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Summary Isoelectric focussing in alkaline pH gels has permitted the identification of a new homoeoallelic series of genes,Est-6, encoding grain esterases in bread wheat,Triticum aestivum. Nullisomic analysis located these genes to the short arms of the homoeologous group 2 chromosomes. A search for polymorphism withinEst-6 revealed null alleles at each ofEst-A6,Est-B6 andEst-D6. A further homoeolocus,Est-M6, is present on chromosome arm2MS ofAegilops comosa.  相似文献   
Isozymes and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used for precocious identification of non-maternal plants in progenies of the facultative apomict Poa pratensis. Four progenies obtained from controlled crosses that showed different degrees of apomixis on isozyme analysis of phospho-gluco-isomerases, esterases and peroxidases were chosen for RAPD analysis to generate genomic fingerprints using species-specific primers. At an advanced vegetative stage, a morphological analysis was also performed and characteristics related to growth habit and leaf morphology were observed and recorded. On the basis of the isozyme and RAPD electrophoretic pattern and the morphological appearance, each plant was classified as maternal or aberrant. All three classes of genetic markers employed were able to identify plants that exhibited aberrant traits in the four progenies. Overall, the results of RAPD analysis supported those of isozyme and morphology studies. However, in each progeny, some plants which both isozyme and morphological analyses distinguished as of maternal origin were aberrant according to RAPD analysis. Therefore, the RAPD method proved the most precise screening technique. The greater cost of the molecular approach was offset by its higher accuracy. The use of either three isozyme systems or six primers for PCR amplification seems to be sufficient for reliable estimation of the degree of apomixis. Histological analyses were carried out and the aposporic development of the plant material studied.  相似文献   
Summary The progeny of four crosses between a structural heterozygote for a reciprocal translocation and a homozygote for the standard chromosome arrangement were analyzed in rye (Secale cereale L. cv Ailés) for the electrophoretic patterns of eight different leaf and endosperm isozymes and also for the meiotic configuration at metaphase I. The Pgi-1, 6-Pgd-2 and Mdh-1 loci are linked to each other and also to the reciprocal translocation. These loci have been located on chromosome 1R. The Mdh-1 locus is located in the interstitial segment of chromosome 1R, between the centromere and the breakpoint. The Pgm-1 locus has been located on chromosome arm 4RS and is linked to Pgi-1, 6-Pgd-2, Mdh-1 and the reciprocal translocation. The estimated distance between the Pgm-1 locus and the centromere is 14.98 ± 2.27 cM. Therefore, the reciprocal translocation involves the 1R and 4R chromosomes. Other linked loci detected have been Mdh-2b and Est-2 (7.40 ± 2.90 cM) and Got-3 and Est-2 (5.62 ± 3.07 cM). These three last loci are located on chromosome 3R and their order most probably is Mdh-2bEst-2Got-3.  相似文献   
Summary Rye -Amy1, -Amy2, and -Amy3 genes were studied in the cross between inbred lines using wheat -amylase cDNA probes. The -Amy1 and -Amy2 probes uncovered considerable restriction fragment length polymorphism, whereas the -Amy3 region was much more conserved. The numbers of restriction fragments found and the F2 segregation data suggest that there are three -Amy1 genes, two or three -Amy2 genes, and three -Amy3 genes in rye. These conclusions were supported by a simultaneous study of -amylase isozyme polymorphism. The F2 data showed the three individual -Amy1 genes to span a distance of 3cM at the locus on chromosome 6RL. The genes were mapped relative to other RFLP markers on 6RL. On chromosome 7RL two -Amy2 genes were shown to be separated by 5 cM. Linkage data within -Amy3 on 5RL were not obtained since RFLP could be detected at only one of the genes.  相似文献   
Summary The linkage relationship of 11 bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) seed proteins (including phaseolin), 9 enzyme loci, and theP locus were analyzed in backcross and F2 progenies by use of the software package Mapmaker. The progenies were obtained by crossing the breeding line XR-235-1 and the cultivar Calima. Allelic differences for seed protein loci were detected with SDS-PAGE and those for enzyme loci with starch gel electrophoresis and activity stains. The seed coat color of Calima is a red/beige mottled pattern and that of XR-235-1 is white. Segregation at theP locus was followed by recording the phenotype of the BC1S1 and F3 seed. A linkage group comprising ca. 90 cM was detected with the following gene order:Est-2 — 11 —Pha — 8 — (Spe/Spg) — 24 — P — 9 — (Spa/Spv) — 16 —Spba — 22 —Mdh-1. In addition, another linkage group was detected: (Spd/Spf/Sph) — 5 -Spca. Therefore, the seed proteins appear to be organized in clusters in the bean genome.Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Journal Series No. R-01131  相似文献   
