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Summary The formation and subsequent growth of roots by cuttings of poinsettia, hydrangea, rose and azalea in various propagation media, Jiffy-7, Jiffy-9 and Grodan under different conditions of aeration was investigated. The interrelationships of the effects of air content of the media, temperature and light intensity on the rooting of poinsettia cuttings was also studied.With low air contents (0 cm moisture tension) in the propagation media the formation and growth of roots was strongly inhibited. The rooting performance of rose appeared to be less affected by the poor aeration. Increasing air content improved rooting but best results were obtained at moisture tensions of 4 to 8 cm. Rooting seems to be better correlated with oxygen diffusion rate (ODR) than with air content.For poinsettia cuttings the optimum temperature for rooting was 24 to 28°C. At low temperatures rooting was delayed while at higher temperatures it was almost completely inhibited. Callus formation increased with temperature but decreased with increasing moisture tension. Conditions which induced large callus formation inhibited root formation.High light intensity during rooting reduced overall rooting performance and the inhibition was most pronounced in conjunction with high moisture tensions.Report No. 255.  相似文献   
Summary The concentration, uptake and element use efficiency of N, P and K in one C3 annual (Polypogon monspeliensis) and two C4 (Echinochloa colonum, an annual, andDichathium annulatum, a perennial) grasses were determined during winter and summer seasons in monocultures raised in field plots at three moisture levels,viz. full, half and one-fourth of field capacity. At each moisture regime the plants were clipped thrice at moderate and severe levels corresponding to 40 and 80% of live green. The concentration of these elements was characteristic of the growth habit of these plants;e.g. the build up of concentration was maximum in leaf of the annuals while it was comparable in crown and leaf of Dichanthium. The N level was maximum in Polypogon. The nutrient use effiency was comparable in the two annuals and maximum K and N use were obtained in Polypogon and Dichanthium, respectively.  相似文献   
Summary The air content in three types of propagation media, Jiffy-7 and Jiffy-9 which are Sphagnum peat and Grodan which is rockwool, were investigated when they were held at moisture tensions of 0,6 and 12 cm measured from the base of the media. At 0 cm tension the air content (vol. %) was highest in Jiffy-9 and lowest in Jiffy-7. At 12 cm tension the air content was higher in Grodan than in Jiffy-9 and Jiffy-7. Oxygen diffusion coefficients (ODC) and oxygen diffusion rates (ODR) were measured at the different air contents. At air contents below 20 vol. % ODC was about the same for Jiffy-9 and Grodan but at air contents above 20 vol.% it was larger for Jiffy-9 than for Grodan. The oxygen diffusion rate was measured at 0, 4 and 8 cm moisture tension. At all tensions it was approximately 20% higher in Jiffy-9 than in Grodan and Jiffy-7. The ODR in Jiffy-7 and Grodan were affected equally at the same tension, although Grodan contained more air. Report no 253  相似文献   
The ability of crops of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) to establish in farmers' fields depends largely on its capacity to germinate and emerge under limited soil moisture conditions. Studies on germination under moisture stress have been previously conducted using osmotic media which do not wholly reproduce the conditions of the seed bed in the field. Hence the need for a field screening technique. A line source irrigation system was used to provide five moisture regimes ranging from -0.08 MPa to -0.92 MPa. The drying rate of the soil and the soil temperature depended largely on incident radiation, and the relationship between the moisture content and daily soil temperature and daily radiation was consistant. Total porosity of the seed bed, derived from bulk density measurements and particle density ranged from 43.8% to 45.3%, which would allow sufficient aeration when as in the experiments conducted here, water content was low (> 0.14 g/g). Under these seed bed conditions the pattern of response of emergence to the moisture gradient was linear or curvilinear. Genotypic differences existed for emergence and its response to water level. The field method developed is useful for identifying genotypes able to germinate and emerge under conditions of low seed bed moisture.  相似文献   
鼎湖山4种主要森林的温度和湿度差异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用3-5年的观测数据。分析了鼎湖山4种不同海拔高度森林温湿度的差异及其原因。结果表明:鼎湖山马尾松林,针阔叶混交林,沟谷雨林和山地常绿阔叶林的年平均气温和大气相对湿度分别为22.7℃,80%,20.9℃,82%,20.4℃,87%和19.2℃,81%。这4种森林的年平均日较差依次为5.9℃,4.6℃,3.6℃和3.1℃,且月变异生活费数逐渐减小,森林主要通过降低日最高温而减少林型间气温日较差。年平均湿润度计算结果表明各林型均为湿润,但月湿润度差异明显。分离综合法分析说明,局部小地形和植被类型的差异是造成林内气温在不同林型间差异的原因。而海拔高度的差异造成马尾松林与山地常绿阔叶林温度极显著差异。也加剧了与针阔叶混交林温度的显著差异。要正常评价不同森林类型改善小气候功能的强弱,必须准确区分开海拔高度,小地形,植被类型等各因素造成的差异。才能得出比较可靠的结论。  相似文献   
Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to determine the effects of infestation of bulk stored wheat by multiple species of insects at 30±2°C for 60 wk. Eight 204-liter drums containing wheat at 15.5% moisture content were used as three distinct man-made ecosystems: (a) Control system (2 drums), insect-free; (b) RST system (3 drums), artificially infested with Rhyzopertha dominica (F.),Sitophilus oryzae (L.), and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst ); and (c) COT system (3 drums), infested with Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens ),Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.), and Tribolium castaneum. The variables measured tri-weekly within each system included carbon dioxide, oxygen, temperature, grain moisture, seed damage, grain weight and volume, dust weight and volume, fat acidity values (FAV) of the wheat, seed germination, microflora including Alternaria alternata(Fr.) Keissler ,Aspergillus glaucus group, Aspergillus candidusLink , and bacteria, insects and the mite Tarsonemus granariusLindquist . PCA provided multivariate synopsis of the data quantifying several important relationships among the variables monitored. Tri-weekly and cumulative 60-wk analyses of each system showed that high bacterial counts were associated with high FAV levels;Tarsonemus numbers were positively related to Aspergillus; Alternaria and seed germination were negatively related to FAV, bacteria and grain damage; and that the number of insects was related to the presence of Aspergillus and negatively related to the presence of bacteria. Seed germination and Alternaria infection often decrease rapidly presumably because of infection by fungi of the Aspergillus glaucus group. The combined action of R. dominica and Aspergillus spp. enhanced seed damage and increased grain moisture content thus promoting bacterial growth which in turn inhibited insect and mold growth. Fat acidity values increased with time unless seed damage and bacterial infection were extensive as in the RST system.  相似文献   
有机物料对土壤镉形态及其生物有效性的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
张秋芳  王果  杨佩艺  方玲 《应用生态学报》2002,13(12):1659-1662
采用盆栽试验,研究了淹水种稻条件下添加猪粪和泥炭对红壤和潮土中内源和外源Cd形态及其生物有效性的影响。结果表明,土壤中内源Cd在各形态之间的分布比较均匀;添加外源Cd时Cd主要分布于交换态,从分蘖期到成熟期,内源Cd交换态普遍升高,添加外源Cd时交换态普遍降低。有机物料对内源Cd交换态的影响不显著,但当添加外源Cd时则对交换态有显著影响,在不添加外源Cd的条件下,有机物料普遍促进水稻根系对Cd的吸收。在添加外源Cd的条件下,有机物料普遍抑制水稻根系对Cd的吸收,猪粪的抑制效果强于泥炭,水稻根系对Cd与Fe的累积呈显著抑制作用。  相似文献   
This study investigates the influence of texture, soil moisture and nutrient status on the growth and survival of seedlings of two typical fynbos (Leucadendron pubescens and Passerina vulgaris) and succulent karoo (Ruschia spp.) species, which grow in the boundary zone between these two vegetation types. Seedlings of each species were grown in shalederived and sandstone‐derived soils and under xeric and mesic regimes. Under the xeric regime, the shale‐derived and sandstone‐derived soils represented fine and coarse‐textured soils, respectively. Under the mesic regime, the same soils represented nutrient‐rich and nutrient‐poor soils, respectively. The seedlings of both fynbos species died rapidly under the xeric regime, irrespective of soil type. In contrast, the succulent karoo seedlings survived for over 77 days without water. Under mesic conditions, the fynbos seedlings grew faster than the succulent karoo seedlings, irrespective of soil type. Fynbos seedlings appear to be directly limited by the environment (moisture and salinity), whereas succulent karoo seedlings may be limited by interactions with other plants.  相似文献   
This investigation examined the influence of soil moisture and associated parameters on the cold hardiness of the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say), a temperate-zone species that overwinters in terrestrial burrows. The body mass and water content of adult beetles kept in sand at 4 °C varied over a 16-week period of diapause according to the substratum's moisture content. Changes in body water content, in turn, influenced the crystallization temperature (range −3.3 to −18.4 °C; n = 417), indicating that environmental moisture indirectly determined supercooling capacity, a measure of physiological cold hardiness. Beetles held in dry sand readily tolerated a 24-h exposure to temperatures ranging from 0° to −5 °C, but those chilled in sand containing as little as 1.7% water (dry mass) had elevated mortality. Thus, burrowing in dry soils not only promotes supercooling via its effect on water balance, but may also inhibit inoculative freezing. Mortality of beetles exposed to −5 °C for 24 h was lower in substrates composed of sand, clay and/or peat (36–52%) than in pure silica sand (78%) having an identical water content (17.0% dry mass). In addition to moisture, the texture, structure, water potential, and other physico-chemical attributes of soil may strongly influence the cold hardiness and overwintering survival of burrowing insects. Accepted: 10 September 1996  相似文献   
小叶榕气生根气体交换特征及影响因子研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用LI-6400XT便携式光合仪测定了小叶榕(Ficus microcarpa L. f.)气生根的气体交换特征。结果表明气生根具有呼吸、蒸腾作用和空气吸湿作用。影响气生根呼吸作用的因素为年龄>空气温度>光强>相对湿度;影响蒸腾作用的因素为年龄>相对湿度>空气温度>光照。年龄小的气生根的呼吸和蒸腾作用较强,年龄大的尤其是木质化程度较高的气生根的呼吸作用较小,水分的释放(蒸腾作用)转变为水分的吸收(吸湿作用)。年龄小的气生根的CO2交换率与温度呈线性关系,温度越高,CO2交换率越大,呼吸越强;H2O交换率与相对湿度呈线性关系,相对湿度越大,H2O交换率越小,蒸腾越弱;年龄大的成熟气生根的H2O交换率与空气相对湿度呈线性关系,相对湿度越大,H2O交换率越小,蒸腾越小。  相似文献   
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