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Summary The present study was done to elucidate the biological significance of the Weibel-Palade body of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Quantitative determinations of these endothelial-specific granules throughout pregnancy revealed that their numbers and size per cell profile were maintained at low levels from 12 to 19 weeks of gestation; then both rapidly increased from 33 weeks to full term. This increase coincided with the development of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and an increase in the number of endothelial cell pinocytotic vesicles. Light-microscopic peroxidase anti-peroxidase and electron-microscopic protein A-gold techniques provided evidence that factor VIII-related antigen was localized in the Weibel-Palade bodies. Furthermore, in vitro treatment of incubated umbilical vein tissue with compound 48/80, a histamine releaser, induced degranulation of Weibel-Palade bodies from the endothelium. The present study indicates that Weibel-Palade bodies are storage sites of both histamine and factor VIII-related antigen and have an important role in the obliteration of this vessel.  相似文献   
The effect of the slave system on demography can be revealed by examining the age-sex structure of slave populations. The age-sex structure of slaves in Harris County, Texas is investigated using the 1850 and 1860 slave schedules. Median ages for black and mulatto slaves suggest that the population was young. Population pyramids exhibit a narrow base and top with a broad middle. The high proportion of slaves between 10 and 30 years of age and the increase in population size between 1850 and 1860 were mainly related to the importation of slaves and only partly due to natural increase. The data also show that black slaves were older on small plantations while mulattoes were older on larger farms. It is suggested that differential treatment in terms of purchase practices, assignment of tasks, food allocation, and/or differential susceptibility to infectious diseases may account for this pattern.  相似文献   
Nox4-derived ROS is increased in response to hyperglycemia and is required for IGF-I-stimulated Src activation. This study was undertaken to determine the mechanism by which Nox4 mediates sustained Src activation. IGF-I stimulated sustained Src activation, which occurred primarily on the SHPS-1 scaffold protein. In vitro oxidation experiments indicated that Nox4-derived ROS was able to oxidize Src when they are in close proximity, and Src oxidation leads to its activation. Therefore we hypothesized that Nox4 recruitment to the plasma membrane scaffold SHPS-1 allowed localized ROS generation to mediate sustained Src oxidation and activation. To determine the mechanism of Nox4 recruitment, we analyzed the role of Grb2, a component of the SHPS-1 signaling complex. We determined that Nox4 Tyr-491 was phosphorylated after IGF-I stimulation and was responsible for Nox4 binding to the SH2 domain of Grb2. Overexpression of a Nox4 mutant, Y491F, prevented Nox4/Grb2 association. Importantly, it also prevented Nox4 recruitment to SHPS-1. The role of Grb2 was confirmed using a Pyk2 Y881F mutant, which blocked Grb2 recruitment to SHPS-1. Cells expressing this mutant had impaired Nox4 recruitment to SHPS-1. IGF-I-stimulated downstream signaling and biological actions were also significantly impaired in Nox4 Y491F-overexpressing cells. Disruption of Nox4 recruitment to SHPS-1 in aorta from diabetic mice inhibited IGF-I-stimulated Src oxidation and activation as well as cell proliferation. These findings provide insight into the mechanism by which localized Nox4-derived ROS regulates the sustained activity of a tyrosine kinase that is critical for mediating signal transduction and biological actions.  相似文献   
This article briefly reviews the classical cell cycle studies using oocytes and zygotes of mainly amphibians in the past century. The discussions are focused on the investigations into the cytoplasmic factors that regulate meiosis during oocyte maturation and the initiation of mitosis during fertilisation, which were carried out in the author's lab between 1967 and 1987. This chronicle traces the development of the problems and the direction in which their solutions were attempted in the course of these investigations. The author tries to answer the following questions: why he decided to study oocyte maturation, how he discovered progesterone as a maturation-inducing hormone, how he discovered and characterised the cytoplasmic regulators of the cell cycle, Maturation-Promoting Factor (MPF) and Cyto-Static Factor (CSF), and how he invented the method of observing cell cycle processes in a cytoplasmic extract in vitro.  相似文献   
