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The main characteristics of the dominant economic system, including the increasing use of markets and money are described. The global system has expanded trade, including international trade, and production tremendously. While this system has the potential to favour nature conservation, in practice the opposite has occurred. Difficulties raised for conservation of biodiversity by short-term economic crises such as deficits in a country's international payments, the adoption of policies for structural economic adjustment, international capital flows, international loans and foreign aid as well as debt-for-nature swaps are discussed. As explained, it is politically difficult in market economies to support nature conservation at the expense of economic growth and as more economies develop and become market economies this problem spreads. Given global interdependence of nations, an important issue is the distribution of net benefits from biodiversity conservation between developed and less developed countries. Possible distributions of benefits and related issues are discussed. In conclusion, the importance of political lobbying by nature conservation groups in developed market economies is emphasised as a means of ensuring correction of market failures. Unfortunately, no economic system is likely to prove satisfactory in itself in conserving biodiversity so political action by conservationists is always required.  相似文献   
When clinical isolates ofSporothrix schenckii were inoculated onto the apices of living or dead sphagnum moss plants maintained under growth chamber conditions, populations of the fungus, assessed by standard dilution plate methods, increased swiftly up to about 70-fold on moist, dead plants but did not increase on the live moss. Light and scanning electron microscopy revealed fungal growth and sporulation on and within dead plants, but no evidence of either on live plants. These data provide indirect support for the contention thatS. schenckii does not grow on living sphagnum in bogs, but rather that sporotrichosis epidemics associated with sphagnum moss are likely to result from contamination of the dead plants at some point(s) in the chain of events during or after harvest. One practical implication of our results is that precautions should be taken to insure that sphagnum moss is stored dry and that it is not wetted any sooner than necessary before use. We also report here improvement of the Mycose isolation medium by an increase in cycloheximide from 400 to 800 mg/l, chloramphenicol from 50 to 250 mg/l, and the addition of rifampicin at 20 mg/l.  相似文献   
Wildlife trade is a key driver of extinction risk, affecting at least 24% of terrestrial vertebrates. The persistent removal of species can have profound impacts on species extinction risk and selection within populations. We draw together the first review of characteristics known to drive species use – identifying species with larger body sizes, greater abundance, increased rarity or certain morphological traits valued by consumers as being particularly prevalent in trade. We then review the ecological implications of this trade-driven selection, revealing direct effects of trade on natural selection and populations for traded species, which includes selection against desirable traits. Additionally, there exists a positive feedback loop between rarity and trade and depleted populations tend to have easy human access points, which can result in species being harvested to extinction and has the potential to alter source–sink dynamics. Wider cascading ecosystem repercussions from trade-induced declines include altered seed dispersal networks, trophic cascades, long-term compositional changes in plant communities, altered forest carbon stocks, and the introduction of harmful invasive species. Because it occurs across multiple scales with diverse drivers, wildlife trade requires multi-faceted conservation actions to maintain biodiversity and ecological function, including regulatory and enforcement approaches, bottom-up and community-based interventions, captive breeding or wildlife farming, and conservation translocations and trophic rewilding. We highlight three emergent research themes at the intersection of trade and community ecology: (1) functional impacts of trade; (2) altered provisioning of ecosystem services; and (3) prevalence of trade-dispersed diseases. Outside of the primary objective that exploitation is sustainable for traded species, we must urgently incorporate consideration of the broader consequences for other species and ecosystem processes when quantifying sustainability.  相似文献   
