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The mechanism by which enzymes recognize the “uniform” collagen triple helix is not well understood. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) cleave collagen after the Gly residue of the triplet sequence Gly∼[Ile/Leu]-[Ala/Leu] at a single, unique, position along the peptide chain. Sequence analysis of types I-III collagen has revealed a 5-triplet sequence pattern in which the natural cleavage triplets are always flanked by a specific distribution of imino acids. NMR and MMP kinetic studies of a series of homotrimer peptides that model type III collagen have been performed to correlate conformation and dynamics at, and near, the cleavage site to collagenolytic activity. A peptide that models the natural cleavage site is significantly more active than a peptide that models a potential but non-cleavable site just 2-triplets away and NMR studies show clearly that the Ile in the leading chain of the cleavage peptide is more exposed to solvent and less locally stable than the Ile in the middle and lagging chains. We propose that the unique local instability of Ile at the cleavage site in part arises from the placement of the conserved Pro at the P3 subsite. NMR studies of peptides with Pro substitutions indicate that the local dynamics of the three chains are directly modulated by their proximity to Pro. Correlation of peptide activity to NMR data shows that a single locally unstable chain at the cleavage site, rather than two or three labile chains, is more favorable for cleavage by MMP-1 and may be the determining factor for collagen recognition.  相似文献   
Three DNA fragments, trs1, 2 and 3, were isolated from the Trichoderma reesei genome on the basis of their ability to promote autonomous replication of plasmids in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Each trs element bound specifically to the isolated T. reesei nuclear matrix in vitro, and two of them bound in vivo, indicating that they are matrix attachment regions (MARs). A similar sequence previously isolated from Aspergillus nidulans (ans1) was also shown to bind specifically to the T. reesei nuclear matrix in vitro. The T. reesei MARs are AT-rich sequences containing 70%, 86% and 73% A+T over 2.9, 0.8 and 3.7 kb, respectively for trs1, 2 and 3. They exhibited no significant sequence homology, but were shown to contain a number of sequence motifs that occur frequently in many MARs identified in other eukaryotes. However, these motifs occurred as frequently in the trs elements as in randomly generated sequences with the same A+T content. trs1 and 3 were shown to be present as single copies in the T. reesei genome. The presence of the trs elements in transforming plasmids enhanced the frequency of integrative transformation of T. reesei up to five fold over plasmids without a trs. No evidence was obtained to suggest that the trs elements promoted efficient replication of plasmids in T. reseei. A mechanism for the enhancement of transformation frequency by the trs elements is proposed. Received: 1 March 1997 / Accepted: 13 May 1997  相似文献   
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of hydrolytic enzymes that play significant roles in development, morphogenesis, inflammation, and cancer invasion. Endometase (matrilysin 2 or MMP-26) is a putative early biomarker for human carcinomas. The effects of the ionic and nonionic detergents on catalytic activity of endometase were investigated. The hydrolytic activity of endometase was detergent concentration dependent, exhibiting a bell-shaped curve with its maximum activity near the critical micelle concentration (CMC) of nonionic detergents tested. The effect of Brij-35 on human gelatinase B (MMP-9), matrilysin (MMP-7), and membrane-type 1 MMP (MT1-MMP) was further explored. Their maximum catalysis was observed near the CMC of Brij-35 (∼ 90 μM). Their IC50 values were above the CMC. The inhibition mechanism of MMP-7, MMP-9, and MT1-MMP by Brij-35 was a mixed type as determined by Dixon’s plot; however, the inhibition mechanism of endometase was noncompetitive with a Ki value of 240 μM. The catalytic activities of MMPs are influenced by detergents. Monomer of detergents may activate and stabilize MMPs to enhance catalysis, but micelle of detergents may sequester enzyme and block the substrate binding site to impede catalysis. Under physiological conditions, a lipid or membrane microenvironment may regulate enzymatic activity.  相似文献   
