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Cultures of filamentous fungi that secrete significant amounts of exopolysaccharides are among the most difficult of fermentation fluids, presenting difficulties in the areas of aeration, agitation, mixing, and control that may in turn impact the physiology of the microorganism in an undesirable manner. The fungus Sclerotium glucanicum, which produces a potentially useful exopolysaccharide known as scleroglucan, illustrates many such difficulties. This review discusses in detail the range of physiological studies on the producing microorganism itself, including those concerning formation of “undesirable” byproducts, principally oxalate, but also, under certain conditions, other TCA cycle acids. In addition, the bioreactor technology in use for production of this type of biopolymer is discussed in relation to the difficulties such fluid types present. The potential of pneumatically agitated reactors for such production is evaluated, and the lack of fundamental studies on such reactors and on the hydrodynamics and mixing behavior of such complex fluids is pointed out.  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the effectiveness and selectivity of various reagents in the solubilization of bacterial membranes, membranes of Micrococcus lysodeikticus were treated with detergents and chaotropic agents. The composition of the extracts so obtained was analyzed by rocket and two-dimensional immunoelectrophoretic techniques. Recovery of succinate-, malate-, and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide- (NADH) dehydrogenases, ATPase, succinylated lipomannan and cytochromes in the extracts was measured. Treatment with a variety of non-denaturing detergents produced extracts that were generally qualitatively uniform although quantitative differences were observed. The degree of extraction of various components was correlated with the hydrophile-lipophile balance. Several chaotropic agents were also evaluated as reagents for membrane solubilization. These agents were less effective in extraction of bulk protein, but produced extracts enriched in some membrane components.  相似文献   
The human blood-brain barrier glucose transport protein (GLUT1) forms homodimers and homotetramers in detergent micelles and in cell membranes, where the GLUT1 oligomeric state determines GLUT1 transport behavior. GLUT1 and the neuronal glucose transporter GLUT3 do not form heterocomplexes in human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells as judged by co-immunoprecipitation assays. Using homology-scanning mutagenesis in which GLUT1 domains are substituted with equivalent GLUT3 domains and vice versa, we show that GLUT1 transmembrane helix 9 (TM9) is necessary for optimal association of GLUT1-GLUT3 chimeras with parental GLUT1 in HEK cells. GLUT1 TMs 2, 5, 8, and 11 also contribute to a less abundant heterocomplex. Cell surface GLUT1 and GLUT3 containing GLUT1 TM9 are 4-fold more catalytically active than GLUT3 and GLUT1 containing GLUT3 TM9. GLUT1 and GLUT3 display allosteric transport behavior. Size exclusion chromatography of detergent solubilized, purified GLUT1 resolves GLUT1/lipid/detergent micelles as 6- and 10-nm Stokes radius particles, which correspond to GLUT1 dimers and tetramers, respectively. Studies with GLUTs expressed in and solubilized from HEK cells show that HEK cell GLUT1 resolves as 6- and 10-nm Stokes radius particles, whereas GLUT3 resolves as a 6-nm particle. Substitution of GLUT3 TM9 with GLUT1 TM9 causes chimeric GLUT3 to resolve as 6- and 10-nm Stokes radius particles. Substitution of GLUT1 TM9 with GLUT3 TM9 causes chimeric GLUT1 to resolve as a mixture of 6- and 4-nm particles. We discuss these findings in the context of determinants of GLUT oligomeric structure and transport function.  相似文献   
The evolutionarily broad family nucleobase-cation symporter-2 (NCS2) encompasses transporters that are conserved in binding site architecture but diverse in substrate selectivity. Putative purine transporters of this family fall into one of two homology clusters: COG2233, represented by well studied xanthine and/or uric acid permeases, and COG2252, consisting of transporters for adenine, guanine, and/or hypoxanthine that remain unknown with respect to structure-function relationships. We analyzed the COG2252 genes of Escherichia coli K-12 with homology modeling, functional overexpression, and mutagenesis and showed that they encode high affinity permeases for the uptake of adenine (PurP and YicO) or guanine and hypoxanthine (YjcD and YgfQ). The two pairs of paralogs differ clearly in their substrate and ligand preferences. Of 25 putative inhibitors tested, PurP and YicO recognize with low micromolar affinity N6-benzoyladenine, 2,6-diaminopurine, and purine, whereas YjcD and YgfQ recognize 1-methylguanine, 8-azaguanine, 6-thioguanine, and 6-mercaptopurine and do not recognize any of the PurP ligands. Furthermore, the permeases PurP and YjcD were subjected to site-directed mutagenesis at highly conserved sites of transmembrane segments 1, 3, 8, 9, and 10, which have been studied also in COG2233 homologs. Residues irreplaceable for uptake activity or crucial for substrate selectivity were found at positions occupied by similar role amino acids in the Escherichia coli xanthine- and uric acid-transporting homologs (XanQ and UacT, respectively) and predicted to be at or around the binding site. Our results support the contention that the distantly related transporters of COG2233 and COG2252 use topologically similar side chain determinants to dictate their function and the distinct purine selectivity profiles.  相似文献   
This review treats some examples of electrogenic transport across the outer plasmamembrane (plasmalemma) of plant cells. The selection includes primary active uniport by membrane ATPases (e.g., the proton pump), secondary active transport of hexoses by proton-dependent cotransport, and passive uniport of amines. Primacy is given to the presentation of electrophysiological data and to the discussion of voltage-dependence of the transport mechanisms.Lecture from the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biophysik at Konstanz  相似文献   
