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Purpose: Deficiency of the mannan-binding lectin (MBL) pathway of innate immunity is associated with increased susceptibility to infections. In patients with colorectal cancer (CRC), postoperative infection is associated with poor prognosis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate (1) the relation between the MBL pathway and postoperative infectious complications and survival of patients resected for CRC, and (2) the role of MBL in acute phase response compared to C-reactive protein (CRP). Methods: Preoperative MBL concentration, MBL-associated serine protease (MBL/MASP) activity and CRP were determined in serum from 611 patients and 150 healthy controls. The patients were observed for 8 years. Postoperative infections, recurrence and survival were recorded. Results: The MBL pathway components were increased in the patients compared with the healthy controls (p<0.0001). Low MBL levels were predictive of pneumonia (p=0.01), and pneumonia (n=87) was associated with poor survival (p=0.003; HR=1.5; 95% CI, 1.1 to 1.9). MBL and MBL/MASP activity showed no correlation with CRP (Spearmans =0.02; 95% CI, –0.06 to 0.10). Conclusion: Low preoperative MBL levels are predictive of pneumonia, which is associated with poorer survival. MBL concentration and MBL/MASP activity was not predictive of other postoperative infections or long-term prognosis, and showed no correlation with CRP.  相似文献   
The mannose-binding lectin (MBL), a pattern recognition serum protein, participates in the innate immune system of mammals as an opsonin. In humans, MBL plays a key role in first-line host defense against infection during the lag period prior to the development of a specific immune response. MBL also activates complement via the lectin pathway that requires a MBL-associated serine protease-2 (MASP-2). Homologues of human MBL (hMBL) have been identified in a variety of mammals, fish, and primitive animals such as ascidians. In this study, we report that equine MBL (eMBL) has properties that are similar to hMBL. In addition, we found low levels of MBL:MASP activity in sick horses compared to healthy horses. These results suggest that eMBL is involved in the immune response of the horse and that low MBL:MASP activity could be used to monitor immune function and clinical outcome.  相似文献   
单子叶甘露糖结合凝集素的结构及生物活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单子叶甘露糖结合凝集素(monocot mannose-binding lectin,MBL)是植物凝集素超家族中具有甘露糖及其衍生物结合专一性的糖结合蛋白,对肿瘤细胞、逆转录病毒具有特异而强烈的抑制作用。作为甘露糖翻译器,MBL在糖组学研究中也扮演着重要的角色。迄今为止,对害虫具有良好抗性的转雪花莲、半夏凝集素基因的水稻、小麦、马铃薯、烟草等农作物均已成功问世,可见MBL在医学和农业应用领域都呈现出巨大的开发价值和广阔的应用前景。本文列举了近20年来新发现的几种典型的MBL,并对其分布、分子结构、糖结合专一性、系统进化、生理作用等方面进行了概述。  相似文献   
补体系统的进化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
补体系统中的大多数组织成员有着特征性的结构域及其特有的结构域组合形式,这使得我们可以利用基因组数据研究分析补体系统的起源与进化。综合文献报道和数据分析,发现补体系统的某些结构域存在于低等的后口动物,甚至在原口动物中也有大量分布,但哺乳动物中特有的结构域组合方式只在后口动物中存在。这些揭示了补体系统拥有比适应性免疫更早的起源,完善的补体系统可能形成在后口动物中的无脊椎动物,而更为原始的补体系统雏形则在原口动物中已经出现。就近些年的研究成果作一综述,以期系统阐明补体系统的起源与进化。  相似文献   
The ulaG gene, located in the ula regulon, is crucial for the catabolism of l-ascorbate under anaerobic conditions and it has been proposed to encode for the putative l-ascorbate-6-P lactonase. The ulaG gene is widespread among eubacteria, including human commensal and pathogenic genera such as Escherichia, Shigella, Klebsiella and Salmonella. Here, we report the three-dimensional structures of the apoenzyme and Mn2+ holoenzyme of UlaG from E. coli to 2.6 Å resolution, determined using single-wavelength anomalous diffraction phasing and molecular replacement, respectively. The structures reveal a highly specialized metallo-β-lactamase-like fold derived from an ancient structural template that was involved in RNA maturation and DNA repair. This fold has a novel quaternary architecture consisting of a hexameric ring formed by a trimer of UlaG dimers. A mononuclear Mn2+-binding site resides at the core of the active site, which displays micromolar affinity for Mn2+ and a distorted trigonal bipyramidal coordination. The active site Mn2+ ion can be replaced by Co2+ or Zn2+, but not by Fe3+. We further show that the Mn2+ or Co2+-loaded enzyme exhibits lactonase activity towards l-ascorbate 6-P, thereby providing the first direct evidence of its catalytic role in the l-ascorbate catabolic pathway. Guided by the structural homology, we show that UlaG is able to cleave phosphodiester linkages in cyclic nucleotides, suggesting that the conservation of the fold and of the key catalytic residues allows for the evolutionary acquisition of substrate specificity for novel but related substrates.  相似文献   
