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A better understanding of water motion effects on nutrient uptake by marine crop plants should make it possible to farm the sea more effectively. Farms in China, Japan and the Philippines now grow plants on slack lines or nets that move with passing waves and currents. Nutrient uptake rates are increased onLaminaria farms in China by adding nitrogen-containing fertilizer. In contrast, forests of the giant kelp,Macrocystis grow in California at low nutrient levels without fertilization. The giant kelp, compared as a structure with the slack Chinese farms, has float-supported, spring-like stipes that stretch and recoil as waves pass. This motion seems likely to enhance flow over the thallus surface. In thus study we modified flow around kelp blades in a water tunnel in the laboratory by changing orifice plates, and flow around Chinese-style long-line farms in the sea by tightening them under various sea conditions. Our measurements suggest that if marine farms were designed and operated to increase water movement over the plants being grown, their rates of nutrient uptake, and growth would increase.This paper was presented at the Symposium on Applied Phycology at the Fourth International Phycological Congress, Duke University.  相似文献   
We quantified patterns of vegetation removal and light availability above Atta colombica nests on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Ants cleared vegetation less than 1 cm in diameter from an area of 77 m2, and up to 3 m above ground level. Overall light availability 1.5 m above ground level was 49 percent greater at ant nest sites than at sites in undisturbed understory. These higher light levels fell within the range known to enhance growth of both shade tolerant and pioneer species.  相似文献   
林下层植物在退化马尾松林恢复初期养分循环中的作用   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
以鼎湖山退化马尾松 (Pinusmassoniana)林恢复过程中林下层植物凋落物、分解和养分动态为对象 ,研究了林下层植物在退化马尾松林恢复初期养分循环中的作用。结果表明 ,林下层年凋落物量除在第 5年有所下降外均随时间逐年上升 ,但其增加速率随年份不同而异 ,总平均年增长速率为 3 8%。第 4年凋落物量为 0 .2 0 t· hm- 2 · a- 1,第 1 1年为 1 .1 7t·hm- 2·a- 1。凋落物养分元素平均浓度为 (% ) :N0 .95 ,P0 .0 4,K0 .5 7,Ca0 .1 3和 Mg0 .0 8,基本上以夏季和秋季最高冬春交替月份最低。第 1 1年凋落物各元素养分归还量为 (kg· hm- 2·a- 1) :N1 1 .1 0 ,P0 .47,K6.65 ,Ca1 .48和 Mg 0 .91。凋落物在分解过程中失重率呈直线模型变化 ,第 1年的分解速率为 3 1 % ,至试验结束时凋落物的残存量占起始量的 66%。在凋落物分解过程中 ,N和 P浓度随时间逐渐上升 ,但 N增加的速度较 P快 ,其余元素浓度均下降 ,但 K下降的速度最快。在凋落物分解过程中 ,N是唯一表现残留量呈先上升然后下降变化的元素。P的残留量变化与凋落物的失重率变化几乎一致。各元素在分解试验结束时残留量占起始量的百分比分别为 :N 90 % ,P 67% ,K 9% ,Ca 3 0 %和Mg 1 4%。可见 ,林下层凋落物在退化马尾松林恢复初期碳及其它营养元素循  相似文献   
马尾松人工林林分密度对林下植被及土壤性质的影响   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
采用样方调查及取样分析方法,研究广西大青山南亚热带不同密度马尾松人工林林下植被及土壤特征.结果表明:马尾松人工林自然发育14 a后,林分密度从1050 株·hm-2增加到1800株·hm-2,林下灌木层物种多样性指数增高.密度为1800 株·hm-2时,多样性指数最高.当林分密度继续增大到2250 株·hm-2,灌木层物种多样性指数却呈降低趋势.林下草本物种多样性指数对林分密度变化的响应不敏感;在林分密度影响下,林下灌木生物量与灌木层物种多样性指数变化规律一致.随着林分密度的增大,林下草本生物量呈降低趋势;不同密度马尾松人工林土壤理化特性差异显著(P<0.05).除全K、速效K和速效P外,土壤表层(0~20 cm)养分含量与林下灌木层物种多样性指数变化趋势一致.不同密度林地速效K和速效P含量变化波动较大.密度为2100 株·hm-2的林分土壤 全P含量较高.中密度(1800 株·hm-2)林地的土壤持水量和孔隙度均较高,土壤容重较低.  相似文献   
森林土壤是CO2、CH4和N2O等温室气体的主要排放源.本研究采用静态箱/色谱分析技术,对中国科学院鹤山丘陵综合开放试验站内厚荚相思林土壤CO2、CH4和N2O通量进行原位测定,研究剔除林下灌草和添加翅荚决明对土壤温室气体排放的影响.结果表明:厚荚相思林土壤CO2通量在湿季维持较高水平,在旱季则明显降低.CH4和N2O在9-11月波动幅度较大,峰值出现在10月.在不同处理下,厚荚相思林土壤可能是CH4的源也可能是CH4的汇,而于CO2和N2O则是源.林下剔除灌草能显著增大土壤CO2排放(P<0.05),而添加翅荚决明能加快土壤CH4的排放(P<0.05).林下剔除灌草及添加翅荚决明两种处理都能够加大N2O的排放通量.表层土壤温度、湿度、NO3--N和微生物生物量碳都是影响土壤温室气体排放的重要因子.  相似文献   
