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Synopsis New information regarding the ecology ofScytalina cerdale was obtained over a four year period as a consequence of a long-term marine ecological study at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP), San Luis Obispo County, California. Twenty intertidal fish surveys were conducted at approximately quarterly intervals, between March 1979 and June 1983, at three separate rocky shore locations (stations). During each survey, a total of 108 square meters (36 m2 per station) was searched for fish during periods of low tide. A total of 280S. cerdale were collected, identified, measured, and released back into the same 4 m2 area, from the same intertidal station (Diablo Cove), throughout the study period. This limited intertidal occurrence most likely reflectsS. cerdale microhabitat requirements; a combination of intertidal elevation (mean = +0.3 MLLW), substratum specificity (loose gravel, 5–10mm size range, overlying a base of sand and shell fragments), and degree of wave exposure (semi-protected). Throughout the study,S. cerdale was seasonally more abundant during summer months (June through August) and less abundant during winter months (November through February). The only exception to this abundance trend followed the 1982 winter storms, which coincided with an El Niño event, whenS. cerdale abundance uncharacteristically dropped during the subsequent 1983 spring and summer surveys. Mean total lengths did not vary greatly, reflecting the absence of early juvenile fishes, and relatively high mean fish densities (3.5 fish per m2 for 20 surveys) were recorded. Qualitative comparisons betweenS. cerdale abundance and seasonal changes in water temperature indicated an inverse relationship. Gravid females, demersal egg masses, and early juvenile individuals were never observed during the four years of the study. This suggests that unlike most other intertidal fishes, particularly other blennioids,S. cerdale may not utilize the intertidal zone for reproductive and recruitment purposes; Diablo Canyon is the most southerly reported distribution for this intertidal species, and therefore, may not entirely represent the species' biology as a whole.  相似文献   
Comparisons were made with human subjects of repellency of free flying Anopheles gambiae using soaps containing deet and permethrin or permethrin alone. The reduction in biting did not differ statistically significantly between these two forms of repellent soap. Some mosquitoes which touched the permethrin soap layer without biting died within the next day. The soap with deet was compared with the same amount of deet in a commercially available stick or as a liquid. Only in the latter form did the repellent show resistance to being washed off by cold water.Electrically heated vaporizing mats containing bio-allethrin were shown to be more effective than smouldering coils containing natural pyrethrins, in that there was more complete prevention of biting, and more rapid knock-down and kill. Operation of the vaporizing mat caused deposition of insecticide on the room surfaces.  相似文献   
A gene bank of the nutritionally versatile, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Chlorogloeopsis fritschii was constructed in Charon 4A. 2,800 recombinants containing 10–20 kbp C. fritschii DNA fragments were screened by Southern hybridization using probes containing the genes for the large (LSU) and small (SSU) subunits of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) from Anacystis nidulans. A single recombinant plaque (CDG1) containing a 10.9 kbp EcoR1 fragment from C. fritschii hybridized to both the LSU and SSU probes, indicating a possible linkage of these RuBisCO genes in C. fritschii. RuBisCO activity and protein were detected in CDG1 lysates of Escherichia coli. Hybridization was also obtained between C. fritschii DNA and the LSU probe from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, although no homology was detected using the LSU probe from maize or the SSU probe from pea.Abbreviations RuBisCO d-ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - RuBP d-ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate - LSU large subunit of RuBisCO - SSU small subunit of RuBisCO - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - DOC deoxycholate  相似文献   
Summary Constructed microbial mats, used for studies on the removal and transformation of metals and metalloids, are made by combining cyanobacteria inoculum with a sediment inoculum from a metal-contaminated site. These mats are a heterotrophic and autotrophic community dominated by cyanobacteria and held together by slimy secretions produced by various microbial groups. When contaminated water containing high concentrations of metals is passed over microbial mats immobilized on glass wool, there is rapid removal of the metals from the water. The mats are tolerant of high concentrations of toxic metals and metalloids, such as cadmium, lead, chromium, selenium and arsenic (up to 350 mg L–1). This tolerance may be due to a number of mechanisms at the molecular, cellular and community levels. Management of toxic metals by the mats is related to deposition of metal compounds outside the cell surfaces as well as chemical modification of the aqueous environment surrounding the mats. The location of metal deposition is determined by factors such as redox gradients, cell surface micro-environments and secretion of extra-cellular bioflocculents. Metal-binding flocculents (polyanionic polysaccharides) are produced in large quantities by the cyanobacterial component of the mat. Steep gradients of redox and oxygen exist from the surface through the laminated strata of microbes. These are produced by photosynthetic oxygen production at the surface and heterotrophic consumption in the deeper regions. Additionally, sulfur-reducing bacteria colonize the lower strata, removing and utilizing the reducing H2S, rather than water, for photosynthesis. Thus, depending on the chemical character of the microzone of the mat, the sequestered metals or metalloids can be oxidized, reduced and precipitated as sulfides or oxides. For example precipitates of red amorphous elemental selenium were identified in mats exposed to selenate (Se-VI) and insoluble precipitates of manganese, chromium, cadmium, cobalt, and lead were found in mats exposed to soluble salts of these metals. Constructed microbial mats offer several advantages for use in the bioremediation of metal-contaminated sites. These include low cost, durability, ability to function in both fresh and salt water, tolerance to high concentrations of metals and metalloids and the unique capacity of mats to form associations with new microbial species. Thus one or several desired microbial species might be integrated into mats in order to design the community for specific bioremediation applications.  相似文献   
