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Aim To test whether the radiation of the extremely rich Cape flora is correlated with marine‐driven climate change. Location Middle to Late Miocene in the south‐east Atlantic and the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS) off the west coast of South Africa. Methods We studied the palynology of the thoroughly dated Middle to Late Miocene sediments of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1085 retrieved from the Atlantic off the mouth of the Orange River. Both marine upwelling and terrestrial input are recorded at this site, which allows a direct correlation between changes in the terrestrial flora and the marine BUS in the south‐east Atlantic. Results Pollen types from plants of tropical affinity disappeared, and those from the Cape flora gradually increased, between 10 and 6 Ma. Our data corroborate the inferred dating of the diversification in Aizoaceae c. 8 Ma. Main conclusions Inferred vegetation changes for the Late Miocene south‐western African coast are the disappearance of Podocarpus‐dominated Afromontane forests, and a change in the vegetation of the coastal plain from tropical grassland and thicket to semi‐arid succulent vegetation. These changes are indicative of an increased summer drought, and are in step with the development of the southern BUS. They pre‐date the Pliocene uplift of the East African escarpment, suggesting that this did not play a role in stimulating vegetation change. Some Fynbos elements were present throughout the recorded period (from 11 Ma), suggesting that at least some elements of this vegetation were already in place during the onset of the BUS. This is consistent with a marine‐driven climate change in south‐western Africa triggering substantial radiation in the terrestrial flora, especially in the Aizoaceae.  相似文献   
With the exception of leaping, lorises and galagos move in many similar ways although frequencies and styles differ. This peculiar locomotor distinction in two closely related subfamilies has profoundly altered their respective postcranial anatomies from their common ancestor. A comparison of postcranial adaptation in extant forms shows that lorises and galagos differ somewhat in forelimb mobility, but are more fundamentally disparate in hindlimb adaptation. Inferences concerning locomotor adaptation in the lorisid fossil record indicate a more generalized locomotor pattern which is more like that of extant cheirogaleids than either living galagos or lorises. Thus, vertical clinging and leaping in galagines and the slow-climbing and suspensory movements of lorisines appear to be evolutionarily recent innovations from a more generalized locomotor past.  相似文献   
Observations on the behavior of living hominoids show generic differences in the use and posture of the wrist joint. Both orang-utans and hylobatids usually use the wrist in suspensory behaviors. However, orang-utans emphasize markedly adducted and flexed wrist postures, while hylobatids emphasize violent forearm and wrist rotation. African apes, especially the gorilla, use the wrist more frequently than other hominoids for terrestrial quadrupedal weight-bearing. Humans use the wrist less frequently for supportive purposes than do other hominoids. These behavioral differences correspond to structural specializations in the proximal carpal joint of each of the hominoid genera. Although each of the hominoid genera has apparently modified its proximal carpal joint best to serve its characteristic behaviors, all hominoids share a unique proximal carpal joint that permits approximately 160ℴ of forearm rotation. The hylobatid proximal carpal joint is specialized in exhibiting a marked development of those structures limiting forearm rotation, but it is in most respects the least derived— that is, closest to the nonhominoid anthropoids. Chimpanzees show a proximal carpal joint that is more generalized than those of the other great apes but more derived than that of hylobatids. The human and gorilla proximal wrist joints, on the other hand, show marked modifications for weight-bearing in terrestrial behaviors. Orang-utans have the most derived proximal carpal joint, which in many respects parallels that of the slow-climbing nonhominoid primates. The comparative anatomy and structural specializations of the wrist joint support (a) an early divergence of hylobatids from the common hominoid stock, (b) a common ancestry for gorillas and humans separate from the other hominoids, and (c) a long independent evolutionary period for orang-utans since their divergence from the common hominoid stock, or one that was marked by strong selection pressures for wrist specializations. Unfortunately, the generalized condition of the chimpanzee’s wrist joint and the very derived condition of the orang-utan wrist provide uncertain evidence as to which of the two was first to diverge from the common hominoid stock. Identification of hominoid wrist specializations as reflecting real phylogenetic relationships or parallelisms depends on how well the phytogeny inferred from wrist morphology accords with those arrived at from the study of other systems.  相似文献   
