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Summary The ability of an erpobdellid leech, Erpobdella montezuma, to discriminate between two congeneric amphipod prey (Hyalella montezuma and Hyalella azteca) through mechanoreception was examined. Both E. montezuma and H. montezuma, a pelagic filter feeder, are endemic to the near thermally constant environment of Montezuma Well, Arizona, and form a highly specialized predator-prey relationship. In contrast, H. azteca, a benthic detritivore, is widely distributed throughout North America. Erpobdella montezuma was highly responsive to the prey signals of the endemic H. montezuma and showed only a limited response to H. azteca. An inverse relationship occurred between the frequency of attack and size of the leech. The abilities of Erpobdella punctata and Nephelopsis obscura, neither found in Montezuma Well, to detect the signals of both amphipod prey were also examined. These species with non-specialized diets showed a low response to the signals of both prey species. This study demonstrates that very close predator-prey relationships can develop over evolutionary time in isolated aquatic systems through the use of mechanoreception.  相似文献   
A guild of leeches and triclads coexist and are the most numerous invertebrate predators on the stony shores of productive British lakes. Populations of all species are food-limited. Mortality of recruited young is considerably higher in leech than in triclad populations, and this paper investigates reasons for this. In particular, the feeding success of young leeches and triclads in relation to prey species, prey size, prey condition (alive or crushed), spatial heterogeneity (with or without the presence of stones or gravel), and the presence or absence of other young or adults predators (leeches or triclads) of the same or different species are investigated in the laboratory. Feeding success by young leeches and triclads on crushed prey without the presence of stones was high, but declined dramatically in leeches but not triclads when stones were present. Young leeches and triclads were inept at capturing live prey, of a small or large size, with the exception of soft-bodied prey such as oligochaetes. Feeding success by young predators on live prey was not increased by the presence of other young predators of the same or different species. With only a few exceptions, the presence of adult leeches, and to a much lesser extent adult triclads, increased the feeding success, growth and survival of young leeches and triclads. It is concluded that the high mortality of young leeches, compared to triclads, in field populations is due to their inability to locate damaged food in an environment with spatial heterogeneity due to a poorly developed chemosensory system. High and low levels of juvenile morality are accompanied by high and low reproductive rates in leech and triclad populations, respectively. It is unusual for a food limited population to have a high level of recruitment, but it is speculated that the characteristically high reproductive output in parasitic leeches, from which predaceous leeches are derived or have affinities, has been retained to counterbalance high juvenile mortality rates.  相似文献   
The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, able to detect the coincidence of pre- and postsynaptic events, is considered to be the molecular analogue of associative learning. Associative learning is well known in leeches, particularly for reflexive shortening. The neuronal circuits underlying shortening have been documented and include neurons that release glutamate. Is this type of learning in leeches also mediated by NMDA receptors? The synapse between the P sensory neuron and the motoneuron-like AP cell was examined and: (1) NMDA failed to elicit a response in the AP cell, (2) the NMDA receptor antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphopentanoic acid affected synaptic transmission only at high, non-specific levels, and (3) the antagonist for the glycine-binding site 7-chloro-kynurenic acid at 20 μM did not inhibit transmission. Therefore, there are evidently no NMDA receptors at the P to AP synapse, suggesting other mechanisms of associative learning in leeches. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
The aim of the present work is to describe histologically, histochemically and immunocytochemically, the sequence of events that lead to first and second set rejection of allo- or xenograft in leeches. Graft responses of leeches are comparable and are described following specific steps: inflammatory phase, rejection phase and granulation tissue formation (including re-epithelialisation, angiogenesis and fibroplasia).The responses to first and second graft in first set graft rejection as well as to the first transplant in second set graft experiments are identical and in the time span of a week all grafts are destroyed and disappear. In the second set graft rejection experiments the responses against the second transplant are markedly accelerated. The second graft shows massive structural alterations and it is rapidly rejected, within 3-4 days.Our results permit to highlight that in leeches there is a specific responsiveness of immune system similar to those described in highly divergent phyla.  相似文献   
During October 2004 to April 2005, when water temperature ranged between 18 and 22 degrees C, over than 500 specimens of leeches namely Alboglossiphonia polypompholyx, Batracobdelloides tricarinata, Helobdella conifera (Rhynchobdellida), Barbronia assiuti, and Salifa delicata (Arhynchobdellida) were collected from Al-Sont canal near Assiut city. About 80% of these specimens were infected with the peritrich ciliate Epistylis sp. The infection occurred in the field, both rhynchobdellid and arhynchobdellid leeches were infected, but Epistylis can infect rhynchobdellids more than arhynchobdellids. Both light and scanning electron microscopy showed the morphology of this parasite which attached to the surface of the leech body by a stalk. Histopathological studies revealed the damage of cuticle, epidermis, and dermis of the leech body wall at the area of attachment and the leech body seemed to be sloughy. Presence of this parasite in high numbers covering large areas of the body can impede gas exchange leading to leech suffocation and finally its death. Like the other sessile single-celled ciliates Epistylis spp. feed on bacteria and suspended organic debris, which are prevalent in nutrient-rich water, hence, Epistylis is a good indicator of poor water quality (pollution). The present study represents the first report of the effect of Epistylis on leeches collected from Egypt.  相似文献   
