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All of the common cytochalasins activate superoxide anion release and exocytosis of β-N-acetylglucosaminidase and lysozyme from guinea-pig polymorphonuclear leukocytes (neutrophils) incubated in a buffered sucrose medium. Half-maximal activation of both processes is produced by approx. 2 μM cytochalasin A, C >μM cytochalasin B ? 4–5 μM cytochalasin D, E. While maximal rates of O2? release and extents of exocytosis require extracellular calcium (1–2 mM), replacing sucrose with monovalent cation chlorides is inhibitory to neutrophil activation by cytochalasins. Na+, K+ or choline inhibited either cytochalasin B- or E-stimulated O2? production with IC50 values of 5–10 mM and inhibition occurs whether Cl?, NO3? or SCN? is the anion added with Na+ or K+. Release of β-N-acetylglucosaminidase in control or cytochalasin B-stimulated cells is inhibited by NaCl (IC50 ≈ 10 mM), while cytochalasin E-stimulated exocytosis is reduced less and K+ or choline chloride are ineffective in inhibiting either cytochalasin B- or E-stimulated exocytosis. Release of β-glucuronidase, myeloperoxidase or acid phosphatase from neutrophils incubated in buffered sucrose is not stimulated by cytochalasin B. Stimulation of either O2? or β-N-acetylglucosaminidase release by low concentrations of cytochalasin A is followed by inhibition of each at higher concentrations. It appears that all cytochalasins can activate both NAD(P)H oxidase and selective degranulation of neutrophils incubated in salt-restricted media and that differential inhibition of these two processes by monovalent cations and/or anions is produced at some step(s) subsequent to cytochalasin interaction with the cell.  相似文献   
The voltage-gated K+ (Kv) channel blocker 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) is used to target symptoms of the neuroinflammatory disease multiple sclerosis (MS). By blocking Kv channels, 4-AP facilitates action potential conduction and neurotransmitter release in presynaptic neurons, lessening the effects of demyelination. Because they conduct inward Na+ and Ca2+ currents that contribute to axonal degeneration in response to inflammatory conditions, acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) contribute to the pathology of MS. Consequently, ASICs are emerging as disease-modifying targets in MS. Surprisingly, as first demonstrated here, 4-AP inhibits neuronal degenerin/epithelial Na+ (Deg/ENaC) channels, including ASIC and BLINaC. This effect is specific for 4-AP compared with its heterocyclic base, pyridine, and the related derivative, 4-methylpyridine; and akin to the actions of 4-AP on the structurally unrelated Kv channels, dose- and voltage-dependent. 4-AP has differential actions on distinct ASICs, strongly inhibiting ASIC1a channels expressed in central neurons but being without effect on ASIC3, which is enriched in peripheral sensory neurons. The voltage dependence of the 4-AP block and the single binding site for this inhibitor are consistent with 4-AP binding in the pore of Deg/ENaC channels as it does Kv channels, suggesting a similar mechanism of inhibition in these two classes of channels. These findings argue that effects on both Kv and Deg/ENaC channels should be considered when evaluating the actions of 4-AP. Importantly, the current results are consistent with 4-AP influencing the symptoms of MS as well as the course of the disease because of inhibitory actions on Kv and ASIC channels, respectively.  相似文献   
An electrostatic calculation suggests that when an ion is bound near the mouth of a channel penetrating a low-dielectric membrane, a counter ion may form an ion pair with this ion. The tendency towards ion-pair formation is remarkably enhanced at channel mouths by forces (image forces) arising from the charges induced on the boundaries between different dielectrics. The binding constant for the formation of ion-pairs of monovalent ions is estimated under the assumption that local interactions between the counter ion and the channel wall are negligibly small. It is of the order of 1–10 molal?1 or more for the binding of a Cl? (F?) counter ion to an Na+ (Li+) ion if appropriate conditions are fulfilled. The binding constant depends on the position of the binding site, the dimensions and geometries of the channel and channel mouth, and the state of ion loading of the channel, as well as the ionic species. The present results also indicate that when cation (anion) channels have anionic (cationic) groups as integrant parts of their channel walls, interactions between these charged groups and permeant ions are markedly enhanced by the image forces.  相似文献   
Electron probe microanalysis of transverse sections was used to provide semiquantitative estimates of Al and other cations in the leaf tissues of some Al-accumulating plants of the cerrado vegetation of central Brazil. Concentrations of Al were generally higher than those of other cations in the phloem elements of these plants growing on dystrophic as well as fertile acid soils. When one of the Al-accumulating species,Vochysia thyrsoidea, was grown in a calcareous soil, the concentration of Al in the phloem elements of leaves was lower than that of Ca and K though the cotyledons showed higher concentrations of Al than those of other cations.  相似文献   
Opening and closing of the stomatal pore is associated with very large changes in K-salt accumulation in stomatal guard cells. This review discusses the ionic relations of guard cells in relation to the general pattern of transport processes in plant cells, in plasmalemma and tonoplast, involving primary active transport of protons, proton-linked secondary active transport, and a number of gated ion channels. The evidence available suggests that the initiation of stomatal opening is regulated through the uptake mechanisms, whereas initiation of stomatal closing is regulated by control of ion efflux at the plasmalemma, and of fluxes to and from the vacuole. In response to a closing signal there are large transient increases in efflux of both Cl? (or Br?) and Rb+ (K+) at the plasmalemma, with also a probable increase in anion flux from vacuole to cytoplasm and decrease in anion flux from cytoplasm to vacuole. A speculative hypothetical sequence of events is discussed, by which the primary response to a closing signal is an increase in Ca2+ influx at the plasmalemma, producing depolarisation and increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+. The consequent opening of Ca2+-sensitive Cl? channels, and voltage-sensitive K+ channels (also Ca2+-sensitive?) in the plasmalemma, and of a Ca2+-sensitive nonspecific channel in the tonoplast, could produce the flux effects identified by the tracer work; this speculation is also consistent with the Ca2+-sensitivity of the response to closing signals and with evidence from patch clamping that such channels exist in at least some plant cells, though not yet all shown in guard cells.  相似文献   
