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Summary The relationship between proteins and the macroelements potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulphur and phosphorus was studied in homogenates of needles of different ages from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.]. Complete extractions by acid digestion, protein extractions by a buffer-detergent and non-protein extractions by a buffer alone showed that most of the potassium and magnesium of the needles was soluble independent of the proteins. Only a minor part (50–60 ppm, dry weight) of the magnesium could be referred to the chlorophyll content of the needles. Both potassium and magnesium appeared independent of the protein gel filtration. This was also valid for the minor fraction of the total calcium content, which was extractable in a buffer. Heterogeneous calcium deposits are also suggested by extraction using a chelator (EGTA). Part of the buffer-soluble sulphur and phosphorus compounds occurred independently of solubilized proteins, and had complex distribution patterns after gel filtration, even outside the high molecular separation range. It is suggested that further analyses along the present lines, compared with conventional analyses on total extracts, may extend the usefulness of mineral nutrient analyses in plants.  相似文献   
In captivity, langurs (foregut fermenting primates) often suffer from digestive disorders, and in particular display soft stools on diets with a high proportion of fruits, vegetables, and grain products. In this study, we tested whether the improvement in feces consistency expected after an omission of vegetables from a conventional diet was also accompanied by a change in the excretion pattern as measured by the mean retention time (MRT). Two adult Javan langurs were kept together and offered a conventional diet of pellets, browse, vegetables, or a diet consisting of pellets and browse only. MRT were measured with cobalt-EDTA as the fluid and chromium oxide as the particle marker before, during, and after the test diet, collecting the feces of both animals together. MRTs of fluids and particles were longer (47/49 h) on the test diet as compared to the usual diet (42/43 h). Feces consistency improved during the test period. The test period was marked by an increased fiber intake; however, on the conventional diet, dietary water intake exceeded the calculated water flux for these animals distinctively, due to the high proportion of vegetables. Therefore, it cannot be decided whether the increase of fiber level alone or also a reduction of the excessive water intake was responsible for the changes observed. Comparing the results of this study to other studies on ingesta retention in foregut fermenting primates, no correlation between the body mass of the animals and the MRTs measured is evident, which is in accordance with observations in other groups of foregut fermenters.  相似文献   
Summary twenty seven field experiments were conducted to determine if there were differences between five barley cultivars in their ability to utilize soil nutrients. There were significant differences among cultivars in yield of grain and in concentration of all macro and micro nutrients examined in both the whole plant and grain.Gateway ranked the highest for the concentration of Na, Mn, and Cu in the whole plant and was among the cultivars with highest concentration of Ca, Fe, and Zn. Centennial had generally the lowest concentration of all the nutrients determined in the whole plant. For the concentrations of Na, Mg, and Cu in grain Gateway ranked highest, but ranked third for the concentrations of K, Ca, Fe, Mn, and Zn in grain. Galt had the highest K and Mg concentration and lowest Mn, Cu and Zn concentration in grain. Except for K concentration in grain, Centennial had the lowest concentrations of all other cationic nutrients in grain.Yield of grain rather than nutrient concentration was the most important criteria in determining the ranking of nutrient yields per hectare. Because of its high grain yield, Bonanza produced the largest yield of micronutrient cations and was second to Galt in production of macronutrient cations, although it was lowest in macronutrient cation concentration. Similarly, Bonanza and Galt had the lowest protein concentration, but produced the highest yield of protein per hectare.The implications for animal nutrition of different levels of nutrients between cultivars are discussed.  相似文献   