Past studies of bone extracellular matrix phosphoproteins such as osteopontin and bone sialoprotein have yielded important biological information regarding their role in calcification and the regulation of cellular activity. Most of these studies have been limited to proteins extracted from mammalian and avian vertebrates and nonvertebrates. The present work describes the isolation and purification of two major highly glycosylated and phosphorylated extracellular matrix proteins of 70 and 22 kDa from herring fish bones. The 70-kDa phosphoprotein has some characteristics of osteopontin with respect to amino acid composition and susceptibility to thrombin cleavage. Unlike osteopontin, however, it was found to contain high levels of sialic acid similar to bone sialoprotein. The 22-kDa protein has very different properties such as very high content of phosphoserine (∼270 Ser(P) residues/1000 amino acid residues), Ala, and Asx residues. The N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis of both the 70-kDa (NPIMA(M)ETTS(M)DSKVNPLL) and the 22-kDa (NQDMAMEASSDPEAA) fish phosphoproteins indicate that these unique amino acid sequences are unlike any published in protein databases. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay revealed that the 70-kDa phosphoprotein was present principally in bone and in calcified scales, whereas the 22-kDa phosphoprotein was detected only in bone. Immunohistological analysis revealed diffusely positive immunostaining for both the 70- and 22-kDa phosphoproteins throughout the matrix of the bone. Overall, this work adds additional support to the concept that the mechanism of biological calcification has common evolutionary and fundamental bases throughout vertebrate species.  相似文献   
The extracellular matrix (ECM) in tissues is synthesized and assembled by cells to form a 3D fibrillar, protein network with tightly regulated fiber diameter, composition and organization. In addition to providing structural support, the physical and chemical properties of the ECM play an important role in multiple cellular processes including adhesion, differentiation, and apoptosis. In vivo, the ECM is assembled by exposing cryptic self-assembly (fibrillogenesis) sites within proteins. This process varies for different proteins, but fibronectin (FN) fibrillogenesis is well-characterized and serves as a model system for cell-mediated ECM assembly. Specifically, cells use integrin receptors on the cell membrane to bind FN dimers and actomyosin-generated contractile forces to unfold and expose binding sites for assembly into insoluble fibers. This receptor-mediated process enables cells to assemble and organize the ECM from the cellular to tissue scales. Here, we present a method termed surface-initiated assembly (SIA), which recapitulates cell-mediated matrix assembly using protein-surface interactions to unfold ECM proteins and assemble them into insoluble fibers. First, ECM proteins are adsorbed onto a hydrophobic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) surface where they partially denature (unfold) and expose cryptic binding domains. The unfolded proteins are then transferred in well-defined micro- and nanopatterns through microcontact printing onto a thermally responsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PIPAAm) surface. Thermally-triggered dissolution of the PIPAAm leads to final assembly and release of insoluble ECM protein nanofibers and nanostructures with well-defined geometries. Complex architectures are possible by engineering defined patterns on the PDMS stamps used for microcontact printing. In addition to FN, the SIA process can be used with laminin, fibrinogen and collagens type I and IV to create multi-component ECM nanostructures. Thus, SIA can be used to engineer ECM protein-based materials with precise control over the protein composition, fiber geometry and scaffold architecture in order to recapitulate the structure and composition of the ECM in vivo.  相似文献   
The membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) is a unique member of the MMP family, but induction patterns and consequences of MT1-MMP overexpression (MT1-MMPexp), in a left ventricular (LV) remodeling process such as myocardial infarction (MI), have not been explored. MT1-MMP promoter activity (murine luciferase reporter) increased 20-fold at 3 days and 50-fold at 14 days post-MI. MI was then induced in mice with cardiac restricted MT1-MMPexp (n = 58) and wild type (WT, n = 60). Post-MI survival was reduced (67% versus 46%, p < 0.05), and LV ejection fraction was lower in the post-MI MT1-MMPexp mice compared with WT (41 ± 2 versus 32 ± 2%,p < 0.05). In the post-MI MT1-MMPexp mice, LV myocardial MMP activity, as assessed by radiotracer