The membrane localization of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase isoform 2 (PMCA2) in polarized cells is determined by alternative splicing; the PMCA2w/b splice variant shows apical localization, whereas the PMCA2z/b and PMCA2x/b variants are mostly basolateral. We previously reported that PMCA2b interacts with the PDZ protein Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor 2 (NHERF2), but the role of this interaction for the specific membrane localization of PMCA2 is not known. Here we show that co-expression of NHERF2 greatly enhanced the apical localization of GFP-tagged PMCA2w/b in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. GFP-PMCA2z/b was also redirected to the apical membrane by NHERF2, whereas GFP-PMCA2x/b remained exclusively basolateral. In the presence of NHERF2, GFP-PMCA2w/b co-localized with the actin-binding protein ezrin even after disruption of the actin cytoskeleton by cytochalasin D or latrunculin B. Surface biotinylation and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments demonstrated that NHERF2-mediated anchorage to the actin cytoskeleton reduced internalization and lateral mobility of the pump. Our results show that the specific interaction with NHERF2 enhances the apical concentration of PMCA2w/b by anchoring the pump to the apical membrane cytoskeleton. The data also suggest that the x/b splice form of PMCA2 contains a dominant lateral targeting signal, whereas the targeting and localization of the z/b form are more flexible and not fully determined by intrinsic sequence features.  相似文献   
Calf lens fiber membranes and fractions enriched in junction-like structures have been isolated in the absence and presence of EDTA. Their biochemical features have been studied. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting experiments have provided evidence that a distinct group of EDTA-extractable proteins, being one of the main protein components of calf lens fiber membranes and very likely also of junction-like structures, is bound to these membranes via calcium ions. In addition to these proteins, four polypeptides with apparent molecular weights between 14 000 and 17 000 are characteristic for detergent-insoluble lens fiber structures prepared in calcium-rich medium. The absence of EDTA-extractable proteins in the urea-soluble calcium-containing fraction implies that they are not components of the cytoskeleton and that the calcium-dependent binding of these proteins to the membrane is urea-resistant. The use of EDTA throughout the whole membrane isolation procedure results in their complete removal from the membranes which already starts during buffer washing. This indicates that EDTA-extractable proteins exclusively consist of extrinsic membrane proteins which probably are not involved in cytoskeleton binding.  相似文献   
The sensitivity of the fluorescent dye, 3,3′-diethylthiadicarbocyanine (DiS-C2(5)), was too low for the detection of membrane potential changes in rat small intestinal membrane vesicles. Only after adding LaCl3 or after fractionation of the intestinal membranes by free-flow electrophoresis could the dye be used to monitor electrogenic Na+-dependent transport systems. It is concluded that the response of this potential-sensitive dye is influenced by the negative surface charge density of the vesicles.  相似文献   
Acholeplasma laidlawii cells were grown in cholesterol-enriched medium and exposed continuously to either air (control), 4.0 vol.% halothane in air at 1 atm pressure (4% atm halothane), or 80% cyclopropane in oxygen for 24 h at 37°C. Cells grown in the presence of 4% atm halothane or 80% cyclopropane had approximately twice as much membrane cholesterol content/mg protein as the control cells. Cells grown in an anesthetic environment also tended to have a higher membrane cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratio compared to control cells. Membranes isolated from halothane-exposed cells grown in a cholesterol-enriched medium were more ordered at 37°C (measurements were made with no anesthetic present) than membranes from control cells grown in an identically enriched medium. This difference in membrane physical state between control and anesthetic-exposed cells decreased as the temperature decreased, and disappeared at approx. 23°C. Continuous exposure of A. laidlawii to 4% atm halothane or 80% cyclopropane for 24 h did not markedly affect membrane fatty acid composition, either in cells grown on an unsupplemented medium or in cells grown in a medium enriched in myristic, palmitic or stearic acids. These results further support the hypothesis that an increased membrane cholesterol content may play a role in the tolerance or dependence that develops after chronic exposure to anesthetic agents.  相似文献   
Changes in water status, membrane permeability, ethylene production and levels of abscisic acid (ABA) were measured during senescence of cut carnation flowers ( Dianthus caryophyllus L. cv. White Sim) in order to clarify the temporal sequence of physiological events during this post-harvest period. Ethylene production and ABA content of the petal tissue rose essentially in parallel during natural senescence and after treatment of young flowers with exogenous ethylene, indicating that their syntheses are not widely separated in time. However, solute leakage, reflecting membrane deterioration, was apparent well before the natural rise in ethylene and ABA had begun. In addition, there were marked changes in water status of the tissue, including losses in water potential (ψw), and turgor (ψp), that preceded the rise in ABA and ethylene. As senescence progressed, ψw continued to decline, but ψp returned to normal levels. These temporal relationships were less well resolved when senescence of young flowers was induced by treatment with ethylene, presumably because the time-scale had been shortened. Thus changes in membrane permeability and an associated water stress in petal tissue appear to be earlier symptoms of flower senescence than the rises in ABA or ethylene. These observations support the contention that the climacteric-like rise in ethylene production is not the initial or primary event of senescence and that the rise in ABA titre may simply be a response to changes in water status.  相似文献   
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