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Summary To elucidate the participation of fetal rat liver cells in the receptor-mediated internalization of low-density lipoproteins (LDL), rat fetuses were injected with either LDL-gold or albumin-gold conjugates. The degree of binding and uptake of LDL-gold and albumin-gold by parenchymal and sinusoidal cells of the fetal rat liver differs markedly. Endothelial cells exhibit low LDL-gold uptake. In contrast, parenchymal cells internalize LDL-gold more actively (45 ± 8 LDL conjugates/100 m2 cytoplasm within 60 min). Kupffer cells exceed this value by a factor of 20. The uptake of albumin-gold by endothelial and Kupffer cells is high, whereas it is extremely low in parenchymal cells. Estradiol pretreatment causes a significant doubling (p<0.05) of the LDL-gold particle density/100 m2 cytoplasm both in parenchymal and Kupffer cells, whereas estradiol has no effect on the albumin uptake. The results strongly indicate that LDL uptake by parenchymal and Kupffer cells in the fetal rat liver is mediated by estrogen-inducible receptors, which may correspond to B, E receptors in the adult liver.  相似文献   
Summary In view of the presumed involvement of gap junctions in the coordination of metabolic activities, the influence of cAMP as a regulatory signal of cell metabolism on gap junctions of hepatocytes has been examined. Male rats received two intraperitoneal doses of 10 mg dibutyryl cAMP/100 g body weight with a time interval of 2.5 h and were decapitated 2.5 h later. After this 5-h interval, analysis of freeze-fracture replicas of fixed liver tissue revealed an increase in the mean (± SEM) gap-junctional membrane portion on the lateral hepatocyte membranes from 0.049 + 0.003 (n = 66) in controls to 0.061 ± 0.003 (n = 70) in treated rats, while the configuration of the connexons appeared unaltered. This effect could not be reinforced by prior administration of aminophylline: the relative gapjunctional area is similarly extended from 0.054 ± 0.003 (n = 126) in the control group to 0.065 ± 0.004 (n = 105) in the experimental animals. Probing for the time course of the junctional response, a group of rats was sacrificed 3 h after the onset of treatment. Already within this time, the gapjunctional area is augmented from 0.042 ± 0.004 (n = 63) in the concurrent controls to 0.069 ± 0.006 (n = 42) in the treated rats. These statistically significant increases in area may suggest a stimulating effect of cAMP on gap junctions of hepatocytes in vivo.This investigation was supported by grant No. 3.0059.81 (to D.W.S.) from the Fund for Medical Scientific Research (Belgium)  相似文献   
Phenyl di-n-pentylphosphinate is a reasonably stable easily synthesized inhibitor of neuropathy target esterase (NTE) with low anticholinesterase activity. Like phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride it protects hens against neuropathic effects of compounds such as diisopropylphosphorofluoridate. At intervals up to 15 days after dosing hens (10 mg/kg s.c. to inhibit 90% NTE) assays were made of catalytically active and of phosphinylated NTE in autopsy tissue. The sum of these components was always within the range of catalytic activity in undosed controls. However, the half-life of reappearance of active NTE was 2.07 days +/- 0.13 (SD, n = 6) for brain and 3.62 days +/- 0.23 (SD, n = 6) for spinal cord--shorter than after dosing with phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride. It is proposed that: (1) The physiological turnover mechanism cannot distinguish between catalytically active and di-n-pentylphosphinylated NTE although initiation of organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy might involve recognition of aged di-alkyl-phosphorylated NTE as "foreign". (2) The short half-lives indicate a slow spontaneous dephosphinylation of inhibited NTE occurs in vivo as well as de novo synthesis. The difference in half-lives for brain and spinal cord NTE may be due to different rates of synthesis de novo or (more likely) to different rates of spontaneous reactivation of the inhibited NTE in the two tissues.  相似文献   
