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 The flowering of Clutia pulchella was studied in a coastal scarp forest community in southern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Sex dependent differences in the frequency and magnitude of floral output were recorded, with male individuals producing 4.32 times more flowers per leaf axis than females. Increased node production, as a manifestation of significantly increased branching, allowed for prolific flower production in males. Energy investment per flower was marginally greater in females (0.045 J/mg), despite copious pollen production and glandular secretion in males (0.035 J/mg). Differential flower production, reproductive organ dry mass and an unbalanced branching ratio revealed that “per plant” expenditure towards flowering was more pronounced in males (♀ flowering × 5.04). The elevated cost of fruit production (♀ flowering × 5.5), inclusive of imperfect fruit set, resulted in overall reproductive expense being slightly higher for females. Such sex-dependent reproductive investment was shown to have minimal influence on the population sex ratio, with sex frequencies and nearest neighbor distances yielding a non-significant male bias of 1.16. No evidence of spatial asymmetry was found. Received December 1, 1999 Accepted September 27, 2000  相似文献   
Mechanical, biological, and chemical attempts to control invasive plants can be expensive, ecologically damaging, and frequently unsuccessful. This study proposes using the intrinsic biological attributes of the threatened plant community by artificially increasing the density of competitive native species to selectively suppress the growth of the invasive. Evidence from agricultural weed control suggests that oversowing infested areas with species with biological traits similar to those of the invasive species not only reduces productivity of the invasive species but also may eliminate environmental damage associated with standard control techniques. Annual bastard cabbage (Rapistrum rugosum), a Eurasian exotic, is an invader of native plant communities in the continental United States. Control with herbicides has been problematic due to high mortality of adjacent native species and subsequent perpetuation of a disturbed state that facilitates further regeneration of R. rugosum from the seed bank. In a randomized field experiment, sowing native Indian blanket (Gaillardia pulchella) over established seedling colonies of R. rugosum resulted in significant reduction of R. rugosum productivity (F= 3.43; p < 0.05). The highest sowing rate of G. pulchella resulted in a 72% reduction in aboveground productivity of R. rugosum that translated to an estimated 83% decrease in seed set, without significant suppression of adjacent native species. It is proposed that enriching threatened or infested plant communities with selected native species with matching phenologies and competitive characteristics has advantages over conventional control methods in that (1) it reduces the threat to nontarget organisms; (2) once installed, the species could self‐regenerate; and (3) it does not perpetuate a disturbed (early‐successional) state that might aggravate the problem. This may serve as an alternative technique to protect and restore native plant communities.  相似文献   
Two new species of Meconopsis, Mpulchella and Mheterandra are described and characterized. Differences with similar species are discussed and photos showing the diagnostic features are provided.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In many locations, plants are faced with adjacent, contrasting environments, and the between-species differential evolution of life history traits can be interpreted as an evolutionary response to this environmental heterogeneity. However, there has been little research on the intraspecific variability in these attributes as a possible evolutionary response of plants. METHODS: In the two-phase mosaic of the Chihuahuan Desert (adjacent patches with contrasting resource availability), analyses were carried out of the germination response to the scarification and light quality to which grass seeds growing on these patches are exposed (open and closed habitats). KEY RESULTS: Species that grow in open habitats exhibited a higher germination success than those from closed habitats after scarification. At both the inter- and intraspecific level, there were differences in the germination percentage and in the germination speed in response to light quality. Intraspecific variation in the species from the closed habitat (Pleuraphis mutica and Trichloris crinita) and in Chloris virgata (which grows in both habitats) was due to genetic variation (the family factor was significant), but there was no genetic variation in phenotypic plasticity (non-significant interaction between family and light quality). In contrast, for the species that grows only in the open habitat (Dasyochloa pulchella), the family did not have a significant effect, but there was genetic variation in the phenotypic plasticity (significant interaction between family and light quality). CONCLUSIONS: In C. virgata, P. mutica and T. crinita, natural selection could be favouring those genotypes that responded better in each light environment, but it is not possible that the natural selection resulted in different optimal phenotypes in each habitat. On the contrary, in D. pulchella, selection could have reduced the genetic variation, but there is the possibility of the evolution of reaction norms, resulting in the selection of alternative phenotypes for each habitat.  相似文献   
A peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probe was developed to detect the toxic dinoflagellate, Takayama pulchella TPXM, using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) combined with epifluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry. The PNA probe was then used to analyze HAB samples from Xiamen Bay. The results indicated that the fluorescein phosphoramidite (FAM)-labeled probe (PNATP28S01) [Flu]-OO ATG CCA TCT CAA GA, entered the algal cells easily and bound to the target species specifically. High hybridization efficiency (nearly 100%) was observed. Detection by epifluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry gave comparable results. The fluorescence intensity of the PNA probe hybridized to T. pulchella cells was remarkably higher than that of two DNA probes used in this study and than the autofluorescence of the blank and negative control cells. In addition, the hybridization condition of the PNA probe was easier to control than DNA probes, and when applied to field-collected samples, the PNA probe showed higher binding efficiency to the target species than DNA probes. With the observed high specificity, binding efficiency, and detection signal intensity, the PNA probe will be useful for monitoring harmful algal blooms of T. pulchella.  相似文献   
Two new species of Meconopsis, M.pulchella and M.heterandra are described and characterized. Differences with similar species are discussed and photos showing the diagnostic features are provided.  相似文献   
Two new species of Meconopsis, Mpulchella and Mheterandra are described and characterized. Differences with similar species are discussed and photos showing the diagnostic features are provided.  相似文献   
We established replicated experimental populations of the annual plant Clarkia pulchella to evaluate the existence of a causal relationship between loss of genetic variation and population survival probability. Two treatments differing in the relatedness of the founders, and thus in the genetic effective population size (Ne), were maintained as isolated populations in a natural environment. After three generations, the low Ne treatment had significantly lower germination and survival rates than did the high Ne treatment. These lower germination and survival rates led to decreased mean fitness in the low Ne populations: estimated mean fitness in the low Ne populations was only 21% of the estimated mean fitness in the high Ne populations. This inbreeding depression led to a reduction in population survival: at the conclusion of the experiment, 75% of the high Ne populations were still extant, whereas only 31% of the low Ne populations had survived. Decreased genetic effective population size, which leads to both inbreeding and the loss of alleles by genetic drift, increased the probability of population extinction over that expected from demographic and environmental stochasticity alone. This demonstrates that the genetic effective population size can strongly affect the probability of population persistence.  相似文献   
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