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Upland moors in the UK have been managed for centuries using rotational prescribed-burning, but in recent years there has been contentious debate over its continuing use due to varying effects on moorland ecosystem services. Prescribed-burning should only be carried out using good-practice codes, which include restrictions on the size, location and frequency of burns. Good burning practice is an indicator of management standards and habitat condition in moorland landscapes. However, there has been little attempt to assess management performance with respect to these restrictions. We investigated prescribed-burning on a case-study estate (Howden Moor) in the Peak District National Park from 1988 to 2009 using management maps and aerial photography. The annual area burned (0.9%) was far below recommendations (10%) and patches were in keeping with the target sizes specified (mean ± se: 2370 ± 70 m2). The risk of a large or escaped fire was very low, with less than 1% of fires greater than 15,000 m2. However, only 28.9% of the total burnable area was burned, leaving the rest unmanaged and accumulating fuel. Future guidelines might recommend the application of prescribed-burning across the range of Calluna vulgaris growth phases, to reduce fuel load and promote biodiversity at the landscape scale. We show that vegetation mapping and aerial photography are an effective method for monitoring prescribed-burning practice on moorlands. The information derived from such monitoring studies should lead to greater confidence in the standard of prescribed-burning and adherence to good-practice guidelines and requirements imposed by statutory authorities.  相似文献   
The organic carbon dynamics of a moorland catchment in N. W. England   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The carbon cycle was quantified in the catchment of Doe House Gill, which drains high-relief moorland, with thin organic-rich soils (leptosols and podzols) 10–25 cm deep, in northern England. The soil C pool of 8,300 g m-2 is due mainly to humic acid and older humin. If steady state is assumed, and a single soil C pool, the average 14C content of the whole soil (93% modern) yields a mean carbon residence time of 800 years, although this varied from 300 to 1,600 years in the four samples studied. Stream water fluxes of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC, POC) were 2.5 and 0.4 g m−2 a−1 respectively in 2002–2003, lower than values for some other upland streams in the UK. The C pool, flux, and isotope data were used, with the assumption of steady state, to calibrate DyDOC, a model that simulates the soil carbon cycle, including the generation and transport of DOC. According to DyDOC, the litter pool (ca. 100 gC m−2) turns over quickly, and most (>90%) of the litter carbon is rapidly mineralised. The soil is calculated to gain only 16 gC m−2 a−1, and to lose the same amount, about 80% as CO2 and 20% as DOC. From the DO14C content of 107.5% modern (due to “bomb carbon”) the model could be calibrated by assuming all DOC to come directly from litter, but DOC is more likely a mixture, derived from more than one soil C pool. The seasonal variability exhibited by stream water DOC concentration (maximum in September, minimum in January) is attributed mainly to variations in rainfall and evapotranspiration, rather than in the metabolic production rate of “potential DOC”. The model predicts that, for a Q 10 of 2, the total soil organic C pool would decrease by about 5% if subjected to warming over 200 years. DyDOC predicts higher DOC fluxes in response to increased litter inputs or warming, and can simulate changes in DOC flux due to variations in sorption to soil solids, that might occur due to acidification and its reversal.  相似文献   
It is estimated that in the northern hemisphere one-third of the world pool of soil carbon is contained in peat resulting from an incomplete decomposition of plant remains. The time course for the decomposition of the predominant plant litters on a Pennine moorland in northern England is reported for a study extending over 23 years. Spatial variation of the weight remaining of decomposing litters increased with time. This experimental study gave an age for the upper layers of the bog and a curve for long-term decay based on direct observation rather than inferred from profile samples or from short-term observations. It showed that short-term observations can give misleading results in the long term, with a variety of litters with differing early decay rates ultimately making a similar contribution to accumulation. Spatial variation of the weight remaining of the decomposing litters increased with time, so that variation within micro-environments, or within apparantly uniform substrates, may contribute significantly to organic matter accumulation. An asymptotic curve best described the long-term course of decomposition leading to the accumulation of peat. The use of the model for the three litter types, Calluna vulgaris, Eriophorum vaginatum and Rubus chamaemorus, is described and the implication of the results for modelling of organic matter accumulation are then discussed. Received: 20 October 1996 / Accepted: 27 July 1997  相似文献   
Most studies of climate-driven changes in avian breeding phenology have focused on temperate passerines, yet the consequences of such environmental change may be more deleterious for other avian taxa, such as arctic and sub-arctic waders (Charadrii). We therefore examine large-scale climatic correlates of the breeding phenology of one such species (golden plover Pluvialis apricaria), and the timing of emergence of their adult tipulid prey, to assess the potential for climate change to disrupt breeding performance. Golden plover first-laying dates were negatively correlated with both March and April temperature, the mean laying date of first clutches was additionally negatively correlated with March rainfall. The timing of final laying dates were negatively correlated with April temperature only. The timing of tipulid emergence was negatively correlated with May temperature. In combination with historical climatic data, these models suggest a 9-day advancement of golden plover first-laying dates occurred during the 1990s, although this remains within the range of natural variation for the twentieth century. The magnitudes of predicted changes in mean and final laying dates, and the timing of tipulid emergence, were smaller. Climate predictions for 2070-2099 suggest potential advances in first-laying dates by 25 days, whilst the timings of mean and final laying dates are predicted to change by 18 days and 13 days, and tipulid emergence by 12 days. Given the importance of adult tipulids to young golden plover chicks, these changes may result in a mismatch between the timing of first-laying dates and tipulid emergence, so reducing the success of early breeding attempts. Modelling suggests that these changes could reduce breeding success in a South Pennines population by about 11%.  相似文献   
