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Macrozoobenthos of three Pennsylvania lakes: responses to acidification   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The littoral macrozoobenthos (MZB) of three northeastern Pennsylvania lakes was sampled seasonally from summer 1981 until summer 1983, to determine if any changes were occurring in response to acid deposition. In the acidified lake (total alkalinity 0.0 eq L–1) the mean pH decreased from 5.5 in 1981 to 4.2 in 1983. Chironomidae comprised 71.30% of the MZB numbers and 19.6% of the wet weight. Over the study period the wet weight of Chironomidae increased (p < 0.04) as did the total numbers of Chironomidae in general (p < 0.01) and Tanytarsini (p < 0.01) in particular. Total numbers of MZB also increased (p < 0.02) in the acidified lake, but there was no significant change in the number of taxa, diversity or total wet weight. In the moderately sensitive lake (total alkalinity 47.4 eq L–1, mean pH 6.1) Chironomidae were numerically (43%) dominant but Odonata (18.6%) and Mollusca (12.7%) dominated wet weight. There were no significant changes in the MZB of the moderately sensitive lake over the study period. In the least sensitive lake (total alkalinity 190 eq L–1, mean pH 6.6) the Amphipoda (31.3%) and Chironomidae (27.3%) together provided 58.6% of the MZB numbers, and the Mollusca formed 55.1% of wet weight. Wet weight at the least sensitive lake was higher (p < 0.01) and there were more Ephemeroptera, Pelecypoda and Gastropoda than at the other two lakes. There were no differences in total numbers, diversity or number of taxa among the three lakes.  相似文献   
Summary Two pairs of ganglia are found in the propodial region of the veliger of Onchidoris bilamellata: the anterolateral pair is located at the foremost corners of the propodium, and the frontal pair is located beside the propodial midline. Both sets of ganglia are positioned below the epidermis, and they are joined to the cerebral ganglia by large, common connectives. Each ganglion possesses sensory cells, nerve cells and sheath cells, and the frontal pair contains a complement of secretory cells. Externally, the propodial ganglia are manifested as sensory fields. The fields of the anterolateral pair are elliptical in shape, and each appears as a band of cilia bordering an unciliated zone. The region devoid of cilia is composed of ordinary epidermal cells, whereas the ciliated portion is comprised of dendritic endings originating from cells in the ganglion. Dendrites arise from one type of sensory cell and pass through the epidermis in bundles. Each dendrite terminates as a single cilium at the epidermal surface. Sensory fields of the frontal ganglia are key-shaped and oppose one another on the anterior end of the foot. Each field appears as a flat, circular, unciliated region which extends into a ciliated groove that runs dorsally toward the mouth. The groove contains the terminals of secretory cells, ciliated sensory cells, and the cell bodies of nonciliated sensory cells. The nonciliated sensory cells, characterized by a microvillous apex, are the dominant cells in the flattened circular zone. The space between the frontal ganglia and the epidermis is bridged by bundles of processes which are similar to those of the anterolateral ganglia. However, these tracts contain collections of the apical processes of secretory cells, the dendrites of ciliated sensory cells, and the axons of nonciliated sensory cells. Morphological and behavioral evidence indicates that the propodial ganglia serve a chemosensory function during settlement and metamorphosis.  相似文献   
Summary The giant mucous cells in the skin of the terrestrial banana slug Ariolimax columbianus secret intact granules containing mucins. Electron microscopy, after ultrarapid freezing and freeze-substitution in osmium, shows that the secreted granules are bounded by two distinct membranes, presumably derived from the Golgi apparatus and the plasmalemma. Relatively stable, intact granules can be obtained in great quantity in our in vitro system. Rapid lysis of the granules was induced by adenosine triphosphate. At much higher concentrations, adenosine diphosphate and 5-adenylimido-diphosphate also caused lysis. Other nucleotides and related compounds, as well as 1,4,5-inositol triphosphate and molluscan neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, had no effect on the granules. The stability of secreted granules varied with the ionic composition of the isosmotic medium in which they were suspended. When the predominant cation in the medium was potassium, and calcium was also present, granules lysed if exposed to shear stress (stirring of the suspension). This did not occur if sodium was the major cation present. None of the other ions in the suspension media had detectable effects on the stability of the granules.  相似文献   
The recent discovery of large shells. growing by accretion, in the scleritome of the coeloscleritophoran Ha lkieria Poulsen, 1967, prompts the reconsideration of a number of cap-shaped shells in the Lower Cambrian. The scaly shells of Maikhanella Zhegallo, 1982. from Mongolia provide a good starting point, mce they occur together with spicules of siphogonuchitid type and appear to be composed of merged spicules. The shells are phosphatired and consist of two main elements: spicules, typically filled with phosphate. and an intermediate matrix. The associated loose spicules belong to forms that have served as the basis for erection of the genera Siphogonuchites Qian. 1977, and Lopochites Qian, 1977. Maikhanella is prohdbly a junior synonym of one or both of the latter two genera, but taxonomic revision is suspended until the type material of these siphogonuchitid genera has been restudied. and all three genera are left as sciotaxa. Various cap-shaped shells and plates in the Chinese Meishucunian are reinterpreted as shells belonging to coeloscleritophornn scleritoines. Maikhanella shells were formed through the embedding of spicules in secondary calcareous shell zubstance. The skeletogenesis has several similarities with that of molluscs, and together with the polyplacophoran-like features of the Halkieria scleritome this forces a reconsideration of the phylogenetic relationships between coeloscleritophorans and molluscs  相似文献   
