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In order to obtain a more precise definition of the conditions under which 2-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene (2-Me-DAB) and liver cell proliferation play a role in the initiation of hepatocarcinogenesis, the toxicity of 2-Me-DAB for normal and partially hepatectomized rats was investigated. Continuous feeding of a basal low protein, low riboflavin diet supplemented with 2-Me-DAB was found to be highly toxic for male albino rats. All animals fed on such a diet died before 200 days. Sham operation and partial hepatectomy (PH) at 30 days of 2-Me-DAB feeding reduced the median survival time from 122 days to 107 and 94 days, respectively. Transfer to the basal diet after 30 days of 2-Me-DAB feeding and PH prolonged the median survival time to 216 days while 97% of the rats returned to the normal complete diet after the same treatments survived for more than 300 days. 2-Me-DAB was not necrogenic and there was no evidence of reparative proliferation or hepatic tumor formation in any group. Feeding rats with the 2-Me-DAB containing diet for 1 month delayed and strongly inhibited the mitotic response of the liver to the stimulus of partial hepatectomy. This is the result of a blockage of the cells in G1 as revealed by the fact that only 1% of the hepatocytes became labeled when 2-Me-DAB fed animals were injected with tritiated thymidine prior to sacrifice at 24 h post-hepatectomy, as compared to 40% in rats fed the normal or the control basal diet. This inhibitory effect of 2-Me-DAB is reversible however since rats returned to the normal diet for 1 or 2 months after 2-Me-DAB feeding showed percentages of mitoses and labeling indices comparable to those of control animals following PH. The number of abnormal mitoses was high (13%) in regenerating livers of rats fed 2-Me-DAB and the lesions responsible for this effect are apparently not repaired since 2-Me-DAB fed rats partially hepatectomized after being transferred to the normal diet for 1 or 2 months showed the same number of mitotic irregularities. The present results suggest that assays with 2-Me-DAB as 'pure initiator' or agent of selective toxicity should be pursued in attempts to improve existing experimental models of hepatocarcinogenesis.  相似文献   
Summary The pattern of DNA and RNA puffs in pair VII of polytene chromosomes has been investigated in the suspensor ofPhaseolus coccineus during early embryo development. The pattern of3H-TdR and3H-U incorporation has been also detected. Collected data indicate that: 1. both heterochromatic regions, p11 and q(111+112), of chromosome pair VII, organize large DNA puffs; 2. DNA puffs of both regions are specific of different embryo differentiation steps; 3. a seasonal influence on the DNA puffing seems also to be present, as demonstrated by the comparison of the results collected in two different crops; 4. the incorporation experiment by3H-TdR evidences that not all DNA puffs show clustered labeling; 5. the RNA puffing of the two regions seems also to be specific of determined embryo stages.  相似文献   
Enzymatic labeling of nucleic acids is a fundamental tool in molecular biology with virtually every aspect of nucleic acid hybridization technique involving the use of labeled probes. Different methods for enzymatic labeling of DNA, RNA and oligonucleotide probes are available today. In this review, we will describe both radioactive and nonradioactive labeling methods, yet the choice of system for labeling the probe depends on the application under study.  相似文献   
Résumé Les remainements intestinaux affectant la paroi intestinale sont quantifiés chez les larves d'un Amphibien Anoure,Alytes obstetricans, traitées par la thyroxine. La fraction correspondant à chaque zone composant la paroi est déterminée sur coupe. La répartition et la fréquence des noyaux marqués sont recherchées chez des larves ayant reçu de la thymidine tritiée.L'indice de marquage nucléaire de l'épithélium primaire tend vers zéro durant les 3 premiers jours du traitement. Ces résultats reflètent un ralentissement de la croissance du tissue, précédant sa dégénérescence et son élimination complète au 14ème jour d'immersion dans la solution hormonale.Dès de 3ème jour de traitement, un épithélium secondaire se développe à partir de cellules-souches basales. Son indice de marquqge croît, culmine au 9ème jour avec une valeur proche de 50%, puis s'abaisse. La prolifération cellulaire est plus modérée dans la zone extra-épithéliale, qui s'épaissit toutefois au cours de cette métamorphose provoquée.
Quantitative analysis of intestinal changes and the evolution of DNA synthesis in thyroxine-treated larvae ofAlytes obstetricans. (Amphibia, Anura)
Summary Changes in the intestinal wall ofAlytes obstetricans (Amphibia, Anura) were quantified during thyroxine treatment. The relative proportion of each intestinal wall component was determined in tissue sections. Autoradiographic studies on intestine with3H-thymidine revealed the distribution and frequency of labeled nuclei.The labeling index in the primary epithelium falls to zero by 3 days. Thyroxine treatment induces a decrease in the growth rate of this tissue, just before its degeneration and complete elimination by 14 days.Three days after T4-treatment, a secondary epithelium develops from basal stem cells. Its labeling index rises to a maximum of about 50% by 9 days, and thereafter declines. Cell proliferation is less marked in the extraepithelial zone, which nevertheless thickens during this thyroxine-induced metamorphosis.
