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The functional role of cytochrome (cyt) b559 in photosystem II (PSII) was investigated in H22Kα and Y18Sα cyt b559 mutants of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. H22Kα and Y18Sα cyt b559 mutant carries one amino acid substitution on and near one of heme axial ligands of cyt b559 in PSII, respectively. Both mutants grew photoautotrophically, assembled stable PSII, and exhibited the normal period-four oscillation in oxygen yield. However, both mutants showed several distinct chlorophyll a fluorescence properties and were more susceptible to photoinhibition than wild type. EPR results indicated the displacement of one of the two axial ligands to the heme of cyt b559 in H22Kα mutant reaction centers, at least in isolated reaction centers. The maximum absorption of cyt b559 in Y18Sα mutant PSII core complexes was shifted to 561 nm. Y18Sα and H22Kα mutant PSII core complexes contained predominately the low potential form of cyt b559. The findings lend support to the concept that the redox properties of cyt b559 are strongly influenced by the hydrophobicity and ligation environment of the heme. When the cyt b559 mutations placed in a D1-D170A genetic background that prevents assembly of the manganese cluster, accumulation of PSII is almost completely abolished. Overall, our data support a functional role of cyt b559 in protection of PSII under photoinhibition conditions in vivo.  相似文献   
The structure of oxidized Rhodopseudomonas palustris cytochrome c 556 has been modeled after that of high-spin cytochrome c from the same bacterium, the latter being the protein with the greatest sequence identity (35%) among all sequenced proteins in the genomes. The two proteins differ in the number of ligands to iron and in spin state, the former being six-coordinate low-spin and the latter five-coordinate high-spin. In order to validate this modeled structure, several structural restraints were obtained by performing a restricted set of NMR experiments, without performing a complete assignment of the protein signals. The aim was to exploit the special restraints arising from the paramagnetism of the metal ion. A total of 43 residual-dipolar-coupling and 74 pseudocontact-shift restraints, which together sampled all regions of the protein, were used in conjunction with over 40 routinely obtained NOE distance restraints. A calculation procedure was undertaken combining the program MODELLER and the solution structure determination program PARAMAGNETIC DYANA, which includes paramagnetism-based restraints. The directions and magnitude of the magnetic susceptibility anisotropy tensor were also calculated. The approach readily provides useful results, especially for paramagnetic metalloproteins of moderate to large dimensions.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00775-003-0511-2  相似文献   
Compensation phenomena between the enthalpy and entropy changes of the reduction reaction for all classes of electron transport metalloproteins, namely cytochromes, iron-sulfur, and blue copper proteins, are brought to light. This is the first comprehensive report on such effects for biological redox reactions. Following Grunwalds approach for the interpretation of H/S compensation for solution reactions, it is concluded that reduction-induced solvent reorganization effects involving the hydration shell of the molecule dominate the reduction thermodynamics in these species, although they have no net effect on the E° values, owing to exact compensation. Thus the reduction potentials of these species are primarily determined by the selective enthalpic stabilization of one of the two oxidation states due to ligand binding interactions and electrostatics at the metal site and by the entropic effects of reduction-induced changes in protein flexibility.  相似文献   
The high-resolution crystal structure of the small iron-sulfur protein rubredoxin (Rd) from the hyperthermophilic archeon Pyrococcus furiosus (Pf) is reported in this paper, together with those of its methionine ([_0M]Pf Rd) and formylmethionine (f[_0M]Pf Rd) variants. These studies were conducted to assess the consequences of the presence or absence of a salt bridge between the amino terminal nitrogen of Ala1 and the side chain of Glu14 to the structure and stability of this rubredoxin. The structure of wild-type Pf Rd was solved to a resolution of 0.95?Å and refined by full-matrix least-squares techniques to a crystallographic agreement factor of 12.8% [F>2σ(F) data, 25?617 reflections], while those of the [_0M]Pf and f[_0M]Pf Rd variants were solved at slightly lower resolutions (1.1?Å, R=11.5%, 17?213 reflections; 1.2?Å, R=13.7%, 12?478 reflections, respectively). The quality of the data was such that about half of the hydrogen atoms of the protein were clearly visible. All three structures were ultimately refined using the program SHELXL-93 with anisotropic atomic displacement parameters for all non-hydrogen protein atoms, and calculated hydrogen positions included but not refined. In this paper we also report thermostability data for all three forms of Pf Rd, and show that they follow the sequence wild-type >[_0M]Pf>formyl[_0M]Pf. Comparison of the three Pf Rd structures in the N-terminal region show that the structures of wild-type Pf Rd and f[_0M]Pf are rather similar, while that of [_0M]Pf Rd shows a number of additional hydrogen bonds involving the extra methionine group. While the salt bridge between the Ala1 amino group and the Glu14 carboxylate is not the primary determinant of the thermostability of Pf Rd, alterations to the amino terminus do have a moderate influence on the thermostability of this protein.  相似文献   
