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Summary The effects of implantation of testosterone propionate (TP) in various sites in the hypothalamus on the photoperiodically induced vernal premigratory functions in the White-crowned Sparrows were investigated in order to assess the role of the hypothalamo-hypophysial-testicular axis in the induction of these responses.Implantation of glass capillary tubes containing TP in the basal infundibular nucleus (IN), in the median eminence, or in the pars distalis inhibited the photoperiodically induced increase in plasma levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), as measured by radioimmunoassay, and testicular growth. The effective implants significantly lowered the levels of LH in birds held on nonstimulatory short days. These TP implants apparently inhibited release from the pars distalis of both LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). It is concluded that the site of sensitivity in the negative feedback by testosterone is either the basal IN or the pars distalis, or both. The implants of TP that inhibited the increase in plasma LH and testicular growth completely did not prevent the birds from fattening.These investigations were supported, in part, by research grants from the National Institutes of Health (HD-6527) and National Science Foundation (BMS 79-13933) to Professor Donald S. Farner. This paper is based on a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the University of WashingtonThe author is grateful to Professor Donald S. Farner for his guidance throughout the course of these investigations. The assistance of Mr. Philip W. Mattocks, Jr. in performing radioimmunoassays is sincerely appreciated  相似文献   
Orientation tests performed with Emlen funnels show much variation. This scatter in responses can be partially explained by considering the birds’ personalities.We studied a Passerine migrant, the Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus), on autumn passage at Kalimok Biological Station, Bulgaria. Birds caught in the morning were kept in cages with known and regularly controlled amounts of food. In the evening they were tested for orientation, the next morning they were observed for 3 min in an unfamiliar cage, then released.Birds that ate on the first day oriented in the expected, southward direction, non-eating birds were scattered.Eating behaviour was related to the exploration pattern on the next day. Eating birds moved and flew less, hopped, looked around and explored the cage more, and were quicker in eating a food item if present.Lean birds ate and explored more but also oriented better, contrary to expectations where fat reserves indicate readiness for migration. A hypothesis is discussed where fat, migration and personality may be linked.Personality aspects may influence the individuals’ ability to cope with an experimental situation and influence the outcome of the tests, therefore its analysis can help in predicting the birds’ performance in apparently unrelated experiments.  相似文献   
We show that variation in an intronic length polymorphism in the CHD1‐Z gene in Black‐tailed Godwits Limosa l. limosa is associated with fitness correlates. This is the second example of the CHDZ‐1 gene being correlated with fitness, a previous study having established that Moorhens Gallinula chloropus carrying the rare Z* allele have reduced survival. In Godwits, however, carriers of the Z* allele (374 bp) fared better than those with the more frequent Z allele (378 bp) with respect to body mass, plumage ornamentation, reproductive parameters and habitat quality. The Z* allele was found in 14% of 251 adult birds from nature reserves, but was absent from 33 birds breeding in intensively managed agricultural lands. Males and females with the Z* allele had less extensive breeding plumage, and females had a higher body mass, bred earlier and had larger eggs. There were no significant differences in annual survival between birds with and without the Z* allele. DNA isolated from museum skins demonstrated that this polymorphism was present at low frequency in 1929. We speculate that strong asymmetrical overdominance may explain the low frequency of the Z* allele and that genetic linkage to causal genes might be an explanation for the phenotypic correlations. Our findings suggest a degree of cryptic genetic population structuring in the Dutch Godwit population.  相似文献   
Afforestation of formerly open landscapes can transform mammalian predator communities, potentially impacting prey species like ground‐nesting birds. In Scotland's Flow Country, a globally important peatland containing many forestry plantations, earlier studies found reduced densities of breeding waders on open bogs, when forestry plantations were present within 700 m. One plausible explanation for this pattern is mammalian predation. We tested whether mammalian predator indices, based on scats (feces), differed between (1) open bog, forestry plantations, and former plantations being restored as bog (“restoration” habitats); (2) restoration habitats of different ages; and (3) open bogs with differing amounts of nearby forestry. We measured summer scat density and size over 14 years in 26 transects 0.6–4.5 km in length, collecting data during 93, 96, and 79 transect‐years in bog, forestry, and restoration habitats respectively. In forestry, scat density increased eightfold, reaching values ~6 times higher than those of bogs. On open bogs with over 10% forestry within 700 m, scat densities were 2.9 times higher than on open bogs with less forestry nearby. Results support the hypothesis that mammalian predators might be responsible for the low densities of breeding waders close to forests, on adjacent open bogs. In restoration habitats, scat densities rose 6–10 years after felling but fell to levels similar to open bogs in older restoration habitats, supporting restoration management as a means of reducing mammalian predator activity/abundance. We urge caution around decisions to establish forestry plantations in open landscapes of high biodiversity importance.  相似文献   
