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Summary Collagen genes appear to have been assembled by the tandem repetition of homologous primary (9 base pair), secondary (54 base pair), and tertiary (702 base pair) modules. In vertebrate interstitial collagen genes many of the secondary modules are separated by introns, but in invertebrate collagen genes the non-coding sequences lie near the ends of supposed tertiary modules and are therefore about 702 (54×13) base pairs apart. The genes for vertebrate interstitial collagens (types I–III) seem to have been constructed by the tandem repetition of five tertiary modules, three of which were subsequently shortened by internal deletions. This shortening of the gene resulted in the non-integral relationship between the period of the fibrils and the length of the molecules of vertebrate collagens, and was therefore responsible for the mechanical properties of the completed product. Comparisons of the amino acid sequences of various collagens indicate that the main types of collagen evolved about 800–900 million years ago, a date that agrees well with the fossil record of primitive Metazoa.  相似文献   
Statistical techniques for detection of major genes in animal breeding data   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Statistical techniques for detection of major loci and for making inferences about major locus parameters such as genotypic frequencies, effects and gene action from field-collected data are presented. In field data, major genotypic effects are likely to be masked by a large number of environmental differences in addition to additive and nonadditive polygenic effects. A graphical technique and a procedure for discriminating among genetic hypotheses based on a mixed model accounting for all these factors are proposed. The methods are illustrated by using simulated data.Journal Paper No. J-12733 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 1901  相似文献   
Summary The transfection of murine SP1 tumor cells with the hemagglutinin (HA) gene of influenza virus results, after fluorescent-activated cell sorting (FACS), in the selection of high-HA-expressing cell lines called H4A and H4B. Both lines fail to grow in syngeneic animals at doses that result in 100% tumor take of non-transfected tumor cells. Both grow in immunosuppressed mice. SP1 and H4A or H4B cells express few class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens but do express class II IAk antigens. H4A or H4B cells engender a cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response but cannot protect against a challenge with SP1 cells. This CTL response is inhibited by anti-CD4 but not anti-CD8 antibodies. Using FACS, we were able to select a population (called H5AK5) with high class-I MHC antigen expression. Like H4A and H4B, H5AK5 cells fail to grow in syngeneic animals but do grow in immunosuppressed mice. However, unlike H4A or H4B, H5AK5 can induce protection against a challenge with 1 × 105 SP1 cells. These studies indicate that the immunogenicity ofHA-transfected SP1 cells may correlate with the cell-surface expression of class II MHC antigens. However, HA-expressing SP1 cells seem able to induce a protective response against a parent SP1 cell challenge only if they also express class I MHC antigens. This view is supported by the observations that SP1 cells expressing murine interleukin-2 do not express class I MHC antigens, fail to grow in syngeneic animals, do grow in immunosuppressed mice but do not protect against a challenge with parental SP1 cells.This work was supported by The Clayton Fund, The Sid W. Richardson Foundation and PHS grants CA 39853 and 41525. Toshiyuki Itaya is a visiting scientist supported by the Smith Education Fund of the Department of Cell Biology. Troy Fiesinger is a summer research investigator sponsored by The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Summer Program for College Students  相似文献   
Summary The distribution and storage of major elements in acid soils from a spruce and a beech forest was investigated after fertilization of NH4NO3 and KCl followed by Ca and Mg fertilization by 2 liming applications. All fertilizers were applied on top of the soil without mixing. Most of the added Ca and Mg was detected in the humus layer, a significant part of it still in carbonatic form. The effect of liming on mineral soil pH is very low, and was only observed in the 0–10 cm layer. However, base saturation of the mineral soil increased. The storage of C and N of the humus layer was not affected. N fertilization increased the N storage of the soil only under beech, but was followed by heavy NO3-losses with seepage water under spruce. High leaching rates for K were also found in the spruce stand. The amount of K that was not leached increased the pool of exchangeable K in the deeper soil layer.  相似文献   
Summary The genome of the laboratory mouse contains about 35 major urinary protein (MUP) genes, many of which are clustered on chromosome 4. We have used distance and parsimony methods to estimate phylogenetic relationships between MUP genes from nucleotide sequence and restriction maps. By analyzing coding sequences we show that the genes fall into four main groups of related sequences (groups 1–4). Comparisons of restriction maps and the nucleotide sequences of hypervariable regions that lie 50 nucleotides 5 to the cap sites show that the group 1 genes and probably also the group 2 pseudogenes fall into subgroups. The most parsimonious trees are consistent with the evolution of the array of group 1 and 2 genes by mutation accompanied by a process tending toward homogenization such as unequal crossing-over or gene conversion. The phylogenetic grouping correlates with grouping according to aspects of function. The genomes of the inbred strains BALB/c and C57BL contain different MUP gene arrays that we take to be samples from the wild population of arrays.  相似文献   