山西忻州中新世鼠兔科化石   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文记述了山西忻州发现的跑兔属—新种.该种以个体较小, P~2 较简单,无前沟, M~2 后叶无后突, P_3 小,无前内沟与前外沟等特征与属型种 B. forsythmajori 相区别,命名为杨胡跑兔 B. yanghuensis sp. nov..新种在进化水平上较属型种稍原始,但两者显示出较近的系统关系.根据 B. yanghuensis sp. nov. 的进化水平,推断其地质时代可能为中中新世早期,约相当于欧洲 Orleanian 期.  相似文献   
New land tortoises (Testudines: Testudinidae) from the Miocene of Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The described fossil testudinids from the Miocene of Africa are reviewed. Geochelone stromeri sp. nov . is described from Lower Pliocene (Langebaanweg) and Miocene (Namib) specimens. Kinixys erosa , an extant species, is reported from Songhor Hill. Chersina sp. is reported from Arrisdrift. Impregnochelys pachytectis gen. et sp. nov . is described from Rusinga Island, Kenya, and is unique in having the anterior shell opening orientated ventrally and in having struts on the internal surface of the neurals, but shares with Kinixys a unique epiplastron shape, a high number of axillary scutes and unique orientation of the head of the femur.  相似文献   
云南开远新发现的腊玛古猿化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文描述的标本是1980年6月和1982年5月,在云南开远小龙潭晚中新世褐煤层中发现的古猿化石。标本有左下第一至第三臼齿列和一件带十二枚牙齿的上颌骨。从标本反映的形态特征观察,应归为腊玛古猿。  相似文献   
Based on a roentgenographic analysis, the molar enamel of certain European Miocene dryopithecines is absolutely thick (r=1.03–1.30 mm in thickness); the molar enamel of certain European pliopithecines is thin (r=0.32–0.82 mm thick). The rank order for enamel thickness in extant hominoids (from thickest to thinnest) is confirmed to beHomo, Pongo, Gorilla, Pan, andHylobates. There is a great deal of enamel thickness variability within the great ape sample. Extant analogues suggest that dryopithecines were probably adapted to a frugivorous/gramnivorous dietary regimen, while pliopithecines were probably better suited to folivory.  相似文献   
A comparison of fossil ( Echitwlampas sp. from the Lower Miocene Zogelsdorf Formation, Austria) and Recent ( Schizaster canaliferus from the northern Adriatic Sea) irregular sea-urchin tests shows that, upon their death, burrowing echinoids can serve as a substrate for a dense epigrowth. Size, shape, stable orientation, and surface residence-time were identified as key factors governing encrustation. The encrusters on fossil Echinolampas were bryozoans, serpulid polychaetes, barnacles, and coralline algae, while the recent material was initially encrusted by serpulids and hydrozoan colonies, and ultimately covered by the full range of sessile, hemi-sessile, and vagile species characterizing the benthic community in the Adriatic. In Echinolampas , epigrowth was more abundant on the lower (oral) surface; this specific distribution was echoed in S. canaliferus , where epigrowth started on the bottom side and grew upward. This indicates that the tests have a stable orientation and a surface residence-time long enough to allow intense encrustation. A taphonomic model is developed, and the role of encrustation on such special substrates for overall community structure is discussed. The Recent/fossil comparison provides new insights for both fields of study: the recent material indicates the role of soft-bodied faunas as well as the complexity of small-scaled ecological processes; the fossil material reflects many of the above phenomena and adds important taphonomic details on the fate of encrusted biogenic structures and on encruster growth patterns and distributions.  相似文献   
The late Miocene North African mammalianassemblage is considered here from three viewpoints: survivals, extinctions, and immigrations. The Eurasiatic affinities of the large mammals slightly prevail over the Ethiopian affinities. Amongst the North African large mammals, 4 to 8 taxa are Eurasiatic immigrants, while 4 to 6 are of Subsaharian origin. Contrarily, the micromammalian fauna is highly endemic, with only one species, a murid (Paraethomys miocaenicus), considered here as being related to an Asiatic form (Karnimata darwini). Our study of Eurasian and African Miocene faunas reveals that during the late Astaracian-early Turolian interval, the Saharo-Arabic belt permitted very little latitudinal faunal exchanges. However, during the middle and late Turolian such faunal exchanges became frequent. The micromammal record unequivocally indicates that a brief period of faunal exchange occurred between Africa and western Europe at the end of the Miocene, corresponding with the Messinian Salinity Crisis. The increased intercontinental faunal exchange between Africa and Eurasia during the late Miocene coincides with, and counterbalances the extinction of more than 10 taxa at the Mio/Pliocene boundary.  相似文献   
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