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  2002年   1篇
  1999年   1篇
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Abstract. A semi‐natural grassland in Sweden was exposed to an elevated CO2 concentration during a six‐year open‐top chamber experiment. Vegetation composition was assessed twice a year using the point‐intercept method. The field had been grazed previously, but when the experiment started this was replaced with a cutting regime with one cut (down to ground level) each year in early August. From the third to the sixth year of the study the harvested material was divided into legumes, non‐leguminous forbs and grasses, dried and weighed. Elevated CO2 had an effect on species composition (as analysed by Principal Component Analysis) that increased over time. It also tended to increase diversity (Shannon index) in summer, but reduce it in spring. However, the effects of the weather and/or time on species composition and diversity were much more prominent than CO2 effects. Since the weather was largely directional over time (from dry to wet), with the exception of the fifth year, it was difficult to distinguish between weather effects and changes caused by a changed management regime. In all treatments, grasses increased over time in both mass and point‐intercept measurements, whereas non‐leguminous forbs decreased in mass, but not in point‐intercept measurements. Legumes increased in the point‐intercept measurements, but not in biomass, at elevated CO2, but not in the other treatments. Overall, we found that elevated CO2 affected species composition; however, it was only one of many factors and a rather weak one.  相似文献   
Abstract. Competition is considered an important force in structuring plant communities and in governing niche relations, but communities recovering from disturbance, may be less governed by species interactions and less orderly organized. To address this issue, we studied species richness, abundance and patterns of association between plant species at three spatial scales (1 m2, 1/25 m2, 1/625 m2) in two ombrotrophic mires in east-central Sweden. One was at a secondary successional stage following peat extraction 50 yr ago and the other was undisturbed. Peat extraction leads to a change in hydrology which is slowly restored by the formation of new peat. Niche breadth and niche overlap along the gradient of height above the water table were calculated for the five common Sphagnum species occurring at both mires in an attempt to better understand differences in species co-occurrence at each mire. Species cover differed between the mires, and the number of species per plot was higher in the undisturbed community at all scales, suggesting that the degree of species intermingling was greater than at the harvested site. At all scales, the number of non-random associations was higher, and niche overlap lower among ecologically similar species (e.g. hollow Sphagnum species) in the undisturbed mire. These differences indicate that random events are important in colonization, and that biotic interactions between neighbours later result in a higher degree of non-randomness. In addition, we surveyed a number of abandoned peat pit sites to test the effect of disturbance for species composition at a regional scale. Ombrotrophic peat pits contained several Sphagnum species normally associated with minerotrophic mires, and species of wooded mires occurred frequently in peat pits, making them more species-rich than undisturbed bogs. There were also Sphagnum species new to, or rare in, this part of Sweden which indicates effective long-distance dispersal. Even 50 yr after peat extraction had ceased, the vegetation had not recovered to its original composition.  相似文献   
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