Summary The building decision process of the paper wasp,Polistes fuscatus, was studied by 1) analyzing the search pattern of the wasps prior to the addition of pulp to different areas of the nest, 2) comparing the pulp addition needs of the cell chosen for lengthening to those of other cells in the nest, and 3) presenting the wasps with eight types of dichotomous building choices, which provided information about the relative influence of different building cues. Wasps conduct a hierarchical search prior to pulp addition, which means that they search the comb face and petiole disproportionately more often and more thoroughly than the comb back and sides. Once a particular nest area triggers closer scrutiny, comparisons are made with adjoining areas. The most needy location is then chosen based on nest cues. When lengthening a cell, the development of the brood and relative cell length have a strong influence on which cell is chosen at all times, while distance of the brood from the cell mouth becomes important during the later stages of brood development. The results indicate that there is no simple hierarchical weighting of cues. The decision process involves comparisons among multiple cues, which for the most part have an additive influence when variation in relative cue strength is considered.  相似文献   
Several pleiotropic drug sensitivities have been described in yeast. Some involve the loss of putative drug efflux pumps analogous to mammalian P-glycoproteins, others are caused by defects in sterol synthesis resulting in higher plasma membrane permeability. We have constructed a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain that exhibits a strong crystal violet-sensitive phenotype. By selecting cells of the supersensitive strain for normal sensitivity after transformation with a wild-type yeast genomic library, a complementing 10-kb DNA fragment was isolated, a 3.4-kb subfragment of which was sufficient for complementation. DNA sequence analysis revealed that the complementing fragment comprised the recently sequenced SGE1 gene, a partial multicopy suppressor of gal11 mutations. The supersensitive strain was found to be a sge1 null mutant. Overexpression of SGE1 on a high-copy-number plasmid increased the resistance of the supersensitive strain. Disruption of SGE1 in a wild-type strain increased the sensitivity of the strain. These features of the SGE1 phenotype, as well as sequence homologies of SGE1 at the amino acid level, confirm that the Sge1 protein is a member of the drug-resistance protein family within the major facilitator superfamily (MFS).  相似文献   
Summary During a search for novel coding sequences within the human MHC class I region (chromosome 6p21.3), we found an exon (named B30-2) coding for a 166-amino-acid peptide which is very similar to the C-terminal domain of several coding sequences: human 52-kD Sjögren's syndrome nuclear antigen A/Ro (SS-A/Ro) and ret finger protein (RFP), Xenopus nuclear factor 7 (XNF7), and bovine butyrophilin. The first three of these proteins share similarities over the whole length of the molecule whereas butyrophilin is similar in the C-terminal domain. The N-terminal domain of butyrophilin is similar to rat myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) and chicken B blood group system (B-G) protein. These domains are components of a new subfamily of the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF). Butyrophilin is thus a mosaic protein composed of the MOG/B-G Ig-like domain and the C-terminal domain of 52-kD SS-A/Ro, RFP, and XNF7 (1330-2-like domain). Moreover, in situ hybridization shows that RFP, butyrophilin, and MOG map to the human chromosome 6p2l.3-6p22 region and are thus close to the MHC class I genes. It is therefore possible that the butyrophilin gene is the product of an exon shuffling event which occurred between ancestors of the RFP and MOG genes. To our knowledge, this is the first example of the colocalization of a chimeric gene and its putative progenitors. Finally, regulatory protein T-lymphocyte 1 (Rpt-1) shares similarities with the N-terminal halves of RFP, 52-kD SS-A/Ro, and XNF7, but not with the B30-2-like domain. We show that the ancestral Rpt-l gene evolved by overprinting. Correspondence to: P. Pontarotti  相似文献   
An agent-based perspective in the study of complex systems is well established in diverse disciplines, yet is only beginning to be applied to evolutionary developmental biology. In this essay, we begin by defining agency and associated terminology formally. We then explore the assumptions and predictions of an agency perspective, apply these to select processes and key concept areas relevant to practitioners of evolutionary developmental biology, and consider the potential epistemic roles that an agency perspective might play in evo devo. Throughout, we discuss evidence supportive of agential dynamics in biological systems relevant to evo devo and explore where agency thinking may enrich the explanatory reach of research efforts in evolutionary developmental biology.  相似文献   
我国山水林田湖草沙生命共同体及其保护和修复工程的理论研究和实践正逐渐开展,需要系统的学科理论支撑,景观生态学作为地理学和生态学的交叉科学,能够以其宏观空间理论和技术体系满足这一需求。本文将景观生态学作为山水林田湖草沙一体化保护和修复工程的支撑学科,首先,明确了山水林田湖草沙生命共同体是镶嵌的异质景观、具有景观的所有特征并遵循景观生态学原理;其次,阐述了景观生态建设理论如何应用于山水林田湖草沙一体化保护和修复工程的规划和评价;最后,总结景观生态建设研究的新趋势,提出待解决的理论和实践问题,并论述山水林田湖草沙一体化保护和修复工程如何为解决这些问题提供广阔的研究空间。景观生态学和山水林田湖草沙一体化保护和修复工程实践相结合,将为实现我国乃至全球生态、经济、社会可持续发展提供极为有效的途径。  相似文献   
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