Summary Biological indicators (BIs) are used to monitor ethylene oxide (EO) gas sterilization processes for medical devices. Several European and United States BIs for EO sterilization were evaluated for resistance according to both United States Pharmacopeia (USP) XXI and United Kingdom's (UK) tests for D-values. US BIs areB. subtilis var. niger spores on paper strips or disc carriers while European BIs use aluminum strips, quartz sand, or cotton yarn. Numerous BIs per run and runs per lot, as well as 2–3 different lots of BIs from each manufacturer, were examined. Both British and US BIs met their respective label claims for rates of inactivation when tested against British and USP EO test parameters, respectively. However, Danish BIs, on cotton yarn or quartz sand, were not inactivated following USP specifications during the exposure dwell times tested (600 mg L–1 EO, 54°C, 60% RH, 0–110 min). The Danish BIs will require further testing in order for us to determine if theirB. subtilis spores are unusually resistant to EO or if the spore carrier substrates protect the spores from the sterilizing gas. In conclusion, the British and American BIs for EO sterilization are equivalent in resistance despite differences in carrier substrate, recovery conditions, calculation methods for D-values, and the labeled sterilization conditions for use.  相似文献   
Tropical marine ornamentals comprise an increasingly important fishery worldwide. Although the potential for overexploitation of marine ornamentals is great, few studies have addressed the population-level impacts of ornamental exploitation and few ornamental fisheries are managed. Analysis of catch records obtained from collectors over a four-month period in the vicinity of Cebu, Philippines, showed that anemonefish and anemones comprised close to 60% of the total catch. Underwater visual census surveys revealed that both anemone and anemonefish densities were significantly lower in exploited areas than in protected areas. The low density of anemones on exploited reefs accounted for over 80% of the reduced density of anemonefish at those sites. There were similar numbers of anemonefish per unit area of anemone in protected and exploited sites; however, biomass of anemonefish per unit area of anemone was lower in exploited areas. Reduction of anemone removals is recommended to support the sustainable harvest of anemonefish from this region.  相似文献   
Dietary restriction (DR) is one of the main experimental paradigms to investigate the mechanisms that determine lifespan and aging. Yet, the exact nutritional parameters responsible for DR remain unclear. Recently, the advent of the geometric framework of nutrition (GF) has refocussed interest from calories to dietary macronutrients. However, GF experiments focus on invertebrates, with the importance of macronutrients in vertebrates still widely debated. This has led to the suggestion of a fundamental difference in the mode of action of DR between vertebrates and invertebrates, questioning the suggestion of an evolutionarily conserved mechanism. The use of dietary dilution rather than restriction in GF studies makes comparison with traditional DR studies difficult. Here, using a novel nonmodel vertebrate system (the stickleback fish, Gasterosteus aculeatus), we test the effect of macronutrient versus calorie intake on key fitness‐related traits, both using the GF and avoiding dietary dilution. We find that the intake of macronutrients rather than calories determines both mortality risk and reproduction. Male mortality risk was lowest on intermediate lipid intakes, and female risk was generally reduced by low protein intakes. The effect of macronutrient intake on reproduction was similar between the sexes, with high protein intakes maximizing reproduction. Our results provide, to our knowledge, the first evidence that macronutrient, not caloric, intake predicts changes in mortality and reproduction in the absence of dietary dilution. This supports the suggestion of evolutionary conservation in the effect of diet on lifespan, but via variation in macronutrient intake rather than calories.  相似文献   
