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Summary An assay is described whereby Eco RI restriction fragment length polymorphisms of mitochondrial and chloroplast DNAs can definitively identify cytoplasms of interest in Brassica crop development. Restrictable mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA is extracted from as little as 2–3 g and 0.5 g leaf tissue, respectively, and the donor plants are able to continue to develop in a normal manner. An unknown cytoplasm can be identified in three days, which is a considerable saving in time and labor compared to the several years required by traditional methods. The assay is very inexpensive and should be established as a routine procedure in laboratories involved in sexual or somatic Brassica hybrid production.  相似文献   
Eleutheronema tetradactylum is an economically important fish species in China water. To investigate the genetic diversity and describe population structure of it, an 1151 base pair (bp) fragment of the mitochondrial DNA Cytb sequence was analyzed in 120 individuals from four populations in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. A total of 16 haplotypes were defined by 24 variable nucleotide sites. High level of haplotype diversity and low nucleotide diversity were observed in all populations. The results of AMOVA detected that 89.44% of the genetic variation occurred within populations. Significant genetic differentiations were detected among populations (0.05097, P < 0.05), but no large-scale regional differences were detected. Analysis of neutral evolution and mismatch distribution suggested no recent population expansion happened. The present results provided new information for genetic assessment, fishery management and conservation of this species.  相似文献   
Direct evidence for horizontal transfer of a mitochodnrial plasmid from the discomyceteAscobolus immersus to the pyrenomycetePodospora anserina is presented. Southern blot hybridisation analysis, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, and DNA sequencing demonstrate transmission of a linear plasmid upon hyphal contact. DNA extraction from isolated organelles indicates a mitochondrial localisation for the plasmid inP. anserina. This is the first report of horizontal gene transfer among unrelated fungi. These results have important evolutionary implications for plasmid propagation in fungi.  相似文献   
We investigated the interacting proteins and intracellular localization of CTP synthetase 1 (CTPS1) in mammalian cells. CTPS1 interacted with a GST- peptidyl prolyl isomerase, Pin1 fusion (GST-Pin1) in a Ser 575 (S575) phosphorylation-dependent manner. Immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that CTPS1 also bound tubulin, and thirteen additional coimmunoprecipitating proteins were identified by mass spectrometry. Immunolocalization experiments showed that tubulin and CTPS1 colocalized subcellularly. Taxol treatment enhanced this but cotreatment of cells with the CTPS inhibitor, cyclopentenyl cytosine (CPEC), and taxol failed to disrupt the colocalization. Thus, these studies provide novel information on the potential interacting proteins that may regulate CTPS1 function or intracellular localization.  相似文献   

The role of hemoglobin in transporting oxygen is dependent on the reversible binding of oxygen to Fe(II) hemoglobin with molecular oxygen released at reduced oxygen pressures. The partially oxygenated hemoglobin formed with the release of oxygen from hemoglobin is susceptible to redox reactions where the functional Fe(II) heme is oxidized to Fe(III) and the substrate is reduced. In this article, we review two important redox reactions of hemoglobin and discuss the ramifications of these reactions. The reduction of oxygen to superoxide starts a cascade of oxidative reactions, which are a source for red cell-induced oxidative stress. The reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide produces a labile form of nitric oxide that can be a source for oxidative stress, but can also have important physiological functions.  相似文献   
The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial (mt) genome was determined for specimens of the coral species Montipora cactus (Bernard 1897) and Anacropora matthai (Pillai 1973), representing two morphologically distinct genera of the family Acroporidae. These sequences were compared with the published mt genome sequence for the confamilial species, Acropora tenuis (Dana 1846). The size of the mt genome was 17,887 bp and 17,888 bp for M. cactus and A. matthai. Gene content and organization was found to be very similar among the three Acroporidae mt genomes with a group I intron occurring in the NADH dehyrogenase 5 (nad5) gene. The intergenic regions were also similar in length among the three corals. The control region located between the small ribosomal RNA (ms) and the cytochrome oxidase 3 (cox3) gene was significantly smaller in M. cactus and A. matthai (both 627 bp) than in A. tenuis (1086 bp). Only one set of repeated sequences was identified at the 3′-end of the control regions in M. cactus and A. matthai. A lack of the abundant repetitive elements which have been reported for A. tenuis, accounts for the relatively short control regions in M. cactus and A. matthai. Pairwise distances and relative rate analyses of 13 protein coding genes, the group I intron and the largest intergenic region, igr3, revealed significant differences in the rate of molecular evolution of the mt genome among the three species, with an extremely slow rate being seen between Montipora and Anacropora. It is concluded that rapid mt genome evolution is taking place in genus Acropora relative to the confamilial genera Montipora and Anacropora although all are within the relatively slow range thought to be typical of Anthozoa.  相似文献   
