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The methionine sulfoxide reductases (Msrs) are thioredoxin-dependent oxidoreductases that catalyse the reduction of the sulfoxide function of the oxidized methionine residues. These enzymes have been shown to regulate the life span of a wide range of microbial and animal species and to play the role of physiological virulence determinant of some bacterial pathogens. Two structurally unrelated classes of Msrs exist, MsrA and MsrB, with opposite stereoselectivity towards the R and S isomers of the sulfoxide function, respectively. Both Msrs share a similar three-step chemical mechanism including (1) the formation of a sulfenic acid intermediate on the catalytic Cys with the concomitant release of the product—methionine, (2) the formation of an intramonomeric disulfide bridge between the catalytic and the regenerating Cys and (3) the reduction of the disulfide bridge by thioredoxin or its homologues. In this study, four structures of the MsrA domain of the PilB protein from Neisseria meningitidis, representative of four catalytic intermediates of the MsrA catalytic cycle, were determined by X-ray crystallography: the free reduced form, the Michaelis-like complex, the sulfenic acid intermediate and the disulfide oxidized forms. They reveal a conserved overall structure up to the formation of the sulfenic acid intermediate, while a large conformational switch is observed in the oxidized form. The results are discussed in relation to those proposed from enzymatic, NMR and theoretical chemistry studies. In particular, the substrate specificity and binding, the catalytic scenario of the reductase step and the relevance and role of the large conformational change observed in the oxidized form are discussed.  相似文献   
Methionine sulfoxide reductases (Msrs) are enzymes that catalyze the reduction of methionine sulfoxide back to methionine. In vivo, Msrs are essential in the protection of cells against oxidative damage to proteins and in the virulence of some bacteria. Two structurally unrelated classes of Msrs, named MsrA and MsrB, exist. MsrB are stereospecific to R epimer on the sulfur of sulfoxide. All MsrB share a common reductase step with the formation of a sulfenic acid intermediate. For the subclass of MsrB whose recycling process passes through the formation of an intradisulfide bond, the recycling reducer is thioredoxin. In the present study, X-ray structures of Neisseria meningitidis MsrB have been determined. The structures have a fold based on two β-sheets, similar to the fold already described for other MsrB, with the recycling Cys63 located in a position favorable for disulfide bond formation with the catalytic Cys117. X-ray structures of Xanthomonas campestris MsrB have also been determined. In the C117S MsrB structure with a bound substrate, the recycling Cys31 is far from Ser117, with Trp65 being essential in the reductase step located in between. This positioning prevents the formation of the Cys31-Cys117 disulfide bond. In the oxidized structure, a drastic conformational reorganization of the two β-sheets due to withdrawal of the Trp65 region from the active site, which remains compatible with an efficient thioredoxin-recycling process, is observed. The results highlight the remarkable structural malleability of the MsrB fold.  相似文献   
Methionine sulfoxide reductases (Msr) belong to a gene family that contains one MsrA and three MsrBs (MsrB1, MsrB2, and MsrB3). We have identified all four of the genes that are expressed in mouse embryonic stem cell cultures. The vital cellular functions of the Msr family of genes are to protect cells from oxidative damage by enzymatically reducing the oxidized sulfide groups of methionine residues in proteins from the sulfoxide form (? SO) back to sulfide thus restoring normal protein functions as well as reducing intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). We have performed studies on the Msr family genes to examine the regulation of gene expression. Our studies using real‐time RT‐PCR and Western blotting have shown that expression levels of the four Msr family genes are under differential regulation by anoxia/reoxygenation treatment, acidic culture conditions and interactions between MsrA and MsrB. Results from these in vitro experiments suggest that although these genes function as a whole in oxidative stress protection, each one of the Msr genes could be responsive to environmental stimulants differently at the tissue level. J. Cell. Biochem. 112: 98–106, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
F-actin plays a crucial role in fundamental cellular processes, and is extremely susceptible to peroxynitrite attack due to the high abundance of tyrosine in the peptide. Methionine sulfoxide reductase (Msr) B1 is a selenium-dependent enzyme (selenoprotein R) that may act as a reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger. However, its function in coping with reactive nitrogen species (RNS)-mediated stress and the physiological significance remain unclear. Thus, the present study was conducted to elucidate the role and mechanism of MsrB1 in protecting human lens epithelial (hLE) cells against peroxynitrite-induced F-actin disruption. While exposure to high concentrations of peroxynitrite and gene silencing of MsrB1 by siRNA alone caused disassembly of F-actin via inactivation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in hLE cells, the latter substantially aggravated the disassembly of F-actin triggered by the former. This aggravation concurred with elevated nitration of F-actin and inactivation of ERK compared with that induced by the peroxynitrite treatment alone. In conclusion, MsrB1 protected hLE cells against the peroxynitrite-induced F-actin disruption, and the protection was mediated by inhibiting the resultant nitration of F-actin and inactivation of ERKs.  相似文献   
Oxidation of Met residues in proteins leads to the formation of methionine sulfoxides (MetSO). Methionine sulfoxide reductases (Msr) are ubiquitous enzymes, which catalyze the reduction of the sulfoxide function of the oxidized methionine residues. In vivo, the role of Msrs is described as essential in protecting cells against oxidative damages and to play a role in infection of cells by pathogenic bacteria. There exist two structurally-unrelated classes of Msrs, called MsrA and MsrB, with opposite stereoselectivity towards the S and R isomers of the sulfoxide function, respectively. Both Msrs present a similar three-step catalytic mechanism. The first step, called the reductase step, leads to the formation of a sulfenic acid on the catalytic Cys with the concomitant release of Met. In recent years, significant efforts have been made to characterize structural and molecular factors involved in the catalysis, in particular of the reductase step, and in structural specificities.  相似文献   


