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Diurnal variations in the concentrations of major organic compounds occurred in xylem fluid extracted from Lagerstroemia indica L. The concentration of amino acids and the N/C ratio was at a maximum and that of organic acids was at a minimum between 1230 and 2030 h. Since the concentrations of total organic nitrogen, total amino acids and most individual amino acids (but not organic acids or sugars) were also proportional to xylem tension two experiments were performed to discern whether variations in chemistry were a consequence of diurnal changes in moisture stress. In the first experiment, L. indica , exposed to variable levels of moisture stress during midday, manifested an increase in organic acids and a reduction in the N/C ratio. In the second experiment, chemical profiles of xylem fluid were collected and compared for plants exposed to a natural photoperiod, constant darkness or continuous light at noon and midnight. After 1 day amino acids increased in concentration during midday for all treatments; the variation was greatest (10-fold) for plants in constant darkness where xylem tension varied from 0.20 to 0.25 MPa. Only plants exposed to continuous light lost a diurnal rhythm after 3 days. Thus, the circadian rhythm was endogenous, terminated in continuous light and was not mediated by changes in moisture stress. Glutamine accounted for most of the diurnal variation in total amino acids, organic nitrogen and the N/C ratio in xylem fluid.  相似文献   
The present communication deals with the details of sexual reproduction including the process of fusion of gametes in Eudorina californica (Shaw) Goldstein (earlier described as E. indica lyengar). The present observations are compared with those on other species in which the process of fusion was recorded.  相似文献   
There has been growing interest for the therapeutic use of traditional herbs in the management of diabetes mellitus (DM) and its complications. Data shows the hypoglycemic activity of Azadiracta indica in diabetes. Therefore, it is of interest to document known data on the therapeutic use of Azadiracta indica (neem) for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).  相似文献   
Dinitroaniline herbicides are antimicrotubule drugs that bind to tubulins and inhibit polymerization. As a result of repeated application of dinitroaniline herbicides, resistant biotypes of goosegrass (Eleusine indica) developed in previously susceptible wild-type populations. We have previously reported that -tubulin missense mutations correlate with dinitroaniline response phenotypes (Drp) (Plant Cell 10: 297–308, 1998). In order to ascertain associations of other tubulins with dinitroaniline resistance, four -tubulin cDNA classes (designated TUB1, TUB2, TUB3, and TUB4) were isolated from dinitroaniline-susceptible and -resistant biotypes. Sequence analysis of the four -tubulin cDNA classes identified no missense mutations. Identified nucleotide substitutions did not result in amino acid replacements. These results suggest that the molecular basis of dinitroaniline resistance in goosegrass differs from those of colchicine/dinitroaniline cross-resistant Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and benzimidazole-resistant fungi and yeast. Expression of the four -tubulins was highest in inflorescences. This is in contrast to -tubulin TUA1 that is expressed predominantly in roots. Collectively, these results imply that -tubulin genes are not associated with dinitroaniline resistance in goosegrass. Phylogenetic analysis of the four -tubulins, together with three -tubulins, suggests that the resistant biotype developed independently in multiple locations rather than spreading from one location.  相似文献   