Several hundred proteins have been resolved on two-dimensional gels of extracts of [35S]methionine-labeled adult Drosophila melanogaster. 27 of these polypeptides disappear from the gel pattern after feeding the K+ ionophore nonactin. These proteins have been identified as mitochondrial, since the two-dimensional gel pattern of extracts of isolated mitochondria correlates well with the pattern of the proteins missing from that of nonactin-treated flies. Nine new proteins also appear on the two-dimensional gels of the extracts from the nonactin-treated flies. Apparently, these nine proteins are precursors of the mature mitochondrial forms. These particular data support the concept that processing of many of the cytoplasmically synthesized mitochondrial proteins requires a specific membrane potential, and that some of these proteins are modified intramitochondrially. However, using [35S]methionine incorporation techniques, not all labeled polypeptides disappear from mitochondria during such treatment. Feeding similarly radiolabeled flies with chloramphenicol, an inhibitor of mitochondrial protein synthesis, results in the disappearance of only one protein from the gel pattern with the concurrent appearance of a ‘new’ high-molecular-weight polypeptide. Collectively, these data show that a specific group of [35S]methionine-labeled mitochondrial proteins can be identified by selective inhibition of mitochondrial function in whole cell protein maps of adult D. melanogaster.  相似文献   
Several geological formations of the Utah-Colorado mining region mined for uranium ore during and after World War II had been mined earlier for vanadium. Therefore, most miners and millers from that region were exposed to those metals’ ores or tailings at one time or another. Preliminary investigation to determine uranium and vanadium retained in the lungs of a former uranium miner and miller from this region, who died of lung cancer (mesothelioma), showed a high nonuniform distribution of vanadium. This observation led to the hypothesis that the vanadium content in the lungs could be associated with inhaled particles. Further examination of spectra of characteristic X-rays obtained by scanning particle-induced X-ray emission (microPIXE) of an autopsy sample of this lung indicated that vanadium was indeed present in localized sites within the 20-μm spatial resolution of the proton beam. This work points out that the microPIXE-RBS (Rutherford backscattering) test for vanadium can be used for site localization of inhaled particles retained in the lungs. Further studies are in progress to: (i) locate uranium-bearing particles in lung tissues of former uranium miners and millers; and (ii) evaluate the local doses of alpha radiation received from these particles.  相似文献   
Immuno-gold labelling using a monoclonal antibody (PCBC3) with a primary specificity for -L-arabinofuranosyl residues was used to locate these residues in pollen tubes of Nicotiana alata grown in vivo. The antibody bound to the outer fibrillar layer of the pollen-tube wall: the inner, non-fibrillar wall layer was not labelled. Cytoplasmic vesicles (0.2 m diameter) were also labelled. The antibody may bind to an arabinan in the pollen-tube wall.  相似文献   
Fertile revertants from S-type male-sterile maize grown in vitro   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Plants were regenerated from callus cultures of maize inbred W182BN with the S(USDA) type of cytoplasmic male sterility (cms). Some regenerates from 16 of 18 separate cultures had fertile tassels. Many other regenerates, whose fertility could not be scored accurately because of abnormal plant morphology, produced fertile progeny after pollination with N cytoplasm W182BN. Revertant plants and/or progeny were obtained from all 18 cultures, which included the CA, D, LBN, and S sources of cmsS. More revertants were recovered from cultures maintained as callus for 12 months than from 3–4 month old cultures. Several types of evidence (absence of segregation for fertility after selfing or pollination of revertants with standard W182BN, pollen viability counts, failure of revertants to restore sterile cmsS lines to fertility, mitochondrial DNA analyses) indicated that the reversion to fertility involved cytoplasmic rather than nuclear alterations. All revertants examined lacked the S1 and S2 plasmid-like DNAs characteristic of the mitochondrial genome of sterile cmsS lines. Most callus cultures lost S1 and S2 after 13–20 months in vitro. No revertants were seen among thousands of W182BN cmsS plants grown from seed in the field or among plants from tissue cultures of W182BN with the C or T types of cms. The cytoplasmic revertants recovered from culture may be useful for the molecular analysis of cmsS.  相似文献   
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