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The Truckee River Basin, located on the Nevada-California border, is an area of extreme hydrologic variability, being subject to both prolonged multi-decadal droughts and devastating floods; however, due to the brief instrumental record, understanding of the full range of this variability is limited. To assist local water managers assess the post-2000 drought in the context of historic droughts, this study revisits the first tree-ring reconstruction of Truckee River runoff: Hardman and Reil (1936). Incorporating their original 1930s tree cores as well as newly sampled material, three new site chronologies were developed and combined with other regional chronologies to produce a 1491–2003 reconstruction of Truckee River streamflow, an over 400-year extension of the instrumental record and 230 years longer than the previous reconstruction, providing new insights into the basin’s natural variability. In addition to evidence of extended droughts and extreme high streamflow years, this reconstruction shows a marked hydroclimatic shift centered around the 1850s. Prior to then, the Truckee River experienced decadal to multi-decadal periods of higher than average streamflow; subsequently, these periods have been decreasing in length with only two instances above three consecutive years of high streamflow since 1900. Whether this represents fundamental shift to a new hydroclimatic regime remains unclear. However, as global temperatures continue to rise, fewer long-term high streamflow episodes may have lasting impacts on water availability in the basin, raising the question further of whether the post-2000 drought is a new megadrought or a sign of aridification.  相似文献   
近年来,数字化外科技术在颌面部外伤修复重建临床应用中得到不断发展和完善,极大地提高了手术的精确性和可靠性,节约了手术时间。本文主要从术前手术模拟、快速打印3D头模、术中导航、导板制作、个性化修复体及机器人的临床应用等六个方面来阐述数字化外科技术在颌面部骨折修复重建中的应用,总结了各个技术的原理、优缺点及应用现状,回顾了我们单位应用数字化技术提高颌面部外伤修复手术的精确度和可行性以及恢复了患者良好的面型及功能的临床应用经验。同时,本文对未来数字化外科在颌面部骨折修复重建中的应用提出了新的展望,我们认为,结合术前手术模拟、术中导航及术中机器人技术依据术中具体情况自动调整手术方案进行颌面部骨折修复重建的完全自动化智能机器人的实现将是最终的目标。  相似文献   
目的:研究关节镜下前交叉韧带(ACL)重建术的手术时机对患者膝关节功能恢复的影响。方法:选取2016年1月至2017年8月我院收治的膝关节ACL损伤患者65例为研究对象,所有患者均接受关节镜下ACL重建术治疗,并按照患者受伤至接受手术的时间分为研究组(n=35,受伤至接受手术的时间≤3周)和对照组(n=30,受伤至接受手术的时间3周),术后对患者进行为期6个月的随访,对比两组患者术前和术后6个月的膝关节活动度、膝关节功能以及ACL恢复情况,并比较随访期间两组并发症发生情况。结果:术前,两组膝关节活动度、国际膝关节文献委员会膝关节评估表(IKDC)和Lysholm膝关节评分比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05),术后6个月,两组膝关节活动度、IKDC评分和Lysholm膝关节评分均较术前升高,且研究组高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。术前与术后6个月,两组前抽屉(ADT)试验和Lachman试验阴性率比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05),但与术前比较,术后6个月两组ADT试验和Lachman试验阴性率均升高,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。与对照组比较,研究组并发症总发生率降低,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:膝关节ACL损伤患者在不同时间内接受关节镜下ACL重建术治疗均具有较好的效果,但是在受伤后3周内接受手术对患者膝关节功能恢复效果更明显,同时并发症发生率也相对更低。  相似文献   
王乐  柴建华 《遗传学报》1994,21(2):81-95
与脂质运输有关的载脂蛋白基因构成一个复杂的多基因家族。为探讨这种演化时间长的基因家族的进化规律,本文首先建立了一种在非均衡进化速率条件下计算系统发生树中任意分支长度的简易方法,并可在此基础上算出无根分支系统树中分歧年代的期望值。进一步对本文科10个种属共26种载脂蛋白的系统演作作了实际分析,结果提示:①ApoA-I'ApoA-IV,ApoE及ApoA-II的共同祖先可能在奥陶纪水生脊椎动物中就已存  相似文献   
Carcinoma of the hypopharynx is an uncommon disease, with an annual incidence of approximately 1 in 100,000. Post-cricoid carcinoma is more common in women and is not usually associated with tobacco and alcohol abuse. Reconstruction of large pharyngeal defects following surgery for squamous cell carcinoma is complex and often requires microvascular free tissue transfer to achieve the best oncological and functional outcomes. The most common complications of such procedures include fistulas and strictures of the neopharynx. Here, we describe a case of a female patient admitted to the Head and Neck Department at our hospital to undergo delayed reconstruction following pharyngolaryngectomy and removal of the cervical oesophagus. Several complications occurred during post-operative care, including stricture and skin dehiscence. At present, the patient is able to swallow saliva and is currently being prepared to return to a normal diet.  相似文献   
