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A. Kumar  S. Sharma  S. Mishra 《Plant biosystems》2016,150(5):1056-1064
This study was conducted to study the long-term impact of bioinoculants, Azotobacter chroococcum and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on growth and biomass yield of Jatropha curcas grown in nursery and in field conditions. The experiment was set up in a randomized block design, and the following treatments was designed (T1 = control, T2 = Azotobacter, T3 = inoculation with AMF, and T4 = inoculation with Azotobacter + AMF). Data on various growth attributes (shoot height and shoot diameter) and biochemical parameters [leaf relative water content (LRWC), sugars, protein, and photosynthetic pigments] were recorded up to 6 months in the nursery and in the field (18 months). Results pertaining to morpho-physiological traits showed Azotobacter and AMF consortia increase shoot height, shoot diameter, LRWC, sugars, proteins, and photosynthetic pigments over control under nursery conditions. Besides enhancing the plant growth, these bioinoculants helped in better establishment of Jatropha plants under field conditions. A significant improvement in the shoot height, shoot diameter, fruit yield/plant, and seed yield (g)/plant was evident in 18-month-old Jatropha plants under field conditions when Azotobacter and AMF were co-inoculated. This work supports the application of bioinoculants for establishment of Jatropha curcas in semi-arid regions.  相似文献   
麻疯树脂酶全长基因克隆、表达及其蛋白质结构预测   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
脂酶(Lipase,EC3.1.1.3)是普遍应用于皮革、饲料及生物柴油工业的工业酶制剂,具有广泛的应用价值。目前对植物来源的脂酶研究较少。本研究用在生物柴油中具有应用前景的油料植物——麻疯树(Jatrophacurcas)作为研究对象,克隆了该物种的脂酶基因(JcLIP)。通过多序列比对并结合物种的亲缘关系设计了具有较高特异性的简并引物,通过使用RT-PCR和RACE技术,最终获得了麻疯树脂酶基因的全长序列并成功地在大肠杆菌中表达,酶活测定结果表明,麻疯树脂酶在大肠杆菌中表达在包涵体中,但是能产生具有活力的蛋白质,酶活约为0.8U.mL-1。结构预测和比较表明,JcLIP蛋白质具有脂酶的结构核心和催化活性中心,而在非核心区具有较毛霉脂酶更多的插入和随机卷曲,这可能是决定二者之间酶活差异的重要原因。  相似文献   
In recent years, liquid biofuels for transport have benefited from significant political support due to their potential role in curbing climate change and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. They may also participate to rural development by providing new markets for agricultural production. However, the growth of energy crops has raised concerns due to their high consumption of conventional fuels, fertilizers and pesticides, their impacts on ecosystems and their competition for arable land with food crops. Low-input species such as Jatropha curcas , a perennial, inedible crop well adapted to semiarid regions, has received much interest as a new alternative for biofuel production, minimizing adverse effects on the environment and food supply. Here, we used life-cycle assessment to quantify the benefits of J. curcas biofuel production in West Africa in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and fossil energy use, compared with fossil diesel fuel and other biofuels. Biodiesel from J. curcas has a much higher performance than current biofuels, relative to oil-derived diesel fuels. Under West Africa conditions, J. curcas biodiesel allows a 72% saving in greenhouse gas emissions compared with conventional diesel fuel, and its energy yield (the ratio of biodiesel energy output to fossil energy input) is 4.7. J. curcas production studied is eco-compatible for the impacts under consideration and fits into the context of sustainable development.  相似文献   
Plant defensins are small, basic, cysteine‐rich peptides, belonging to the antimicrobial peptide superfamily, commonly found in the plant kingdom. In this study, we cloned and characterized a plant defensin gene from Jatropha curcas (JcDef). JcDef carried conserved receptor binding sites and a cysteine motif, and it was phylogenetically grouped together with defensin Ec‐AMP‐D2‐like in Elaeis guineensis. JcDef is localized to cytoplasm and highly expressed in young tissues with fast metabolism such as cotyledons and stem apexes. Transgenic expression of JcDef in tobacco showed enhanced resistance against sheath blight disease caused by R. solani, indicating the antibacterial function.  相似文献   
麻疯树苯丙氨酸解氨酶启动子的克隆和表达载体的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张淑文  高帆  秦小波  徐莺  陈放 《植物研究》2007,27(4):455-459
苯丙氨酸解氨酶(phenylalanine ammonia lyase, PAL)是苯丙烷类代谢途径的关键酶,催化苯丙氨酸转化为肉桂酸,促进黄酮、香豆素等次生代谢物的生成。本文根据已克隆的麻疯树苯丙氨酸解氨酶基因JcPAL的序列设计引物,通过DNA步移技术,克隆出长度为1 334 bp的JcPAL基因起始密码子上游序列。序列分析显示其不仅具备CAAT、TATA盒这些保守元件,而且包含多种胁迫诱导元件,特别是在序列中发现一些苯丙氨酸解氨酶特有的元件。为了鉴定JcPAL基因的启动子元件,分别将长度不同的5′端侧翼区缺失体定向插入载体pBI121中, 取代原有的CaMV35S启动子,构建了4个驱动报告基因GUS的植物表达载体。  相似文献   
小桐子(Jatrophacurcm)适应性强,不择土壤,种子油脂性能适宜生物柴油的生产,是重要的生物柴油植物。基于小桐子种子发育过程中的EST序列,采用生物信息学方法,从4640个EST非冗余序列上鉴别了1009个SSR位点并分析其分布特征;开发了11对多态的EST—SSR分子标记,并利用这些分子标记调查了24个不同地理种源的遗传多样性,从每个位点的等位基因数目(2—3,平均为2.45)、期望杂合度(He为0.0887—0.5128,平均是0.2736)、多态信息含量(PIC为0.0847~0.4031,平均是0.2313)等方面反映了小桐子种质的遗传多样性低。进一步分析显示不同地理种源的遗传关系缺乏明显的地理结构。作者开发的EST—SSR分子标记不仅有助于小桐子种质的遗传多样性研究,也有助于小桐子种质间的遗传关系鉴别。  相似文献   
