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PEGylation of protein and peptide drugs is frequently used to improve in vivo efficacy. We investigated the action mechanism of tachyplesin I, a membrane-acting cyclic antimicrobial peptide from Tachypleus tridentatus and the effects of PEGylation on the mechanism. The PEGylated peptide induced the leakage of calcein from egg yolk l-α-phosphatidylglycerol/egg yolk l-α-phosphatidylcholine large unilamellar vesicles similarly to the parent peptide. Both peptides induced lipid flip-flop coupled to leakage and was translocated into the inner leaflet of the bilayer, indicating that tachyplesin I forms a toroidal pore and that PEGylation did not alter the basic mechanism of membrane permeabilization of the parent peptide. Despite their similar activities against model membranes, the peptides showed very different biological activities. The cytotoxicity of tachyplesin I was greatly reduced by PEGylation, although the antimicrobial activity was significantly weakened. We investigated the enhancement of the permeability of inner membranes induced by the peptides. Our results suggested that outer membranes and peptidoglycan layers play an inhibitory role in the permeation of the PEG moiety. Furthermore, a reduction in DNA binding by PEGylation may also contribute to the weak activity of the PEGylated peptide.  相似文献   


The cell death pathway activated after photodynamic therapy (PDT) is controlled by a variety of parameters including the chemical structure of the photosensitizer, its subcellular localization, and the photodynamic damage induced. The present study aims to characterize a suitable m-THPPo liposomal formulation, to determine its subcellular localization in HeLa cells and to establish the cell death mechanisms that are activated after photodynamic treatments.


Liposomes containing m-THPPo were prepared from a mixture of DPPC and DMPG at a 9:1 molar ratio. In order to procure the best encapsulation efficiency, the m-THPPo/lipid molar ratio was considered. HeLa cells were incubated with liposomal m-THPPo and the subcellular localization of m-THPPo was studied. Several assays such as TUNEL, annexin V/propidium iodide and Hoechst-33258 staining were performed after photodynamic treatments. The apoptotic initiation was assessed by cytochrome c and caspase-2 immunofluorescence.


m-THPPo encapsulated in liposomes showed a decrease of the fluorescence and singlet oxygen quantum yields, compared to those of m-THPPo dissolved in tetrahydrofuran. Liposomal m-THPPo showed colocalization with LysoTracker® and it induced photoinactivation of HeLa cells by an apoptotic mechanism. In apoptotic cells no relocalization of cytochrome c could be detected, but caspase-2 was positive immediately after photosensitizing treatments.


Photodynamic treatment with liposomal m-THPPo leads to a significant percentage of apoptotic morphology of HeLa cells. The activation of caspase-2, without the relocalization of cytochrome c, indicates a mitochondrial-independent apoptotic mechanism.

