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The Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest is amongst the most diverse biomes in the world, but the processes that shaped its biodiversity are still poorly understood. We used one mitochondrial and two nuclear markers to evaluate the phylogeographic patterns of the endemic harvestman Acutisoma longipes and its closely related species to investigate the biogeographic history of this biome. The results showed low intrapopulation diversity and strong population structure, suggesting poor dispersion amongst locations. Phylogenetic analyses pointed to three main mitochondrial lineages congruent with the geomorphology of the south-eastern region of Brazil (Serra do Mar, Serra da Mantiqueira, and interior plateau). These older divergences occurred in the middle-Neogene, suggesting that events in this period drove the diversification of the species, but Quaternary events also affected the populations locally. We detected some congruence between A. longipes demographic patterns and the areas of endemism delimited for harvestmen, suggesting that some regions of the distribution could have been more stable in the past (especially in Serra da Mantiqueira). Our findings corroborate that harvestmen are a suitable group for the study of ancient biogeographic events in the Atlantic Rain Forest, even at small-scale ranges. Acutisoma hamatum is here considered as a new junior synonym of A. longipes.  相似文献   
The Mar Menor is the largest coastal lagoon in the Western Mediterranean and it is an important site for wintering and breeding waterfowl. During recent decades several hydrological and land-use changes in the watershed have increasingly threatened the conservation of the lagoon due to the development of urban areas, tourism and agriculture. A dynamic system model has been developed at the watershed scale to estimate the annual load of nutrients reaching the Mar Menor-associated wetlands. At present, mean annual loadings of approximately 2000 tonnes of nitrogen and 60 tonnes of phosphorus are delivered to the lagoon. The simulation results emphasize the role of heavy rainfall events and floods in the formation of the total nutrient load. The composition of aquatic bird communities has been used to assess the nutrient impact on the lagoon food-web. The Great Crested Grebe is apparently the species most closely dependant on local trophic conditions. The related Black-necked Grebe, that dominates the waterbird community of the lagoon, plays a similar role, but its more opportunistic response to changes in food resources, reduces its indicator value. The abundance of the two species of grebes seems to closely track the nitrogen load curve, especially during the first phase of enrichment, suggesting the existence of a direct trophic relationship. In the following phase, jellyfish blooms coincide with the bird decline. Jellyfishes seem to have a buffering effect towards nutrients, determining a bottom up limitation to other trophic compartments. In recent years, this buffering capacity has probably been overloaded, favouring the growth of new food resources available to the grebes. Unlike grebes, Mergus serrator, a typical piscivorous bird, does not seem to be affected positively by eutrophication since it shows a long-term stability in numbers or even a slight decline. Since this suspected decline would parallel a long-term reduction of fish catches, the species could be regarded as a potential indicator of habitat deterioration.  相似文献   
The family Mugilidae consists mainly of diadromous species, whose reproduction occurs in offshore waters. Pre-juveniles shift their diet in the surf zone (zooplanktophagous to iliophagous). Later, during their recruitment into estuaries, huge changes take place in their digestive system. However, digestive and metabolic characteristics and some morphological traits at recruitment are unknown for Mugilidae. We performed comparative studies on early and late pre-juveniles of Mugil liza recruited in Mar Chiquita Coastal Lagoon (37°32′–37°45′S, 57°19′–57°26′W, Argentina). We determined digestive enzyme activities (intestine), energy reserves (liver/muscle), total/standard length, total weight, intestinal coefficient, hepatosomatic index and retroperitoneal fat. Pre-juveniles exhibited amylase, maltase, sucrase, lipase, trypsin and aminopeptidase-N (APN) activities, which were maintained over a wide range of pH and temperature, and exhibited Michaelis–Menten kinetics. In late pre-juveniles, amylase (422 ± 131 μmol maltose min−1 mgprot−1), sucrase (86 ± 14 mg glucose min−1 mgprot−1), trypsin (84 ± 9 μmoles min−1 mgprot−1) and APN (0.58 ± 0.08 μmoles min−1 mgprot−1) activities were higher (42%, 28%, 35% and 28%, respectively) than in the early stage. Also, the intestinal coefficient was higher in late (3.04) compared to early (2.06) pre-juveniles. Moreover, the liver appeared to be a main site of glycogen and triglyceride storage in late pre-juveniles, muscle being the site of storage in early pre-juveniles, exhibiting higher glycogen, free glucose and protein concentrations (92%, 82%, 32%, respectively). The results suggest that pre-juveniles of M. liza exhibit an adequate digestive battery to perform complete hydrolysis of various dietary substrates, availability of energy reserves and morphological characteristics to support their feeding habit and growth after recruitment. Our results represent an important contribution to knowledge of the ecology and digestive physiology of pre-juveniles of Mugilidae in the wild.  相似文献   
This article explores the need for implementing spatiotemporal criteria in environmental planning of special protected areas, applying the analysis of reaction patterns in the case study of the Mar Menor, a Mediterranean coastal lagoon in South-Eastern Spain. To perform this, the Mar Menor environmental patterns suffering traditionally from intense coastal urbanization, and in recent years from important eutrophication problems, will be analyzed from an integrated approach and retrospectively assessed through territorial indicators. The evaluation will provide a clear example of a protected area regulated by multiple European Natura 2000 figures of protection that nevertheless is suffering from a strong and varied anthropic process over time. The results will show that paradoxically this process sometimes has little territorial linkage origin with the area concerned. This aspect will be addressed by using GIS indicators, to present the real correlation between coastal urbanization and agricultural land transformation with Mar Menor evolution over time (in which it is pointed out that the weight of the latter is much greater than the former) and how far it is necessary to establish an area of influence of the environmental impacts by proposing a new scope of application for the resolution of the current situation of eutrophication in its waters.  相似文献   
