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We undertook a 2-year (2002–2004) mark–recapture study to investigate demographic performance and habitat use of salt marsh harvest mice (Reithrodontomys raviventris halicoetes) in the Suisun Marsh. We examined the effects of different wetland types and microhabitats on 3 demographic variables: density, reproductive potential, and persistence. Our results indicate that microhabitats dominated by mixed vegetation or pickleweed (Salicornia spp.) supported similar salt marsh harvest mouse densities, reproductive potential, and persistence throughout much of the year, whereas few salt marsh harvest mice inhabited upland grass-dominated microhabitats. We found that densities were higher in diked wetlands, whereas post-winter persistence was higher in tidal wetlands, and reproductive potential did not differ statistically between wetland types. Our results emphasize the importance of mixed vegetation for providing adequate salt marsh harvest mouse habitat and suggest that, despite their physiognomic and hydrological differences, both diked and tidal wetlands support salt marsh harvest mouse populations by promoting different demographic attributes. We recommend that habitat management, restoration, and enhancement efforts include areas containing mixed vegetation in addition to pickleweed in both diked and tidal wetlands. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
To overcome the high energy-consuming process of microalgae drying, a two-step lipase catalysis technique for the preparation of biodiesel from microalgae lipid of Chlorella spp. was developed. In the first step, free fatty acids (FAAs) and triacylglycerols (TAGs) are released after cell disruption and extracted, while the TAGs were hydrolysed by free lipase in aqueous phase. In the second step, FAAs were esterified with ethanol in the catalysis of free suspended lipase. The maximum rate of hydrolysis and esterification was 93.6% and 91.3%, respectively. The effects of reaction parameters, such as reaction time, enzyme amount, water content and molar ratio of lipid to ethanol on hydrolysis or esterification, were investigated. The results indicated that two-step reaction process (hydrolyse esterify) for biodiesel production were feasible.  相似文献   
The biological nitrogen fixation carried out by some Bacteria and Archaea is one of the most attractive alternatives to synthetic nitrogen fertilizers. However, with the exception of the symbiotic rhizobia-legumes system, progress towards a more extensive realization of this goal has been slow. In this study we manipulated the endogenous regulation of both nitrogen fixation and assimilation in the aerobic bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii. Substituting an exogenously inducible promoter for the native promoter of glutamine synthetase produced conditional lethal mutant strains unable to grow diazotrophically in the absence of the inducer. This mutant phenotype could be reverted in a double mutant strain bearing a deletion in the nifL gene that resulted in constitutive expression of nif genes and increased production of ammonium. Under GS non-inducing conditions both the single and the double mutant strains consistently released very high levels of ammonium (>20 mM) into the growth medium. The double mutant strain grew and excreted high levels of ammonium under a wider range of concentrations of the inducer than the single mutant strain. Induced mutant cells could be loaded with glutamine synthetase at different levels, which resulted in different patterns of extracellular ammonium accumulation afterwards. Inoculation of the engineered bacteria into a microalgal culture in the absence of sources of C and N other than N2 and CO2 from the air, resulted in a strong proliferation of microalgae that was suppressed upon addition of the inducer. Both single and double mutant strains also promoted growth of cucumber plants in the absence of added N-fertilizer, while this property was only marginal in the parental strain. This study provides a simple synthetic genetic circuit that might inspire engineering of optimized inoculants that efficiently channel N2 from the air into crops.  相似文献   
Summary Myocardial cell culture methods are now well established for animal and fetal human tissue. We present here a method for harvesting and culturing adult human atrial myocardiocytes. Cells are obtained from fresh atrial tissue normally discarded after being removed to cannulate the right atrium during open heart surgery. The atrial tissue is minced and then digested using collagenase. The single cell suspension is initially cultured in serum-containing growth medium, then transferred to defined medium, selective for myocardial cell growth. The cells are characterized by immunoperoxidase stains and transmission electron microscopy. The cultured cells stain positive for myoglobin, whereas control cultured fibroblasts and endothelial cells do not. Electron microscopy shows the presence of numerous myofibrils, Z-bodies, pleomorphic mitochondria, and secretory granules. The chronological age of the donor was an important factor in culturing the adult tissue, the younger tissue correlated with a higher success rate. This method provides a means for in vitro study of human adult myocardial cells and provides guidelines for appropriate atrial tissue to use.  相似文献   
The effects of Rhizobium strain and its interaction with plant cultivar were examined in glasshouse-grownPhaseolus vulgaris in two experiments where the physiological attributes defining the symbiotic efficiency were determined. Strains of Rhizobium significantly affected nodulation, rates of N accumulation, partitioning of N within the mature shoot and remobilizaton of the N stored in the vegetative organs to the seeds. The most efficient symbiosis (strain CO5 with Negro Argel), in comparison with the least efficient symbiosis (strain 127 K-17 with Venezuela-350) showed higher rates of C2H2 reduction from flowering to mid pod fill stage, evolved less hydrogen from nodules and showed higher rates of N transport as well as higher percentages of ureide-N in the xylem sap. At maturity, the best cultivar/strain association exceeded the total N accumulated in the seed and the harvest index of the poorest symbiosis in 88% and 20%, respectively. The other symbiotic combinations were intermediate in all characteristics. Nitrogen accumulation in plant shoot showed highly significant correlation with acetylene reduction rates, nodule relative efficiency, total N transport in the xylem sap and percentage of N transported as ureides.  相似文献   