The success of liver transplantation has resulted in a dramatic organ shortage. Each year, a considerable number of patients on the liver transplantation waiting list die without receiving an organ transplant or are delisted due to disease progression. Even after a successful transplantation, rejection and side effects of immunosuppression remain major concerns for graft survival and patient morbidity. Experimental animal research has been essential to the success of liver transplantation and still plays a pivotal role in the development of clinical transplantation practice. In particular, the porcine orthotopic liver transplantation model (OLTx) is optimal for clinically oriented research for its close resemblance to human size, anatomy, and physiology. Decompression of intestinal congestion during the anhepatic phase of porcine OLTx is important to guarantee reliable animal survival. The use of an active porto-caval-jugular shunt achieves excellent intestinal decompression. The system can be used for short-term as well as long-term survival experiments. The following protocol contains all technical information for a stable and reproducible liver transplantation model in pigs including post-operative animal care.  相似文献   
Hydrological conditions prevailing before, during and after the Messinian salinity crisis in Sicily have been approached using dinoflagellate cyst records. The synthetic sequence considered is based on five classical sections from the Caltanissetta Basin. Our interpretations are based on the recognition of autochthonous, allochthonous and reworked population among the dinocyst assemblages. For the first time, sea-surface temperatures and seasonal salinity contrasts were tentatively reconstructed using a “Mutual Climatic Range Method”. Sicilian late Tortonian deposits correspond to marine environment with significant terrestrial inputs favourable to eutrophic dinocyst species. Immediately after the beginning of the Messinian Stage, euryhaline assemblages took place, followed by meso-hyperhaline taxa, within a general trend to shallowing. At the end of the Tripoli diatomitic Formation, environment appears confined, with regular oceanic inflows. Such marine inflows remain persistent during the deposition of the salt Member, witnessing the probable persistence of nearby normal marine sea-surface water conditions in the Mediterranean Sea but with possible reduced hydrological circulation and/or low nutrient component. Such inflows are slightly decreasing up to the top of the Sicilian Upper Evaporites. At the same time, river inputs appear weak during the salt deposition, as the consequence of a rather dry climatic context. As shown by reworking activity, terrestrial inputs increase progressively from the base of the Upper Evaporites. During the Lago Mare period, while climate remains rather dry (absence of freshwater algae inputs, very low amount in trees requiring humid conditions), local deposition environment is confined with mesohaline to hypohaline sea-surface waters, in a context with relatively high seasonal sea-surface salinity contrast (up to 6‰). The very high reworking observed in the Arenazzolo silts, in addition to slightly increasing water depth, led us to consider the presence of a discontinuity between the Lago Mare and the Arenazzolo Fms. We consider the Arenazzolo Formation as a transgressive facies following a deep downcutting period. The Arenazzolo Formation presents a two-step development. The first one, correlative with the presence of a G. etrusca (a species with Paratethyan affinities), corresponds to a relative high-stand sea-level with oceanic influxes, low seasonal sea-surface salinity contrast and probable more humid context, as revealed by the important freshwater algal inputs. During the second step, salinity becomes much more variable, with a clear increase of seasonal sea-surface salinity contrast, a possible slight mean sea-surface temperature increase (only few degrees) and a clear weakening of the river inputs. Taking the proposed Zanclean position of the Arenazzolo Fm. into consideration, we state that mean sea-surface temperature did not change significantly from the base of the Messinian to the earliest Zanclean. At 5.33 Ma, the suddenly achieved flooding restored a fair, deep oceanic environment characterized, at the beginning, by a clear mean sea-surface temperature cooling (up to 6-7 °C) and a nutrient depletion, associated with the basins starvation. Sea-surface salinities were normal, with very low seasonal contrast. Hydrodynamics then nutrient supply became then quite normal from c.a. 5.08 Ma. The status of the Sicilian Caltanissetta Basin as a marginal basin although fastly deepening and the stratigraphical location of the Messinian discontinuity at the base of the Arenazzolo is the scenario that best matches our dinocyst record.