目的探讨水蛭生物治疗痛风的临床效果。方法选择2011年5月~2013年8月在我院确诊的痛风患者60例,随机分为治疗组和对照组各30例,两组患者均给予常规治疗,治疗组在此基础上辅以活体水蛭生物治疗。结果治疗组总有效率93%,明显优于对照组的67%,两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)结论水蛭生物防治痛风有可能成为临床中潜在的医疗新辅助方法。  相似文献   
Summary A bioenergetics simulation model of the growth and life history of the aquatic predator Nephelopsis obscura Verrill was developed and validated using both experimentation and sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the model's internal feedbacks resulted in stability similar to homeostatic biological mechanisms. The experimental validation showed the model very accurately predicts growth at 10°C and 15°C but is slightly biased at 20°C. Simulation output was also consistent with the observed data on Nephelopsis from the site from which the simulation input data were obtained and indicated that Nephelopsis growth is more sensitive to prey variation among years than to temperature variation. Although built using data from a population at one extreme of the spectrum observed in life history and growth, the model was able to emulate the growth of Nephelopsis throughout its range. Thus, the variability in size and life history observed in the field can be explained as the result of a plastic phenotype responding to different habitat conditions.  相似文献   

Erpobdella octoculata (Clitellata, Hirudinea, Erpobdellidae) has paired ovarian sacs, each containing several rod-shaped structures termed ovarian bodies. Oogenesis takes place within the ovarian bodies. We show that in the apical part of the bodies the germ-line cells form syncytial cysts of cells interconnected by stable intercellular bridges. Germ-line cyst architecture is broadly similar to that of other clitellate annelids; that is, each germ cell has only one intercellular bridge connecting it to the anuclear cytoplasmic mass, the cytophore. Unlike germ-line cysts described in other leech species, the cytophore in cysts of E. octoculata is poorly developed, taking the form of thin cytoplasmic strands. Oogenesis in E. octoculata is meroistic because the germ cells forming the cysts (cystocytes) have diverse fates, i.e., nurse cells and oocytes appear. One large ramified cell (apical cell) occurs within the apical part of the ovarian body. We compare the ultrastructure of the apical cell found in E. octoculata with that of apical cells described recently in some hirudiniform leeches. The germ-line cysts as well as the oocytes are enveloped by somatic follicular cells. As in other leeches, the follicular cells surrounding the growing oocytes have cytoplasm perforated by intracellular canals. In view of the many similarities between E. octoculata ovarian bodies and the ovary cords described in glossiphoniids and especially in hirudiniform leeches, we suggest that the ovarian bodies found in E. octoculata are in fact modified ovary cords.  相似文献   
The glossiphoniid leeches Helobdella stagnalis and Glossiphonia complanata co-exist on the stony shores of British lakes. Because both species have a similar life-style and are food limited, the question arises as to how coexistence persists. Laboratory experiments investigated if either leech has a competitive advantage on three foods, viz. oligochaete worms (Tubifex sp.), snails (Lymnaea peregra), and a worm-plus-snail mixture. A variety of densities with a range of ratios of the two leeches, and monospecific controls were used. The level of feeding ensured increasing food shortage with rising leech density. Experiments, conducted at 14° C, lasted 3 months. Regression values for growth against density in the controls indicated the occurrence of intraspecific competition in both leech species. Light mortality occurred at the highest densities. G. complanata gained significantly less weight in mixed leech cultures than in monospecific cultures at some of the highest densities when fed worms, but more weight when fed on snails. The opposite was true for H. stagnalis. When both prey types were provided, no differences at any density were observed for either leech. Differences in bodysize and feeding strategy between the leeches may be implicated in determining their feeding success on the prey types. Because the anti-predatory responses (e.g. shaking) exhibited by L. peregra are less when encountering an inactive than an active leech, the sit-and-wait strategy of G. complanata may aid snail capture. In contrast, the seek-out strategy of H. stagnalis, coupled with its relatively smaller size, may result in fewer successful captures. The active hunting strategy of H. stagnalis may be advantageous for the capture of oligochaetes which are relatively less mobile than snails. Offering both prey types simultaneously would have had an ameliorating influence on interactions between the two leeches. Findings provide support for the hypothesis that long-term co-existence between the two glossiphoniids in British lakes may depend, in part at least, on the occurrence of a snail food refuge for G. complanata.  相似文献   
In Hirudo medicinalis and Haemopis sanguisuga, two convoluted ovary cords are found within each ovary. Each ovary cord is a polarized structure composed of germ cells (oogonia, developing oocytes, nurse cells) and somatic cells (apical cell, follicular cells). One end of the ovary cord is club-shaped and comprises one huge apical cell, numerous oogonia, and small cysts (clusters) of interconnected germ cells. The main part of the cord contains fully developed cysts composed of numerous nurse cells connected via intercellular bridges with the cytophore, which in turn is connected by a cytoplasmic bridge with the growing oocyte. The opposite end of the cord degenerates. Cord integrity is ensured by flattened follicular cells enveloping the cord; moreover, inside the cord, some follicular cells (internal follicular cells) are distributed among germ cells. As oogenesis progresses, the growing oocytes gradually protrude into the ovary lumen; as a result, fully developed oocytes arrested in meiotic metaphase I float freely in the ovary lumen. This paper describes the successive stages of oogenesis of H. medicinalis in detail. Ovary organization in Hirudinea was classified within four different types: non-polarized ovary cords were found in glossiphoniids, egg follicles were described in piscicolids, ovarian bodies were found characteristic for erpobdellids, and polarized ovary cords in hirudiniforms. Ovaries with polarized structures equipped with apical cell (i.e. polarized ovary cords and ovarian bodies) (as found in arhynchobdellids) are considered as primary for Hirudinea while non-polarized ovary cords and the occurrence of egg follicles (rhynchobdellids) represent derived condition.  相似文献   
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