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Summary Leptosphaeria maculans, a fungal pathogen of Brassica spp., was successfully transformed with the vector pAN8-1, encoding phleomycin resistance. Protoplasts of a vigorous Phleor transformant were then retransformed using the partially homologous vector, pAN7-1 which encodes hygromycin B resistance. Retransformation of this strain to hygromycin resistance occurred at frequencies that were consistently twofold higher than with the original recipient strain. Linearised pAN7-1 DNA transformed phleomycin-resistant protoplasts at higher frequencies still. All the transformants that were tested retained a phleomycin-resistant phenotype (20/20). Molecular analysis of five transformants generated with circular pAN7-1 DNA indicated that in four cases the pAN7-1 vector had integrated into pAN8-1 sequences. These results suggest that transformation frequencies in L. maculans are limited by the ability of vector DNA to integrate into the genome. Hence, construction of strains with target sites for integration may prove to be a generally useful method for improving transformation frequencies of poorly characterised filamentous fungi, particularly when using heterologous vectors. This would greatly facilitate the identification of genes by transfer of gene libraries and the standardisation of chromosomal location effects in studies of expression of nested promoter deletions.  相似文献   
An efficient DNA extraction protocol and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for detecting Leptosphaeria maculans from infected seed lots of oilseed rape were developed. L. maculans, the causal agent of blackleg, a damaging disease in oilseeds rape/canola worldwide, was listed as a quarantine disease by China in 2009. China imports several millions of tons of oilseeds every year. So there is a high risk that this pathogen will be introduced to China via contaminated seeds. Seed contamination is one of the most significant factors in the global spread of phytopathogens. Detection of L. maculans in infected seed lots by PCR assay is difficult due to the low level of pathogen mycelium/spores on seeds and PCR inhibitors associated with the seeds of oilseed rape. In our study, these two major obstacles were overcome by the development of a two‐step extraction protocol combined with a nested PCR. This extraction protocol (kit extraction after CTAB method) can efficiently extract high‐quality DNA for PCR. Amplification results showed that the detection threshold for conventional PCR and nested PCR was, respectively, 1 ng and 10 fg of DNA per μl in mycelia samples. On contaminated seed lots of oilseed rape, the detection threshold of conventional and nested PCR was 709 fg/μl and 709 ag/μl of DNA, respectively. The DNA extraction protocol and PCR assay developed in this study can be used for rapid and reliable detection of L. maculans from infected seeds of oilseed rape .  相似文献   
Phytoalexins are inducible chemical defenses produced by plants in response to diverse forms of stress, including microbial attack. Our search for phytoalexins from cruciferous plants resistant to economically important fungal diseases led us to examine stinkweed or pennycress (Thlaspi arvense), a potential source of disease resistance to blackleg. We have investigated phytoalexin production in leaves of T. arvense under abiotic (copper chloride) and biotic elicitation by Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) Ces. et de Not. [asexual stage Phoma lingam (Tode ex Fr.) Desm.], and report here two phytoalexins, wasalexin A and arvelexin (4-methoxyindolyl-3-acetonitrile), their syntheses and antifungal activity against isolates of P. lingam/L. maculans, as well as the isolation of isovitexin, a constitutive glycosyl flavonoid of stinkweed, having antioxidant properties but devoid of antifungal activity.  相似文献   
自然界甘蓝茎点霉(Phoma lingam)的有性世代为斑点小球腔菌Leptosphaeriamaculans通常形成于甘蓝属植株的越冬残茎上。在实验室内其有性阶段不易培养或需要较长的时间,而且形成假囊壳的百分率也很低。为了在实验室内能短期诱发大量L.maculans的假囊壳,本实验研究了该菌假囊壳生成的条件,创造了双层培养方法。自澳大利亚采集到有该菌假囊壳的芸苔(Brassica napus)残基,分离得到子囊孢子单孢后代数十株,同时用保存的已知交配型665(+)和666(-)为材料,研究了(+)(-)配对结合的环境条件。实验结果表明16℃的温度,近紫外光照射(黑光灯)和V_(?)麦杆琼脂培养基上可以产生少量的假囊壳。但是,若配合以双层培养,则在培养4周后可产生大量成熟的假囊壳。实验还确定了该菌在性细胞形成、交配、子囊形成和成熟等阶段对环境因子都有不同的要求。双层培养对假囊壳的发育有重要作用。前期菌体营养生长与后期假囊壳的成熟紧密相关。  相似文献   
