C4 plants on a seasonal basis is also indicated by shifting δ13C values along hair shafts for both X-Group and Christian periods. δ15N values suggest that the major source of protein for all time periods came from herbivorous animals. A small, but significant increase in 15N over the 1,000-year sequence could be the result of fertilization. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Survival of pathogens during long periods of unfavorable conditions can be critical to their ecology and to their use in biological control. In northeastern Brazil, the mite pathogen Neozygites floridana must survive hot and dry conditions between wet seasons when it infects the cassava green mite Mononychellus tanajoa. We report on large numbers of mite cadavers bearing resting spores towards the end of epizootics in mid-1995. High within-leaf variability indicated that local factors may be important in determining resting spore formation. These spores remain in the host cadaver on a leaf until the cadaver breaks up, whereupon the spores fall freely to the soil, there to remain dormant. Laboratory simulation of field conditions led to ca. 25% of mycosed individuals bearing resting spores. Mummies (without resting spores) kept in hot and dry conditions showed little or no viability within 2 months, implying no role for survival over extended dry periods. It is proposed that resting spores form the principal means by which this pathogen survives the dry season in the study area. This has implications for its introduction to new areas in classical biological control.  相似文献   
Blood groups of Peruvian mummies of known origin were determined by three different methods: agglutination-inhibition, induction of antibody production and mixed cell agglutination. The three techniques gave identical results, but the last two were useful in establishing the presence of H (O) antigen, while the first technique would not. The results indicate the presence of A, B, AB and O blood groups in America prior to known European contact. This suggests the need for a revision of concepts of blood groups in the American Indian.  相似文献   
ABO blood groups of Peruvian and Chilean mummies were determined with the agglutination-inhibition method. In Peru all ABO blood groups were found in the period from 3000 B.C. to 1400 A.D.; from this period to 1650 only A and O were seen. In Chile no B or AB was noted either in pre-Columbian or Colonial mummies. This confirms the archeological concept that the Chilean Indian was culturally as well as genetically different from the Peruvian Indian. Further studies using other genetic markers are in order, as well as changing certain preconceived notions on blood groups of American Indians.  相似文献   
Tissue mummified by desiccation can be examined histologically after rehydration with Ruffer's solution, and a number of natural mummies have been studied by this technique. In order to study the efficacy of the rehydration process, and to evaluate the degree of artefact introduced, normal human tissues were desiccated, rehydrated, and examined histologically. There was generally good preservation of architecture and moderate preservation of cellular detail, with some organ specific variability. The prospect of an atlas of mummified pathological lesions is discussed, as an aid to the determination of disease patterns in prehistoric populations.  相似文献   
Over the years various tissues of almond and pistachio have been evaluated for their ability to attract the navel orangeworm moth, a major insect pest in California tree nut orchards. Almond meal, which typically consists of ground almond kernels, is a monitoring tool for navel orangeworm populations in almond and pistachio orchards. Recently, ground pistachio and almond mummies have been re-visited in field trapping studies for their potential to attract navel orangeworm moths. Surprisingly, the volatile profiles of these two systems have not been reported. The objective of this study was to survey and then compare and contrast the volatile profiles of both ground almond and pistachio mummies over the course of a week. Principal component analysis (PCA) of the headspace volatiles showed a distinct difference between ground almond and pistachio mummies. The volatile emission profile of the almond mummies remained consistent over the one-week period, albeit in low content and composition; whereas the profile of the pistachio mummies changed over time as shown by PCA. Seven compounds were identified as being common volatiles to both matrices. These data may help explain results from recent navel orangeworm field trapping studies using almond and pistachio mummies, as well as with the formulation of future synthetic blends.  相似文献   
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