【目的】印度小裂绵蚜Schizoneurella indica Hille Ris Lambers是在云南昭通苹果上发现的一种新害虫,发生普遍且严重。研究印度小裂绵蚜种群在土壤中的垂直分布及其消长动态是为了掌握其发生与危害特点。【方法】2002—2006年,我们采用盆栽和田间调查的方法对印度小裂绵蚜在土壤中的垂直分布和种群消长开展了研究。【结果】印度小裂绵蚜田间种群数量高峰期主要集中发生在9—12月,5—7月份为其田间种群快速增长期,种群增长率可达200%~273%。印度小裂绵蚜无翅蚜种群在0~30 cm的土壤范围内占总虫量的49.0%,30~60 cm的占27.0%,>60 cm的占24.0%。无翅蚜的各虫龄全年均有发生,冬季以第4龄若虫和无翅成虫为主。有翅蚜的发生全年只有1个时期,为11月上旬至12月下旬。【结论】印度小裂绵蚜田间种群数量全年发生1个高峰期,主要集中在0~30 cm的土壤范围内,随着土壤深度的增加,印度小裂绵蚜种群数量亦逐渐下降。田间有翅蚜虫量极少,较难观察到。  相似文献   
印度地鼠的性成熟和窝仔数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rubina ARSHAD 《动物学报》2004,50(5):723-729
为有效地进行有害脊椎动物的控制 ,研究了栖息于巴基斯坦Punjab中部的 348只印度地鼠的繁殖模式。在所捕捉到的 10 7雄鼠和 2 4 1只雌鼠中 ,分别有 75只和 179只是性成熟的个体。性比偏雌。使用被捕个体标本的体重和体长作为指标 ,发现最小的性成熟的雄性个体体重为 70 - 89g ,体长 13 1- 14 0cm ;一窝仔里面的平均胚胎数为 2 74± 0 15 (范围 ,1- 5 ) ,而平均胎斑数为 4 2 9± 0 19(1- 11) .体重似乎对窝仔数有显著影响 ,而体长和估计的年龄对窝仔数没影响。当老鼠繁殖不活跃和不繁殖时 ,控制害兽最有效  相似文献   
两种野生花卉的扦插繁殖研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
开展野生花卉车轮梅(Raphiolepis indica)和赤楠(Syzygium buxifolium)扦插试验,结果表明:车轮梅硬枝扦插需一定浓度的外源激素方能生根;对激素浓度大小不敏感;总体上NAA组合生根质量优于IBA组合。综合不同处理生根率、根数和不定根根长3个指标,以800 mg/L NAA或800 mg/L IBA作为车轮梅生产上扦插的激素种类和浓度。赤楠生根率较低,最高扦插率达66.7%,生根时间长,约需45 d始生根。综合生根率、不定根根数和不定根根长3个生根指标,试验的4种激素均能较好促进赤楠生根,200×根太阳在生根率和根数上效果最好,生产上可用200×根太阳浸泡2 h,也可用50-100 mg/L NAA或100-400 mg/L IBA浸泡2 h后进行扦插。  相似文献   
The phytoremediation of triazophos (O, O-diethyl-O-(1-phenyl-1, 2, 4-triazole-3-base) sulfur phosphate, TAP) by Canna indica Linn. in a hydroponic system was studied. After 21 d of exposure, the removal kinetic constant (K) of TAP was 0.0229-0.0339 d(-1) and the removal percentage of TAP was 41-55% in the plant system and the K and removal percentage of TAP were about 0.002 d(-1) and 1%, respectively, in darkness and disinfected control. However, the K and removal percentage of TAP were 0.006 d(-1) and approximately 11%, respectively, in the treatment with eluate from the media of constructed wetland. The contribution of plant to the remediation of TAP was 74% and C. indica played the most important role in the hydroponic system. Under the stress of TAP and without inorganic phosphorus nutrient, the activity of phosphatase in the plant system increased and phytodegradation was observed. The production and release of phosphatase is seen as the key mechanism for C. indica to degrade TAP. C. indica, which showed the potential of phytoremediation of TAP, and is commonly used in constructed wetland, so the technique of phytoremediation of TAP from contaminated water can be developed with the combination of constructed wetland.  相似文献   
以‘台农1号’芒果为材料,测定了果实生长发育过程中淀粉、蔗糖、葡萄糖和果糖含量以及淀粉酶、蔗糖代谢相关酶———酸性转化酶(AI)、中性转化酶(NI)、蔗糖合成酶(SS)和蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)的活性,并对果实中糖组分与酶活性的关系进行了分析.结果显示,(1)台农1号芒果果实属于单S型生长曲线,发育前期主要积累淀粉、葡萄糖和果糖,果实成熟软化时,淀粉酶活性降至最低,淀粉水解,蔗糖快速积累.(2)酸性转化酶活性在果实整个发育过程中维持最高,完熟时略有降低;蔗糖磷酸合成酶在果实发育前期略有降低,完熟时升至最高;蔗糖合成酶和中性转化酶活性在整个发育期一直很低且较稳定.(3)淀粉含量与淀粉酶活性呈显著正相关,与SPS活性呈极显著负相关,蔗糖、葡萄糖含量均与SPS、SS呈显著、极显著的正相关;果糖含量与SS呈极显著的正相关.研究表明,芒果成熟时淀粉分解、酸性转化酶活性的降低,且蔗糖合成酶和蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性的增加是引起果实蔗糖积累的主要因子.  相似文献   
早籼稻米垩白形成中的生理生化变化特性   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
沈波  陈能 《西北植物学报》1999,19(2):290-295
以早籼多垩白品种泸红早1号、浙733和少垩白品种中优早3号、舟优903及中籼中引85为材料,在自然高温条件下对水稻灌浆过程中胚乳内含物质(如淀粉、可溶性糖等)和酶(淀粉磷酸化酶、Q酶)活性的连续变化进行测定。结果表明,不同垩白度品种其胚乳内部物质增长的时间进程和酶活性的变化存在差异,由此造成灌浆动态明显不同,并导致垩白形成的差异。  相似文献   
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