Climate change is currently affecting both biodiversity and human activities; land use change and greenhouse gas emissions are the main drivers. Many agricultural services are affected by the change, which in turn reflects on the basic provisioning services, which supply food, fibre and biofuels. Biofuels are getting increasing interest because of their sustainability potential. Jatropha curcas gained popularity as a biodiesel crop, due to its ease of cultivation even in harsh environmental conditions. Notwithstanding its high economic importance, few studies are available about its co‐occurrence with pests of the genus Aphthona in sub‐Saharan Africa, where these insects feed on J. curcas, leading to relevant economic losses. Using ecological niche modelling and GIS post‐modelling analyses, we infer the current and future suitable territories for both these taxa, delineating areas where J. curcas cultivations may occur without suffering the presence of Aphthona, in the context of future climate and land use changing. We introduce an area‐normalized index, the ‘Potential‐Actual Cultivation Index’, to better depict the ratio between the suitable areas shared both by the crop and its pest, and the number of actual cultivations, in a target country. Moreover, we find high economic losses (~?50%) both in terms of carbon sequestration and in biodiesel production when J. curcas co‐occur with the Aphthona cookei species group.  相似文献   
Efficient approaches to increase plant lipid production are necessary to meet current industrial demands for this important resource. While Jatropha curcas cell culture can be used for in vitro lipid production, scaling up the system for industrial applications requires an understanding of how growth conditions affect lipid metabolism and yield. Here we present a bottom‐up metabolic reconstruction of J. curcas supported with labeling experiments and biomass characterization under three growth conditions. We show that the metabolic model can accurately predict growth and distribution of fluxes in cell cultures and use these findings to pinpoint energy expenditures that affect lipid biosynthesis and metabolism. In addition, by using constraint‐based modeling approaches we identify network reactions whose joint manipulation optimizes lipid production. The proposed model and computational analyses provide a stepping stone for future rational optimization of other agronomically relevant traits in J. curcas.  相似文献   
为探讨外源一氧化氮(NO)供体硝普钠(SNP)对铜(Cu2+)胁迫的缓解效应,该试验以小桐子幼苗为材料,先通过小桐子幼苗根茎生长指标的变化筛选出后续实验适宜的SNP(0.2mmol/L)和Cu2+浓度(90mmol/L),再进一步考察SNP预处理对Cu2+胁迫下幼苗脯氨酸(Pro)和丙二醛(MDA)的含量及抗氧化酶活性的影响。结果显示:(1)Cu2+处理能诱导小桐子幼苗叶片中Pro和MDA含量显著升高,且过氧化氢酶(CAT)、超氧物歧化酶(SOD)、愈创木酚过氧化物酶(POD)及抗坏血酸专一性过氧化物酶(APX)的活性增强。(2)用SNP预处理能显著提高Cu2+胁迫下幼苗叶片Pro的含量,进一步增强叶片中CAT、SOD、POD和APX活性,降低MDA的含量。研究表明,0.2mmol/L的SNP能够通过提高小桐子幼苗的抗氧化酶活性和游离脯氨酸含量来增强其抗氧化胁迫能力,从而显著缓解Cu2+胁迫对幼苗造成的氧化伤害,维持其正常生长发育。  相似文献   
Small‐scale Jatropha cultivation and biodiesel production have the potential of contributing to local development, energy security, and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation. In recent years however, the GHG mitigation potential of biofuel crops is heavily disputed due to the occurrence of a carbon debt, caused by CO2 emissions from biomass and soil after land‐use change (LUC). Most published carbon footprint studies of Jatropha report modeled results based on a very limited database. In particular, little empirical data exist on the effects of Jatropha on biomass and soil C stocks. In this study, we used field data to quantify these C pools in three land uses in Mali, that is, Jatropha plantations, annual cropland, and fallow land, to estimate both the Jatropha C debt and its C sequestration potential. Four‐year‐old Jatropha plantations hold on average 2.3 Mg C ha?1 in their above‐ and belowground woody biomass, which is considerably lower compared to results from other regions. This can be explained by the adverse growing conditions and poor local management. No significant soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration could be demonstrated after 4 years of cultivation. While the conversion of cropland to Jatropha does not entail significant C losses, the replacement of fallow land results in an average C debt of 34.7 Mg C ha?1, mainly caused by biomass removal (73%). Retaining native savannah woodland trees on the field during LUC and improved crop management focusing on SOC conservation can play an important role in reducing Jatropha's C debt. Although planting Jatropha on degraded, carbon‐poor cropland results in a limited C debt, the low biomass production, and seed yield attained on these lands reduce Jatropha's potential to sequester C and replace fossil fuels. Therefore, future research should mainly focus on increasing Jatropha's crop productivity in these degraded lands.  相似文献   
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