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C1q, a collagen-like complement protein, was purified from the serum of a ddermatosparactic calf which lacks procollagen N-terminal proteinase (pN-proteinase). The specific hemolytic activity of the serum Clq from the dermatosparactic animal was identical to that of C1q from a normal calf. Gel-filtration of serum from dermatosparactic calf, on Sepharose 6B, showed the presence of C1q-antigenic material at only one position which was identical to the elution position of normal bovine C1q. No differdence, under dissociating conditions, could be seen in the size of the chains of C1q in specific immunoprecipitates isolated from the sera of dermatosparactic and normal animals, as judged by polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis (PAGE) in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The C1q from the dermatosparactic animal showed the same N-terminal amino acid and typtic-digest peptide pattern on HPLC as C1q from the normal calf. These results strongly suggest that pN-proteinase is not involved in the extracellular processing of C1q.  相似文献   
John R. Bowyer  Antony R. Crofts 《BBA》1981,636(2):218-233
(1) Current models for the mechanism of cyclic electron transport in Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides and Rhodopseudomonas capsulata have been investigated by observing the kinetics of electron transport in the presence of inhibitors, or in photosynthetically incompetent mutant strains. (2) In addition to its well-characterized effect on the Rieske-type iron sulfur center, 5-(n-undecyl)-6-hydroxy-4,7-dioxobenzothiazole (UHDBT) inhibits both cytochrome b50 and cytochrome b?90 reduction induced by flash excitation in Rps. sphaeroides and Rps. capsulata. The concentration dependency of the inhibition in the presence of antimycin (approx. 2.7 mol UHDBT/mol reaction center for 50% inhibition of extent) is very similar to that of its inhibition of the antimycin-insensitive phase of ferricytochrome c re-reduction. UHDBT did not inhibit electron transfer between the reduced primary acceptor ubiquinone (Q?I) and the secondary acceptor ubiquinone (QII) of the reaction center acceptor complex. A mutant of Rps. capsulata, strain R126, lacked both the UHDBT and antimycin-sensitive phases of cytochrome c re-reduction, and ferricytochrome b50 reduction on flash excitation. (3) In the presence of antimycin, the initial rate of cytochrome b50 reduction increased about 10-fold as the Eh(7.0) was lowered below 180 mV. A plot of the rate at the fastest point in each trace against redox potential resembles the Nernst plot for a two-electron carrier with Em(7.0) ≈ 125 ± 15 mV. Following flash excitation there was a lag of 100–500 μs before cytochrome b50 reduction began. However, there was a considerably longer lag before significant reduction of cytochrome c by the antimycin-sensitive pathway occurred. (4) The herbicide ametryne inhibited electron transfer between Q?I and QII. It was an effective inhibitor of cytochrome b50 photoreduction at Eh(7.0) 390 mV, but not at Eh(7.0) 100 mV. At the latter Eh, low concentrations of ametryne inhibited turnover after one flash in only half of the photochemical reaction centers. By analogy with the response to o-phenanthroline, it is suggested that ametryne is ineffective at inhibiting electron transfer from Q?I to the secondary acceptor ubiquinone when the latter is reduced to the semiquinone form before excitation. (5) At Eh(7.0) > 200 mV, antimycin had a marked effect on the cytochrome b50 reduction-oxidation kinetics but not on the cytochrome c and reaction center changes or the slow phase III of the electrochromic carotenoid change on a 10-ms time scale. This observation appears to rule out a mechanism in which cytochrome b50 oxidation is obligatorily and kinetically linked to the antimycin-sensitive phase of cytochrome c