Synopsis The effects of constant and diurnally fluctuating levels of dissolved oxygen on the growth of young-of-the-year winter flounder,Pseudopleuronectes americanus, were examined under controlled laboratory conditions. Fish were exposed for either 10 or 11 weeks to constant levels of 6.7 (high) and 2.2 (low) mg l–1, and a diurnal fluctuation, ranging from 2.5 to 6.4 mg 02l–1. Growth rates, calculated for both standard length and weight, for fish exposed to low and diurnally fluctuating levels were significantly reduced (p < 0.001) as compared to those for fish exposed to the high level. Growth rates of fish exposed to the high level were over twice those of fish held under low oxygen conditions. Under fluctuating conditions, fish grew at intermediate rates. Following these exposures, all fish were subsequently held at 7.2 mg Oz l–1 for five weeks. Growth rates increased over two and a half times for fish previously exposed to the low oxygen level and were significantly (p < 0.001) higher than for the other two groups.  相似文献   
F430 is the prosthetic group of the methylcoenzyme M reductase of methanogenic bacteria. The compound isolated from Methanosarcina barkeri appears to be identical to the one obtained from the only distinctly related Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. F430 is thermolabile and in the presence of acetonitrile or C10 in4 sup- two epimerization products are obtained upon heating; in the absence of these compounds F430 is oxidized to 12, 13-didehydro-F430. The latter is stereoselectively reduced under H2 atmosphere to F430 by cell-free extracts of M. barkeri or M. thermoautotrophicum. H2 may be replaced by the reduced methanogenic electron carrier coenzyme F420.Abbreviations CH3S-CoM methylcoenzyme M, 2-methylthioethanesulfonic acid - HS-CoM coenzyme M, 2-mercaptoethanesulfonic acid - F430 Ni(II) tetrahydro-(12, 13)-corphin with a uroporphinoid (III) ligand skeleton - 13-epi-F430 and 12,13-di-epi-F430 the 12, 13- and 12, 13-derivatives of F430 - 12, 13-didehydro-F430 F430 oxidized at C-12 and C-13 - coenzyme F420 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazaflavin derivative - coenzyme F420H2 reduced coenzyme F420 - MV+ methylviologen semiquinone - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography  相似文献   
Summary Impacts of predators, food levels and cannibalism on population growth of G. buenoi were studied in two experiments using field exclosures. In the first experiment, experiments using field exclosures. In the first experiment, impacts of (1) predation by freshwater invertebrates and (2) food limitation on gerrid populations were considered in a 2 x 2 factorial design, using food supplements and elimination of predators as the experimental treatments. In the second experiment, the possible contribution of intraspecific predation to fitness of gerrid cannibals was assessed.Presence of invertebrate predators decreased egg-adult survivorship 2–3 fold and decreased the range of juvenile development times. The main predators noted in this study were fishing spiders (Dolomedes), backswimmers (Notonecta), larvae of predaceous diving beetles (Dytiscus), and dragonfly naiads (Aeshna). Food supplements, at 50–200% (by weight) of average natural surface fall, did not significantly effect survivorship but were associated with decreases in mean development time and with increases in whole body dry mass of teneral adults. Increases were greater for females than for males, suggesting that females are more likely to be protein limited under field conditions. Absence of predators was associated with smaller body size among teneral adults of G. buenoi, suggesting that screening out aquatic predators also had significant impact on food available to semi-aquatic bugs.Results of the second experiment demonstrate that the food cache hypothesis (Polis 1980) does not hold for G. buenoi. Neither survival to the adult stage nor dry mass of teneral males differed significantly between groups with or without access to early stages as potential prey. Dry mass of teneral females with access to younger stages during their own development was significantly less than for those without access to gerrid prey, suggesting that competition among stages for food was more important than cannibalism in, this experiment.A more comprehensive version of a paper presented at the XVII Int Cong Entomol, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany as part of a symposium entitled Phylogeny, Bionomics and Ecology of Waterstriders (Hemiptera, Gerridae)  相似文献   
