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Abstract. 1. Recapture probabilities were analysed for individually marked black swallowtails, Papilio polyxenes F., and tiger swallowtails, P.glaucus L. (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae).
2. Recapture rates differed with sex and behaviour at time of capture for P.polyxenes , but not with age. For P.glaucus , only differences related to behaviour at time of capture were significant.
3. Black swallowtail males that were not physically restrained in identification had a recapture probability (73%) that was significantly higher than the 45% for males that were captured and handled. The higher rate was also exhibited by released, laboratory-reared males.
4. The capture effect was due to increased dispersal out of the areas and not to avoidance of capture or the capture site.  相似文献   
1. There is ongoing controversy about whether biased sex ratios in diploid insect populations are real or an artefact caused by different behaviours and/or different catchability of the sexes. This was tested by monitoring two field and three semi-natural populations of the damselfly Lestes sponsa. 2. Capture–mark–recapture data showed that population size estimates were about twice as large for males as for females at both field sites. Independent estimates of the sex ratios based on total numbers of males and females captured supported the male bias. 3. Males had higher recapture probabilities than females due to longer times between successive visits in females. Because the same pattern was found in the semi-natural populations, the longer intervals in females are no artefact due to their lower detectability. 4. Theoretical models show that the strong temporary emigration of females tends, if anything, to overestimate female population sizes and that the heterogeneity of recapture probabilities observed in males tends to underestimate male population sizes. Hence, behavioural differences between the sexes do not cause an artificially male-biased sex ratio. 5. Spatial data show that operational sex ratios are male biased at the pond but become female biased in the plots further away from the shoreline; however because of the decrease in densities away from the shoreline, this does not result in a global even sex ratio. 6. Spatial data, temporary emigration patterns, and independent estimates suggest strongly that the male-biased sex ratios in mature damselfly populations are real.  相似文献   
  • 1 For the understanding of the influence of natural selection on the persistence of host selection behaviour in populations of Drosophila parasitoids it is important to know whether parasitoids will become time- or egg-limited. We investigated whether the Drosophila parasitoid Leptopilina clavipes (Hartig) meets egg- or time-limited conditions in the field.
  • 2 To this end the following aspects of the parasitoid's life were studied: egg load at emergence, travelling velocity between patches, patch residence times, oviposition rates and life expectancy. Together with the results from earlier studies on host and patch distributions, this formed the input of a ‘Monte Carlo’ simulation model, in which the life history of an individual parasitoid can be traced.
  • 3 The simulations revealed that under the conditions found in the field 12.9% of the parasitoid population is egg-limited. The model was also run for a number of scenarios which reflect ‘good’ or ‘bad’ circumstances. In most cases a significant proportion of the parasitoid population proved to be egg-limited.
  • 4 For the measurement of travelling velocities and patch residence times a marking method, especially applicable to small-sized parasitoids such as L.clavipes, is described. Marking did not affect survival, host habitat location or host detection rate. Parasitoids were found to be attracted to the odour of fruit-bodies of Phallus impudicus, the most important breeding substrate of their hosts.
Characteristics of dispersal in sexually mature dragonflies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 The population dynamics of a natural population of Sympetrum danae (Sulzer) were studied, by means of a mark—release—recapture method, to find indications of dispersal by mature adults. Additional information on orientation and the influence of phenotype (including age), density and weather was obtained by observations under natural conditions and in a large outdoor field cage.
  • 2 80% of all mature adults caught around the natural pond were estimated to be immigrants. Considerable immigration was confirmed by the abdomen length of unmarked matures which did not accord with that expected from the locally emerged population. Total numbers captured and the minimum number known to be alive fell sharply at the time when most individuals were mature. At the same time, new matures continued to enter and disappear from the study area at an increasing rate.
  • 3 Dispersive behaviour (escape flights) in the field enclosure was primarily age dependent in both sexes: it occurred from an age of 25–30 days onwards. This coincides with the time-lag between the emergence peak and increased dispersal in the field. Secondary effects on escape flights suggested that males tended to abandon low density areas.
  • 4 Males flew relatively more southward than females.