Dirk Schories 《Aquatic Ecology》1995,29(3-4):341-347
For the last two decades dense mats of species of the filamentous green algaeEnteromorpha spp. have regulary occurred on tidal flats of Köningshafen Bay (island Sylt, North Sea, FRG). In calm areas overwintering of adult plants or plant fragments is a common process to guarantee the mass development during the next season. In contrast, the distribution ofEnteromorpha on exposed sandy tidal flats depends on recruitment by juvenile stages. In 1993Enteromorpha spore settlement was recorded regularly in the field. Polyethylene dishes were placed in the field and left for a period of seven days and lateron cultivated in the laboratory to checkEnteromorpha germling development. During summer 1993 — at a minimum distance of 200 m to the nearest adultEnteromorpha populations — a total of at least 82×106 spores m–2 settled. During winter the number of spores attached to the collecting dishes was close to zero and the adjacent sand flats were free of any visibleEnteromorpha plants. In further experiments it was shown that the development ofEnteromorpha juveniles in the next spring depended on the overwintering capacity of spores. More than 2×106 spores m–2 attached to large sand grains and other substrata (e.g. Hydrobia ulvae) survived the winter. In a laboratory experiment several species ofEnteromorpha were able to survive in total darkness for at least 10 months.  相似文献   
We report the presence of a diverse number ofChloroflexus-like organisms in intertidal marine and submerged hypersaline microbial mats using light, infrared fluorescence, and electron microscopy. The intertidal organisms appear morphologically very similar to thermophilicC. aurantiacus while the 2 hypersaline strains are larger and have a more complex ultrastructure composed of chlorosome-bearing internal membranes that appear to arise as invaginations of the cell membrane. By comparing spectroradiometry of microbial mat layers with microscopic observations, we have confirmed that theChloroflexus-like organisms are major constituents of the hypersaline microbial mat communities. In situ studies on mat layers dominated byChloroflexus-like organisms showed that sulfide-dependent photoautotrophic activity sustained by near infrared radiation prevailed. Autoradiographic analyses revealed that autotrophy was sustained in the filaments by 750 nm radiation. Three morphologically distinct strains are now maintained in mixed culture. One of these appears to be growing photoautotrophically.  相似文献   
We studied assembly of the PsaE subunit of photosystem I into photosynthetic membranes of cyanobacterial mutant strains that lack specific photosystem I subunits. Radiolabeled PsaE was incubated with photosynthetic membranes, and their binding and assembly were assayed by resistance to removal by chaotropic agents and proteolytic digestion. PsaE incorporated into the wild-type membranes was resistant to these treatments. In the absence of PsaD, it was resistant to proteolytic digestion, but was removed by NaBr. When the membranes were isolated from a mutant strain in which the psaF and psaJ genes have been inactivated, PsaE assembled in vitro could not be removed. PsaE could associate with the membranes of the strain DF in which the psaD, psaJ and psaF genes have been mutated. However, the radiolabeled PsaE associated with these membranes was removed both by the proteolytic as well as by the chaotropic agents. Characterization of PsaE present in vivo revealed similar results. These observations suggest that PsaD and PsaF/J may interact with PsaE and stabilize it in the photosystem I complex.  相似文献   
La Salada de Chiprana Lake, located in the Ebro River basin, northeastern Spain, is the only permanent and deep water hypersaline ecosystem in all of western Europe. With a total surface of 31 ha and a maximum depth of 5.6 m, it has several basins bounded by elongated sandstone-bodies or ribbons which are paleochannels of Miocene age. Its salinity varied from 30 to 73 g 1–1 during the 1989 hydrological cycle and the most abundant ions were magnesium and sulphate. Depth-time distributions of major physico-chemical variables demonstrated that the lake was stratified in two distinctive layers during most of the year. The chemocline disappeared only in October, with the complete overturn of the water column. In the deep water, three conditions occurred which allowed development of green sulphur bacteria populations: (1) oxygen depletion, (2) presence of hydrogen sulphide and (3) presence of light. Benthic microbial mats covered the sediments of shallow shores of moderate slope.  相似文献   
Benthic microbial mats are common in the alkaline hydromagnesite-magnesite playa lakes of Interior British Columbia. Four main zones are recognized based on mat morphology that can be related to the type and duration of wetting. From the basin margin toward the playa centre they are: (i) vegetated hummocky ground; (ii) polygonal hummocky ground; (iii) low-domal and stratiform mats, and (iv) laterally continuous and pustular mats. Mats in peripheral mudflats are commonly mineralized by hydromagnesite, mostly precipitated by capillary evaporation of shallow groundwaters. Mats forming in the ephemeral lake tend to have lower carbonate content.Although widespread, the mats are poorly preserved in the Holocene sedimentary record. Underlying sediments are commonly weakly bedded, disturbed or massive. Desiccation, dehydration, wetting-drying cycles, and grazing by invertebrates cause fragmentation of mats at the surface, facilitating erosion. Cryogranulation, interstitial mineral precipitation, vesiculation, bioturbation, compaction, and volume changes associated with diagenesis, disrupt and destroy lamination in the upper few centimetres. Most surviving organic matter is lost by early microbial degradation.  相似文献   
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