The pumpkinseed sunfish, Lepomis gibbosus, originates from Eastern North America and was introduced to the Netherlands in 1902 as an aquarium and garden pond fish. At present the pumpkinseed is widely spread throughout the Netherlands and occurs in a variety of aquatic habitats. It is especially abundant in moorland pools, fishing ponds and urban waters. Strong population development of the pumpkinseed appears to be facilitated by nature management practices in existing ponds (the removal of accumulated organic matter and macrophytes) and by creating new ponds. These measures enhance suitable breeding habitats that are free of competitors and predators. Isolated waters harbouring pumpkinseed were more often situated close to human habitation and infrastructure than could be expected based on the distribution of randomly selected isolated waters, identifying introductions as an important dispersal mechanism. In order to minimize the chances of introductions, planning of nature management practices should be done at distances over 250 m from human habitation and 100 m from infrastructure. Macroinvertebrate abundance in pools populated by pumpkinseed was eighty three percent lower than in pools without pumpkinseed, probably due to opportunistic feeding and high pumpkinseed abundances. Currently there is little experience with pumpkinseed control. However, options to be explored include: decreasing depth of colonized waters by filling them with soil allowing them to occasionally dry up, introducing native competitors and predators and the use of biodegradable piscicides. In addition, limitation of the sale of pumpkinseed is required as well as public education on the consequences of introducing exotic species.  相似文献   
Damage to terrestrial ecosystems from long-term atmospheric nitrogen pollution is a key conservation challenge in many industrialized countries. An important research and management priority is the identification of bioindicators to allow pollution exposure and ecological impacts to be determined at an individual site. We evaluate the impacts of nitrogen (N) deposition and identify methods with bioindication potential across a national-scale pollutant deposition gradient for British heather moorlands. Nitrogen deposition is associated with distinct changes in plant community structure, including reduced bryophyte and vascular plant species richness, and changes in the frequency of many species. Notable results include positive correlation with nitrogen for the invasive bryophyte Campylopus introflexus and negative correlation for the pollution-sensitive Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi. Higher nitrogen deposition is associated with increased plant foliar N in a dwarf shrub and a bryophyte, increased extractable litter N, and reduced activity of the enzyme phenol oxidase. Although gradient study results cannot prove causation it is clear that Nitrogen deposition exerts a widespread impact on the ecology and biogeochemistry of heather moorlands. Bioindicators can be used to evaluate exposure and impacts, a promising approach could combine plant species richness and litter nitrogen analyses.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the effects of a single asulam application, sprayed from the air, on the rhizome biomass, bud density, fronds and carbohydrate reserves of bracken (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) using a time sequence approach. Regression models were used to investigate how these characteristics varied with time after spraying, and were used, where appropriate, to calculate the time taken for full recovery after treatment. Frond density and biomass recovered in approximately eight years, bud numbers in seven, but rhizome biomass and total carbohydrate reserves required 10 to 12 years to recover. The consequences of these results are compared with predictions from a computer model and discussed in relation to the best timing of re-treatment and the management needed for long term control.  相似文献   
Abstract. The diaspore bank (seeds of higher plants and spores of ferns and bryophytes) was assessed between 3 and 5 yr after experiments to control Pteridium aquilinum (bracken) and restore appropriate vegetation were initiated at two contrasting locations in the UK. We tested the response of the diaspore bank using univariate and multivariate analysis of variance. The two approaches were complementary and together improved the interpretation of these results. There were considerable differences in the diaspore banks of the two sites and among the experimental locations within sites. Within each experiment there were differences in species composition, with species that were (1) common to both diaspore bank and vegetation, (2) restricted to the diaspore bank and (3) restricted to the vegetation. There is a possibility of increasing the biodiversity of the developing vegetation if some of the species present in the diaspore bank can be germinated. This was especially true for ferns where four species were found in the spore bank which were not present in the vegetation. There were few significant effects of management treatment on the diaspore bank as the experiments had been in progress for only 3 to 5 yr, but a few species had different densities in the different treatments (Betula pubescens, Juncus effusus and some bryophytes). The greatest correlation between vegetation and diaspore bank was found at the top hierarchical level (entire dataset) and this progressively reduced with scale. We interpret this as a landscape/species pool effect: as the scale of the study reduces the correlation between diaspore bank and vegetation also reduces, at least over the time scale of our study. The relevance of these results for restoration ecology is discussed briefly.  相似文献   
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