Brood sex ratios (BSRs) have often been found to be nonrandom in respect of parental and environmental quality, and many hypotheses suggest that nonrandom sex ratios can be adaptive. To specifically test the adaptive value of biased BSRs, it is crucial to disentangle the consequences of BSR and maternal effects. In multiparous species, this requires cross-fostering experiments where foster parents rear offspring originating from multiple broods, and where the interactive effect of original and manipulated BSR on fitness components is tested. To our knowledge, our study on collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) is the first that meets these requirements. In this species, where BSRs had previously been shown to be related to parental characteristics, we altered the original BSR of the parents shortly after hatching by cross-fostering nestlings among trios of broods and examined the effects on growth, mortality and recruitment of the nestlings. We found that original and experimental BSR, as well as the interaction of the two, were unrelated to the fitness components considered. Nestling growth was related only to background variables, namely brood size and hatching rank. Nestling mortality was related only to hatching asynchrony. Our results therefore do not support that the observed BSRs are adaptive in our study population. However, we cannot exclude the possibility of direct effects of experimentally altered BSRs on parental fitness, which should be evaluated in the future. In addition, studies similar to ours are required on various species to get a clearer picture of the adaptive value of nonrandom BSRs.  相似文献   
In long‐lived species, reproductive skipping is a common strategy whereby sexually mature animals skip a breeding season, potentially reducing population growth. This may be an adaptive decision to protect survival, or a non‐adaptive decision driven by individual‐specific constraints. Understanding the presence and drivers of reproductive skipping behavior can be important for effective population management, yet in many species such as the endangered African penguin (Spheniscus demersus), these factors remain unknown. This study uses multistate mark‐recapture methods to estimate African penguin survival and breeding probabilities at two colonies between 2013 and 2020. Overall, survival (mean ± SE) was higher at Stony Point (0.82 ± 0.01) than at Robben Island (0.77 ± 0.02). Inter‐colony differences were linked to food availability; under decreasing sardine (Sardinops sagax) abundance, survival decreased at Robben Island and increased at Stony Point. Additionally, reproductive skipping was evident across both colonies; at Robben Island the probability of a breeder becoming a nonbreeder was ~0.22, versus ~0.1 at Stony Point. Penguins skipping reproduction had a lower probability of future breeding than breeding individuals; this lack of adaptive benefit suggests reproductive skipping is driven by individual‐specific constraints. Lower survival and breeding propensity at Robben Island places this colony in greater need of conservation action. However, further research on the drivers of inter‐colony differences is needed.  相似文献   
1. Populations in different locations can exchange individuals depending on the distribution and connectivity of suitable habitat, and the dispersal capabilities and behaviour of the organisms. We used an isotopic tracer, 15N, to label stoneflies (Leuctra ferruginea) to determine the extent of adult flight along stream corridors and between streams where their larvae live. 2. In four mass, mark‐capture experiments we added 15NH4Cl continuously for several weeks to label specific regions of streams within the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH, U.S.A. We collected adult stoneflies along the labelled streams (up to 1.5 km of stream length), on transects through the forest away from labelled sections (up to 500 m), and along an 800‐m reach of adjacent tributary that flows into a labelled stream. 3. Of 966 individual adult stoneflies collected and analysed for 15N, 20% were labelled. Most labelled stoneflies were captured along stream corridors and had flown upstream a mean distance of 211 m; the net movement of the population (upstream + downstream) estimated from the midpoint of the labelled sections was 126 m upstream. The furthest male and female travelled approximately 730 m and approximately 663 m upstream, respectively. We also captured labelled mature females along an unlabelled tributary and along a forest transect 500 m from the labelled stream, thus demonstrating cross‐watershed dispersal. 4. We conclude that the adjacent forest was not a barrier to dispersal between catchments, and adult dispersal linked stonefly populations among streams across a landscape within one generation. Our data on the extent of adult dispersal provide a basis for a conceptual model identifying the boundaries of these populations, whose larvae are restricted to stream channels, and whose females must return to streams to oviposit.  相似文献   
1. How organisms locate their hosts is of fundamental importance in a variety of basic and applied ecological fields, including population dynamics, invasive species management and biological control. However, tracking movement of small organisms, such as insects, poses significant logistical challenges. 2. Mass‐release and individual–mark–recapture techniques were combined in an individually mark–mass release–resight (IMMRR) approach to track the movement of over 2000 adult insects in an economically important plant–herbivore system. Despite its widespread use for the biological control of the invasive thistle Carduus nutans, the host‐finding behaviour of the thistle head weevil Rhinocyllus conicus has not previously been studied. Insects were released at different distances from a mosaic of artificially created host patches with different areas and number of plants to assess the ecological determinants of patch finding. 3. The study was able to characterize the within‐season dispersal abilities and between‐patch movement patterns of R. conicus. Weevils found host plant patches over 900 m away. Large patches, with tall plants, situated close to the nearest release point had the highest first R. conicus resights. Patch area and plant density had no effect on the number of weevils resighted per plant; however, R. conicus individuals were more likely to disperse out of small patches and into large patches. 4. By understanding how R. conicus locates host patches of C. nutans, management activities for the control of this invasive thistle can be better informed. A deeper mechanistic understanding of host location will also improve prediction of coupled plant–herbivore spatial dynamics in general.  相似文献   
Movement of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) and lake sturgeon (A. fulvescens) in the St. Lawrence Estuary (Québec, Canada) are not fully understood. To assess the movement extent of both species, a mark–recapture study was conducted in collaboration with commercial fishermen operating in the St. Lawrence Estuary. Between 1981 and 2015, 3,367 Atlantic sturgeon (fork length 21.8–199.5 cm) and 3,180 lake sturgeon (fork length 17.8–190.8 cm) were tagged and released. Of these, 673 Atlantic sturgeon and 42 lake sturgeon were recaptured. The maximum distances traveled between capture and recapture locations were 1,307 km for Atlantic sturgeon (8 years after initial capture) and 252 km for lake sturgeon (less than 1 year after initial capture). Statistical analyses identified differences in the dispersal distance of both species as revealed by a first component characterized by individuals with short dispersal distances (98% and <35 km for Atlantic sturgeon; 58% and <1 km for lake sturgeon) and a second component characterized by individuals with longer dispersal distances (2% and >600 km for Atlantic sturgeon; 42% and >190 km for lake sturgeon). We suggest that the short dispersal distances detected in the vast majority of Atlantic sturgeon recaptures likely reflect strong site fidelity, highlighting the importance of the St. Lawrence Estuary as a preferred habitat for juveniles and subadults. Although recaptures were low for lake sturgeon because this species is only marginally targeted by commercial fishermen in the St. Lawrence Estuary, our results also showed that this species uses estuarine habitats and that half of the population seems to exhibit strong site fidelity (67% of individuals were recaptured within 2 km).  相似文献   
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