The isolation and structure determination of phomapyrones D-G, three 2-pyrones and a coumarin, from a group of isolates of the fungal pathogen Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) Ces. et de Not., asexual stage Phoma lingam (Tode ex Fr.) Desm, is reported. As well, phomenin B, infectopyrone, and polanrazines B and C were also obtained for the first time from these isolates. In addition, based on results of incorporations of 13C-labeled acetate and malonate, and deuterated methionine, a polyketide pathway is proposed for the biosyntheses of phomapyrones.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Blackleg, caused by Leptosphaeria maculans, is a major disease of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) worldwide, including Australia. In most cases, the severity of the disease in the field is related to infections caused by airborne ascospores. In contrast, pycnidiospores originating from leaf and stem lesions and stubble are widely assumed to play only a relatively minor role in the epidemiology of blackleg. It is not clear whether, under certain conditions, pycnidiospores can cause severe disease in the field. The aim of the work reported was to determine if the pathogenicity of pycnidiospores is enhanced by paired co-inoculation of B. napus cotyledons with ascospores. METHODS: Three investigations were carried out under controlled-environment conditions using various L. maculans isolates and B. napus cultivars with different levels of host resistance to blackleg. KEY RESULTS: In all three experiments, co-inoculation with ascospores increased the ability of pycnidiospores to cause more disease on B. napus than when inoculations consisted of pycnidiospores alone. This effect was significantly influenced by the host resistance of the cultivar, but overall was independent of the L. maculans isolate used in the different experiments. This effect was also independent of timing of inoculation with the ascospores, with increased disease from pycnidiospores occurring on the cotyledon of the seedling in situations where inoculations with ascospores were carried out 0, 1 or 2 d after pycnidiospore inoculation. This enhanced pathogenicity of pycnidiospores was evident even when low concentrations of pycnidiospores were applied to the other cotyledon of the same seedling. CONCLUSIONS: These results may explain continuing severe blackleg disease cycles throughout the cropping season even when ascospore fallout was low or constrained only to a brief period or phase of the cropping season, and suggest that disease epidemics may be polycyclic rather than monocyclic.  相似文献   
Blackleg disease of Brassica napus caused by Leptosphaeria maculans (Lm) is largely controlled by the deployment of race‐specific resistance (R) genes. However, selection pressure exerted by R genes causes Lm to adapt and give rise to new virulent strains through mutation and deletion of effector genes. Therefore, a knowledge of effector gene function is necessary for the effective management of the disease. Here, we report the cloning of Lm effector AvrLm9 which is recognized by the resistance gene Rlm9 in B. napus cultivar Goéland. AvrLm9 was mapped to scaffold 7 of the Lm genome, co‐segregating with the previously reported AvrLm5 (previously known as AvrLmJ1). Comparison of AvrLm5 alleles amongst the 37 re‐sequenced Lm isolates and transgenic complementation identified a single point mutation correlating with the AvrLm9 phenotype. Therefore, we renamed this gene as AvrLm5‐9 to reflect the dual specificity of this locus. Avrlm5‐9 transgenic isolates were avirulent when inoculated on the B. napus cultivar Goéland. The expression of AvrLm5‐9 during infection was monitored by RNA sequencing. The recognition of AvrLm5‐9 by Rlm9 is masked in the presence of AvrLm4‐7, another Lm effector. AvrLm5‐9 and AvrLm4‐7 do not interact, and AvrLm5‐9 is expressed in the presence of AvrLm4‐7. AvrLm5‐9 is the second Lm effector for which host recognition is masked by AvrLm4‐7. An understanding of this complex interaction will provide new opportunities for the engineering of broad‐spectrum recognition.  相似文献   
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