reduction in a reaction involving transmembrane charge transfer at high Eh values. However, at lower redox potentials, cytochrome b50 oxidation is more rapid, and may be linked to the antimycin-sensitive reduction of cytochrome c. (6) It is concluded that neither a simple linear scheme nor a simple Q-cycle model can account adequately for all the observations. Future models will have to take account of a possible heterogeneity of redox chains resulting from the two-electron gate at the level of the secondary quinone, and of the involvement of cytochrome b?90 in the rapid reactions of the cyclic electron transfer chain  相似文献   
在前期研究中,已发现人瘦素(leptin)在体外再折叠过程中会形成稳定的二聚体,但其二聚化机制尚不清楚. 本研究旨在分析瘦素二聚体的结构特性,并重点研究体外再折叠过程中瘦素二聚化的机制. 相较与瘦素单体,瘦素二聚体保留了约75%免疫活性及15%受体结合活性,同时显示出明显慢的天然电泳迁移率. 圆二色性分析显示,二聚体基本保留了单体α螺旋索结构特征. 还原性及非还原性凝胶电泳分析和自由巯基测定结果表明,瘦素二聚体是由一对分子间二硫键连接2个单体而成的.为了确定瘦素二聚化过程中起主导作用的分子间二硫键,利用PCR定点突变技术构建了C96S和C146S两个突变体瘦素. 通过分析C96S及C146S突变体瘦素的体外再折叠特性及过程,并与野生型瘦素相比较,揭示C96S瘦素的二聚体显示出与野生型瘦素二聚体相似的特性,而C146S瘦素不能形成结构稳定的二聚体. 以上研究结果表明,Cys146-Cys146分子间二硫键在人瘦素二聚化过程中起主导作用.  相似文献   
The basic phospholipase A2 from the venom of Agkistrodon halys Pallas is a potent hemolytic toxin and anticoagulant. The accurate rotation and translation parameters of the molecules in orthorhombic crystal form I were successfully obtained using the fitting refinement technique. The structure was refined in the resolution range of 0. 6-0.25 nm using least square refinement with non-crystallographic two fold symmetry restraint, and resulted in the final R factor of 20.1 % , and the rms deviations from ideal stereochemistry were 0. 001 3 nm for bond lengths and 1. 32° for bond angles. The overall architecture of the present structure was similar to that of the determined structure of the orthorhombic crystal form Ⅱ, with a few differences in the regions of the β-wing and Ca2 -binding loop. The dimers formed by the two molecules in the asymmetric unit in both crystal forms were also similar. However, one of the monomers showed an orientational difference of 5.5° along the dimer interface in the two cr  相似文献   
Jia C  Zhou Z  Liu R  Chen S  Xia R 《Bioelectromagnetics》2007,28(3):197-207
Atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and confocal laser scanning microscopy were used to investigate the effects of a 50 Hz 0.4 mT magnetic field (MF) on the clustering of purified epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFRs) and EGFRs in Chinese hamster lung (CHL) cell membrane. The results demonstrate that exposing purified EGFRs to the MF for 30 min induces receptor clustering. The peak height of apparent clusters increased from 1.42 +/- 0.18 (sham-exposed) to 3.08 +/- 0.38 nm (exposed) while the mean half-width increased from 21.7 +/- 2.2 to 33.0 +/- 4.0 nm. A similar effect was also observed by TEM. Treatment of purified EGFR with PD153035 (PD), an EGFR-specific tyrosine kinase (TK) inhibitor, inhibited the MF-induced EGFR clustering of the purified proteins, an effect also observed for the receptors in cell membrane in the absence of EGF. These results strongly suggest that the 50 Hz 0.4 mT MF interferes with the EGFR signaling pathway, most likely by interacting with the cytoplasmic TK domain.  相似文献   
DJ-1 is a causative gene for familial Parkinson’s disease (PD). Loss-of-function of DJ-1 protein is suggested to contribute to the onset of PD, but the causes of DJ-1 dysfunction remain insufficiently elucidated. In this study, we found that the SDS-resistant irreversible dimer of DJ-1 protein was formed in human dopaminergic neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells when the cells were exposed to massive superoxide inducers such as paraquat and diquat. The dimer was also formed in vitro by superoxide in PQ redox cycling system and hydroxyl radical produced in Fenton reaction. We, thus, found a novel phenomenon that free radicals directly affect DJ-1 to form SDS-resistant dimers. Moreover, the formation of the SDS-resistant dimer impaired anti-oxidative stress activity of DJ-1 both in cell viability assay and H2O2-elimination assay in vitro. Similar SDS-resistant dimers were steadily formed with several mutants of DJ-1 found in familial PD patients. These findings suggest that DJ-1 is impaired due to the formation of SDS-resistant dimer when the protein is directly attacked by free radicals yielded by external and internal stresses and that the DJ-1 impairment is one of the causes of sporadic PD.  相似文献   