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present an iterative algorithm for reconstructing a three-dimensional density function from a set of two dimensional electron microscopy images. By minimizing an energy functional consisting of a fidelity term and a regularization term, an L2-gradient flow is derived. The flow is integrated by a finite element method in the spatial direction and an explicit Euler scheme in the temporal direction. Our method compares favorably with those of the weighted back projection, Fourier method, algebraic reconstruction technique and simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique.  相似文献   
Questions: Can small and isolated high‐conservation value forests (e.g. designated woodland key habitats) maintain old‐growth forest characteristics and functionality in fragmented landscapes? To what extent have past disturbances (natural and anthropogenic) influenced the development of old‐growth characteristics of these forests? How long does it take for selectively cut stands to attain conditions resembling old‐growth forests? Location: Southern boreal zone of central Sweden. Methods: We linked multiple lines of evidence from historical records, biological archives, and analyses of current forest structure to reconstruct the forest history of a boreal landscape, with special emphasis on six remaining core localities of high‐conservation value forest stands. Results: Our reconstructions revealed that several of these stands experienced wildfires up to the 1890s; all had been selectively harvested in the late 1800s; and all underwent substantial structural and compositional reorganization over the following 100‐150 years. This time interval was sufficient to recover considerable amounts of standing and downed dead wood (mean 60.3 m3 ha?1), a range of tree ages and sizes (mean basal area 32.6 m2 ha?1), and dominance of shade‐tolerant spruce. It was insufficient to obtain clearly uneven tree age structures and large (>45 cm diameter) living and dead trees. Thus, these forests contain some, but not all, important compositional and structural attributes of old‐growth forests, their abundance being dependent on the timing and magnitude of past natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Our landscape‐level analysis showed marked compositional and structural differences between the historical forest landscape and the present landscape, with the latter having a greater proportion of young forests, introduction of non‐native species, and lack of large trees and dead wood. Conclusions: The remnant high‐conservation value stands were not true representatives of the pre‐industrial forests, but represent the last vestige of forests that have regenerated naturally and maintained a continuous tree cover. These traits, coupled with their capacity for old‐growth recovery, make them valuable focal areas for conservation.  相似文献   
The interaction of GroEL with non-native soluble proteins has been studied intensively and structure-function relationships have been established in considerable detail. Recently, we found that GroEL is also able to bind membrane proteins in the absence of detergents and deliver them to liposomes in a biologically active state. Here, we report that three well-studied membrane proteins (bacteriorhodopsin, LacY, and the bacteriophage lambda holin) bind asymmetrically to tetradecameric GroEL. Each of the membrane proteins was visualized in one of the center cavities of GroEL using single particle analysis.  相似文献   
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