Shrimp is a prevalent food in the Arabian Gulf that is known for its good sensory properties and high nutritional value. The aim of the present work was to assess the effects of diverse processing methods on the nutritional composition of shrimp and the antioxidant activity of shrimp powder. Shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus) flesh was treated using four processes (salting, frying, grilling, and boiling), following which its macronutrient content, fatty acid profile, vitamins and mineral contents were measured. Also, the antioxidant activity of all shrimp powder extracts was assessed using the 2, 2 diphenyl 1 picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), linoleic acid oxidation inhibition, and reducing power methods. The results revealed that the fresh and processed shrimp flesh had significant nutritional value and the fresh and treated shrimp powders have high antioxidant activity, but the cooking processes have significant effects on the nutritional value and antioxidant activity of shrimp flesh. These effects were greater significantly in grilled shrimp followed by boiled shrimp and then fried shrimp. It is concluded that the high nutritional value and antioxidant activity of shrimp flesh make it an important food for nutritional health promotion for the community.  相似文献   
Rats with ad libitum water and the ability to self-select among three macronutrient-rich diets—carbohydrate (CHO), protein (PRO), and lipid (LIP)—show a circadian rhythmicity in their ingestion. The aim of the present study was to determine whether this circadian rhythmicity is reliable from day to day. Eight rats were offered ad libitum water and a choice of three isoenergetic diet rations providing carbohydrate, protein, and lipid. Water and food intake was recorded every 3 h for 7 days. The reliability of the circadian rhythm of water and food intake was assessed by the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and the test-retest reliability using the Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (r). The results showed that the circadian rhythm of water, CHO, and PRO intake are strongly reliable. However, the circadian rhythm of LIP intake is less reproducible. Among the three reliable parameters—water, CHO, and PRO, the circadian rhythm of water intake was the most reproducible over 7 days. This suggests that water intake may be used as a marker of circadian rhythmicity in ingestive behavior.  相似文献   
Summary No differences were found among the five cultivars studied in the relationships between soil chemical properties and crop concentrations or uptake of macro and micro nutrient cations. Soil pH was significantly correlated with both the concentration and yield of most of the cations from grain of all cultivars with no differences between cultivars determined. None of the cultivars showed significant relationships between the concentration of a nutrient element in the whole plant or in the grain and the available nutrient determined from the soil. The degree of association between the concentration of a given cation in the whole plant and in grain was generally small and, in many cases insignificant. Those cations showing strong relationships were Na, Mn, and Zn. These relationships were not found to differ between cultivars.Stepwise regression analysis showed pH to be the dominant factor determining the composition of whole plants and grain. Addition of soil available nutrients to the equation resulted in slight reductions in the sums of squares.Scientific Paper No. 489, Lacombe be Research Station, Research Branch Agriculture Canada.  相似文献   
The objective of this work was to study the effect of early weaning on alimentary preference for the macronutrients protein, carbohydrate and fat in adult rats. Male Wistar rat pups were weaned by separation from the mother at 15 (D15) or 30 (D30) days old. Body weight and food intake were measured every 30 days until pups were 150 days old. At 110 days of age, the alimentary preference was evaluated for 1 h on 3 consecutive days. At 120 days of age, the palatable diet test was conducted during 3 consecutive 24-h periods. Body weight and food intake were not altered, but early weaning in rats induced an alimentary preference to fat and hyperphagia of a palatable diet. In conclusion, early weaning, although did not modify body weight or basal food intake, promoted an increased preference for palatable and fatty foods. This demonstrates that early weaning is not capable of promoting perceptible alterations of alimentary behavior under normal laboratory conditions. However, in the presence of a stimulating factor such as a choice of nutrients or a palatable diet, a possible latent effect on dietary preferences may become apparent. Over the long term, this preference for foods with high caloric density can lead to obesity and metabolic perturbations.  相似文献   
