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Summary Germination of microsclerotia ofMacrophomina phaseolina was observed at O2 concentrations of 16% or higher in autoclaved soil. Germination was delayed but otherwise unaffected as O2 decreased from 21 to 16% and was in all cases complete in 32 hours. Laboratory-produced microsclerotia consistently germinated more rapidly and seemed more independent of O2 concentrations within the range that permitted germination than naturallyproduced microsclerotia.Population changes in soil as measured by microsclerotial counts were inversely correlated with depth of interment and reduced O2 concentration. Our inability to detect significantly growth responses ofM. phaseolina in non autoclaved soil was apparently related to limited O2 although other possibilities are discussed.Contribution of the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Scientific Journal Series No. 9124.  相似文献   
Summary The penetration of metham into loess or heavy soils was studied by measuring the viability of microsclerotia (MS) ofV. dahliae placed at various depths in soil columns. Equal quantities of metham were applied in three ways; concentrated, dilute and combined application (i.e. concentrated and dilute application successively). Penetration was best in both soils when a combined application of the fungicide was used. In dilute application metham killed MS through the top 21 cm, wheres in concentrated application the fungicide killed MS placed between 26–38 cm. The combined application however, killed MS placed from 0–38 cm. It was found that using the combined application method, metham could kill MS in loess soil to a depth of 74 cm depending on depth of irrigation and amount of fungicide used. With mylone in granular form surface application was found to be better for MS control than incorporated or combined applications. Activities of metham and mylone againstV. dahliae MS increased with the increase of incubation temperatures; the highest acitivities of the fungicides were observed at 35°C. Determinations of lethal curves of MS treated with metham or mylone showed that in both heavy and loess soils activity of metham against MS was higher than that of mylone in granular form. In heavy soil the amount of metham or mylone required to achieve ED 50 was about 25% more than in loess soil.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organisation, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 212-E, 1978 Series.  相似文献   
采用ATMT技术建立大丽轮枝菌落叶型菌株XJ2008菌株的T-DNA插入突变体文库,共获得6 043个突变体。从中随机挑选104个突变体,以野生型XJ2008菌株为参照,评价其致病性、菌落生长速率、分生孢子及微菌核的产生能力等。结果表明,有12.5%的突变体丧失产孢能力,4.8%的突变体的生长速率显著减慢,8.7%的突变体的生长速率显著加快,12.5%的突变体丧失产生微菌核的能力,47.1%的突变体的致病性显著低于野生型菌株XJ2008,且突变体2-736、2-740、2-745的病情指数分别约为野生型菌株XJ2008的0.184、0.168和0.197倍。该突变体库突变体遗传稳定性好,性状多样性丰富。  相似文献   
In the Mediterranean basin, Verticillium Wilt of Olive (VWO) is diffused throughout its range of cultivation, causing severe yield losses and tree mortality. The disease was reported in almost all the Mediterranean and Middle East countries, and in Lebanon it is of increasing significance also on many valuable crops. The disease has already been reported on potato, peach and almond in the Bekaa valley; however, to date no information is available about the incidence of VWO and the inoculum density of Verticillium dahliae microsclerotia in soil of the main agricultural areas of Lebanon. Results from the present investigations demonstrate a high V. dahliae frequency in soils (75.3%), coupled with a mean soil inoculum density of 17.0 MS g?1, clearly indicating a great impact on the production of susceptible hosts in Lebanon, mainly in Bekaa region. Molecular method to assess the microsclerotia inoculum density in soil allowed the detection of a higher frequency of infested soils, as compared with the traditional plating, thus confirming its higher sensitivity. The overall Verticillium wilt prevalence in the inspected olive orchards was 46.2%, and the frequency of V. dahliae‐infected trees was 25.7%. The widespread presence of V. dahliae in all olive growing areas of Lebanon enforces the adoption of measures aimed at reducing the soil inoculum density before any new olive plantation, and the use of strong phytosanitary regulations to improve the certification schemes of propagating material.  相似文献   
《Fungal biology》2019,123(7):539-546
Sunflower yellow wilt is a widespread and destructive disease caused by the soil-borne pathogen Verticillium dahliae (V. dahliae). To better understand the pathogenesis mechanism of V. dahliae in sunflower, T-DNA insertion library was generated via Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation system (ATMT). Eight hundred positive transformants were obtained. Transformants varied in colony morphology, growth rate, conidia production and pathogenicity in sunflower compared to the wild type strain. A mutant, named VdGn3-L2, was chosen for further analysis based on its deprivation on microsclerotia formation. The flanking sequence of T-DNA insertion site of VdGn3-L2 was identified via hiTAIL-PCR, and the interrupted gene encoded an initiation-specific α-1, 6-mannosyltransferase, named as VdOCH1. The deletion mutant ΔVdOCH1 was impaired in certain characteristics such as fungal growth, conidia production, and microsclerotia formation. Also, ΔVdOCH1 mutants were more sensitive to the cell wall perturbing reagents, such as SDS and Congo red, lost their penetration ability through cellophane membrane, and exhibited dramatically decreased pathogenicity to sunflower. The impaired phenotypes could be restored to the wild type level by complementation of the deletion mutant with full-length VdOCH1 gene. In conclusion, VdOCH1, encoded α-1,6-mannosyltransferase, manipulating the biological characteristics, microsclerotia formation and pathogenic ability of V. dahliae in sunflower.  相似文献   
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