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The floristic composition of the macrophyte vegetation of Lake Kainji was investigated and compared with the vegetation of the river Niger before impoundment.Of 18 hydatophytes, 40 tenagophytes and 57 trichophytes listed for the Niger, 18 tenagophytes, 12 trichophytes and 7 hydatophytes were found growing in the lake 17 years after impoundment. Fourteen new tenagophytes, 3 new hydatophytes and 1 new trichophyte were recorded. The hydatophytes which were expected to colonize the lake are limited in number and range.The failure of the hydatophytes to colonize the lake, as predicted by Cook (1968), is discussed in relation to the inflow-to-volume ratio of the lake.Nomenclature follows Hutchinson & Dalziel (1952–1972). Flora of West Tropical Africa.  相似文献   
The vegetation dynamics in two former braided channels of the Rhône River was studied at two time scales in order to test the following hypothesis: fluctuations would occur within seasons (flood disturbances, hydrological fluctuations, phenology) while successions would occur between years. The vegetation was surveyed in 1983, 1988 and 1989 during summer for the interannual investigation, and in spring 1989, summer 1989, winter 1989 and spring 1990 for the seasonal investigation. Terrestrialization, which was observed within the same period in other braided former channels of that river, did not happen here despite the 1989 drought. However, a vegetation zone situated in the upstream part one channel seems to represent some successional trend, resulting in the establishment of Nasturtium officinale and the increasing abundance of Chara vulgaris. In disagreement with the tested hypothesis, only fluctuations are observed at the two temporal scales in the other vegetation zones. The amplitude of cyclic trajectories observed in the seasonal study depends of the degree of hydraulic disturbances (floods, drought) that affects each vegetation zone. The channel that is closer to the river is maintained at a steady state by the periodical inputs of kinetic energy during river overflows and fast floods; the disturbances wash away fine deposits and rejuvenate the vegetation mosaic. In the other former channel that is less disturbed by floods and is characterized by a thick layer of fine sediments, the groundwater inputs from numerous limnocrene springs carry away organic matter and slow down ecological successions.Abbreviations C.A. Correspondence Analysis  相似文献   

The distribution of macrophytic plant communities, defined by phytosociological numerical methods, in the irrigation system of the Lower river Po Plane was correlated with water characteristich. Water samples were collected periodically within phytocoena well-characterized from the phytosociological viewpoint. Nymphaeid-dominated communities (all. Nymphaeion) usually occur in deeper waters than elodeid- myriophyllid-, and ceratophyllid-dominated vegetation types (all. Potamogetonion). Hydrochemically, all of the studied waterbodies can be classified as rich in electrolytes and in bicarbonates. The distribution of phytocoena reflects a gradient in nutrient content: the Nymphoidetum peltatae characterizes waters moderately rich; the Myriophyllum spicatum community and the Trapetum natantis fairly rich; the Potamogetonetum pectinati and the Ceratophyllum demersum community very rich in nutrients.  相似文献   
The macrophyte vegetation of 51 ponds situated in the Duero river basin on the Northern Iberian Plateau was studied with the aim of selecting metrics that responded clearly to perturbation and that should be included in a multimetric index for assessing the ecological condition (expression of the quality of the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems associated with surface waters) of Mediterranean ponds. Furthermore, the specific response of metrics to the total phosphorus (TP) concentration was also investigated because of agricultural activities, which usually increase the concentration of nutrients in aquatic systems, are one of the principal types of impairment affecting ponds in the Duero basin.A total of 19 metrics representing several aspects of the structure of macrophyte communities (cover, richness, diversity) were selected as potential metrics.The strong overlap which was observed for macrophyte metrics between classes of ecological conditions (bad, poor, moderate, good, best available) and TP concentrations (>600, 600-300, 300-100, 100-50, <50 μg L−1 TP) constitutes a major problem in defining and separating these classes. For this reason, Mann-Whitney U-test and discrimination efficiency were carried out to determine which of the measures best discriminated between slightly impaired sites (ponds in good or best available condition) and perturbed ponds (ponds in moderate, poor or bad condition). Most of the metrics showed significant differences (p < 0.05) between slightly impaired and perturbed ponds. However, only total cover and hydrophyte richness, which had the highest discrimination efficiency (>78%), showed no inter-quartile overlap (25th-75th percentile) between the two ecological classes. For these reasons, both total cover and hydrophyte richness were selected for the implementation of a multimetric index able to discriminate between slightly impaired and degraded Mediterranean flatland ponds.Currently, eutrophication is considered the main pressure on lakes. However, macrophyte metrics were far less sensitive to TP concentration than to ecological condition changes. This shows that other pressures are also of considerable importance. Thus, the definition of the ecological condition of lakes using macrophytes should not be based only on responses to eutrophication pressure, as has been done in some European countries.  相似文献   