Salt marshes near urban, industrial and mining areas are often affected both by heavy metals and by eutrophic water. The aim of this study was to assess and evaluate the main processes involved in the decrease of nitrate concentration in pore water of mine wastes flooded with eutrophic water, considering the presence or absence of plant rhizhosphere. Basic (pH ∼ 7.8) carbonated loam mine wastes and free-carbonated acidic (pH ∼ 6.2) sandy-loam mine wastes were collected from polluted coastal salt marshes of SE Spain which regularly receive nutrient-enriched water. The wastes were put in pots and flooded for 15 weeks with eutrophic water (dissolved organic carbon ∼26 mg L−1, PO43− ∼23 mg L−1, NO3 ∼180 mg L−1). Three treatments were assayed for each type of waste: pots with Sarcocornia fruticosa, pots with Phragmites australis and unvegetated pots. Soluble organic carbon, nitrate, soluble Cd, Pb and Zn, pH and Eh were monitored. But the 2nd day of flooding, nitrate concentrations had decreased between 70% and 90% (equivalent to 1.01-1.12 g N-NO3 m−2 day−1) with respect to the content in the water used for flooding, except in unvegetated pots with acidic wastes. Denitrification was the main mechanism associated with the removal of nitrate. The role of vegetation in improving the rhizospheric environment was relevant in the acidic wastes because higher sand content, lower pH and higher soluble metal concentrations might strongly hinder microbial activity Hence, revegetation of salt marshes polluted by acidic sandy mining wastes might improve the capacity of this type of environment to act as a green filter against excessive nitrate contents flowing through them.  相似文献   
The Neotropical catfish genus Kronichthys contains three species distributed along coastal rivers of southern and southeastern Brazil. Although phylogenetic hypotheses are available, the molecular and morphological diversity and species boundaries within the genus remain unexplored. In this study, the authors generated mitochondrial data for 90 specimens combined with morphometric and meristic data to investigate species diversity, species boundaries and putative morphological signatures in Kronichthys. Phylogenetic and species delimitation results clearly show the presence of four genetic lineages, three within Kronichthys heylandi along the coast from Rio de Janeiro to southern São Paulo and a single lineage encompassing both the nominal species Kronichthys lacerta and Kronichthys subteres from the Ribeira de Iguape basin to Santa Catarina in southern Brazil. Nonetheless, morphological data show overlapped ranges in morphometrics and a definition of only two morphotypes, with clear phenotypic differences in the teeth number: K. heylandi differs from K. subteres + K. lacerta by the higher number of premaxillary teeth (30–52 vs. 19–28) and higher number of dentary teeth (28–54 vs. 17–28). Headwater captures and connections of paleodrainages because of sea-level fluctuations represent the two major biogeographic processes promoting species diversification and lineage dispersal of Kronichthys in the Atlantic coastal range of Brazil.  相似文献   
This study compared the specific activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) of Spartina densiflora Brongn., collected from four populations along its latitudinal distribution range. Spartina densiflora is a halophyte with C4 photosynthesis that has a very wide latitudinal distribution, from Patagonia to the southwest Iberian Peninsula. The basis of intraspecific differences in PEPC activity were analysed by recording the phosphorylation state and amount of the enzyme, comparing leaf anatomy and evaluating leaf gas exchange. S. densiflora individuals from Patagonia had 60% higher PEPC specific activity than plants from the other three populations due to higher levels of PEPC protein that coincided with lower activation mediated by phosphorylation, yielding similar net photosynthesis rate ( c . 29 μmol CO2·m−2·s−1). Patagonian plants had a higher area of photosynthetic mesophyll relative to total chlorophyll than plants from north Argentina and the southwest Iberian Peninsula. Ecotypic differentiation in PEPC activity and leaf anatomy were found, distinguishing a higher-latitude ecotype from lower-latitude populations. The higher PEPC protein levels of the Patagonian ecotype seemed to be a response to lower light activation level of the enzyme, as judged by the low PEPC phosphorylation state.  相似文献   
An inverse relationship between larval density and adult body size has been reported for several mosquito species, affecting their survival and vector competence, response to repellents and other factors. Larvae of the floodwater mosquito Aedes (Ochlerotatus) albifasciatus (Macquart) (Diptera: Culicidae) develop quickly in temporary pools, so intraspecific competition (for food or space) might regulate population abundance and affect the size of adult mosquitoes. We investigated the temporal variation of adult female wing-length (an index of body-size) in natural populations of Ae. albifasciatus, using adults collected during each phase of the rainy season. The relationships between adult mosquito abundance, female wing-length, rainfall and temperature were analysed through simple regressions. Skewness of the frequency distribution of wing-lengths showed a strong negative relationship with mean wing-length. The distribution of wing-lengths varied seasonally and was correlated with rainfall 7-15 days previously as the major consequence of breeding site volume. Thus temporal variation of body size in natural populations of Ae. albifasciatus reflected density-dependent changes in the aquatic habitat where immature stages develop, influenced more by rainfall than by temperature or other environmental variables.  相似文献   
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