Cysteine and methionine are the two sulfur containing amino acids in proteins. While the roles of protein-bound cysteinyl residues as endogenous antioxidants are well appreciated, those of methionine remain largely unexplored.


We summarize the key roles of methionine residues in proteins.

Major conclusion

Recent studies establish that cysteine and methionine have remarkably similar functions.

General significance

Both cysteine and methionine serve as important cellular antioxidants, stabilize the structure of proteins, and can act as regulatory switches through reversible oxidation and reduction. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Current methods to study reactive oxygen species - pros and cons and biophysics of membrane proteins. Guest Editor: Christine Winterbourn.  相似文献   
Methionine sulfoxide reductases (Msr) reduce methionine sulfoxide (MetSO)-containing proteins, back to methionine (Met). MsrAs are stereospecific for the S epimer whereas MsrBs reduce the R epimer of MetSO. Although structurally unrelated, the Msrs characterized so far display a similar catalytic mechanism with formation of a sulfenic intermediate on the catalytic cysteine and a concomitant release of Met, followed by formation of at least one intramolecular disulfide bond (between the catalytic and a recycling cysteine), which is then reduced by thioredoxin. In the case of the MsrA from Escherichia coli, two disulfide bonds are formed, i.e. first between the catalytic Cys51 and the recycling Cys198 and then between Cys198 and the second recycling Cys206. Three crystal structures including E. coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis MsrAs, which, for the latter, possesses only the unique recycling Cys198, have been solved so far. In these structures, the distances between the cysteine residues involved in the catalytic mechanism are too large to allow formation of the intramolecular disulfide bonds. Here structural and dynamical NMR studies of the reduced wild-type and the oxidized (Cys51-Cys198) forms of C86S/C206S MsrA from E. coli have been carried out. The mapping of MetSO substrate-bound C51A MsrA has also been performed. The data support (1) a conformational switch occurring subsequently to sulfenic acid formation and/or Met release that would be a prerequisite to form the Cys51-Cys198 bond and, (2) a high mobility of the C-terminal part of the Cys51-Cys198 oxidized form that would favor formation of the second Cys198-Cys206 disulfide bond.  相似文献   
The blind subterranean mole rat (Spalax ehrenbergi) exhibits a relatively long life span, which is attributed to an efficient antioxidant defense affording protection against accumulation of oxidative modifications of proteins. Methionine residues can be oxidized to methionine sulfoxide (MetO) and then enzymatically reduced by the methionine sulfoxide reductase (Msr) system. In the current study we have isolated the cDNA sequences of the Spalax Msr genes as well as 23 additional selenoproteins and monitored the activities of Msr enzymes in liver and brain of rat (Rattus norvegicus), Spalax galili, and Spalax judaei under normoxia, hypoxia, and hyperoxia. Under normoxia, the Msr activity was lower in S. galili in comparison to S. judaei and R. norvegicus especially in the brain. The pattern of Msr activity of the three species was similar throughout the tested conditions. However, exposure of the animals to hypoxia caused a significant enhancement of Msr activity, especially in S. galili. Hyperoxic exposure showed a highly significant induction of Msr activity compared with normoxic conditions for R. norvegicus and S. galili brain. It was concluded that among all species examined, S. galili appears to be more responsive to oxygen tension changes and that the Msr system is upregulated mainly by severe hypoxia.  相似文献   
Genes encoding the enzyme methionine sulfoxide reductase type B, specific to the reduction of the oxidized methionine-R form, were characterized from the expressed (macronuclear) genome of two ecologically separate marine species of Euplotes, i.e. temperate water E. raikovi and polar water E. nobilii. Both species were found to contain a single msrB gene with a very simple structural organization encoding a protein of 127 (E. raikovi) or 126 (E. nobilii) amino acid residues that belongs to the group of zinc-containing enzymes. Both msrB genes are constitutively expressed, suggesting that the MsrB enzyme plays an essential role in repairing oxidative damages that appear to be primarily caused by physiological cell aging in E. raikovi and by interactions with an O2 saturated environment in E. nobilii.  相似文献   
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