In March 1995, Canadian fisheries authorities boarded and arrested the Spanish fishing vessel, Estai, outside the Canadian 200‐mile zone on the Grand Banks, an event that served to focus world attention on a dispute that had its origins in the failure of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to implement an effective conservation and management regime for fish stocks on the high seas, particularly with respect to fish stocks that straddle coastal states’ exclusive economic zones. This article examines the origins of the dispute, including the allegations relating to overfishing of North Atlantic Fisheries Organization‐recommended quotas, the background to the vessel's arrest, and the subsequent confrontation that occurred, both at diplomatic levels and on the high seas, between Canada and the European Union. An analysis is made of the case in international law for Canada's extension of jurisdiction beyond 200 miles pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act. Finally, the article examines the implications of the recently concluded Agreement on the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks for disputes of the kind that arose in the present case.  相似文献   
Migration (seasonal round-trip movement across relatively large distances) is common within the animal kingdom. This behaviour often incurs extreme costs in terms of time, energy, and/or survival. Climate, food, predation, and breeding are typically suggested as factors favouring the evolution of migration. Although disease regulation has also been considered, few studies consider it as the primary selective pressure for migration. Our aim was to determine, theoretically, under what conditions migration could reduce the long-term disease prevalence within a population, assuming the only benefits of migration are infection-related. We created two mathematical models, one where the population migrates annually and one where the entire population remains on the breeding ground year-round. In each we simulated disease transmission (frequency-dependent and density-dependent) and quantified eventual disease prevalence. In the migration model we varied the time spent migrating, disease-related migration mortality, and the overall migration mortality. When we compared results from the two models, we found that migration generally lowered disease prevalence. We found a population was healthier if it: (1) spent more time migrating (assuming no disease transmission during migration), (2) had higher disease-induced migration mortality, and (3) had an overall higher mortality when migrating (compared to not migrating). These results provide support for two previously proposed mechanisms by which migration can reduce disease prevalence (migratory escape and migratory cull), and also demonstrate that non-selective mortality during migration is a third mechanism. Our findings indicate that migration may be evolutionarily advantageous even if the only migratory benefit is disease control.  相似文献   
We isolated 45 new Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) microsatellite loci. These were tested for polymorphism in 42 Kentish plovers breeding in the Çukurova Delta, Turkey. Thirty‐six of the 45 loci were polymorphic with observed heterozygosity varying between 0.22 and 0.93. Genotypes of individuals of known sex indicated that two loci were sex‐linked (Calex‐26 is located on the Z chromosome and Calex‐31 on the W chromosome). Additionally, we tested all loci for amplification in four other species of Charadridae (Kittlitz's plover, Madagascar plover, three‐banded plover and white‐fronted plover). On average 34 loci amplified per species (range 29–36).  相似文献   
The Madagascar Jacana Actophilornis albinucha (Jacanidae) is an endemic shorebird found in the threatened wetlands of western Madagascar. This species is presumed to exhibit classical polyandry; however, few data are available to support that assumption. More generally, a lack of basic understanding of this species hinders conservation efforts. We conducted the most extensive study of the Madagascar Jacana to date, and report on its: 1) distribution, population size and density; 2) degree of sexual size dimorphism; and 3) phylogenetic position. The surveys were conducted at 54 lakes, between January and October in 2016. Madagascar Jacana were found at 22 lakes, and within these were distributed at a mean density of 3.5 ± 0.74 [SE] individuals per hectare of surveyed habitat. We estimate the global population size to be between 975 and 2 064 individuals, and habitat destruction appears to be the main threat to the species. Females were significantly larger than males, consistent with reports for other Jacanidae species. Using a mitochondrial DNA fragment, we expanded the Jacanidae genetic phylogeny, and confirmed that Madagascar Jacana is the sister species to the African Jacana Actophilornis africanus. Further studies are urgently needed to thoroughly re-assess the threat status and population trend of the Madagascar Jacana.  相似文献   
Ecological barriers such as oceans, mountain ranges or glaciers can have a substantial influence on the evolution of animal migration. Along the migration flyway connecting breeding sites in the North American Arctic and wintering grounds in Europe or Africa, nearctic species are confronted with significant barriers such as the Atlantic Ocean and the Greenland icecap. Using geolocation devices, we identified wintering areas used by ringed plovers nesting in the Canadian High‐Arctic and investigated migration strategies used by these nearctic migrants along the transatlantic route. The main wintering area of the ringed plovers (n = 20) was located in western Africa. We found contrasting seasonal migration patterns, with ringed plovers minimizing continuous flight distances over the ocean in spring by making a detour to stop in Iceland. In autumn, however, most individuals crossed the ocean in one direct flight from southern Greenland to western Europe, as far as southern Spain. This likely resulted from prevailing anti‐clockwise winds associated with the Icelandic low‐pressure system. Moreover, the plovers we tracked largely circumvented the Greenland icecap in autumn, but in spring, some plovers apparently crossed the icecap above the 65°N. Our study highlighted the importance of Iceland as a stepping‐stone during the spring migration and showed that small nearctic migrants can perform non‐stop transatlantic flights from Greenland to southern Europe.  相似文献   
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