Summary Experiments were conducted to determine if changes in the accumulation and partitioning of dry matter (DM) and nitrogen (N) in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] were associated with agronomic improvements and to assess the degree of genetic variation present for these traits. Fifteen maturity group II soybean genotypes including three ancestral cultivars, three modern cultivars, and nine agronomically superior plant introductions (PI's) were grown in replicated tests at four locations in the eastern U.S. The DM and N of stems, pod walls, and seeds were determined at maturity, and the apparent harvest indices (HI) and the apparent nitrogen harvest indices (NHI) were calculated. Pod DM partitioning was calculated as the ratio of seed DM to total pod DM and pod N partitioning was the ratio of seed N to total pod N. The mean DM accumulation of the modern cultivars was significantly greater than that of the ancestral cultivars and PI's. The apparent HI and the pod DM partitioning of both the modern and ancestral cultivars were significantly higher than that of the PI's. The three modern cultivars demonstrated the highest N accumulation. As a group, the modern cultivars consistently showed maximal accumulation and partitioning of DM and N suggesting that these physiological traits are associated with agronomic improvement. No individual PI was found to possess DM or N accumulation or partitioning which significantly exceeded the best modern cultivar or ancestral cultivar, indicating that genotypes with accumulation or partitioning characteristics which exceed available germplasm may be difficult to identify. Seed yield was correlated (P<0.05) with both DM (r=0.61) and N (r=0.57) accumulation.  相似文献   
When kinetin was applied to the source organ (flag leaf) of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Ratna), foliar senescence was delayed and grain yield per plant (as evidenced by grain weight, grain/straw weight ratio and 1,000 grain growth) was increased through the increase of sink activity (increase in dry weight of the grains/plant), duration of sink capacity as well as photosynthetic ability of the glumes (as determined by the chlorophyll content of the glumes of the developing grains). However, application of kinetin to the sink organs (fruits), promoted senescence of the source but increased the yield by increasing the sink capacity and 1,000 grain growth mostly at the earlier stage of reproductive development. Lower sterility percentage was associated with higher grain yield of the plant by kinetin treatments. ABA applied either to the source or the sink promoted leaf senescence and reduced the grain yield by reducing the sink activity, harvest index, sink capacity duration and increasing the sterility percentage. Thousand grain dry weight at harvest did not vary significantly amongst the treatments. It was concluded that nutrient drainage was associated with the correlative influence of fruit on the monocarpic senescence of rice plant and that a competetion for differential allocation of cytokinin and ABA in the source and sink organs initiates this senescence syndrome.  相似文献   
Senescence of rice ( Oryza sativa L. cv. Jaya) leaves was regulated with kinetin and abscisic acid (ABA) sprays at the reproductive stage. The effect of such sprays on grain-filling and yield was analyzed. Spraying 100-day-old plants with kinetin solution (100 μg ml-1) significantly delayed senescence as indicated by higher total chlorophyll and protein levels in the three uppermost leaves compared with the controls. In contrast, spraying with ABA (15 μg ml-1) significantly promoted foliar senescence. The number of spikelets per panicle, number of panicles, percentage filled grains, panicle weight and grain yield per plant and the mobilization and harvest indices were significantly increased by kinetin treatment, while ABA decreased most of them. The possibility of increased grain-filling and thus, yield due to delayed foliar senescence by kinetin treatment and decreased grain-filling due to hastening of senescence by ABA is discussed.  相似文献   
Inorganic-N concentrations in soil solution of whole tree harvest (WTH) and conventional fell (CF) plots were monitored for two years before felling and four years after felling. Concentrations in the mineral soil after felling were higher than in standing forest for up to 14 months in both felling treatments. In the WTH plots inorganic-N concentrations then dropped steadily until four years after felling they approached zero. In contrast, inorganic-N concentrations of the CF plots remained comparatively large. Inorganic-N was dominated by nitrate throughout the period of the study, and especially in the mineral horizons.Felling debris was not a source of inorganic-N, unless indirectly through release and mineralisation of soluble organic-N. Vegetation cover, biomass and N content were substantially greater in the WTH plots two to three years after felling, compared with the CF. Vegetation cover and brash cover (slash cover in N. America) were negatively correlated. There was also a negative correlation between inorganic-N concentration in soil water samplers and the vegetation cover within the collection area of, or a 1 m square surrounding, these samplers.Two factors are probably responsible for the reduction in inorganic-N concentrations after felling in the WTH — the rapid re-establishment of vegetation and the lack of a N source in felling debris. In the CF plots, brash prevents re-establishment of vegetation over wide areas for at least four years. However, brash is not directly a source of inorganic-N at this stage.  相似文献   
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