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ABSTRACT   The phrase persistent vulnerability reflects the enduring relationship of the rural population in Ceará with a highly variable climate. Persistence underscores the historical and unyielding nature of this vulnerability. Yet contrary to once-catastrophic rates of mortality etched in a public consciousness, no one dies from severe droughts and few people flee them as in the past. Government relief and social transfers have become the institutionalized form of adaptation, giving way to the counterintuitive reality that drought stabilizes the food and income supply for poor people. We analyze how maladaptive risk reduction, which is embedded in clientilistic social relations, undermines resilience, and we examine pathways toward a more sustainable adaptive relationship.  相似文献   
Yeast DNA ligase is radioactively labelled in vitro by incubating a crude cell extract with [α-32P]ATP. The product of this reaction is the stable covalent ligase-AMP adduct, which can be characterized by its reactivity with either pyrophosphate or nicked DNA and visualized by gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA ligase was identified as an 89 kDa polypeptide by exploiting the fact that transformants with multiple copies of the plasmid-encoded DNA ligase (CDC9) gene overproduce the enzyme by two orders of magnitude. A similar strategy has been used to identify the Schizosaccharomyces pombe DNA ligase as an 87 kDa polypeptide. Both values agree well with the coding capacities of the respective cloned gene sequences. When the S. cerevisiae ligase is greatly overproduced with respect to wild-type levels, a second polypeptide of 78.5 kDa is also labelled and has the same properties as the 89 kDa adduct. We suggest that this polypeptide is generated by proteolysis.  相似文献   
Sex ratio theory has proved remarkably useful in testing theadaptive nature of animal behavior. A particularly productivearea in this respect is Hamilton's theory of local mate competition(LMC), which has been extended in numerous directions to includegreater biological realism, allowing more detailed tests inspecific organisms. We have presented one such extension, termedasymmetrical LMC, which occurs when egg laying by females ona patch is asynchronous, and emerging males do not disperse,resulting in the extent of LMC on a patch varying over time.Our aim here is to test whether the parasitoid wasp Nasoniavitripennis responds to variation in the degree of asymmetricalLMC. Specifically, we show that females adjust their offspringsex ratios in response to (1) variation in the amount of asynchronyin emergence between broods on a patch and (2) the number andproportion of previously parasitized hosts on the patch. Ourresults provide qualitative support for the predictions of theory,suggesting new levels of complexity in the sex ratio behaviorof this much-studied organism. However, our results do not alwaysprovide quantitative support for theory, suggesting furthercomplexities that must be clarified.  相似文献   
A factor that may limit the ability of many populations to adapt to changing conditions is the rate at which beneficial mutations can become established. We study the probability that mutations become established in changing environments by extending the classic theory for branching processes. When environments change in time, under quite general conditions, the establishment probability is approximately twice the ‘effective selection coefficient’, whose value is an average that gives most weight to a mutant''s fitness in the generations immediately after it appears. When fitness varies along a gradient in a continuous habitat, increased dispersal generally decreases the chance a mutation establishes because mutations move out of areas where they are most adapted. When there is a patch of favourable habitat that moves in time, there is a maximum speed of movement above which mutations cannot become established, regardless of when and where they first appear. This critical speed limit, which is proportional to the mutation''s maximum selective advantage, represents an absolute constraint on the potential of locally adapted mutations to contribute to evolutionary rescue.  相似文献   
The l-thyroxine binding site in human serum thyroxine-binding globulin was investigated by affinity labeling with N-bromoacetyl-l-thyroxine (BrAcT4). Competitive binding studies showed that, in the presence of 100 molar excess of BrAcT4, binding of thyroxine to thyroxine-binding globulin was nearly totally abolished. The reaction of BrAcT4 to form covalent binding was inhibited in the presence of thyroxine and the affinity-labeled thyroxinebinding globulin lost its ability to bind thyroxine. These results indicate BrAcT4 and thyroxine competed for the same binding site. Affinity labeling with 2 mol of BrAcT4/mol of thyroxine-binding globulin resulted in the covalent attachment of 0.7 mol of ligand. By amino acid analysis and high voltage paper electrophoresis, methionine was identified as the major residue labeled (75%). Lysine, tyrosine, and histidine were also found to be labeled to the extent of 8, 8, and 5%, respectively.  相似文献   