C-type lectins (CTLs) are a large family of Ca2+-dependent carbohydrate-binding proteins recognizing various glycoconjugates and functioning primarily in immunity and cell adhesion. We have identified 34 CTLDP (for CTL-domain protein) genes in the Manduca sexta genome, which encode proteins with one to three CTL domains. CTL-S1 through S9 (S for simple) have one or three CTL domains; immulectin-1 through 19 have two CTL domains; CTL-X1 through X6 (X for complex) have one or two CTL domains along with other structural modules. Nine simple CTLs and seventeen immulectins have a signal peptide and are likely extracellular. Five complex CTLs have both an N-terminal signal peptide and a C-terminal transmembrane region, indicating that they are membrane anchored. Immulectins exist broadly in Lepidoptera and lineage-specific gene duplications have generated three clusters of fourteen genes in the M. sexta genome, thirteen of which have similar expression patterns. In contrast to the family expansion, CTL-S1∼S6, S8, and X1∼X6 have 1:1 orthologs in at least four lepidopteran/dipteran/coleopteran species, suggestive of conserved functions in a wide range of holometabolous insects. Structural modeling suggests the key residues for Ca2+-dependent or independent binding of certain carbohydrates by CTL domains. Promoter analysis identified putative κB motifs in eighteen of the CTL genes, which did not have a strong correlation with immune inducibility in the mRNA or protein levels. Together, the gene identification, sequence comparisons, structure modeling, phylogenetic analysis, and expression profiling establish a solid foundation for future studies of M. sexta CTL-domain proteins.  相似文献   
The presence of metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs) in many clinically important human bacterial pathogens limits treatment options, as these enzymes efficiently hydrolyze nearly all β-lactam antibiotics. VIM enzymes are among the most widely distributed MBLs, but many of the individual VIM subtypes remain poorly characterized. Pseudomonas aeruginosa VIM-7 is the most divergent among VIM-type MBLs in terms of amino acid sequence. Here we present crystal structures of VIM-7 as the native enzyme, with Cys221 oxidized (VIM-7-Ox), and with a sulfur atom bridging the two active-site zinc ions (VIM-7-S). Comparison with VIM-2 and VIM-4 structures suggests an explanation for the reduced catalytic efficiency of VIM-7 against cephalosporins with a positively charged cyclic substituent at the C3 position (e.g., ceftazidime). Kinetic variations are attributed to substitutions in residues 60-66 (that form a loop adjacent to the active site previously implicated in substrate binding) and to the disruption of two hydrogen-bonding clusters through substitutions at positions 218 and 224. Furthermore, the less negatively charged surface of VIM-7 (compared to VIM-2) may also contribute to the reduced hydrolytic efficiency. Docking of the cephalosporins ceftazidime and cefotaxime into the VIM-2 and VIM-7 structures reveals that amino acid substitutions may cause the mode of substrate binding to differ between the two enzymes. Our structures thus provide new insights into the variation in substrate specificity that is evident across this family of clinically important enzymes.  相似文献   
Metallo-beta-lactamases (MBLs) efficiently hydrolyze and thereby inactivate various beta-lactam antibiotics in clinical use. Their potential to evolve into more efficient enzymes threatens public health. Recently, we have identified the designed F218Y mutant of IMP-1 as an enzyme with superior catalytic efficiency compared to the wild-type. Thus, it may be found in clinical isolates in the future. In an effort to elucidate the molecular mechanisms involved in enhanced activity, we carried out molecular dynamics simulations of ten MBL variants in complex with a cefotaxime intermediate. The stability of these near-transition state enzyme-substrate intermediate complexes was modeled and compared to the experimental catalytic efficiencies k(cat)/K(M). For each of