uptake, and MT1-MMP-specific proteolytic activity using a specific fluorogenic assay were both increased by 2-fold. LV collagen content was increased by nearly 2-fold in the post-MI MT1-MMPexp compared with WT. Using a validated fluorogenic construct, it was discovered that MT1-MMP proteolytically processed the pro-fibrotic molecule, latency-associated transforming growth factor-1 binding protein (LTBP-1), and MT1-MMP-specific LTBP-1 proteolytic activity was increased by 4-fold in the post-MI MT1-MMPexp group. Early and persistent MT1-MMP promoter activity occurred post-MI, and increased myocardial MT1-MMP levels resulted in poor survival, worsening of LV function, and significant fibrosis. A molecular mechanism for the adverse LV matrix remodeling with MT1-MMP induction is increased processing of pro-fibrotic signaling molecules. Thus, a proteolytically diverse portfolio exists for MT1-MMP within the myocardium and likely plays a mechanistic role in adverse LV remodeling.  相似文献   
Summary Sections of glutaraldehyde-OsO4-fixed, plastic-embedded rat incisor enamel were left untreated, stained, decalcifed (1% formic acid in 10% sodium citrate), or decalcified-stained. The presence of apatite crystals was monitored with electron diffraction. After brief decalcification and staining, apatite crystals and matrix components were visualized in the same field. The ghost was continuous with crystal fragments, and the coat appeared as a dense line next to crystals and ghosts. Position of ghosts and crystals at the ameloblast-enamel junction (AEJ) of the secretion zone suggested that there may be a lag of no more than 1/5 min between the elaboration of ghost and crystal. A major change in enamel morphology occurs between the AEJ and the deep enamel of the secretion zone. The ghost becomes thinner, the coat more pronounced, and the crystal enlarges. There is only little change from the deep secretion to the maturation zone enamel.  相似文献   
Dow and Cheverud (Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 68:367–373, 1985) have published a statistical test for comparing any three similarity matrices. Using both simulations and analytical arguments, I establish that the presence of spatial autocorrelation, a common feature of geographically based anthropological and biological data, causes this test to reject too often. Increasing the spatial autocorrelation increases the spurious rejection rate. About 20% of the papers that reference Dow and Cheverud's paper have used their test with spatially autocorrelated data. Mantel's (Cancer Res. 27:209–220, 1967) method, when used as a test of spatial autocorrelation, is unaffected by these considerations, since its null hypothesis is that the data are uncorrelated. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary Considerations proceed from a model of positive assortative mating based on genotype at one locus, with an arbitrary number of alleles, assuming no selection, mutation, or migration, hypothetically infinite population size, and discrete non-overlapping generations. From these conditions, inferences are made about the genotypic structure at a linked locus, as well as about the corresponding 2-locus gametic structure.The following main results are presented: in the course of the generations, the genotypic structure at the second locus and the 2-locus gametic structure always tend to a limit responsive to the initial conditions concerning the joint genotypic structure at the two loci and the degree of assortativity and linkage. A complete, analytical representation of the limits is given. In particular, if assortative mating is only partial and at the same time linkage is not complete, a population is not able to maintain a permanent deviation of the gametic structure from linkage equilibrium, and thus the genotypic structure at the second locus tends to Hardy-Weinberg proportions. On the other hand, if initial linkage disequilibrium is combined with partial assortative mating and complete linkage (or with complete assortative mating and unlinked loci) the population maintains this disequilibrium and thus the genotypic structure at the second locus need not tend to Hardy-Weinberg proportions. It turns out that the conditions not only of complete linkage, but also of unlinked loci together with complete assortativity, imply no change in gametic structure from the initial structure.In order to demonstrate the influence of several parameters on the speed of convergence to and the magnitude of the respective limits, several graphs are included.  相似文献   
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