Abstract Lipid bilayer experiments were performed with chromosome-encoded haemolysin of Escherichia coli . The addition of the toxin to the aqueous phase bathing lipid bilayer membranes of asolectin resulted in the formation of transient ion-permeable channels with two states at small transmembrane voltages. One is prestate (single-channel conductance 40 pS in 0.15 M KCl) of the open state, which had a single-channel conductance of 420 pS in 0.15 M KCl and a mean lifetime of 30 s. Membranes formed of pure lipids were rather inactive targets for this haemolysin. Experiments with different salts suggested that the haemolysin channel was highly cation-selective at neutral pH. The mobility sequence of the cations in the channel was similar if not identical to their mobility sequence in the aqueous phase. The single-channel data were consistent with a wide, water-filled channel with an estimated minimal diameter of about 1 nm. The pore-forming properties of chromosome-encoded haemolysin were compared with those of plasmid-encoded haemolysin. Both toxins share common features, oligomerize probably to form pores in lipid bilayer membranes. Both types of haemolysin channels have similar properties but different lifetimes.  相似文献   
Synopsis The filter feeding organ of cyprinid fishes is the branchial sieve, which consists of a mesh formed by gill rakers and tiny channels on the gill arches. In order to establish its possible role during growth we measured the following morphological gill raker parameters over a range of sizes in three cyprinid fishes, bream, white bream and roach: inter raker distance, bony raker length, raker width, cushion length and channel width. At any given standard length common bream has the largest inter raker distance, roach the lowest and white bream is intermediate. In the comb model of filter feeding the inter raker distance is considered to be a direct measure of the mesh size and retention ability (= minimal size of prey that can be retained) of a filter. For the three species under study there is a conflict between the comb model and experimental data on particle retention. Lammens et al. (1987) found that common bream has a large retention ability whereas roach and white bream have a much smaller one. A new model, the channel model (Hoogenboezem et al. 1991) has been developed for common bream; in this model the lateral gill rakers can regulate the mesh size of the medial channels on the other side of the gill slit. The present data indicate that this model is not appropriate for white bream and roach. At any given standard length white bream and roach only reach 70% of the raker length of common bream, which means that in this model the gill slits should to be very narrow during filter feeding. The gill rakers consist of a bony raker and a fleshy cushion. The bony rakers have a rather long needle-like part outside the cushion in bream, but not in white bream and roach which have blunt gill rakers. Blunt gill rakers are not suited to reduce the diameter of the medial channels. The comb model seems more appropriate for white bream and roach, but doubts about the validity of this simple model remain. The sum of the areas of the medial channels is an approximation of the area through which water flows in the filter. This channel area therefore gives an impression of the capacity or flow rate of the filter. With this capacity estimation and an estimation of energy consumption we calculated an energy ratio of filter feeding. The energy ratio decreases with increasing standard length with an exponent close to the expected exponent of -0.40. The energy ratio is highest in bream, intermediate in white bream and lowest in roach.  相似文献   
Four different nucleotide-gated ion channels are discussed in terms of their biophysical properties and their importance in cell physiology. Channels activated directly by cGMP are present in vertebrate and invertebrate photoreceptors. In both cases cGMP increases the fraction of time the channel remains in the open state. At least three cGMP molecules are involved in channel opening in vertebrate photoreceptors and the concentration of the cyclic nucleotide to obtain the half maximal effect is about 15 µM. The light-dependent channel of both vertebrates and invertebrates is poorly cation selective. The vertebrate channel allows divalent cations to pass through 10–15-fold more easily than monovalent ions. In agreement with their preference for divalent cations, this channel is blocked byl-cis Dialtazem, a molecule that blocks certain types of calcium channels. In olfactory neurons a channel activated by both cAMP and cGMP is found and, as in the light-dependent channel, several molecules of the nucleotide are needed to open the channel with a half maximal effect obtained in the range of 1–40 µM. The channel is poorly cationic selective. A K+ channel directly and specifically activated by cAMP is found inDrosophila larval muscle. At least three cAMP molecules are involved in the opening reaction. Half-maximal effect is obtained at about 50 µM. This channel is blocked by micromolar amount of tetraethylammonium applied internally. Interestingly, this channel has a probability of opening 10–20-fold larger in the mutantdunce, a mutant that possesses abnormally elevated intracellular cAMP level, than in the wild type.  相似文献   
In this paper we present a model for the ion exchange effects in protein adsorption. The model is applied to chromatography of lysozyme on strong cation exchanger ‘mono S’. The experimental and general thermodynamic aspects have been discussed in Part 1, the preceding paper. The main modelling assumptions are (i) the charge regulation is confined to the small layer of contact between adsorbed protein and exchanger surface, (ii) the contact layer as a whole is electroneutral and (iii) the number of protein acid/base groups and exchanger surface acid groups which participate in the ion exchange is proportional to the area of the contact layer. The model is fitted to the experimental data by adjustment of only two or three parameters. The experimental co-adsorption numbers are very well reproduced. A few conspicuous features emerge: (i) the number of protein acid/base groups and exchanger surface acid groups in the contact layer varies with the medium conditions, such that the number is higher when the interaction between protein and exchanger surface is stronger. (ii) There is indirect evidence for structural alterations in the upper layers of the exchanger surface: the adsorbed protein is probably partly ‘buried’ in the surface.  相似文献   
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