General significance

These results provide a better understanding of the cell death mechanism induced after liposomal m-THPPo photodynamic treatment.  相似文献   
Interaction of bovine myelin basic protein and its constituent charge isomers (C1-C3) with phospholipid bilayers was studied using solid-state NMR experiments on model membranes. 31P NMR experiments on multilamellar vesicles and mechanically aligned bilayers were used to measure the degree of protein-induced disorder in the lipid headgroup region while 2H NMR data provided the disorder caused by the protein in the hydrophobic core of the bilayers. Our results suggest that MBP and its charge isomers neither fragment nor significantly disrupt DMPC, POPC, POPC:POPG, and POPE bilayers. These results demonstrate that the MBP-induced fragmentation of POPC bilayers is due to the freeze-thaw cycles used in the preparation of multilamellar vesicles and not due to intrinsic protein-lipid interactions.  相似文献   
Protein and protein-lipid interactions, with and within specific areas in the cell membrane, are critical in order to modulate the cell signaling events required to maintain cell functions and viability. Biological bilayers are complex, dynamic platforms, and thus in vivo observations usually need to be preceded by studies on model systems that simplify and discriminate the different factors involved in lipid-protein interactions. Fluorescence microscopy studies using giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) as membrane model systems provide a unique methodology to quantify protein binding, interaction, and lipid solubilization in artificial bilayers. The large size of lipid domains obtainable on GUVs, together with fluorescence microscopy techniques, provides the possibility to localize and quantify molecular interactions. Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) can be performed using the GUV model to extract information on mobility and concentration. Two-photon Laurdan Generalized Polarization (GP) reports on local changes in membrane water content (related to membrane fluidity) due to protein binding or lipid removal from a given lipid domain. In this review, we summarize the experimental microscopy methods used to study the interaction of human apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) in lipid-free and lipid-bound conformations with bilayers and natural membranes. Results described here help us to understand cholesterol homeostasis and offer a methodological design suited to different biological systems.  相似文献   
Five AHCAPs exhibiting a broad-spectrum of antimicrobial activity, were examined with regard to their action in lipid mixtures with two anionic lipids, PG and CL. We find that all of the peptides studied were capable of promoting the formation of crystalline phases of DMPG in mixtures of DMPG and CL, without prior incubation at low temperatures. This property is indicative of the ability of these peptides to cluster CL away from DMPG. In contrast, the well studied antimicrobial cationic peptide magainin 2 does not cluster anionic lipids. We ascribe the lower anionic lipid clustering ability of magainin to its low density of positive charges compared with the five other AHCAPs used in this work. The peptide MSI-1254 was particularly potent in segregating these two anionic lipids. Consequently, clusters enriched in DMPG appear in a lipid mixture with CL. These can rapidly form higher temperature crystalline phases because of the increased permeability of the bilayer caused by the AHCAPs. The polyaminoacids, poly-L-Lysine and poly-l-arginine are also very effective in causing this segregation. Thus, the clustering of anionic lipids by AHCAPs is not confined only to mixtures of anionic with zwitterionic lipids, but it extends to mixtures containing different anionic headgroups. The resulting effects, however, have different consequences to the biological activity. This finding broadens the scope for which an AHCAP agent will cluster lipids in a membrane.  相似文献   
Bcl-2 family proteins are involved in the cell homeostasis by regulating programmed cell death. Some of these proteins promote apoptosis, while others inhibit the same process. The C-terminal hydrophobic domain of some of these proteins is predicted to be involved in anchoring them to a variety of cell membranes, such as mitochondrial, endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear membranes. We have used five synthetic peptides imitating the C-terminal domain from both anti-apoptotic (Bcl-2) and pro-apoptotic members (Bak, Bax, and two mutants of this last protein) of this family to study their interaction with model membranes. Some differences were detected in the interaction with these peptides. The addition of all the peptides to large unilamellar vesicles destabilized them and released encapsulated carboxyfluorescein to different degrees, so that fluidity and the increase in negative curvature favoured the extent in the release of carboxyfluorescein. Bcl-2-C and Bax-C peptides produced the highest release levels in most cases, while BaxS184K-C was the least efficient in this respect. These results indicate that these C-terminal domains are able to insert themselves in the membranes, each in a different way that is probably related with their different way which can be related to their differing locations within the cell and their different roles in regulating apoptosis.  相似文献   
