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Aim The main aim of the present study is to infer the post‐glacial history of Abies species from north‐east Asia and to test the hypotheses that coastal Abies populations suffered less from climatic fluctuations during Pleistocene glacial periods than their more continental counterparts, and that Sakhalin was a major area of introgression. Location Natural ranges of the fir species Abies nephrolepis, Abies sachalinensis and Abies holophylla in the Russian Far East, and of Abies gracilis, which is endemic to the Kamchatka Peninsula. Methods Nineteen populations were sampled for allozyme analysis. Seventeen of these populations were also screened for variation at two paternally inherited chloroplast DNA microsatellite loci (cpSSR) and variation at one maternally inherited mitochondrial marker (nad4‐3/4). Finally a subset of 11 populations was analysed with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Comparisons were made with already available Abies sibirica data. For all sets of markers, we estimated genetic diversity and differentiation using an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). Population clustering was assessed with a Bayesian approach implemented in structure v.2.3. Results Among the three major species, A. sibirica, A. nephrolepis and A. sachalinensis, A. sachalinensis demonstrated the highest cytoplasmic and nuclear diversity and the most continental species, A. sibirica, the lowest. Both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers revealed the presence of a transitional zone on Sakhalin Island between A. nephrolepis and A. sachalinensis of south Sakhalin. The structure analysis delivered very clear results confirming the admixed origin of A. sachalinensis, with a genetic contribution from A. nephrolepis. No variation in cytoplasmic markers was found in A. gracilis, suggesting the occurrence of a recent bottleneck. Main conclusions There is a clear reduction of genetic diversity in Abies species from the Pacific coast into the continent. The higher diversity in A. sachalinensis could have two causes: a larger effective population size in the islands due to relatively stable climatic conditions and consequently less pronounced demographic fluctuations in population size and/or hybridization with continental and Japanese populations. Sakhalin Island is a major transitional zone for conifer species. Finally, the fir from Kamchatka, A. gracilis, should be regarded as a separate species closely related to the A. nephrolepisA. sachalinensis complex.  相似文献   
The ECF™ lateral flow assay test is marketed to detect non-pregnancy in mares. The objectives of the present study were to determine the accuracy of the ECF test, the accuracy of the electronic reader accompanying the ECF test, and agreement between two human readers and the electronic reader. Serum samples were collected from anestrus, cycling but not inseminated, and inseminated mares, and were evaluated with the ECF™ test (EDP Biotech Company, Knoxville, TN, USA) at The Ohio State University and at the EDP Biotech Laboratory. Specificity ranged from 0.07 to 0.16, the negative predictive value ranged from 0.15 to 0.33, and accuracy ranged from 0.43 to 0.52. The electronic reader did not add improve the accuracy or predictive values of the test. Based on the electronic reader, 80.0% of the serum samples collected from the anestrus mares were false positives; Readers 1 and 2 had 60.0 and 33.3% false positives, respectively. For samples collected during the estrous cycle, 83.9% were false positives by the electronic reader, whereas Readers 1 and 2 had 43.7 and 26.4% false positives. We concluded that, regardless of whether the test strips were evaluated by a human or electronic reader, this assay was not accurate for determination of the non-pregnant mare.  相似文献   
Aim  The aim of this study was to assess the causal mechanisms underlying populational subdivision in Drosophila gouveai , a cactophilic species associated with xeric vegetation enclaves in eastern Brazil. A secondary aim was to investigate the genetic effects of Pleistocene climatic fluctuations on these environments.
Location  Dry vegetation enclaves within the limits of the Cerrado domain in eastern Brazil.
Methods  We determined the mitochondrial DNA haplotypes of 55 individuals (representing 12 populations) based on sequence data of a 483-bp fragment from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII) gene. Phylogenetic and coalescent analyses were used to test for the occurrence of demographic events and to infer the time of divergence amongst genetically independent groups.
Results  Our analyses revealed the existence of two divergent subclades (G1 and G2) plus an introgressed clade restricted to the southernmost range of D. gouveai . Subclades G1 and G2 displayed genetic footprints of range expansion and segregated geographical distributions in south-eastern and some central highland regions, east and west of the Paraná River valley. Molecular dating indicated that the main demographic and diversification events occurred in the late to middle Pleistocene.
