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Abstract In a 2-year field survey, the phylloplane mycoflora on the haulm base of wheat was studied by the dilution plate technique. No significant colonisation was registered before the end of May. Cladosporium spp., 'white' and 'red' yeasts were found to be the most abundant fungi.  相似文献   
Abstract The natural product cyanobacterin has been shown to be toxic to most cyanobacteria at a concentration of approx. 5 μM. We demonstrate here that cyanobacterin will also inhibit the growth of most eukaryotic algae at a similar concentration. Some algae, such as Euglena gracilis , are resistant because they are able to maintain themselves by heterotrophic nutrition. Others, such as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii , can apparently induce a detoxification mechanism to maintain photosynthesis in the presence of low concentrations of the inhibitor. Non-photosynthetic microorganisms are not affected by cyanobacterin.  相似文献   
Understanding ectomycorrhizal fungal (EMF) community structure is limited by a lack of taxonomic resolution and autecological information. Rhizopogon vesiculosus and Rhizopogon vinicolor (Basidiomycota) are morphologically and genetically related species. They are dominant members of interior Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca) EMF communities, but mechanisms leading to their coexistence are unknown. We investigated the microsite associations and foraging strategy of individual R. vesiculosus and R. vinicolor genets. Mycelia spatial patterns, pervasiveness and root colonization patterns of fungal genets were compared between Rhizopogon species and between xeric and mesic soil moisture regimes. Rhizopogon spp. mycelia were systematically excavated from the soil and identified using microsatellite DNA markers. Rhizopogon vesiculosus mycelia occurred at greater depth, were more spatially pervasive, and colonized more tree roots than R. vinicolor mycelia. Both species were frequently encountered in organic layers and between the interface of organic and mineral horizons. They were particularly abundant within microsites associated with soil moisture retention. The occurrence of R. vesiculosus shifted in the presence of R. vinicolor towards mineral soil horizons, where R. vinicolor was mostly absent. This suggests that competition and foraging strategy may contribute towards the vertical partitioning observed between these species. Rhizopogon vesiculosus and R. vinicolor mycelia systems occurred at greater mean depths and were more pervasive in mesic plots compared with xeric plots. The spatial continuity and number of trees colonized by genets of each species did not significantly differ between soil moisture regimes.  相似文献   
Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) produces an induced defensive hypersensitive response in inner bark colonized by the southern pine beetle, Dendroctonus frontalis Zimm. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), and its associated fungi. Adult beetles forced to colonize the induced response tissue in a laboratory study constructed galleries that were the same length as adults boring in normal phloem. However, each female laid fewer eggs in the induced tissue. Larval and pupal mortality were also higher in this tissue when compared to surrounding phloem. Beetles colonizing trees in response to pheromone baits constructed less gallery and laid fewer eggs in induced tissue than in surrounding normal phloem. These results suggest that the lesions produced by the induced defense system in conifers may not only contain the growth of fungi inoculated into trees during the attack phase of beetle colonization, but may also affect survival of bark beetle progeny.
Résumé Une réaction hypersensible de défense a été induite dans les couches profondes de l'écorce de P. taeda colonisée par D. frontalis et le champignon qui lui est associé. Au laboratoire, des adultes, contraints de coloniser les tissus où une réaction hypersensible e été induite, ont foré des galeries de même longueur que celles creusées dans du phloème sain. Cependant les femelles ont pondu moins d'oeufs dans les tissus induits; les mortalités larvaires et nymphales étaient aussi plus fortes dans ce tissu que dans le phloème voisin. Les scolytes, ayant colonisé les arbres après attraction par des pièges à phéromones, forent moins de galeries et pondent moins d'oeufs dans le tissu induit que dans le phloème sain voisin. Ces résultats suggèrent que les lésions, provoquées par le système de défense induit des conifères, peuvent non seulement limiter la croissance du champignon inoculé dans l'arbre au cours de la colonisation des scolytes, mais aussi affecter la survie des descendants dans l'écorce.