the ten complexes ten independent simulations were performed. In each simulation the temperature was gradually increased and determined upon breakdown of the complex. Rankings based on the experimental catalytic efficiencies and the data from computer simulations were in good agreement. From trajectory analysis of stable simulations, the combination of Tyr218 and Ser262 was found to lead to an altered hydrogen bonding network, which translates into a closing down movement of a beta-hairpin loop covering the active site. These observations may explain the significantly decreased K(M) and increased k(cat)/K(M) values of this variant toward all substrates recently tested in experiment. Previously, we have discovered that mutations G262S (yielding IMP-1) and G262A in IMP-6 stabilize the Zn(II) ligand His263 and thus the enzyme-substrate intermediate complex through a domino effect, which enhances conversion of drugs like ceftazidime, penicillins, and imipenem. Together, the domino effect and the altered beta-hairpin loop conformation explain how IMP-6 can evolve through mutations G262S and F218Y into an enzyme with up to one order of magnitude increased catalytic efficiencies toward these important antibiotics. Furthermore, the previously proposed binding of a third zinc ion close to the active site of IMP-6 mutant S121G was corroborated by our simulations.  相似文献   
In transplantation, activation of complement has largely been equated to antibody-mediated rejection, but complement is also important in recognition of apoptotic and necrotic cells as well as in modifying antigen presentation to T cells and B cells. As a part of the innate immune system, complement is one of the first responses to injury, and it can determine the direction and magnitude of the subsequent responses. Consequently, the effects of complement in allorecognition and graft rejection are increased when organs are procured from cadaver donors because these organs sustain a series of stresses from brain death, prolonged life support, ischemia and finally reperfusion that initiate proinflammatory processes and tissue injury. In addition, these organs are transplanted to patients, who frequently have been sensitized to histocompatibility antigens as the result of transfusions, pregnancies or transplants.Complement activation generates a series of biologically active effector molecules that can modulate graft rejection by directly binding to the graft or by modifying the response of macrophages, T and B cells of the recipient. However, complement is regulated and the process of regulation produces split products that can decrease as well as increase immune responses. Small animal models have been developed to test these variables. The guide for evaluating results from these models remains clinical findings because there are significant differences between the rodent and human complement systems.  相似文献   
Complement factor H (CFH) is an essential regulator of the complement system and plays very important roles in animal innate immunity. Although the complement system of amphioxus has been extensively studied, the expression in amphioxus and evolution of CFH gene remain unknown. In this study, we identified and characterized an amphioxus (Branchiostoma belcheri) CFH gene (designated as AmphiCFH). Our results showed that the full-length cDNA of AmphiCFH gene consists of 1295 bp nucleotides containing an 855 bp open reading frame (ORF) that was predicted to encode a 284 amino acid protein. The putative AmphiCFH protein possessed the characteristic of the CFH protein family, including typical CCP (complement control protein) domain. Real-time PCR analysis showed that the AmphiCFH was ubiquitously and differentially expressed in five investigated tissues (intestine, gills, notochord, muscles, and hepatic cecum). The expression level of the AmphiCFH gene was induced upon lipopolysaccharide stimulation, indicating that the AmphiCFH gene might be involved in innate immunity. In addition, phylogenetic analysis showed that the AmphiCFH gene was located between that of invertebrates and vertebrates, suggesting that the AmphiCFH gene is a member of the CFH gene family. In conclusion, our findings provided an insight into animal innate immunity and evolution of the CFH gene family.  相似文献   
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