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The enigmatic fossil Tumulduria incomperta Missanhevsky 1969 from the basal Tommotian Stage at 'Dvortsy' on the Aldan River, Siberian Platform, is reinvestigated in light of the report (Fedorov et al. 1979, Dokl. AN SSSR 249) of trilobite remains from the same beds. Comparisons of these supposed trilobites with old and new collections from 'Dvortsy' leave no doubt that they are identical to Tumulduria incomperta. Tumulduria is represented by phosphatic plates with a crude bilateral symmetry, consisting of a central longitudinal rounded ridge flanked by flat lateral portions. They are built of growth lamellae overlapping each other along the axis of symmetry. The surface carries prominent transverse folds and lamellar terminations. There is considerable morphological variation, and the similarity of some specimens to trilobites is only superficial. Tumulduria is interpreted as a bilaterally symmetrical metazoan with a dorsal protective plate; it probably represents a short-lived group that left no descendants.  相似文献   
A single specimen of the early Middle Cambrian (Ordian) orthothecimorph hyolith Gudugu-wan hardmani with preserved gut filling has been discovered in the Montejinni Limestone, Wiso Basin, northern Australia. This represents only the eighth such occurrence worldwide. The specimen is unique among orthothecimorphs in retaining the gut filling in combination with the external mould of the operculum and invites revision of the accepted soft-part recon struction in this group, whereby the opercular lateral processes are now recognized to be ventral. Thus orthothecimorph conchs, if horizontal in life, would have been oriented ventral side down, while hyolithomorphs adopted the reverse orientation: horizontal, ventral side up.  相似文献   
Summary The Linnaean nameCryptozo?n proliferum Hall was proposed in 1883 for a previously undescribed life-form preserved in spectacular exposures of Cambrian limestones in New York State, USA. It is now recognised that these are exposures of stromatolitic microbialites, laminated organosedimentary structures formed from interaction between a benthic microbial community (BMC) and the environment. Microbialites are neither fossil organisms nor trace fossils. These complex structures are the products of dissipative, self-organising systems involving a BMC, the external environment and the accreting microbialite. Functionally analogous BMCs of different species compositions may build similar structures in similar environments in quite separate periods. The type exposures ofCryptozo?n proliferum show objects composed of complex, concentric rings, up to a metre in diameter, that have grown laterally without any restriction other than that provided by neighbouring structures. They are not the relicts of domes truncated by penecontemporaneous erosion or Pleistocene glaciation, but depositional forms in which upward growth was restricted. Analogous modern structures occur on a reef platform along the north east shore of hyposaline Lake Clifton, Western Australia. These are tabular thrombolitic microbialites that vary lakeward across the reef platform from low, compound structures to discrete, concentric structures up to 50 cm high. The Lake Clifton forms are, in turn, morphological analogues of microatolls found on coral reef platforms. Coral microatolls are coral colonies with flat, dead tops and living perimeters in which upward growth is constrained by the sea surface. In shallow water they form circular rims of laterally growing coral around a dead centre. In deeper water they form coral heads that develop flat tops on reaching sea level. It is concluded that both the tabular microbialites of Lake Clifton and the type exposures ofCryptozo?n proliferum are analogous to coral microatolls in both form and origin-structures that have been able to grow laterally, but in which upward growth is restricted by subaerial exposure. Similar microatoll microbialites have been described from other modern environments, including Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA and Stocking Island, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Ancient examples may include some of the “tufa” deposits of the Basal Purbeck Formation in Dorset, UK, as well as the coalesced domal bioherms of the Upper Cambrian Arrinthrunga Formation of the Georgina Basin, Central Australia, and the “washbowl” structures described from the B?tsfjord Formation of the Varanger Peninsula, north Norway. Progress towards a reliable interpretation of ancient microbialites depends on an understanding of modern environments in which analogous structures are forming. This study of microatolls has demonstrated that other sessile life forms may create colonial ecomorphs that, used cautiously, can serve as analogues for understanding the factors controlling the growth and form of microbialites. The surprising lack of pre-Pleistocene examples of microatolls recorded to date has simply been due to their lack of recognition in the geological record. They occur in sequences from the Proterozoic onwards, and provide powerful environmental indicators of ancient reef platforms on which biological growth was adjusted to contemporary sea level.  相似文献   