Synopsis Seasonal cycles of reserve deposition and utilization in many fishes, amphibians and reptiles alleviate temporal mismatches of energy supply and demand. Utilization of reserves can be related to maintenance during periods of reduced food supply, to reproduction, particularly during periods of poor food availability, and to migration. Published data on the seasonal cycles of reserves and reproduction inSebastes suggest that reserves are important for maintenance during wintertime periods of low food availability. Unlike many other ectothermic vertebrates, some species ofSebastes deposit fat reserves at the same time as gametogenesis, a pattern consistent with the longevity and iteroparity evident in the genus. Other species ofSebastes have similar seasonal timing of fat cycles, but since reproduction takes place later in the year, the decline in reserves during winter coincides with the main period of reproductive activity. The significance of this is not clear. Interspecific differences in amounts of reserves may be related to geographical differences in the seasonality or abundance of food. Intraspecific variation in reserves, marked most strongly by allometry of reserves with regard to fish legth, bears further study, since it may link the proces of sexual maturation and the responses of repeat spawners to variability in food supply and other environmental factors.  相似文献   
Summary This paper presents a study on the structure and function of Kupffer cells (KC) and liver endothelial cells (LEC) isolated by a simple and rapid technique involving 1) perfusion of the liver with collagenase; 2) cell separation by means of density centrifugation in Percoll; and 3) cell culture, taking advantage of the fact that KC and LEC differ in their preferences for growth substrate. The KC, which attach and spread under serum-free conditions on surfaces of glass or plastic during the first 15 min in culture exhibit a typical macrophage-like morphology including membrane ruffling and a heterogenous content of vacuoles. Moreover, these cells express (a) Fc receptors (FcR) for binding and phagocytosis of erythrocytes covered with immune globulin G (E-IgG), and (b) complement receptors (CR) for binding and serum dependent phagocytosis of erythrocytes covered with either human C3b or mouse inactivated C3b (iC3b). The cells also bind fluid phase fluoresceinated C3b. Approximately 30% of the KC express immune response-associated (Ia)-antigens.The LEC attach and spread on fibronectin coated surfaces, but not on glass or plastic surfaces, during the first two hours in culture with or without serum, and are morphologically distinct from KC. Cultured LEC are well spread out with no membrane ruffling and with numerous large vesicles surrounding the regularly shaped nucleus. These cells bind, but do not ingest E-IgG via the FcR, but no binding of fluid phase C3b or particle fixed C3b or iC3b can be observed. Incubation of LEC with fluorescein amine conjugates of ovalbumin or formaldehyde treated serum albumin, but not with fluoresceinated native serum albumin, results in accumulation of fluorescence specifically localized in the large perinuclear vesicles. Neither KC nor any other cell types tested have the ability to accumulate fluorescence upon incubation with these compounds. Iaantigens are not present on the LEC.Cytochemical demonstration of unspecific esterase, acid phosphatase, and peroxidase reveals different patterns and intensities of staining in KC as compared to LEC.Abbreviations Used KC Kupffer cells - LEC Liver endothelial cells - C Complement - C3b Major fragment of C3 activation - iC3b C3b that has been cleaved by factor I (C3b inactivator), present in serum - meC3b C3b produced by treating purified human C3 with methyl amine - trC3b C3b produced by treating purified human C3 with trypsin - CR Complement receptors for C3b and iC3b - IgG Immune globulin G - IgM Immune globulin M - E Erythrocytes - E-IgG E covered with anti-E IgG - E-IgM E covered with anti-E IgM - E-C3b(h) E-IgM reacted with purified human C1, C4, oxidized C2 and C3 (E-IgMC14xyC2C3b) - E-iC3b(m) E-IgM incubated with C5 deficient serum from AKR mice - FcR Receptors for the Fc portion of IgG - FITC Fluorescein isothiocyanate - FITC-meC3b FITC conjugated to meC3b - FITC-trC3b FITC conjugated to trC3b - FA Fluorescein amine - FA-OA Ovalbumin conjugated with FA - FA-SA Serum albumin conjugated with FA - FA-FSA Formaldehyde-treated serum albumin conjugated with FA - Ia Immune response-associated AcE Acid unspecific esterase acting on alpha naphtyl acetate - NASDAE Unspecific esterase acting on naphthol AS-D acetate - NASDCAE Unspecific esterase acting on napthol AS-D chloroacetate  相似文献   