J. Loch 《Plant and Soil》1985,83(1):77-83
Summary On the basis of pot experiments carried out on soils with different Mg contents using ryegrass, it could be established that Mg uptake by ryegrass is closely related to Mg in the EUF extracts. The Mg contents in the EUF extracts are therefore suitable indices of actually and potentially available Mg in soils.The ratio between Mg in the EUF extracts and Mg deposited on the electrode + filter varies. The absolute amount of Mg in the EUF extracts increases with increasing Mg content of the soils. The higher, however, the total desorbable Mg the lower are the Mg contents in the EUF extracts in comparison with the Mg contents deposited on electrode + filter. Besides total desorbable Mg the EUF-Mg fractions are influenced as well by the organic and inorganic CEC and by soil pH. The amount of EUF filtrate flowing through filter and electrode also has an influence on the amount of Mg in the EUF filtrate.Consequently for a proper evaluation of available soil Mg total EUF-Mg (Mg in the EUF filtrate + Mg deposited on electrode + filter) should be used.  相似文献   
Studies were performed to determine whether substances could be identified which exhibited differential regulatory effects--either positive or negative--on the growth of murine alloreactive cytolytic (Tc) and helper (Th) cloned T-cell lines. The following lines of evidence suggested that Tc and Th proliferate in response to the same growth factor (GF). (1) When GF-containing fluids from cultures of phorbol myristic acetate (PMA)-activated EL4 thymoma were fractionated by a variety of biochemical techniques. Tc and Th eluted together. (2) Absorption of GF-containing supernatants with either cloned Tc or cloned Th depleted GF activity for each to a similar extent, and GF eluted from either Tc or Th to which it had adsorbed supported the proliferation of Tc and Th equally well. (3) Lectin-depleted supernatants from cultures of concanavalin A (Con A)-activated Th stimulated the proliferation of Th as well as Tc. (4) Recombinant human interleukin (IL-2) supported the growth of Tc and Th with equal efficiency. On the other hand, the following observations indicated that Tc and Th differed in their responses to inhibitors of GF-driven proliferation. (1) Con A at greater than or equal to 0.3 micrograms/ml inhibited the GF-driven proliferation of each of three Th lines but not either of two Tc lines. To the contrary, Con A enhanced GF-dependent proliferation of Tc. (2) Like Con A, allogeneic splenocytes selectively depressed GF-driven proliferation of Th but not Tc. (3) A substance generated during the acid elution of GF from cells, possibly a modified fetal calf serum component, greatly reduced the GF-driven proliferation of Tc but not Th. These results suggest that differential control of the proliferation of Tc and Th in cellular immune responses may be achieved via negative regulatory signals and raise the possibility that substances which can selectively depress the proliferation of specific T-cell subsets might be found which would be of therapeutic value.  相似文献   
Analyses of human mortality data classified according to cause of death frequently are based on competing risk theory. In particular, the times to death for different causes often are assumed to be independent. In this paper, a competing risk model with a weaker assumption of conditional independence of the times to death, given an assumed stochastic covariate process, is developed and applied to cause specific mortality data from the Framingham Heart Study. The results generated under this conditional independence model are compared with analogous results under the standard marginal independence model. Under the assumption that this conditional independence model is valid, the comparison suggests that the standard model overestimates by 4% the effect on life expectancy at age 30 due to the hypothetical elimination of cancer and by 7% the effect for cardiovascular/cerebrovascular disease. By age 80 the overestimates were 11% for cancer and 16% for heart disease. These results suggest the importance of avoiding the marginal independence assumption when appropriate data are available — especially when focusing on mortality at advanced ages.  相似文献   
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