Combination agents comprising two different pharmacophores with the same biological target have the potential to show additive or synergistic activity. Bis(thiosemicarbazonato)copper(II) complexes (e.g. 64Cu-ATSM) and nitroimidazoles (e.g. 18F-MISO) are classes of tracer used for the delineation of tumor hypoxia by positron emission tomography (PET). Three nitroimidazole-bis(thiosemicarbazonato)copper(II) conjugates were produced in order to investigate their potential as combination hypoxia imaging agents. Two were derived from the known bifunctional bis(thiosemicarbazone) H2ATSM/A and the third from the new precursor diacetyl-2-(4-N-methyl-3-thiosemicarbazone)-3-(4-N-ethylamino-3-thiosemicarbazone) - H2ATSM/en. Oxygen-dependent uptake studies were performed using the 64Cu radiolabelled complexes in EMT6 carcinoma cells. All the complexes displayed appreciable hypoxia selectivity, with the nitroimidazole conjugates displaying greater selectivity than a simple propyl derivative used as a control. Participation of the nitroimidazole group in the trapping mechanism is indicated by the increased hypoxic uptake of the 2- vs. the 4-substituted 64Cu-ATSM/A derivatives. The 2-nitroimidazole derivative of 64Cu-ATSM/en demonstrated superior hypoxia selectivity to 64Cu-ATSM over the range of oxygen concentrations tested. Biodistribution of the radiolabelled 2-nitroimidazole conjugates was carried out in EMT6 tumor-bearing mice. The complexes showed significantly different uptake trends in comparison to each other and previously studied Cu-ATSM derivatives. Uptake of the Cu-ATSM/en conjugate in non-target organs was considerably lower than for derivatives based on Cu-ATSM/A.  相似文献   
Combining experimental evolution with whole‐genome resequencing is a promising new strategy for investigating the dynamics of evolutionary change. Published studies that have resequenced laboratory‐selected populations of sexual organisms have typically focused on populations sampled at the end of an evolution experiment. These studies have attempted to associate particular alleles with phenotypic change and attempted to distinguish between different theoretical models of adaptation. However, neither the population used to initiate the experiment nor multiple time points sampled during the evolutionary trajectory are generally available for examination. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Orozco‐terWengel et al. (2012) take a significant step forward by estimating genome‐wide allele frequencies at the start, 15 generations into and at the end of a 37‐generation Drosophila experimental evolution study. The authors identify regions of the genome that have responded to laboratory selection and describe the temporal dynamics of allele frequency change. They identify two common trajectories for putatively adaptive alleles: alleles either gradually increase in frequency throughout the entire 37 generations or alleles plateau at a new frequency by generation 15. The identification of complex trajectories of alleles under selection contributes to a growing body of literature suggesting that simple models of adaptation, whereby beneficial alleles arise and increase in frequency unimpeded until they become fixed, may not adequately describe short‐term response to selection.  相似文献   
Nowadays, AT1 receptor (AT1R) antagonists (ARBs) constitute the one of the most prevalent classes of antihypertensive drugs that modulate the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). Their main uses include also treatment of diabetic nephropathy (kidney damage due to diabetes) and congestive heart failure. Towards this direction, our study has been focused on the discovery of novel agents bearing different scaffolds which may evolve as a new class of AT1 receptor antagonists. To fulfill this aim, a combination of computational approaches and biological assays were implemented. Particularly, a pharmacophore model was established and served as a 3D search query to screen the ChEMBL15 database. The reliability and accuracy of virtual screening results were improved by using molecular docking studies. In total, 4 compounds with completely diverse chemical scaffolds from potential ARBs, were picked and tested for their binding affinity to AT1 receptor. Results revealed high nanomolar to micromolar affinity (IC50) for all the compounds. Especially, compound 4 exhibited a binding affinity of 199 nM. Molecular dynamics simulations were utilized in an effort to provide a molecular basis of their binding to AT1R in accordance to their biological activities.  相似文献   
Focal contacts of spreading platelets with the substratum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Contacts with glass substratum formed by the spreading rabbit platelets were examined by an antibody-exclusion method; monoclonal antibodies against 80 kD bovine serum protein were used. It was found that platelets form focal contacts in the course of spreading. The size of the largest focal contacts formed by platelets is smaller than that of the contacts formed by fibroblasts. The antibody-exclusion method revealed focal contacts of platelets much more clearly than interference reflection microscopy (IRM). The similarity of reactions involved in spreading platelets and of large nucleus-containing tissue cells is discussed.  相似文献   
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