On some commensal Turbellaria of the Canadian East Coast   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The brachyurans Chionoecetes opilio and Hyas araneus collected from the east coast of Canada harbour two species of commensal turbellarians. Ectocotyla hirudo (Levinsen) and E. multitesticulata Fleming & Burt are found on the gills and branchial chambers of male and female crabs. The molluscs Crassostrea virginica and Mytilus edulis collected from several locations where they are cultured along the Northumberland strait carry two commensal eulecithophoran turbellarians, both on the gills, viz., Urasloma cyprinae (Graff) and Paravortex gemellipara (Linton), the latter being a new host record. Aspects of the biology and life-history of these turbellarians are discussed, especially in relationship to the biology of their hosts.Abbreviations in the figures A Atrium - An Antrum - C Capsule - CO Common Oviduct - E Embryo - Ep Egg-laying pore - GP Genital Pore - I Intestine - O Ovary - Od Oviduct - Og Ora-genital Pore - Ph Pharynx - Sp Sperm - SV Seminal Vesicle - T Testes - Va Vagina - Y Yolk  相似文献   
Summary Each primary micromere and macromere of the D-quadrant ofDentalium was deleted, through the mesentoblast stage, to investigate the way in which the polar lobe cytoplasm exerts its influence on development.-D and -1D embryos form an apical tuft but no posttrochal structures.-2D embryos form an apical tuft and a reduced posttrochal region without a shell. -3D and -4D are externally similar to control embryos. -1d embryos and -1c embryos have an apical tuft with a reduced number of cilia. Embryos in which both 1c and 1d are deleted lack the apical tuft.-2d embryos lack shell and most other posstrochal structures. -3d and-4d embryos appear externally equivalent to controls.The polar lobe cytoplasm exerts its influence sequentially, and as inIlyanassa the maximal effect is at the third quartet stage.  相似文献   
Laboratory-reared Lymnaea catascopium snails (1–269 days old) were exposed individually to different numbers of Schistosomatium douthitti miracidia. Increasing the exposure dosage from 3 to 10 miracidia generally increased infection rates, in some age classes up to 100%. Successful re-exposure of snails not infected after a primary exposure was possible. Neonatal snails were least likely to become infected, primarily because miracidia were not attracted to them. Snails 12–55 days old were most susceptible to infection. Miracidia were readily attracted to these snails, and many were ingested and subsequently penetrated the host esophageal wall. Miracidial penetration of external snail surfaces was rare. Susceptibility of older snails (65–269 days) progressively declined with age. Many miracidia were entangled and immobilized in mucus produced by these snails, and fewer were ingested. No conspicuous host cellular responses to mother sporocysts were observed in any of the snails sectioned. A comparison of susceptibility of deliberately stunted snails and comparably aged controls of normal size indicated that the former were more susceptible.  相似文献   
背角无齿蚌晶杆的扫描电镜观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文应用扫描电镜的方法,对背角无齿蚌的晶杆进行了研究。结果表明:晶杆外形似圆柱状,可分为二部分,即前端膨大的头部和其后渐细的杆状部。前者分左右两瓣,略弯曲,与杆状部形成一个锐角,表面呈“蜂窝状”,似一种膜性结构,其上吸附有大量的消化酶和粘液;后者两侧有凹槽,表面具许多凹陷小坑,多为圆形或卵圆形,大小不一,深浅不同,且排列不规则。未凹陷处也粗糙不平。晶杆的功能主要是搅拌和消化食物。同时,本文对晶杆结构与功能的关系也进行了讨论。  相似文献   
An important question in evolutionary biology is how often, and to what extent, do similar ecologies elicit distantly related taxa to evolve towards the same phenotype? In some scenarios, the repeated evolution of particular phenotypes may be expected, for instance when species are exposed to common selective forces that result from strong functional demands. In bivalved scallops (Pectinidae), some species exhibit a distinct swimming behaviour (gliding), which requires specific biomechanical attributes to generate lift and reduce drag during locomotive events. Further, a phylogenetic analysis revealed that gliding behaviour has independently evolved at least four times, which raises the question as to whether these independent lineages have also converged on a similar phenotype. Here, we test the hypothesis that gliding scallops display shell shape convergence using a combination of geometric morphometrics and phylogenetic comparative methods that evaluate patterns of multivariate trait evolution. Our findings reveal that the gliding species display less morphological disparity and significant evolutionary convergence in morphospace, relative to expectations under a neutral model of Brownian motion for evolutionary phenotypic change. Intriguingly, the phylomorphospace patterns indicate that gliding lineages follow similar evolutionary trajectories to not one, but two regions of morphological space, and subsequent analyses identified significant differences in their biomechanical parameters, suggesting that these two groups of scallops accomplish gliding in different ways. Thus, whereas there is a clear gliding morphotype that has evolved convergently across the phylogeny, functionally distinct morphological subforms are apparent, suggesting that there may be two optima for the gliding phenotype in the Pectinidae.  相似文献   
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