Main conclusions  The phylogeographical and genetic patterns observed for D. gouveai in this study are consistent with changes in the distribution of dry vegetation in eastern Brazil. All of the estimates obtained by molecular dating indicate that range expansion and isolation pre-dated the Last Glacial Maximum, occurring during the late to middle Pleistocene, and were probably triggered by climatic changes during the Pleistocene. The current patchy geographical distribution and population subdivision in D. gouveai is apparently closely linked to these past events.  相似文献   
A charcoalified fossil flower bud of a new genus and species (Teixeiria lusitanica) is described from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal. The flower is actinomorphic and unisexually male. At the base of the bud there are several bracts of different sizes, which are followed by sepal-like and petal-like tepals. Bracts and perianth organs seem to be arranged spirally and to exhibit transitions between different organ categories. The androecium has numerous stamens in two sizes, but with unclear arrangement. Pollen is small and tricolpate with a perforate tectum and a densely columellate infratectal layer. No carpels or remains of carpels could be observed on the floral axis. Teixeiria lusitanica shows most affinities to members of Ranunculales. There are also some similarities with Berberidopsis (Berberidopsidaceae, Berberidopsidales) and members of the Saxifragales (Hamamelidaceae and Daphniphyllaceae).  相似文献   
Abstract. Southern Appalachian high-elevation outcrops harbour six regionally rare Northern Appalachian taxa usually considered relicts of a Pleistocene alpine flora. For five of the six taxa, minimum elevation in the south was 367–1113 m higher than in the north. While habitats compared between the two regions share only 9% of their total flora, individual plots had up to 70% of their species occurring in the opposite region. The northern affinity of southern outcrops increased with elevation, slope steepness, soil Cu, B and SO4 and decreased with potential solar radiation and soil Na. As a result, communities above 1600 m on felsic bedrock, and above 1350 m on mafic bedrock, were most northern in composition. Northern affinity of southern outcrops also increased with latitude, which may partly result from closer geographic proximity to past communities that provided progenitors for the current northern flora. Northern treeless habitats increased in southern affinity with increased slope steepness, perennial seepage, vegetation height, shade, soil pH, Al, Mn, Na and decreased elevation and organic matter. As a result, northern outcrop communities below treeline were most similar to those on southern outcrops. This suggests that southern outcrop vegetation may be more similar to Pleistocene outcrop vegetation than to Pleistocene alpine vegetation. Partial constrained ordination showed that while compositional differences between the Northern and Southern Appalachian habitats were largely explained by environmental differences, there was a significant component of residual variation explained by north or south position that was unrelated to environment. These residual compositional differences may result from historical influences on community structure involving stochastic extinction and colonization processes.  相似文献   
The Acheulian Technocomplex exhibits two phenomena: variability and conservatism. Variability is expressed in the composition and frequencies of tool types, particularly in the varying frequencies of bifaces (handaxes and cleavers). Conservatism is expressed in the continuous presence of bifaces along an immense time trajectory. The site of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov (GBY) offers a unique opportunity to study aspects of variability and conservatism as a result of its long cultural-stratigraphic sequence containing superimposed lithic assemblages. This study explores aspects of variability and conservatism within the Acheulian lithic assemblages of GBY, with emphasis placed on the bifacial tools. While variability has been studied through a comparison of typological frequencies in a series of assemblages from the site, evidence for conservatism was examined in the production modes expressed by the reduction sequence of the bifaces. We demonstrate that while pronounced typological variability is observed among the GBY assemblages, they were all manufactured by the same technology. The technology, size, and morphology of the bifaces throughout the entire stratigraphic sequence of GBY reflect the strong conservatism of their makers. We conclude that the biface frequency cannot be considered as a chrono/cultural marker that might otherwise allow us to distinguish between different phases within the Acheulian. The variability observed within the assemblages is explained as a result of different activities, tasks, and functions, which were carried out at specific localities along the shores of the paleo-Hula Lake in the early Middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   
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