Summary The segregation of different isozymic loci was investigated in backcrosses and F2s in rye. The leucin aminopeptidase-1 (Lap-1), Aconitase-1 (Aco-1), Esterase-6 (Est-6), Esterase-8 (Est-8), and Endopeptidase-1 (Ep-1) loci were linked. The Aco-1, Est-6, and Est-8 loci have been previously located on the 6RL chromosome arm. The Lap-1 locus has been located on the 6RS chromosome arm. The results favor the gene order: Lap-1... (centromere)... Aco-1... Est-8... Est-6... Ep-1. The isoelectric focusing separations of aqueous extracts from mature embryo tissue of wheat-rye addition and substitution lines involving the chromosomes of cereal rye Secale cereale L. confirmed the gene location of locus Ep-1 on the 6RL chromosome arm. Screening of wheat-rye addition lines involving the chromosomes of Secale montanum revealed that Ep-1 locus is not located on chromosome 6R of S. montanum. These results are the first biochemical evidence of the translocation between chromosome arms 6RL/7RL in the evolution of S. cereale from S. montanum.  相似文献   
Summary Electrophoresis of 7 pollen enzymes was applied to 5 progenies from controlled crosses and one self-progeny of apple. Segregation data were examined according to three kinds of hypotheses: monogenic disomic, bigenic disomic and tetrasomic inheritance Twenty codominant alleles and a recessive null were identified. Results provided evidence of bigenic disomic inheritance in most cases: 6 pairs of homoeologous loci carrying identical homoeoalleles were revealed; only 2 enzymes exhibited a simple monogenic control. Preferential pairing between pairs of homologous chromosomes in meiosis can be postulated. These results indicated an allopolyploid origin of apple genome. Fixed heterozygosity occurred for several enzymes, which is a typical feature of allopolyploidy. Loss of duplicate gene expression can account for the monogenic control of 2 of the enzymes.The results reported in this paper are part of a thesis by the first author for the degree of Docteur Ingénieur  相似文献   
为了研究核盘菌的分类和生理分化问题,对供试的28个核盘菌株进行了可溶性蛋白质,芳香基酯酶和酸性磷酸酯酶同工酶电泳谱带以及紫外光吸收峰图形的试验研究,其结果,可分为五种类型。其中属于核盘菌属有四个种,即核盘菌Sclerotinia sclerotiorum(Lib.)de Bary(=Whetzelinia sclerotiorum(Lib.)Korf & Dumont),三叶草核盘菌S.trifoliorum Erikss.,细辛核盘菌(S.asari Wu et C.R.Wang和人参菌核病菌Sclerotinia sp。人参菌核病的另一分离菌和油菜菌核病的一个分离菌其谱带与灰葡萄孢(Botrytis cinerea)谱带相似,应归属于与葡萄孢属(Botrytis)相应的核盘菌。在核盘菌S.sclerotiorum种群中,南方菌系与北方菌系的可溶性蛋白质稍有差异,芳香基酯酶和酸性磷酸酯酶活性强度也稍有不同,可能存在生理分化现象。  相似文献   
Thirteen F2 families of faba bean (Vicia faba L.), descended from plants trisomic for chromosomes 3, 4, 5 and 6, have been analyzed for morphological, isozyme and RAPD markers. This allowed the establishment of linkage relationships among these markers as well as the assignment of some markers and/or linkage groups to their respective chromosomes. The linkage analysis of partially overlapping sets of informative genetic markers for the data pooled from 13 F2 families has revealed 48 linkage groups, six of which have been precisely assigned to specific chromosomes. A statistical procedure to analyze the data of joint segregation analysis in families derived from trisomic plants has been developed.  相似文献   
A comparative genetic analysis of esterase (E.C. isozymes of wheat cultivar Chinese Spring in endosperm, embryo, coleoptile, leaf and root tissues revealed eight sets of isozymes characterised by different tissue specificities, pI ranges and the chromosomal locations of their controlling genes. This data was considered together with previously published work, resulting in a proposed rationalization of nine sets of wheat esterase isozymes. Although this classification included two sets of isozymes controlled by genes on the short arms of homoeologous group 3 chromosomes and three sets on the long arms of the same chromosomes, for which no recombination evidence of genetic distinctness has been obtained among either group, it is argued that the different characteristics of the various sets warrant retention of separate set nomenclatures. Previously unreported esterase genes includeEst-9, a low pI, monomeric, embryo-specific group with controlling genes on chromosomes 3BS and 3DS and two further members ofEs-1,Est-H1 inHordeum vulgare andEst-S l1 inAegilops longissima.  相似文献   
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