The influence of natural enemies has led to the evolution of various predator avoidance strategies in herbivorous insects. Many caterpillars are exclusively active at night and rest during the day. It is widely assumed that nocturnal activity in caterpillars reduces their risk of falling prey to their natural enemies. To test this hypothesis, we compared predation pressure between day and night in tree‐fall gaps and closed‐canopy forest sites in an Amazonian primary lowland rainforest. Artificial clay caterpillars, showing camouflaged colouration (green), were exposed as potential prey to a natural predator community. Attacks were significantly more frequent during daytime and were reduced by about a quarter at night in tree‐fall gaps, and by a third in closed‐canopy forest sites. This supports the idea of time‐dependent activity in caterpillars as an antipredatory adaptation. Further, independent of the time of day, predation pressure on caterpillars was significantly higher in tree‐fall gaps compared to closed‐canopy forest habitats. Nearly all predation events were caused by arthropods, whereas birds played a negligible role. Across both habitat types and time scales, ants acted as major predator group, emphasising their important role in population control of herbivorous insects in lowland rainforest ecosystems. This is the first experimental study using artificial caterpillars to examine whether time‐scheduling of exposition might influence predation risk amongst undefended, solitary, free‐living lepidopteran larvae.  相似文献   
Overabundance of woody plants in semiarid ecosystems can degrade understory herbaceous vegetation and often requires shrub reduction and seeding to recover ecosystem services. We used meta‐analysis techniques to assess the effects of fire and mechanical shrub reduction over two post‐treatment timeframes (1–4 and 5–10 years) on changes in cover and frequency of 15 seeded species at 63 restoration sites with high potential for recovery. Compared to mechanical treatments, fire resulted in greater increases in seeded species. Native shrubs did not increase, and forbs generally declined over time; however, large increases in perennial grasses were observed, suggesting that seeding efforts contributed to enhanced understory herbaceous conditions. We found greater increases in a few non‐native species than native species across all treatments, suggesting the possibility that interference among seeded species may have influenced results of this regional assessment. Differences among treatments and species were likely driven by seedbed conditions, which should be carefully considered in restoration planning. Site characteristics also dictated seeded species responses: while forbs showed greater increases in cover over the long term at higher elevation sites considered to be more resilient to disturbance, surprisingly, shrubs and grasses had greater increases in cover and frequency at lower elevation sites where resilience is typically much lower. Further research is needed to understand the causes of forb mortality over time, and to decipher how greater increases of non‐native relative to native seeded species will influence species diversity and successional trajectories of restoration sites.  相似文献   
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