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Gerd Esser 《Plant Ecology》1995,121(1-2):175-188
The High Resolution Biosphere Model (HRBM), which has been developed by the group of the author, was used to investigate the carbon balance of the vegetation and the soil in the ecosystems of Monsoon Asia in comparison to the rest of the world. The HRBM is a global grid-based (0.5 degree resolution) model with a monthly time step. It includes modules for natural vegetation, land use, vegetation fires, vegetation composition. A historical carbon budget was calculated for the period 1860–1978 and, on a global scale, validated using atmospheric CO2 data. Based on the per-country development of the population and their requirements, different reasonable scenarios were used to investigate the potential impacts of land use and deforestation in the period 1990–2050. The HRBM calculates considerable contributions of Monsoon Asia to the global CO2 emissions due to land use changes in the past. Between 1860 and 1978, about 1/4 of the global releases from land use changes came from South Asian and Southeast Asian biota. The future contributions in the period 1990–2050 depend on the assumed development of the agricultural methods. If the intensity of agriculture and the agricultural productivity will stay the same as in the 1980s, there will be a strong need to increase agricultural areas, and thus deforestation will dominate. If there will be a change over to intensive methods of agricultural production, the presently used areas might be sufficient to provide resources to the growing population.  相似文献   
大气颗粒物污染对土地覆盖变化的响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土地利用-覆盖变化(LUCC)直接或间接影响颗粒物污染。了解颗粒物污染对LUCC的响应,对维护和改善生态环境具有重要的意义。基于卫星遥感技术,从广域的空间尺度分析颗粒物污染对LUCC的响应。使用MODIS数据分别提取与颗粒物污染相关性较高的城市用地、林地等土地利用类型,确定土地利用类型的变化趋势,利用长时间序列MODIS气溶胶光学厚度(AOD,Aerosol optical depth)产品分析颗粒物污染与土地利用类型的变化的相关性。以山东省青岛市、淄博市、济南市3个典型城市为例,研究了AOD随土地利用类型的变化趋势。同时,考虑并分析了颗粒物污染对土地利用变化响应的敏感性,以及城市区域变化对环境的影响。研究结果表明,不同的城市类型,由于决定环境变化主导因素的差异,颗粒物污染对LUCC的响应具有明显的差异。青岛市地区,由于受海洋影响显著,大气颗粒物污染与LUCC的相关性较低,如中度污染天气与林地的相关系数为-0.451;而淄博市和济南市的相关系数分别为-0.473、-0.507。  相似文献   
气候因子和土地利用因子是影响生物多样性分布格局的两个主要驱动因素。然而,当前关于气候因子和土地利用因子对生物多样性影响的研究主要集中在物种层面上,在群落水平上对生物多样性的影响依然知之甚少。本研究以大熊猫同域分布大中型哺乳动物为研究对象,结合物种丰富度数据、气候数据、土地利用数据以及经纬度数据,构建基于不同变量组合的多元线性模型,并通过模型拟合优度比较和方差分解等方法,探讨气候因子、土地利用因子和空间结构在影响大熊猫同域分布大中型哺乳动物物种丰富度中的相对作用。结果表明:(1)四川省大熊猫分布的五大山系内的大中型哺乳动物在属数和物种数方面差异较大。其中岷山山系的属数和物种数最高,分别为25属和28种,凉山山系的属数和物种数最低,分别为19属和20种,五大山系内排名前五的优势种分别为大熊猫、羚牛、野猪、中华斑羚、中华鬣羚;(2)大熊猫同域分布大中型哺乳动物物种丰富度在空间分布上差异较大。所有10 km×10 km栅格内的物种数在1~14之间,平均值为6.199±3.475;(3)完全模型(包含所有气候变量、土地利用变量和空间结构变量的模型,CLS)的拟合优度要好于其它6类模型,且包含土地...  相似文献   
The impact of land-cover types on soil erosion and runoff, as well as on physico-chemical soil properties, was monitored. The study area, an agroforestry landscape was located in Sierra Nevada Mountains in south-eastern Spain. Eight land-cover types were investigated: farmland planted with olive, almond, and cereals; forest with P. halepensis and P. sylvestris; shrubland; grassland; and abandoned farmland. The erosion plots replicated twice were located on hillslopes, where erosion and runoff were measured after 22 storm events. Forest dominated by Pinus stands exhibited significantly the lowest amounts of erosion and runoff, contrasting with abandoned farmland. Olive had higher erosion than did almond, cereals, or grasslands, but with the highest runoff rate under almond groves. The erosion and runoff response to shrubland showed an intermediate situation between forest and farmland–grassland uses. Under forest and shrubland, better soil properties were determined, especially higher organic C and total N, and lower soil-bulk density. Erosion was highly dependent on runoff, bulk density, soil organic C, and the degree of soil surface covered. Thus, the alteration in land cover is essential to an understanding of productivity of soil undergoing erosion, as sustainable planning can mitigate soil-degradation processes in the overall agroforestry landscape.  相似文献   
为了揭示不同土地利用状态下蚂蚁群落在物种层面的变化,采用陷阱法调查了云南省绿春县天然次生林、桉树林、紫胶林、紫胶-玉米混农林、橡胶林、旱地和农田7种类型样地地表蚂蚁群落。共采集地表蚂蚁16704头,隶属于8亚科44属106种。不同类型样地地表蚂蚁群落结构有差异(ANOSIM Global R=0.786,P=0.01),桉树林、紫胶林和紫胶玉米混农林地表蚂蚁群落结构与天然次生林相似,与橡胶林和农田不相似。不同样地具有各自的特有种,旱地和农田中各为1种,其余样地有5-8种。在多个样地中均有出现的物种在不同类型样地中的多度变化明显。对群落结构相似性贡献率≥5%的特征物种分析显示,天然次生林中的特征物种明显与旱地和农田不同。天然次生林中的指示物种为毛发铺道蚁Tetramorium ciliatum,桉树林中为亮褐举腹蚁Crematogaster contemta,紫胶林中为飘细长蚁Tetraponera allaborans,旱地中为伊大头蚁Pheidole yeensis。不同特征物种及指示物种的生物学特性与不同样地特征相关联。地表蚂蚁通过物种组成及多度变化响应土地利用变化,蚂蚁特征物种可以作为指示物种的补充。  相似文献   
河流沿线土地利用对策的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
河流沿线土地是与河流、湖泊的生态学过程紧密相连,直接受洪水影响的沿河(湖)土地带,本文以生态学原理为指导,结合中国森林生态网络工程体系建设理论,对河流沿线土地安全和土地利用的原则、指导思想、理论依据及对策等问题进行了探讨,河流沿线土地安全包括土地的生态效闪安全、经济效益安全与社会效益安全3个方面,土地利用策略的原则是要确保三者的统一,找到三者的最佳结合部,土地利用的指导思想是要把治理与开发紧密结合起来,通过各种措施加强土地的安全建设,实行以增加林木比重为主的近自然的利用和管理对策,根据河流特征的地域分异来确定不同河流,不同河段的利用模式,并基于洪水干扰的风险等级和河流沿线土地的空间分异规律,诊为在河流沿线的纵向上,分别中下游不同河实施人为干扰程度不同的管理对策;横向上按照土地分异性和洪水安全性,分别弹性利用带、脆弱利用带和稳定利用带3条不同土地带采取不同的利用对策。  相似文献   
