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Summary Two previously identified forms of macrophage were investigated in primary cultures of cerebral cortical cells. Dynamic features were revealed through time-lapse video recording and aspects of macrophage function were assessed. The two cell forms were shown to be different pre-mitotic stages of a single cell type. The cell cycle for these cells involved an initial large, flat, quiescent cell which retracted to yield a slightly rounded form with numerous processes. This latter form lost processes and developed profuse filopodia as it became very rounded just prior to division; both resulting daughter cells then regained the initial large flat appearance. These cells possessed several properties of macrophages, including phagocytosis, nucleoside diphosphatase enzyme, and CR3 receptors. These properties were transient, expressed just before and after mitosis, but subsequently down-regulated in the flat daughter cells. Because of this feature, it was difficult to determine the exact size of this cell population; however, the observed rate of proliferation suggests it may be substantial. It is suggested that these cells correspond to non-microglial macrophages of brain tissue and, because of their significant down-regulation, they may be difficult to detect. This may be important in studies of brain accessory immune cells in tissue culture.  相似文献   
Ablation of rat myenteric plexus with benzalkonium chloride has provided a model of intestinal aganglionosis, but the degenerative responses are not well understood. We examined the effects of this detergent on neurons and glia, including expression of c-Myc, c-Jun, JunB, and c-Fos, and on immunocytes in the guinea-pig ileum. Benzalkonium chloride (0.1%) or saline was applied to the serosal surface of distal ileum. Tissues were analyzed 2, 3, or 7 days later and compared with cyclosporine-treated and untreated animals. More than 90% of myenteric neurons were destroyed in ileal segments 3–7 days after benzalkonium-chloride treatment. Glia withdrew processes from around neurons after 2 days and were mostly gone after 3 days. Neuronal c-Myc began to disappear while c-Fos, c-Jun, and JunB were evident in some neuronal nuclei after 2 or 3 days. After 3 days, widespread apoptosis was evident in the myenteric plexus. Populations of T cells, B cells, and macrophage-like cells in untreated and saline-treated myenteric plexuses were substantially increased 3 and 7 days after benzalkonium-chloride treatment. Cyclosporine delayed significant neuronal loss. We conclude that a variety of degenerative mechanisms may be active in this model, including an immune response which may actively contribute to tissue destruction. Received: 13 September 1996 / Accepted: 20 January 1997  相似文献   
Summary The three-dimensional structure of the axolotl (urodele amphibian) thymus was studied by combined scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The epithelial cell is the major component of the microenvironment forming the meshwork where thymocytes differentiate. Three different types of epithelial cells could be defined by their intracytoplasmic organelles and their localization in the subcapsular or deeper part of the organ. These epithelial cells participate in various types of lymphostromal interactions. Other stromal elements, such as interdigitating reticular cells, macrophages, eosinophil granulocytes and epithelial cysts were also defined. The absence of a true cortico-medullary differentiation in the axolotl thymus, the presence of different stromal elements and the physiological significance of these various microenvironments are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The lymphoid organs of rosy barb (Barbus conchonius) and carp (Cyprinus carpio) were investigated for their phagocytic uptake of carbon, after its intraperitoneal injection. Carbon handling was similar in both species. It was first detected in the lymphoid organs at 30 min after injection. During the first day, carbon was phagocytized by macrophages situated in the spleen within the ellipsoids and in the red pulp. In head and trunk kidney, carbon was found in macrophages scattered throughout the haemopoietic parenchyma, and in cells lining the blood sinuses. In the spleen, macrophages replete with carbon left the ellipsoidal structures and formed aggregates with pigment-containing macrophages from day 6 onwards. In all lymphoid organs, almost all carbon was ultimately concentrated in the melano-macrophage centres.  相似文献   
We examined whether inhibitors of the arachidonic acid cascade inhibited nitric oxide (NO) production, as measured by nitrite concentration, either in macrophages or by their cytosolic fractions. Nitrite production by peritoneal macrophages from mice receiving OK-432 treatment was significantly inhibited by phospholipase A2 inhibitors [dexamethasone and 4-bromophenacyl bromide (4-BPB)], lipoxygenase inhibitors [nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) and ketoconazole] and a glutathioneS-transferase (leukotrienes LTA4-LTC4) inhibitor (ethacrynic acid). However, caffeic acid and esculetin, inhibitors of 5- and 12-lipoxygenase respectively, were not inhibitory. On the other hand, indomethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, slightly inhibited whereas another inhibitor, ibuprofen, did not. Inhibition of the nitrite production by dexamethasone, 4-BPB, NDGA and ethacrynic acid was also demonstrated when the macrophages were restimulated ex vivo with OK-432 or with lipopolysaccharide. The inhibitory activity of dexamethasone, NDGA and ethacrynic acid was significantly reduced by ex vivo restimulation with OK-432, whereas that of 4-BPB was hardly affected. Furthermore, the inhibitory activity of dexamethasone, NDGA and ethacrynic acid was much higher when the macrophages were continuously exposed to the agents than when they were pulsed. Meanwhile, inhibition by 4-BPB was almost the same with either treatment. In addition, the inhibitory activity of these agents was not blocked withl-arginine, a substrate of NO synthases, or with arachidonate metabolites (LTB4, LTC4 and LTE4). Ethacrynic acid and 4-BPB, but not dexamethasone and NDGA, also inhibited nitrite production by the cytosolic fractions from OK-432-restimulated peritoneal macrophages, and the inhibitory activity of 4-BPB was superior to that of ethacrynic acid. These agents, however, did not inhibit nitrite production from sodium nitroprusside, a spontaneous NO-releasing compound. These results indicate that dexamethasone, 4-BPB, NDGA and ethacrynic acid inhibited the production of NO by macrophages through at least two different mechanisms: one was inhibited by dexamethasone, NDGA and ethacrynic acid and the other by 4-BPB. Furthermore, 4-BPB and ethacrynic acid directly inhibited the activity of the NO synthase in macrophages, suggesting that the agents work by binding to the active site(s) of the enzyme.  相似文献   