胜红蓟化感作用研究 Ⅸ.主要化感物质在土壤中的转化   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
在田间条件下,胜红蓟挥发油能抑制花生的出苗和生长发育,进一步用高效液相色谱(HPLC)研究证实;胜红蓟挥发油中的主要化感物质胜红蓟素在土壤中的转化与土壤的有机质和营养元素水平显著相关,在高有机质和营养元素水平的土壤中,胜红蓟素先聚合形成二聚体,26d后又解聚成胜红蓟素,然后逐步降解成苯甲酸类,2-甲基丙酸和乙酸等小分子,而在低有机质和营养元素水平的土壤中,胜红蓟素不经过二聚化过程,而是直接降解成小分子,经液质(LC/MS)和核磁共振(NMR)等技术分离鉴定了胜红蓟素二聚体的结构,生物测定表明:胜红蓟素二聚体对花生和黑牧草的生长没有抑制活性。  相似文献   
The electronic absorption spectra of the flavomononucleotide (FMN) in aqueous solution and in glycerine-water solution with change of the dye concentration have been measured. The FMN dimer absorption spectrum, monomer absorption spectrum, dimerization constant K and molar fraction of the monomer were calculated. It was found that FMN dimerization constants in aqueous solution were Ka = 118.0 l/mol and in glycerine Kg = 20.5 l/mol. In the region of the monomer absorption band two dimer absorption bands appear, in accordance with the Kasha molecular exciton theory.  相似文献   
The peptidoglycan (PG) layer is an intricate and dynamic component of the bacterial cell wall, which requires a constant balance between its synthesis and hydrolysis. FtsEX complex present on the inner membrane is shown to transduce signals to induce PG hydrolysis. FtsE has sequence similarity with the nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) of ABC transporters. The NBDs in most of the ABC transporters couple ATP hydrolysis to transport molecules inside or outside the cell. Also, this reaction cycle is driven by the dimerization of NBDs. Though extensive studies have been carried out on the Escherchia coli FtsEX complex, it remains elusive regarding how FtsEX complex helps in signal transduction or transportation of molecules. Also, very little is known about the biochemical properties and ATPase activities of FtsE. Because of its strong interaction with the membrane-bound protein FtsX, FtsE stays insoluble upon overexpression in E. coli, and thus, most studies on E. coli FtsE (FtsEEc) in the past have used refolded FtsE. Here in the present paper, for the first time, we report the soluble expression, purification, and biochemical characterization of FtsE from E. coli. The purified soluble FtsE exhibits high thermal stability, exhibits ATPase activity and has more than one ATP-binding site. We have also demonstrated a direct interaction between FtsE and the cytoplasmic loop of FtsX. Together, our findings suggest that during bacterial division, the ATPase cycle of FtsE and its interaction with the FtsX cytoplasmic loop may help to regulate the PG hydrolysis at the mid cell.  相似文献   

The weak interaction energy of H2 dimer is studied by double symmetry-adapted perturbation theory (SAPT) within second-order of intermolecular and intramonomer perturbation for molecular simulations. The assumed orientations of H2 dimer are linear, parallel, T type and X type. Among four orientations T orientation is the most stable, while linear orientation is the most repulsive. The second-order dispersion energy E disp (2) is the most attractive contribution in all orientations. The interaction energy has the anisotropy, so we expressed our total interaction energy by the spherical expansion to compare with the experimental value. The isotropic interaction energy is about 85% of the experimental value.  相似文献   
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