Biological trace elements are needed in small quantities but are used by all living organisms. A growing list of trace element-dependent proteins and trace element utilization pathways highlights the importance of these elements for life. In this minireview, we focus on recent advances in comparative genomics of trace elements and explore the evolutionary dynamics of the dependence of user proteins on these elements. Many zinc protein families evolved representatives that lack this metal, whereas selenocysteine in proteins is dynamically exchanged with cysteine. Several other elements, such as molybdenum and nickel, have a limited number of user protein families, but they are strictly dependent on these metals. Comparative genomics of trace elements provides a foundation for investigating the fundamental properties, functions, and evolutionary dynamics of trace element dependence in biology.  相似文献   
Summary The electrochemical behaviour of Fe(III)-protoporphyrin IX entrapped into a cellulose triacetate membrane has been investigated by cyclic voltammetry. The physical entrapment into a solid matrix does not modify the redox properties of the entrapped berries, which also act as efficient promoters in the electrochemistry of cytochromec. Such a system represents a promising example of a simple solid-state promoter, and stimulates further investigations in order to obtain more complex systems that may be of significance for basic and applied bioelectrochemistry.  相似文献   
Transition metals are common components of cellular proteins and the detailed study of metalloproteins necessitates the identification and quantification of bound metal ions. Screening for metals is also an informative step in the initial characterization of the numerous unknown and unclassified proteins now coming through the proteomic pipeline. We have developed a high-performance liquid chromatography method for the quantitative determination of the most prevalent biological transition metals: manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, and zinc. The method is accurate and simple and can be adapted for automated high-throughput studies. The metal analysis involves acid hydrolysis to release the metal ions into solution, followed by ion separation on a mixed-bead ion-exchange column and absorbance detection after postcolumn derivatization with the metallochromic indicator 4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol. The potential interferences by common components of protein solutions were investigated. The metal content of a variety of metalloproteins was analyzed and the data were compared to data obtained from inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy. The sensitivity of the assay allows for the detection of 0.1-0.8 nmol, depending on the metal. The amount of protein required is governed by the size of the protein and the fraction of protein with metal bound. For routine analysis 50 microg was used but for many proteins 10 microg would be sufficient. The advantages, disadvantages, and possible applications of this method are discussed.  相似文献   
UDP-3-O-((R)-3-hydroxymyristoyl)-N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase (LpxC) catalyzes the deacetylation of UDP-3-O-((R)-3-hydroxymyristoyl)-N-acetylglucosamine to form UDP-3-O-myristoylglucosamine and acetate in Gram-negative bacteria. This second, and committed, step in lipid A biosynthesis is a target for antibiotic development. LpxC was previously identified as a mononuclear Zn(II) metalloenzyme; however, LpxC is 6–8-fold more active with the oxygen-sensitive Fe(II) cofactor (Hernick, M., Gattis, S. G., Penner-Hahn, J. E., and Fierke, C. A. (2010) Biochemistry 49, 2246–2255). To analyze the native metal cofactor bound to LpxC, we developed a pulldown method to rapidly purify tagged LpxC under anaerobic conditions. The metal bound to LpxC purified from Escherichia coli grown in minimal medium is mainly Fe(II). However, the ratio of iron/zinc bound to LpxC varies with the metal content of the medium. Furthermore, the iron/zinc ratio bound to native LpxC, determined by activity assays, has a similar dependence on the growth conditions. LpxC has significantly higher affinity for Zn(II) compared with Fe(II) with KD values of 60 ± 20 pm and 110 ± 40 nm, respectively. However, in vivo concentrations of readily exchangeable iron are significantly higher than zinc, suggesting that Fe(II) is the thermodynamically favored metal cofactor for LpxC under cellular conditions. These data indicate that LpxC expressed in E. coli grown in standard medium predominantly exists as the Fe(II)-enzyme. However, the metal cofactor in LpxC can switch between iron and zinc in response to perturbations in available metal ions. This alteration may be important for regulating the LpxC activity upon changes in environmental conditions and may be a general mechanism of regulating the activity of metalloenzymes.  相似文献   
Resistance to arsenite (As(III)) by cells is generally accomplished by arsenite efflux permeases from Acr3 or ArsB unrelated families. We analyzed the function of three Acr3 proteins from Corynebacterium glutamicum, CgAcr3-1, CgAcr3-2, and CgAcr3-3. CgAcr3-1 conferred the highest level of As(III) resistance and accumulation in vivo. CgAcr3-1 was also the most active when everted membranes vesicles from Escherichia coli or C. glutamicum mutants were assayed for efflux with different energy sources. As(III) and antimonite (Sb(III)) resistance and accumulation studies using E. coli or C. glutamicum arsenite permease mutants clearly show that CgAcr3-1 is specific for As(III). In everted membrane vesicles expressing CgAcr3-1, dissipation of either the membrane potential or the pH gradient of the proton motive force did not prevent As(III) uptake, whereas dissipation of both components eliminated uptake. Further, a mutagenesis study of CgAcr3-1 suggested that a conserved cysteine and glutamate are involved in active transport. Therefore, we propose that CgAcr3-1 is an antiporter that catalyzes arsenite-proton exchange with residues Cys129 and Glu305 involved in efflux.  相似文献   
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