浙西早寒武世梅树村期棒状化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文记述了浙江省西部江山县新塘坞地区灯影组(梅树村期)中新发现的矿化骨骼化石——浙江棒(新属)Zhejiangorhabdion gen.nov.。该化石的形态与以往化石类群均不相同,为个体微小的棒状,表面具较复杂的纹饰,不同个体间的纹饰都有一定变化,推测是动物体内不同部位的骨棒所具有的特征,代表了一个新的化石类群。新属的发现丰富了梅树村期动物群的内容,对了解具骨骼动物群体在这一时期的演化具有一定的意义。  相似文献   
湖南花垣中寒武世晚期至晚寒武世早期牙形石动物群   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
本文描述了湖南花垣排碧剖面中寒武世晚期至晚寒武世早期牙形石动物群的2个新属8个新种。论述了在中国南部首次建立的湖南花垣中-上寒武统牙形石带与华北和东北南部相应牙形石带的对比依据,概述了中国寒武纪牙石研究的简史和现状。  相似文献   
Cnidarians are phylogenetically located near the base of the ‘tree of animals’, and their early evolution had a profound impact on the rise of bilaterians. However, the early diversity and phylogeny of this ‘lowly’ metazoan clade has hitherto been enigmatic. Fortunately, cnidarian fossils from the early Cambrian could provide key insights into their evolutionary history. Here, based on a scrutiny of the purported hyolith Burithes yunnanensis Hou et al. from the early Cambrian Chengjiang biota in South China, we reveal that this species shows characters distinct from those typical of hyoliths, not least a funnel-shaped gastrovascular system with a single opening, a whorl of tentacles surrounding the mouth, and the lack of an operculum. These characters suggest a great deviation from the original definition of the genus Burithes, and a closer affinity with cnidarians. We therefore reassign the material to a new genus: Palaeoconotuba. Bayesian inference of phylogeny based on new anatomical traits identifies a new clade, including Palaeoconotuba and Cambrorhytium, as a stem group of sessile medusozoan cnidarians that are united by the synapomorphies of developing an organic conical theca and a funnel-like gastrovascular system. This study unveils a stem lineage of medusozoans that evolved a lifelong conical theca in the early Cambrian.  相似文献   
The anatomy of the arthropod Squamacula clypeata Hou and Bergström, 1997 from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagersta¨tte is redescribed based on four newly excavated specimens. The new material was collected from localities recently discovered in the Kunming area, Yunnan Province, south-west China, and preserves remarkable details of the ventral morphology, revealed by preparation. Squamacula clypeata is dorsoventrally flattened and rounded in outline. The cephalon was covered by a wide, short shield, with a large doublure and a pair of uniramous antennae on the ventral side. The thorax consists of nine somites, each protected by a tergite and carrying at least one pair of biramous limbs. The pygidium is covered with a small rounded tergum. The endopod is segmented, equipped with short spines on the inner margin of the coxa and a claw-like structure distally, and the exopod flap-like, fringed with setae. The limbs in the pygidium are like those in the thorax in shape. Squamacula was most probably a nektobenthic predator. The spinose endopod could walk, grasp and grind. The large flap-like exopod was adapted for swimming and respiration. Its affinities lie with the Arachnomorpha, but the relationships with other known taxa remain ambiguous.  相似文献   
A well-preserved biota of Lower Cambrian cavity-dwelling organisms is recorded within fissures in Neoproterozoic andesites in Ossa-Morena (southern Spain). The cavities are unique among described Lower Cambrian coelobiontic communities due to the igneous character of the host rock. Coelobiontic habitat was episodically enlarged by synsedimentary tectonic fracturing reflecting polyphase infill of recurrent facies. The pioneer coelobiontic biota was diverse, and consisted of encrusting stromatolites and thromboids (dominated by Epiphyton and Renalcis), attached to walls and ceilings of the cavities, associated with archaeocyaths. Sponge spicules and chancelloriid sclerites occur as dense clusters indicating in situ growth, death and decay of spiculate sponges and coeloscleritophorans. Other organisms, such as echinoderms, trilobites and brachiopods, are also found within the cavities as reworked skeletons, indicating that they were washed in from the overlying, open seafloor. The main feature of the coelobiontic biota is the dominance of a sessile, chemosynthetic and filter-feeding epibenthos, composed of microbial communities, archaeocyaths, spiculate sponges (demosponges and rarer hexactinellides) and coeloscleritophorans.  相似文献   
One of the oldest known helcionelloid molluscs, Anabarella Vostokova, is redescribed on the basis of type material from the lower Cambrian of north Siberia. Published records of the type species, Anabarella plana Vostokova, show a very wide range in morphology, but studies of variation through ontogeny and in taphonomy confirm assignment to a single variable species. Other described species are reviewed.  相似文献   
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