Saposin C (Sap C) is known to stimulate the catalytic activity of the lysosomal enzyme glucosylceramidase (GCase) that facilitates the hydrolysis of glucosylceramide to ceramide and glucose. Both Sap C and acidic phospholipids are required for full activity of GCase. In order to better understand this interaction, mixed bilayer samples prepared from dioleoylphosphatidylglycerol (DOPG) and dioleoylphosphatidylserine (DOPS) (5:3 ratio) and Sap C were investigated using 2H and 31P solid-state NMR spectroscopy at temperatures ranging from 25 to 50 °C at pH 4.7. The Sap C concentrations used to carry out these experiments were 0 mol%, 1 mol% and 3 mol% with respect to the phospholipids. The molecular order parameters (SCD) were calculated from the dePaked 2H solid-state NMR spectra of Distearoyl-d70-phosphatidylglycerol (DSPG-d70) incorporated with DOPG and DOPS binary mixed bilayers. The SCD profiles indicate that the addition of Sap C to the negatively charged phospholipids is concentration dependent. SCD profiles of 1 mol% of the Sap C protein show only a very slight decrease in the acyl chain order. However, the SCD profiles of the 3 mol% of Sap C protein indicate that the interaction is predominantly increasing the disorder in the first half of the acyl chain near the head group (C1-C8) indicating that the amino and the carboxyl termini of Sap C are not inserting deep into the DOPG and DOPS mixed bilayers. The 31P solid-state NMR spectra show that the chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) for both phospholipids decrease and the spectral broadening increases upon addition of Sap C to the mixed bilayers. The data indicate that Sap C interacts similarly with the head groups of both acidic phospholipids and that Sap C has no preference to DOPS over DOPG. Moreover, our solid-state NMR spectroscopic data agree with the structural model previously proposed in the literature [X. Qi, G.A. Grabowski, Differential membrane interactions of saposins A and C. Implication for the functional specificity, J. Biol. Chem. 276 (2001) 27010-27017] [1].  相似文献   
The designed antimicrobial peptide KIGAKIKIGAKIKIGAKI possesses enhanced membrane selectivity for bacterial lipids, such as phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol. The perturbation of the bilayer by the peptide was first monitored using oriented bilayer samples on glass plates. The alignment of POPE/POPG model membranes with respect to the bilayer normal was severely altered at 4 mol% KIGAKI while the alignment of POPC bilayers was retained. The interaction mechanism between the peptide and POPE/POPG bilayers was investigated by carefully comparing three bilayer MLV samples (POPE bilayers, POPG bilayers, and POPE/POPG 4/1 bilayers). KIGAKI induces the formation of an isotropic phase for POPE/POPG bilayers, but only a slight change in the 31P NMR CSA line shape for both POPE and POPG bilayers, indicating the synergistic roles of POPE and POPG lipids in the disruption of the membrane structure by KIGAKI. 2H NMR powder spectra show no reduction of the lipid chain order for both POPG and POPE/POPG bilayers upon peptide incorporation, supporting the evidence that the peptide acts as a surface peptide. 31P longitudinal relaxation studies confirmed that different dynamic changes occurred upon interaction of the peptide with the three different lipid bilayers, indicating that the strong electrostatic interaction between the cationic peptide KIGAKI and anionic POPG lipids is not the only factor in determining the antimicrobial activity. Furthermore, 31P and 2H NMR powder spectra demonstrated a change in membrane characteristics upon mixing of POPE and POPG lipids. The interaction between different lipids, such as POPE and POPG, in the mixed bilayers may provide the molecular basis for the KIGAKI carpet mechanism in the permeation of the membrane.  相似文献   
Stimulated echo pulsed-field gradient 1H magic angle spinning NMR has been used to investigate the mobility of water, ubiquinone and tethered phospholipids, components of a biomimetic model membrane. The diffusion constant of water corresponds to an isotropic motion in a cylinder. When the lipid bilayer is obtained after the fusion of small unilamellar vesicles, the extracted value of lipid diffusion indicates unrestricted motion. The cylindrical arrangement of the lipids permits a simplification of data analysis since the normal bilayer is perpendicular to the gradient axis. This feature leads to a linear relation between the logarithm of the attenuation of the signal intensity and a factor depending on the gradient strength, for lipids covering the inner wall of aluminium oxide nanopores as well as for lipids adsorbed on a polymer sheet rolled into a cylinder. The effect of the bilayer formation on water diffusion has also been observed. The lateral diffusion coefficient of ubiquinone is in the same order of magnitude as the lipid lateral diffusion coefficient, in agreement with its localization within the bilayer.  相似文献   
PEGylation is frequently used to improve the efficacy of protein and peptide drugs. Recently, we investigated its effects on the action mechanism of the cyclic β-sheet antimicrobial peptide tachyplesin I isolated from Tachypleus tridentatus [Y. Imura, M. Nishida, Y. Ogawa, Y. Takakura, K. Matsuzaki, Action Mechanism of Tachyplesin I and Effects of PEGylation, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1768 (2007) 1160-1169]. PEGylation did not change the basic mechanism behind the membrane-permeabilizing effect of the peptide on liposomes, however, it decreased the antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity. To obtain further information on the effects of PEGylation on the activities of antimicrobial peptides, we designed another structurally different PEGylated antimicrobial peptide (PEG-F5W, E19Q-magainin 2-amide) based on the α-helical peptide magainin 2 isolated from the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis. The PEGylated peptide induced the leakage of calcein from egg yolk l-α-phosphatidylglycerol/egg yolk l-α-phosphatidylcholine large unilamellar vesicles, however, the activity was weaker than that of the control peptides. The PEGylated peptide induced lipid flip-flop coupled to the leakage and was translocated into the inner leaflet of the bilayer, indicating that PEGylation did not alter the basic mechanism of membrane permeabilization of the parent peptide. The cytotoxicity of the non-PEGylated peptides was nullified by PEGylation. At the same time, the antimicrobial activity was weakened only by 4 fold. The effects of PEGylation on the activity of magainin were compared with those for tachyplesin.  相似文献   
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