We previously isolated a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant (HsTnII), which displays 40% reduced chronological lifespan as compared to the wild type (WT). In this study, we found HsTnII cultures to be characterized by fragmented and dysfunctional mitochondria, and by increased initiation of apoptosis during chronological aging as compared to WT. Expression of genes encoding subunits of mitochondrial electron transport chain and ATP synthase is significantly downregulated in HsTnII, and as a consequence, HsTnII is not able to respire ethanol. All these data confirm the importance of functional mitochondria and respiration in determining yeast chronological lifespan and apoptosis.  相似文献   
During the development of protein therapeutics, characterization of the active pharmaceutical ingredient is performed extensively to ensure the stability, safety, and efficacy of the drug. Little is known, however, about the characteristics of protein drugs circulating in the blood. The recent availability of a fluorescence detection system (FDS) in analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) instruments enables the characterization of fluorescently labeled proteins in biological fluids. AUC provides information about protein size, shape, self-association, and binding while avoiding many limitations associated with size exclusion chromatography. Furthermore, with the specificity and sensitivity of FDS, measurements can be performed at physiological concentrations directly in serum. In the current study, we used omalizumab, an anti-immunoglobulin E (IgE) monoclonal antibody, to demonstrate the potential of using AUC-FDS for the study of a monoclonal antibody and its complexes directly in human serum. Omalizumab properties were essentially unaltered after labeling with the fluorescent dye Alexa Fluor 488. In addition, omalizumab and IgE formed different complexes in serum than in phosphate-buffered saline in terms of both size and affinity.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to establish a new tool for screening surface displayed peptide libraries based on the idea that cells expressing an enzyme inhibitor at the surface can be specifically labeled by the target enzyme. For this purpose peptide P15, exhibiting a K(i) value of 0.25 microM toward human cathepsin G, was expressed on the Escherichia coli cell surface by the use of Autodisplay. Purified cathepsin G was coupled to biotin and incubated with cells expressing the inhibitor. After addition of streptavidin-fluorescein isothiocyanate, these cells could be clearly differentiated from control cells by whole-cell fluorescence using flow cytometer analysis. To determine whether this protocol can be used for the sorting of single cells, a mixed population of cells with and without inhibitor was treated accordingly. Single cells were selected by increased fluorescence and sorted using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Single cell clones were obtained and subjected to DNA sequence analysis. It turned out that the bacteria selected by this protocol displayed the correct peptide inhibitor at the cell surface. The protocol was then used to screen random peptide libraries, expressed at the cell surface, and a new lead structure for human cathepsin G (IC50 = 11.7 microM) was identified. The new drug discovery tool presented here consists of three steps: (a) surface display of peptide libraries, (b) selection of single cells with inhibiting structures by using the inherent affinity of the target enzyme, and (c) sorting of single cells, which were labeled by FACS.  相似文献   
Propofol, a widely used intravenous general anesthetic, acts at anesthetic concentrations as a positive allosteric modulator of γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptors and at higher concentration as an inhibitor of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). Here, we characterize propofol binding sites in a muscle-type nAChR by use of a photoreactive analog of propofol, 2-isopropyl-5-[3-(trifluoromethyl)-3H-diazirin-3-yl]phenol (AziPm). Based upon radioligand binding assays, AziPm stabilized the Torpedo nAChR in the resting state, whereas propofol stabilized the desensitized state. nAChR-rich membranes were photolabeled with [3H]AziPm, and labeled amino acids were identified by Edman degradation. [3H]AziPm binds at three sites within the nAChR transmembrane domain: (i) an intrasubunit site in the δ subunit helix bundle, photolabeling in the nAChR desensitized state (+agonist) δM2-18′ and two residues in δM1 (δPhe-232 and δCys-236); (ii) in the ion channel, photolabeling in the nAChR resting, closed channel state (−agonist) amino acids in the M2 helices (αM2-6′, βM2-6′ and -13′, and δM2-13′) that line the channel lumen (with photolabeling reduced by >90% in the desensitized state); and (iii) at the γ-α interface, photolabeling αM2-10′. Propofol enhanced [3H]AziPm photolabeling at αM2-10′. Propofol inhibited [3H]AziPm photolabeling within the δ subunit helix bundle at lower concentrations (IC50 = 40 μm) than it inhibited ion channel photolabeling (IC50 = 125 μm). These results identify for the first time a single intrasubunit propofol binding site in the nAChR transmembrane domain and suggest that this is the functionally relevant inhibitory binding site.  相似文献   
General anesthetic photolabels have been instrumental in discovering and confirming protein binding partners and binding sites of these promiscuous ligands. We report the in vivo photoactivation of meta-azipropofol, a potent analog of propofol, in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. Covalent adduction of meta-azipropofol in vivo prolongs the primary pharmacologic effect of general anesthetics in a behavioral phenotype we termed “optoanesthesia.” Coupling this behavior with a tritiated probe, we performed unbiased, time-resolved gel proteomics to identify neuronal targets of meta-azipropofol in vivo. We have identified synaptic binding partners, such as synaptosomal-associated protein 25, as well as voltage-dependent anion channels as potential facilitators of the general anesthetic state. Pairing behavioral phenotypes elicited by the activation of efficacious photolabels in vivo with time-resolved proteomics provides a novel approach to investigate molecular mechanisms of general anesthetics.  相似文献   
The small GTPase Rac1 is implicated in various cellular processes that are essential for normal cell function. Deregulation of Rac1 signaling has also been linked to a number of diseases, including cancer. The diversity of Rac1 functioning in cells is mainly attributed to its ability to bind to a multitude of downstream effectors following activation by Guanine nucleotide Exchange Factors (GEFs). Despite the identification of a large number of Rac1 binding partners, factors influencing downstream specificity are poorly defined, thus hindering the detailed understanding of both Rac1's normal and pathological functions. In a recent study, we demonstrated a role for 2 Rac-specific GEFs, Tiam1 and P-Rex1, in mediating Rac1 anti- versus pro-migratory effects, respectively. Importantly, via conducting a quantitative proteomic screen, we identified distinct changes in the Rac1 interactome following activation by either GEF, indicating that these opposing effects are mediated through GEF modulation of the Rac1 interactome. Here, we present the full list of identified Rac1 interactors together with functional annotation of the differentially regulated Rac1 binding partners. In light of this data, we also provide additional insights into known and novel signaling cascades that might account for the GEF-mediated Rac1-driven cellular effects.  相似文献   
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