The metabolism of N-methyl substituted 7H-dibenzo[c,g]carbazole (N-Me DBC) was investigated in vitro using liver microsomes from 3-methylcholanthrene (MC)-, benzo[c]carbazole (BC) and Arochlor-pretreated mice and rats. N-Me DBC is a potent sarcomatogen devoid of hepatotoxicity and liver carcinogenic activity. The ethyl acetate-extractable metabolites were separated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and most of them were identified by proton magnetic resonance (PMR), mass spectrometry (MS) and comparison with synthetically prepared specimens. Mouse and rat microsomes gave rise to the same metabolites. The major metabolites were 5-OH-N-Me DBC (50%), N-hydroxymethyl (HMe) DBC (25-30%) and 3-OH-N-Me DBC (10%). Addition of 1,1,1-trichloropropene-2,3-oxide (TCPO) to the standard incubation medium permitted the identification of two dihydrodiols among the minor metabolites. No metabolite of DBC was observed after incubation of N-Me DBC, or its major metabolite N-HMe DBC, with either mouse or rat microsomes, but the possibility of a slight demethylation cannot be totally excluded. The lack of biotransformation at the nitrogen atom site may explain the lack of hepatotoxicity and liver carcinogenic activity of N-Me DBC. The modulation of metabolism by epoxide hydrolase, cytosol and glutathione was also investigated. The results are discussed in the light of data previously obtained with hepatotoxic and hepatocarcinogenic DBC.  相似文献   
In order to obtain a more precise definition of the conditions under which 2-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene (2-Me-DAB) and liver cell proliferation play a role in the initiation of hepatocarcinogenesis, the toxicity of 2-Me-DAB for normal and partially hepatectomized rats was investigated. Continuous feeding of a basal low protein, low riboflavin diet supplemented with 2-Me-DAB was found to be highly toxic for male albino rats. All animals fed on such a diet died before 200 days. Sham operation and partial hepatectomy (PH) at 30 days of 2-Me-DAB feeding reduced the median survival time from 122 days to 107 and 94 days, respectively. Transfer to the basal diet after 30 days of 2-Me-DAB feeding and PH prolonged the median survival time to 216 days while 97% of the rats returned to the normal complete diet after the same treatments survived for more than 300 days. 2-Me-DAB was not necrogenic and there was no evidence of reparative proliferation or hepatic tumor formation in any group. Feeding rats with the 2-Me-DAB containing diet for 1 month delayed and strongly inhibited the mitotic response of the liver to the stimulus of partial hepatectomy. This is the result of a blockage of the cells in G1 as revealed by the fact that only 1% of the hepatocytes became labeled when 2-Me-DAB fed animals were injected with tritiated thymidine prior to sacrifice at 24 h post-hepatectomy, as compared to 40% in rats fed the normal or the control basal diet. This inhibitory effect of 2-Me-DAB is reversible however since rats returned to the normal diet for 1 or 2 months after 2-Me-DAB feeding showed percentages of mitoses and labeling indices comparable to those of control animals following PH. The number of abnormal mitoses was high (13%) in regenerating livers of rats fed 2-Me-DAB and the lesions responsible for this effect are apparently not repaired since 2-Me-DAB fed rats partially hepatectomized after being transferred to the normal diet for 1 or 2 months showed the same number of mitotic irregularities. The present results suggest that assays with 2-Me-DAB as 'pure initiator' or agent of selective toxicity should be pursued in attempts to improve existing experimental models of hepatocarcinogenesis.  相似文献   
Mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni develop T cell-mediated granulomatous reactions around disseminated parasite eggs. In this study, granuloma-derived leucocytes have been examined for schistosomulicidal capacity by the use of in vitro cytotoxicity assays. Adherent macrophages, that were shown by electron microscopy to exhibit no gross morphological abnormalities, were unable to mediate significant mortality in the absence of serum factors. When cocultured with immune serum and complement, however, these cells killed +/- 26% of the larvae at a cell:target ratio of 5000:1. In contrast, granuloma-derived cell populations that were enriched for eosinophils (50-70% eosinophil content) showed only minimal cytotoxic potential. This may be related to observed structural changes in the eosinophil lysosomal granules, or perhaps to blocking of the cell-surface receptors by immune complexes. It is concluded that granuloma macrophages, activated by egg antigen-sensitised T lymphocytes, may serve as effector cells in immunity to schistosomules.  相似文献   
S Chen  B I Srivastava 《FEBS letters》1983,161(2):217-220
Sequence homology was found by computer analysis between potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTV) RNA and U3B snRNA of Novikoff hepatoma cells. This homology is colinear in arrangement, extends in length to 81% of the entire U3B snRNA molecule and is involved in the PSTV molecule unique sites which, if depicted in terms of the secondary structure of the circular PSTV molecule, reveal a conspicuous regularity in their location. A strong relation in primary structure between PSTV and U3B snRNA is demonstrated by statistical analysis.  相似文献   
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