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Anaerobic, Gram-positive cocci were obtained from chicken feces by direct isolation, which grew on the purines uric acid, xanthine, 6,8-dihydroxypurine, guanine, and hypoxanthine. Adenine and glycine were fermented, but not as readily. Acetate, formate, ammonia, and CO2 were products. The isolated strains were nutritionally non-fastidious, however, they required selenite, molybdate, and tungstate as micronutrients. The cells were spherical and 0.5–0.9 m in diameter. The addition of bile salts enhanced the growth rate in most cases. The organisms proved to be quite resistant to lysis. The guanosine-plus-cytosine (G+C) content of their deoxyribonucleic acid was 33.6 to 34.8 mol%. The peptidoglycan was of the same structure (Gly-Lys-d-Asp) as reported for the anaerobic cocci of Hare group IX. However, the latter strains could only utilize glycine, not purines. Therefore, it is proposed to form a new species, Peptostreptococcus barnesae sp. nov.This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Norbert Pfennig on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
Summary The vacuolar system in the absorptive cells of the goldfish hindgut was studied by rapid freeze-substituted and cytochemical techniques. The apical cytoplasm of the absorptive cells contained two types of vacuoles: endosomes and lysosomes. The former were characterized by an absence of acid phosphatase activity, a dot-like distribution of material at the peripheral rim, the labelling of the inner surface with horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and by frequent connections to cytoplasmic tubules (CT), which were also free of acid phosphatase activity. The latter vacuole was preferentially located in the deeper cytoplasm and was characterized by the presence of acid phosphatase activity, an electron-dense interior matrix, a peripheral electron-lucent region (a halo), and by the detachment of HRP from the inner surface. Connections between CTs and these latter vacuoles were rarely seen. In the deeper cytoplasm, fusion between endosomes and lysosomes was sometimes observed. These results suggest that the vacuoles which are associated with CTs are endosomes, but not lysosomes, and that internalized materials are transported through the endosome-lysosome system to a giant food vacuole in the cell.  相似文献   
Abstract Vibrio cholerae belonging to the recently described serogroup 0139, which are responsible for the current cholera epidemics in India and Bangladesh, were shown to express pilus-like structures partially cross-reacting with the toxin-coregulated pilus of V. cholerae strain (0395) belonging to the 01 serogroup and classical biotype. The 0139 pili were composed of 20 kDa subunit proteins which were antigenically related to the 20 kDa pilus protein of another diarrhoeagenic non-01 V. cholerae strain (serogroup 034) isolated earlier. The pili described in this study were found to be involved in the intestinal colonization process and, therefore, may contribute towards the virulence of the 0139 epidemic isolates.  相似文献   
Larvae of the two southern hemisphere lamprey genera, Mordacia and Geotria, possess one and two intestinal diverticula, respectively, each originating at the oesophageal-intestinal junction. These diverticula comprise an inner layer of simple columnar epithelium composed solely of zymogen and mucous cells, a middle layer consisting mainly of a blood sinus, and an outer serosa layer covered by a simple squamous epithelium (mesothelium). The inner surface is highly folded only in Mordacia. The secretion of mucus probably protects the epithelium from the effects of digestive enzymes secreted by the zymogen cells and/or bile, which enters the diverticulum at its tip. Unlike the situation in southern hemisphere lampreys, the zymogen cells of the larvae of holarctic lampreys are located in the anterior intestine, a condition considered to be primitive. It is thus proposed that intestinal diverticula were developed during the evolution of southern hemisphere lampreys. The relocation of zymogen cells in the diverticula increases the area for these cells, and thus the capacity for the synthesis and secretion of digestive enzymes, particularly in Mordacia where the inner surface is folded.  相似文献   
Abstract Passive transfer between rates of protection against cholera toxin (CT) was studied. Extracts of various organs, obtained from CT-immunized rats, were injected intravenously into non-immunized recipient rats. The ability of the extracts to inhibit CT-induced secretion in ligated jejunal loop were tested. A significant inhibition of the response to CT was achieved by extracts from hypophysis, brain and jejunal mucosa. Extracts from pancreas, spleen or adrenal glands were without effect, as were all extracts obtained from control rats. The antisecretory effects of the hypophysis extracts became intensified with increasing numbers of immunizations, and the antisecretory effect was most pronounced when the extract was injected immediately before the CT challenge. The active component of the hypophysis extract was heat-labile and negatively charged, suggesting an acidic protein as the mediator of the protective effect against CT.  相似文献   
Summary Guanethidine-induced sympathectomy in the rat during the neonatal period (injection of 20 g/g body weight every 48 h from day of birth until day 14) produces an absolute reduction in the number of sympathetic ganglion cells, but no significant alteration of body weight. Superior cervical ganglia show 79.8 % fewer cell bodies at 15 days and 92.3 % at 45 days; coeliac ganglia exhibit an 81.0 % reduction at 15 days and 89.6 % at 45 days in guanethidine-treated rats as compared to normal controls. The sympathetic ganglion cells that remain after treatment have an abnormal morphological appearance with distended mitochondria and depletion of endoplasmic reticulum. Sympathectomy produces a prolongation of the generation cycle time (Tc) as measured by the colchicine-induced mitotic arrest technique, and a decrease in labelling, mitotic, and migration indices. In addition, sympathectomy suppresses the amplitude of the circadian rhythm in mitotic activity. The general suppression of this activity in the intestinal epithelium is more pronounced in the jejunum and ileum than in the duodenum. Variation in the effectiveness of sympathectomy on the inhibition of intestinal cell proliferation may be related to segmental differences in cell proliferation, to segmental differences in innervation, and/or to segmental variation in the effectiveness of guanethidine.Supported by N.I.H. grant DE04557 to R.M.K. and N.I.H. grant 5-SO1-RR5373 to the University of Kansas Medical Center. The authors wish to acknowledge Charles A. Brownley, CIBA-Geigy, Summit New Jersey, U.S.A. for the gift of guanethidine-sulfate  相似文献   