Large numbers of European ash have died in Poland in all age classes during the last ten years. The characteristic symptom occurring on shoots of planted and self‐sown seedlings was bark necroses starting from the shoot apex, necrotic buds, or leaf and twig scars. The results showed that in the bud tissue of cold acclimated European ash extracellular and intracellular ice formation occurred at approximately ?9 and ?32°C, respectively. In deacclimated plants in spring water supercooling is limited by the heterogenous ice nucleation temperature and consequently the cold tolerance is ?9 to ?4°C for bud tissues and ?13 to ?9°C for shoots. Isolations of fungi were performed from dead buds and from necroses occurring on the main stem. Alternaria alternata, Fusarium lateritium and Phomopsis scobina were among the fungi occurring in both these organs at frequencies of more than 7%. Cylindrocarpon heteronemum, Diplodia mutila and Tubercularia vulgaris from necroses were only isolated in frequencies; 3.3, 1.2 and 5.4%, respectively. It seems likely that freezing injury is the inciting factor, which combined with fungal colonization manifests itself as fatal damage to European ash buds and shoots.  相似文献   
Production of phaseollin was measured in cell suspension cultures and whole plants of Phaseolus vulgaris. In suspension cultures phaseollin appeared when there was no further increase in cell mass. Cells transferred to a medium without auxins yielded three times higher phaseollin concentrations than cells grown in their presence. Addition of autoclaved fungal mycelia or polysaccharides as elicitors resulted in an increased phaseollin concentration in the cell suspension.In whole plants phaseollin could be detected only after the plants were challenged by a fungus which caused lesions (browning) of the upper root neck region, Rhizoctonia solani. Treatment of non-infected plants with autoclaved fungal mycelia or other elicitors did not induce phaseollin production. However, when they were added before or together with the pathogenic fungus, the elicitors further increased phaseollin concentration in the root neck regions of the plants. This indicated that the pathogenic fungus was important for the penetration of the elicitors to inner plant tissues where phaseollin (and probably other phytoalexins) is produced.  相似文献   
Restriction fragment length polymorphisms distinguish ectomycorrhizal fungi   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Basidiomycetous fungi, two saprophytes and three mycorrhizal, were used to assess the specificity of DNA hybridization for distinguishing genera from one another. Interspecific comparisons were done with several isolates of mycorrhizal fungi,Laccaria bicolor andL. laccata, collected from diverse geographical sites. The DNAs were digested with four restriction nucleases and separated by gel electrophoresis into patterns of DNA fragments called restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). The RFLPs were hybridized with a radioactively-labeled DNA probe encoding Basidiomycetous ribosomal RNA genes. The five genera were discernable using both unprobed and probed RFLPs. Hybridization of probe DNA with RFLPs was isolate-specific for all nine Laccaria isolates examined. The reclassification of aL. bicolor isolate is supported, demonstrating that hybridization of RFLPs offers an additional tool for taxonomy of ectomycorrhizal fungi. The method may have field application for distinguishing known isolates if their DNA fingerprints are previously ascertained and are distinct from RFLPs of indigenous organisms.  相似文献   
D. J. Lodge 《Plant and Soil》1989,117(2):243-253
Native mixtures of extomycorrhizal fungi were found to infect Populus and Salix roots primarily in very moist but well drained soils in both the field and in controlled experiments (0 to –0.2 MPa), whereas native mixtures of VA-endomycorrhizal fungi infected roots over a much wider range of soil moisture (flooded to –3.4 MPa). Although a moisture gradient experiment showed endomycorrhizal formation was greater in moist soil than in very dry or flooded soils, this pattern was reversed in field transects along drainage gradients. Infection by VA-endomycorrhizal fungi in the field was the lowest where infection by ectomycorrhizal fungi was high, which suggests possible antagonism among the fungal symbionts. The narrow moisture range for ectomycorrhizal formation, and antagonism among endo- and ectomycorrhizal fungi, apparently combine to produce the mycorrhizal distributions found in nature.  相似文献   
Biotic factors in the rhizosphere and their effect on the growth ofPlantago major L. ssp.pleiosperma Pilger (Great plantain) were studied. In a pot experiment the effect on shoot growth of the addition of 2.5% rhizosphere soil at four levels of phosphate was highly dependent on the availability of phosphate: a promoting effect at low phosphate levels was observed while a reducing effect occurred at higher phosphate levels. As the roots were infected with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi in the treatment with rhizosphere soil, two other experiments were set up to separate effects of the indigenous VAM fungi from effects of the total rhizosphere population. The uptake of phosphate and shoot growth was not decreased at higher phosphate availability when VAM inoculum was added alone or in combination with rhizosphere soil. The growth reducing effect of the rhizosphere soil could therefore not be ascribed only to mycorrhizal infection. The results suggest that biotic factors in the rhizosphere soil affect the phosphate uptake ofPlantago major ssp.pleiosperma. This may, under conditions of phosphate limitation, lead to an increase of phosphate stress and, subsequently, a growth reduction. Futhermore, it is concluded that VAM fungi, as part of the rhizosphere population, may compensate this phosphate stress by enhancing the phosphate uptake.Grassland Species Research Group Publication No. 148.  相似文献   
Glass-beads (diam. = 250 μm) were buried 10 cm deep in the sediment of a stream. After an exposure of eight weeks, bacterial densities on the beads varied between 2.7 × 105 and 2.4 × 107/cm2, and the length of the fungal mycelium between 0.2 and 5.3 mm/cm2. Bacterial densities did not show any correlation with the DOC content of the water, but were positively correlated with respiration on the beads. Fungal mycelium was negatively correlated with water temperature. Acid hydrolysis of stream-exposed beads released sugars and amino acids, whose combined carbon content exceeded that of the microbial cells by a factor of at least 4. Gut extracts of Gammarus tigrinus and Tipula caloptera released amino acids and sugars from stream-exposed beads.  相似文献   
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