The mechanism of therapeutic activity for recombinant murine interferon-(rMu IFN) in the treatment of metastatic disease was investigated by comparing effector cell augmentation with therapeutic activity in mice bearing experimental lung metastases (B16-BL6 melanoma). Effector cell functions in spleen, peripheral blood, and lung (the tumor-bearing organ) were tested after 1 week and 3 weeks of rMu IFN administration (i.v. three times per week). Natural killer (NK), lymphokine-activated killer (LAK), cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL) activities against specific and nonspecific targets, and macrophage tumoristatic activity were measured. rMu IFN demonstrated immunomodulatory activity in most assays of immune function. The optimal therapeutic protocol of rMu IFN (2.5×106 U/kg, three times per week) prolonged survival and decreased the number of pulmonary metastatic foci. This therapeutic activity was correlated with specific CTL activity from pulmonary parenchymal mononuclear cells (PPMC), but not from spleen or blood. Macrophage tumoristatic activity in PPMC also correlated with therapeutic activity, but activity in alveolar macrophages did not. However, therapeutic activity did not correlate with NK or LAK activity at any site. These results demonstrate that the optimal therapeutic protocol is the same as the optimal immunomodulatory dose for pulmonary CTL and macrophage activities. Furthermore, while immunological monitoring may help to optimize treatment protocols, current monitoring procedures that use readily accessible sites, particularly peripheral blood, may not accurately predict the therapeutic efficacy of biological response modifiers in clinical trials.By acceptance of this article, the publisher or recipient acknowledges the right of the US. Government to retain a nonexclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering the articleThis research was sponsored by the DHHS, under contract N01-23910 with Program Resources Inc. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the US Government  相似文献   
It has been speculated that NG-hydroxy-l-arginine (OH-l-Arg), which is an intermediate in NO production from l-arginine, may be converted to NO by superoxide ion. However, there is still no direct evidence for this conversion. In the present study this was investigated using superoxide ion generated either in acellular or cellular systems. It was found that OH-l-Arg and hydroxylamine were converted to nitrite and nitrate apparently via NO by superoxide ion in aqueous solution. Arginine remained unaffected. These changes were observed during reaction of chemical substances as well as in a biological system (zymosan-activated macrophages in culture). Superoxide dismutase prevented this transformation. OH-l-Arg was also spontaneously hydrolysed to hydroxylamine and l-citrulline, however this occurred at pH > 9 only. Activated microsomes (containing different isoforms of cytochrome P450) were unable to replace NO-synthase in its ability to produce OH-l-Arg from l-arginine. These data support the hypothesis that a pathway alternative to the well-known synthesis of NO by NO-synthase via OH-l-Arg exists. This pathway may involve the production of OH-l-Arg by NO-synthase and decomposition of OH-l-Arg to NO by the action of superoxide ion. Alternatively, hydrolysis of OH-l-Arg to hydroxylamine may occur followed by its oxidation to NO, again by superoxide ion.  相似文献   
Transmission and scanning electron microscopy of the lateral ventricles of the toad brain revealed the presence of supraependymal cells that have the features of macrophages. Based solely on their surface morphology three different cell forms could be identified. The most frequently observed cells are flat and multipolar, and have a smooth or ruffled surface. The second type is spherical with a ruffled surface and occurs either singly, in which case it lacks processes, or in clusters from which processes radiate. The third type has surface blebs and numerous thin, smooth processes. However, when specimens that had been examined in the scanning electron microscope are viewed in the transmission electron microscope, all cells appear to belong to a single cell type. All cells viewed closely resemble macrophages in that they contain nuclei with clumped chromaffin, single cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum, numerous dense bodies, and many Golgi complexes. In addition, when horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was perfused into the ventricles, reaction product was found a short time thereafter within cytoplasmic vacuoles, and after a longer period within dense bodies. Because of their ultrastructural resemblance to macrophages and their capacity to ingest HRP, we suggest that these cells function as phagocytes and, as such, act to remove foreign materials from the cerbrospinal fluid.  相似文献   
Summary Following injection of high doses of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), mesenchymal cells distributed in the perisinusoidal space of the pars tuberalis of the hypophysis in cats, rabbits and Japanese quails, sequester the exogenously administrated peroxidase intensively. These cells are designated by the authors as horseradish peroxidase-uptake cells (HRP-uptake cells or HUC). HRP-uptake cells constitute a system of macrophages in the pars tuberalis of mammals and birds, and are located around the hypophysial portal veins. HRP-uptake cells differ in morphological and functional characteristics from similar cells in other parts of hypophysis. They are thought to play a role in the hypothalamic control of adenohypophysial secretion.Supported by grants (No. 144022, 237002) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   
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