Aquatic macrophytes provide essential spawning and nursery habitat for fish, valuable food source for waterfowl, migratory birds and mammals, and contribute greatly to overall biodiversity of coastal marshes of the Laurentian Great Lakes. Two approaches have been used to survey the plant community in coastal wetlands, and these include the grid (GR) and transect (TR) methods. These methods have been used to identify the average species richness at different sites, but their suitability for determining total species richness of a site has not been tested. In this paper, we compare the performance of these two established methods with that of the Stratified method (ST), which uses the sampler’s judgment to guide them to different habitat zones within the wetland. We used the three protocols to compare species richness of six coastal wetlands of the Great Lakes, three pristine marshes in eastern Georgian Bay (Lake Huron) and three degraded wetlands in Lake Ontario, Canada. The greatest species richness was associated with the ST method, irrespective of wetland quality. The ST method was also more efficient (fewer quadrats sampled), and revealed the most number of unique (those found with only one method) and uncommon species (those found in <5% of the quadrats). Despite these statistical differences, we found that sampling method did not significantly affect the performance of a recently developed index of wetland quality, the Wetland Macrophyte Index. These results have important implications for designing macrophyte surveys to track changes in biodiversity and wetland quality.  相似文献   
The shift from a turbid-water state to a clear macrophyte-dominatedstate in the shallow lake Veluwemeer (The Netherlands) has led to nuisance forrecreational navigation. The nuisance concerns the dense beds ofPotamogeton perfoliatus in particular, whereas thelow-canopy forming charophytes cause much less harm. On the other hand, theimportance of macrophyte cover for the stability of the clear-water state hasbeen recognised. To assess the potential of mechanical removal of densemacrophyte beds, several cutting regimes were simulated in a mixed vegetation ofP. perfoliatus and Chara aspera, usingthe individual-based model Charisma. These species occupy a wide range of waterdepths between 0.5 and 2.5 m, with C. asperadominating the shallower zone and P. perfoliatus dominatingthe deeper zone; intermediary is a zone where either species may dominate asalternative equilibria. Both the cutting height and timing affected the amountof biomass present in summer. The effect of cutting was more profound fortreatment later in the season. With a cutting level above theChara-canopy, the simulations showed an increased biomassof C. aspera and reduction of P.perfoliatus. In the zone of alternative equilibria, it was possibleto provoke a sustainable shift from P. perfoliatusdominance to C. aspera dominance. To achieve this, annualrepetition of cutting for a number of years was necessary. A harvesting regimeaimed at shifting the vegetation dominance from P.perfoliatus towards C. aspera could be an optionfor management of the lake, since it holds the perspective of decreasedmanagement effort after a number of years. Moreover, removing only high-canopyvegetation implies high conservation values and recreational use can becombined.  相似文献   
Lake Budzyńskie is shallow, freshwater lake with a well-developed and differentiated macrophytic vegetation. Zooplankton samples were collected from five stations: two of them in submerged macrophytes (Chara and Myriophyllum), one in the zone of floating leaves (Potamogeton), a rush station (Typha) and one in the open water surrounding the vegetation beds. The mean Rotifera densities differed significantly between the lake parts. Furthermore, different habitats were characterised by differences in body size with the exception of the middle body size group (Keratella cochlearis, Polyarthra vulgaris and Trichocerca similis), which was dominated by limnetic representatives. However, in all the other size-dependent groups both stands of submerged macrophytes were characterised by much higher densities than other zones. Additionally, body size within the examined habitats significantly differed. Thus, the size structure of Rotifera communities was directly related to morphological and spatial structures of the substrata. Two groups of habitats were distinguished: the first one consisting of open water and two vegetated zones of less complicated structure (Potamogeton and Typha), and the second of more complex submerged macrophyte species (Chara and Myriophyllum). The differentiation of the architecture of macrophytes affected the nutritional conditions and refuge effectiveness of these habitats.  相似文献   
Marine stock enhancement is often characterized by poor survival of hatchery-reared individuals due to deficiencies in their fitness, such as a diminished capacity to avoid predators. Field experiments were used to examine predation on Penaeus plebejus, a current candidate for stock enhancement in Australia. We compared overall survival of, and rates of predation on, wild P. plebejus juveniles, naïve hatchery-reared juveniles (which represented the state of individuals intended for stock enhancement) and experienced hatchery-reared juveniles (which had been exposed to natural predatory stimuli). Predation was examined in the presence of an ambush predator (Centropogon australis White, 1790) and an active-pursuit predator (Metapenaeus macleayi Haswell) within both complex (artificial macrophyte) and simple (bare sand and mud) habitats. Overall survival was lower and rates of predation were higher in simple habitats compared to complex habitats in the presence of C. australis. However, the three categories of juveniles survived at similar proportions and suffered similar rates of predation within each individual habitat. No differences in survival and rates of predation were detected among habitats or the categories of juveniles when M. macleayi was used as a predator. These results indicate that wild and hatchery-reared P. plebejus juveniles are equally capable of avoiding predators. Furthermore, exposure of hatchery-reared juveniles to wild conditions does not increase their ability to avoid predators, suggesting an innate rather than learned anti-predator response. The lower predation by C. australis in complex habitats was attributed to a reduction in this ambush predator's foraging efficiency due to the presence of structure. Ecological experiments comparing wild and hatchery-reared individuals should precede all stock enhancement programs because they may identify deficits in hatchery-reared animals that could be mitigated to optimize survival. Such studies can also identify weaknesses in wild animals, relative to hatchery-reared individuals, that may lead to the loss of resident populations.  相似文献   
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