The role of green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis as a source of fecal particulate organic matter (POM) for the benthic nearshore ecosystems has been studied over a 3.5-month period. Three macroalgae were tested as food sources: Alaria esculenta, Laminaria longicruris and Ulvaria obscura. Urchins were fed ad libitum with either a single alga species or a mixture of all three algae. Consumption and defecation rates were determined as well as the feces/alga ratio in term of biomass and biochemical composition. Consumption rate increased exponentially with urchin size and also varied with alga species. In the single alga trial, consumption rate was higher for both brown algae (Laminaria and Alaria) compared to Ulvaria. Urchins feeding on the mixture of algae maintained their total ingestion rate (sum of the three algae) at the same level to those feeding on a single alga diet. The mixed algae trial showed that urchins clearly preferred Laminaria (72% of total ingestion) over Alaria (22%) and Ulvaria (6%). The defecation rate was tightly correlated with the food consumption rate and thus increased with urchin size. On average, 75% of the ingested algal biomass was released as fecal POM. The percentage of food defecated changed with alga species, with the highest value for Alaria (81%) and the lowest for Laminaria (67%). The percentage of food defecated by urchins feeding on the mixture of algae was generally comparable to those feeding on single alga diet. Biochemical composition (in soluble carbohydrates, proteins and lipids) of urchin fecal POM reflected that of the algae content. From 40% to 80% of macronutrients in algal food persisted in fecal matter. This proportion varied with the alga species and macronutrient considered. This study shows that the green sea urchin plays a significant role in the production of POM within nearshore benthic ecosystems, and it is a potentially nutritious food source for detritivores.  相似文献   
To differentiate NPY receptor subtypes, Y1 and Y2, in terms of their impact on feeding behavior, the intact molecule NPY(1–36) and the 3 fragments, NPY(2–36), the Y1 agonist [Leu31,Pro34]NPY, and the Y2 agonist NPY(13–36), were injected (100 pmol/0.3 μl) into the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of freely feeding rats. A computer-automated data acquisition system was employed in these experiments to permit a detailed analysis of feeding over the 12-h nocturnal cycle, in animals maintained on pure macronutrient diets. The results demonstrate that: 1) NPY(1–36) potentiates feeding behavior, primarily carbohydrate ingestion, by increasing the size and duration of the first meal after injection, rather than by affecting meal number or feeding rate, suggesting that NPY acts through mechanisms of satiety. The potentiation of carbohydrate intake occurs in association with a suppression of protein intake, which is strongest during the second meal after injection and which further increases the proportion of carbohydrate in the diet. No changes in fat ingestion are seen. 2) NPY(2–36), with the N-terminal tyrosine residue deleted, is equally potent to NPY(1–36) in potentiating carbohydrate intake and increasing meal size; however, it is less selective than NPY(1–36), producing an additional, smaller increase in consumption of protein. 3) The stimulatory effect of these peptides on carbohydrate intake and meal size is similarly observed, with somewhat reduced potency, after PVN injection of the selective Y1 agonist [Leu31,Pro34]NPY which, like NPY(1–36), also reduces protein intake. 4) The Y2 receptor agonist, NPY(13–36), causes a decrease in the ingestion of carbohydrate, a smaller decline in protein intake, and a reduction in meal size. It is proposed that hypothalamic Y1 receptors mediate the stimulatory effect of NPY on carbohydrate intake and meal size, while Y2 receptors have the opposite effect of suppressing carbohydrate intake, possibly by altering presynaptic release of monoamines known to influence nutrient ingestion.  相似文献   
Recent clinical research has studied weight responses to varying diet composition, but the contribution of changes in macronutrient intake and physical activity to rising population weight remains controversial. Research on the economics of obesity typically assumes a “calories in, calories out” framework, but a weight production model separating caloric intake into carbohydrates, fat, and protein, has not been explored in an economic framework. To estimate the contributions of changes in macronutrient intake and physical activity to changes in population weight, we conducted dynamic time series and structural VAR analyses of U.S. data between 1974 and 2006 and a panel analysis of 164 countries between 2001 and 2010. Findings from all analyses suggest that increases in carbohydrates are most strongly and positively associated with increases in obesity prevalence even when controlling for changes in total caloric intake and occupation-related physical activity. Our structural VAR results suggest that, on the margin, a 1% increase in carbohydrates intake yields a 1.01 point increase in obesity prevalence over 5 years while an equal percent increase in fat intake decreases obesity prevalence by 0.24 points.  相似文献   
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