The costs of conserving land for species generally vary in space and time. In addition, they are not exogenous to the land-use dynamics but develop endogenously. This gives rise to feedback loops because the costs determine the land use dynamics which in turn determine the costs. This cost feedback is likely to affect the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation instruments that target land use in a spatially explicit manner. In the present paper a model of a tradable permit market with agglomeration bonus is extended for the consideration of cost feedbacks such that the presence of conserved land in the neighborhood may increase or decrease the local cost. The model analysis demonstrates that the in the former case the level of spatial clustering of conserved land is reduced while in the latter case it is increased. Clustering of conserved land is important for many species and thus cost feedbacks will eventually affect the survival of species and need to be considered in the design of conservation instruments.  相似文献   
Fish assemblage relationships with environmental parameters were studied in four small unregulated subbasins in the speciose Upper Green River Basin of central Kentucky, USA. One subbasin drains into a tributary of the Green River and produced the lowest species (28) richness. The three other subbasins drain directly into the Green River and supported 41−59 species. Parameters were partitioned into watershed- and reach-scale spatial categories. Watershed area per stream segment and stream-size related environmental parameters at the reach scale produced the highest loadings of a principle components analysis (PCA), and both PCA Axes 1 and 2 for all subbasins were reflective either of watershed area or stream-size parameters. Small loadings were produced by all watershed-scale land-use parameters and all reach-scale water chemistry parameters. Fish richness and diversity were positively correlated with watershed area for the two largest subbasins and for the three Upper Green River subbasins combined. The lack of a linear relationship, however, between the residuals of multiple linear regression models between richness and diversity versus stream width, percent bedrock, percent pool and percent fine substrates indicated that a simple species area relationship was not operating. A detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) performed for each subbasin showed that several fish species were associated mainly either with small, upland segments or conversely the largest, deeper segments, and each subbasin yielded significant correlations between the environmental PCA loadings and fish assemblage DCA site scores. These results indicated that within the regional scale, and in absence of steep disturbance gradients, stream fish assemblages can reflect natural hydrologic and geomorphic gradients.  相似文献   
A radiocarbon-dated pollen-analysed peat sequence from the Horton Plains (> 2000 m a.s.l.), in central Sri Lanka, together with physical and chemical parameters (organic carbon, mineral magnetics, carbon isotopes and phytoliths), indicates major environmental changes during the last 24,000 years. The results suggest that a mobile life form, i.e. a hunter–forage culture, predominated in an open landscape, associated with xerophytic vegetation, e.g. Chenopodium spp. at  17.5 ka BP. Incipient management of cereal plants and slash-and-burn techniques seem to have prevailed between 17.5 and 13 ka BP, which was indigenous and associated with grazing. Evidence of systematic cereal cultivation in the form of oat and barley pollen grains is found from the late Pleistocene ( 13 ka BP). This is the earliest evidence of farming activities noted in Sri Lanka as well as in south Asia. After 13 ka BP, cereal cultivation was associated with an increase in humidity. With a later abrupt increase in aridity, agricultural land-use decreased from  8 to  3.6 ka BP, when the area appears to have been almost deserted. After a severe middle Holocene arid phase (i.e. 5.4–3.6 ka BP), the agricultural activity with a limited extension was again initiated by  2.9 ka BP. During the next  900 years, cultivation ceased allowing the upper montane rain forest to dominate. Between 0.2 and 0.15 ka BP, new phases of agricultural activities were undertaken and potato cultivation took place lately, between 1950 and 1969 AD.  相似文献   
Resin producing agroforestry in the Krui area of Sumatra in Indonesia is presented as an environmentally friendly, income generating land-use system which contributes to both development and conservation objectives. We studied the change in household income portfolios in three communities in the Krui area. The studies revealed that in the period 1995–2004 agroforestry remained the main source of income. We predict, however, that due to declining resin productivity per hectare, and rising price and demand for timber, an increasing number of farmers will cut their mature agroforests in the near future. At the same time our data suggests that farmers will continue tree planting activities. In result old agroforests may vanish while new ones will be established.
Koen KustersEmail:
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