Summary The equations hitherto used to correct the permeability coefficient for the unstirred layer influence are valid only for flat membranes. Therefore, appropriate equations for membranes with a villous surface (e.g., small intestine) have been derived. They take into account the non-linear concentration gradient in the intervillous part of the unstirred layer. Quantitative information about the geometry of the villous surface and the unstirred layer thickness are needed to calculate the permeability coefficient of the membrane wall (e.g., intestinal epithelium). The concentration of highly permeable substances drops sharply already in the upper part of the intervillous space, so that the tips of the villi function as effective absorbing area. The intervillous concentration gradient of a substance with a low permeability coefficient is so small, that such a substance is absorbed by the total surface area of the villous membrane. The effective absorbing area of substances with intermediate permeability coefficient lies between the described limits.  相似文献   
The appearance rate of l- and d-phenylalanine in the venous blood of rat jejunal loops in vivo is increased up to 60% if the intraluminal solution is mixed more efficiently by the simultaneous perfusion of air. The effect decreases as the luminal concentration is increased to 100 mmol/1. Thus, the apparent Michaelis constants are by 50% lower in the case of the reduced unstirred layer (26 to 17 for l- and 9 to 6 mmol/1 for d-phenylalanine).The enhancement of the absorption and the reduction of the Michaelis constants can be attributed to the reduction of the effective unstirred layer thickness by about 400–500 μm.  相似文献   
Summary The intestinal epithelium of Ascaris suum consists of a single layer of tall columnar epithelial cells that rest on a thick basal membrane in contact with the pseudocoelomic cavity. Experiments were conducted on glutaraldehyde-fixed tissue to ascertain the nature of the electronegative charges associated with both the apical microvillar surface and basal membrane.A strong electronegative charge was demonstrated on the microvillar surface and basal membrane with ruthenium red and cationic ferritin staining. The ionic nature of ferritin binding was demonstrated with poly-L-lysine, a polycation that interacts with anionic groups on the membrane and thus blocks the subsequent binding of ferritin. Tissue thus treated was devoid of reaction product. Methylation with diazomethane completely abolished staining. Since the stronger acidic groups of sulfates or phosphates would not be protonated under the conditions employed in this study, and therefore susceptible to methylation, staining by ferritin is thought to be due to its interaction with carboxyl groups. Prior enzymatic treatment of tissue with neuraminidase or phospholipase C had no effect on subsequent ferritin binding. Tissue exposed to colloidal iron at various pH values showed maximal reactivity at a pH of 2.5 or above. Above pH 2.5, the dissociation of protons from free carboxyl groups of protein-bound amino-acid residues with pK's of 3.8 and 4.2 would be maximal, and the ionized carboxyl groups are then available to interact with iron micelles. These results suggest the presence of weaker acidic groups, such as the carboxyl groups of acidic amino acids or uronic acid residues. The stronger acidic groups of sialic acid and the esterified sulfate groups, if present, contribute only minimally to overall staining. These results demonstrate that a high electronegative charge density exists, despite the apparent lack of sialic acid. Staining is believed to be due to carboxyl groups of acidic amino acids and/or carboxyl groups or uronic acid residues.Part of this work was conducted at the Department of Zoology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana  相似文献   
The influence of several thiols (conc. 1 mmol/L) on mucosal uptake of75Se from75Se-labeled selenite (conc. 10 μmol/L) across the brush border of rat jejunum and cecum was investigated in vitro using a short-term uptake technique.l-Cysteine (l-Cys) stimulated75Se uptake in the mid- and distal jejunum and cecum, but not in the proximal jejunum. The effect was maximal in the distal jejunum.d-Cys was less effective in the jejunum and similarly effective in the cecum.l-Leucine (l-Leu) andl-glutamic acid significantly reduced the stimulatory effect ofl-Cys on Se uptake in the distal jejunum, whereas the respective effect ofd-Cys was not diminished byl-Leu. Cysteamine stimulated mucosal75Se uptake at all intestinal sites tested, whereas the effect of mercaptopyruvate was restricted to the distal jejunum. Thioglycolate also enhanced75Se uptake in the distal jejunum. The stimulatory effects ofl-Cys, mercaptopyruvate, and thiologlycolate were Na+-dependent, whereas the effect of cysteamine also occurred in the absence of Na+. Mercaptosuccinate,d-penicillamine, ergothioneine, and thiosulfate did not enhance mucosa75Se uptake. It is concluded from these findings that the reaction of some thiols with selenite results in Se compounds that are rapidly absorbed by the intestinal epithelium through various Na+-dependent and Na+-independent, mechanisms. The high bioavailability of Se from selenite found by others might thus be the result of the presence of thiols in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   
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