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A detailed analysis of Bupleurum fruticosum oil was carried out by combination of GC (RI), GC/MS, and 13C‐NMR analyses. After fractionation by column chromatography, 34 components accounting for 97.8% of the oils were identified. The main component was β‐phellandrene (67.7%), followed by sabinene (9.3%), and limonene (5.6%). The evolution of the chemical composition according to the stages of development of the plant was investigated as well as the composition of leaf, twig, and flower oils. A solvent‐free microwave extraction (SFME) of aerial parts was carried out and the composition of the extract compared with that of the essential oil. Finally, 57 oil samples isolated from aerial parts of individual plants, collected all around Corsica, were analyzed, and the data were submitted to statistical analysis. Although the contents of the main components varied, only one group emerged, accompanied with some atypical compositions.  相似文献   
山竹岩黄蓍固沙群落对土壤养分及生物活性的改良效应   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以半流动沙丘为对照,对5、10和22年生山竹岩黄蓍人工固沙群落不同层次(0~10、10~20和20~30cm)土壤的养分状况、微生物生物量和土壤酶活性进行了对比研究.结果表明:采用山竹岩黄蓍固定流沙后,随着群落年龄的增长,土壤中C、N、P、K含量及生物活性均明显提高.其中,0~10cm土层的增长幅度显著高于10~30cm土层.0~30cm土层中C/N由7.3增加到8.5;土壤微生物生物量碳、氮、磷含量以及土壤脲酶、磷酸单酯酶、蔗糖酶、蛋白酶、脱氢酶、硝酸还原酶和多酚氧化酶的活性均有所提高.其中,0~10cm土层中蔗糖酶的活性是对照的49.7~284.5倍.土壤微生物生物量碳、氮、磷分别与土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷以及微生物生物量与酶活性之间存在显著的正相关关系.  相似文献   
木岩黄芪的繁殖特点及其与沙生适应性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 木岩黄芪具有两种繁殖方式:天然下种繁殖及根状茎繁殖。本文试图从这两种繁殖方式入手,探讨木岩黄芪的沙生适应性。木岩黄芪种子繁殖效率较低,原因主要有两点:种子不易传播和影响天然下种繁殖的因素较多。大致3年生的实生植株具备根状茎繁殖能力,根状茎繁殖对战胜沙埋具有较大的作用,也具有在干旱条件下保证该植物萌发新枝从而衰而不竭的作用,这无疑是适应沙地流动性及干旱性的重要生物学特性。  相似文献   
为了探讨不同生活型对瞬时降雨的适应策略,比较了浑善达克沙地常见灌木羊柴(Hedysarum fruticosum Pall.)和其共生草本植物猪毛菜(Salsola callina Y.L. Chang)在降雨解除干旱后的生理生态反应.光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(E)、气孔导度(gs)、PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)和叶片水势(ψleaf)均随着模拟降雨量的增加而增大;羊柴的水分利用效率(WUE)随降雨量的变化不大,而猪毛菜的WUE却随降雨量的增加一直处于下降趋势.两种植物的Pn和Fv/Fm都在雨后3 d完全恢复,而gs和ψleaf却提前1或2 d恢复,这说明气孔和非气孔因素综合限制了羊柴和猪毛菜的同化速率.两种植物对模拟降雨量的反应方式不同,15 mm的雨量就使羊柴的Pn、E和gs达到最大值,而猪毛菜却随着雨量的增加一直增大.我们认为,羊柴和猪毛菜对于模拟降雨的反应在时间上具有同步性,但对雨量的反应方式却不一致,猪毛菜对水分的利用不经济且瞬时反应,而羊柴可以被认为是节约型用水植物.  相似文献   
 木岩黄芪具有两种繁殖方式:天然下种繁殖及根状茎繁殖。本文试图从这两种繁殖方式入手,探讨木岩黄芪的沙生适应性。木岩黄芪种子繁殖效率较低,原因主要有两点:种子不易传播和影响天然下种繁殖的因素较多。大致3年生的实生植株具备根状茎繁殖能力,根状茎繁殖对战胜沙埋具有较大的作用,也具有在干旱条件下保证该植物萌发新枝从而衰而不竭的作用,这无疑是适应沙地流动性及干旱性的重要生物学特性。  相似文献   

Uvaria (Annonaceae), a large palaeotropical genus of woody climbers, closely resembles several other smaller genera, including Anomianthus, Cyathostemma, Ellipeia, Ellipeiopsis and Rauwenhoffia. A molecular phylogenetic analysis of this group was undertaken using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods based on four chloroplast DNA regions (matK, psbA‐trnH spacer, rbcL and trnL‐F). The resultant trees were moderately well resolved with significant statistical support for most nodes. Uvaria is shown unequivocally to be paraphyletic, with all representatives of the other five genera nested within it. The distinguishing morphological characteristics of the related genera are re‐evaluated, and interpreted as no more than specialised adaptations of the basic Uvaria structure. The generic names Anomianthus, Cyathostemma, Ellipeia, Ellipeiopsis and Rauwenhoffia are accordingly reduced to synonymy with Uvaria, necessitating 11 new nomenclatural combinations and four replacement names.  相似文献   
利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)观察了美乐多(Melodorum fruticosum)的花粉形态特征。美乐多花粉为球形或扁圆形的单粒花粉,外壁纹饰为微褶皱状,有点状凹陷,无任何萌发孔或萌发沟。花粉外壁由外壁外层包括覆盖层(连续)、覆盖下层、基足层(1~3层薄片层结构,偶断裂或扭曲至6~10层)和外壁内层(连续)组成。其中,覆盖下层,其厚度为整个花粉外壁厚度的1/2,为混合型结构,即小柱状和颗粒状同时存在,但以颗粒状为主。花粉内壁分为内壁外层和内壁内层,其厚度逐渐变薄。美乐多的花粉特征(单粒、无萌发孔或沟、覆盖层连续、基足层为薄片层结构、花粉外壁内层薄等)与紫玉盘族其他类群一致。  相似文献   
Lianas impose intense resource competition for light in the upper forest canopy by displaying dense foliage on top of tree crowns. Using repeated access with a construction crane, we studied the patterns of canopy colonization of the lianas Combretum fruticosum and Bonamia trichantha in a Neotropical dry forest in Panama. Combretum fruticosum flushed leaves just before the rainy season, and its standing leaf area quickly reached a peak in the early rainy season (May–June). In contrast, B. trichantha built up foliage area continuously throughout the rainy season and reached a peak in the late rainy season (November). Both species displayed the majority of leaves in full sun on the canopy surface, but C. fruticosum displayed a greater proportion of leaves (26%) in more shaded microsites than B. trichantha (12%). Self-shading within patches of liana leaves within the uppermost 40–50 cm of the canopy reduced light levels measured with photodiodes placed directly on leaves to 4–9 percent of light levels received by sun leaves. Many leaves of C. fruticosum acclimated to shade within a month following the strongly synchronized leaf flushing and persisted in deep shade. In contrast, B. trichantha produced short-lived leaves opportunistically in the sunniest locations. Species differences in degree of shade acclimation were also evident in terms of structural (leaf mass per area, and leaf toughness) and physiological characters (nitrogen content, leaf life span, and light compensation point). Contrasting leaf phenologies reflect differences in light exploitation and canopy colonization strategies of these two liana species.  相似文献   
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