CD36 is a fatty acid translocase in striated muscle cells and cardiomyocytes. Some study suggested that alterations in CD36 gene may be associated with coronary artery disease (CAD) risk. The aim of the current study was to compare the frequency of CD36 variants in region encoding lipid-binding domain in Caucasian patients with early-onset CAD, no-CAD adult controls and neonates. The study group comprised 100 patients with early onset CAD. The genetic control groups were 306 infants and 40 no-CAD adults aged over 70 years. Exons 4, 5 and 6 including fragments of flanking introns were studied using the denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography technique and direct sequencing. Changes detected in analyzed fragment of CD36: IVS3-6 T/C (rs3173798), IVS4-10 G/A (rs3211892), C311T (Thr104Ile, not described so far) in exon 5, G550A (Asp184Asn, rs138897347), C572T (Pro191Leu, rs143150225), G573A (Pro191Pro, rs5956) and A591T (Thr197Thr, rs141680676) in exon 6. No significant differences in the CD36 genotype, allele and haplotype frequencies were found between the three groups. Only borderline differences (p = 0.066) were found between early onset CAD patients and newborns in the frequencies of 591T allele (2.00% vs 0.50%) and CGCGCGT haplotype (2.00% vs 0.50%) with both IVS3-6C and 591T variant alleles. In conclusion, CD36 variants: rs3173798, rs3211892, rs138897347, rs5956, rs143150225 rs141680676 and C311T do not seem to be involved in the risk of early-onset CAD in Caucasian population.  相似文献   
The thermal range for viability is quite variable among Drosophila species and it has long been known that these variations are correlated with geographic distribution: temperate species are on average more cold tolerant but more heat sensitive than tropical species. At both ends of their viability range, sterile males have been observed in all species investigated so far. This symmetrical phenomenon restricts the temperature limits within which permanent cultures can be kept in the laboratory. Thermal heat sterility thresholds are very variable across species from 23 degrees C in heat sensitive species up to 31 degrees C in heat tolerant species. In Drosophila melanogaster, genetic variations are observed among geographic populations. Tropical populations are more tolerant to heat induced sterility and recover more rapidly than temperate ones. A genetic analysis revealed that about 50% of the difference observed between natural populations was due to the Y chromosome. Natural populations have not reached a selection limit, however: thermal tolerance was still increased by keeping strains at a high temperature, close to the sterility threshold. On the low temperature side, a symmetrical reverse phenomenon seems to exist: temperate populations are more tolerant to cold than tropical ones. Compared to Mammals, drosophilids exhibit two major differences: first, male sterility occurs not only at high temperature, but also at a low temperature; second, sterility thresholds are not evolutionarily constrained, but highly variable. Altogether, significant and sometimes major genetic variations have been observed between species, between geographic races of the same species, and even between strains kept in the laboratory under different thermal regimes. In each case, it is easily argued that the observed variations correspond to adaptations to climatic conditions, and that male sterility is a significant component of fitness and a target of natural selection.  相似文献   
杨梅、沙棘和赤杨三种放线菌结瘤植物根瘤、根部有机氮化物的组分中,都含有占总有机氮化物50%以上的尿囊酸,说明在它们的根瘤中合成了大量的酰脲;同时,三种植物结瘤植株的茎木质部提取物中也含有大量的尿囊酸,表明根瘤将其合成的酰脲向植物地上部位运送。三种植物的根瘤还将其合成的特定的氨基酸及酰胺向地上部位转运,其中杨梅根瘤将固定的氮素以Asn和Gln的形式输出,而根部则以Arg的形式向上转运;沙棘根瘤以Ash,Gln及Ser,赤杨根瘤以Cit的形式合成并转运固定的氮素;后两种植物的无根瘤植株,以NH_4~+为氮源时,在转运的氨基酸组分中Arg的比例明显提高。  相似文献   
啄木鸟科物种作为初级洞巢者与蛀干害虫控制者,对森林高度依赖,是森林生态系统重要的伞护种和环境指示物种。自20世纪以来,由于全球范围的栖息地丧失和片段化,啄木鸟科物种的森林生境急剧萎缩,威胁着该类群物种的生存和繁衍。为探究啄木鸟科动物濒危情况和研究现状,本研究利用世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录(IUCN Red List)和国际鸟盟(BirdLife International)在线数据库,检索并整理出1988年到2023年以下内容:(1)全球啄木鸟的物种数、濒危等级及其变化情况;(2)各大洲的啄木鸟物种数及其受威胁物种的比例;(3)啄木鸟的主要威胁因素;(4)通过Google学术搜索等方式检索并统计啄木鸟相关文章的研究内容。结果显示:(1)目前现存254种啄木鸟,33年间全球受威胁啄木鸟由7种增加至18种,受威胁物种数占当年已命名啄木鸟物种数的比例由3.4%上升至7.0%。(2)亚洲、南美洲和北美洲各分布了83种、93种和56种啄木鸟,受威胁物种占比分别为12.0%、6.4%、5.3%。非洲和欧洲分别分布了36种和11种啄木鸟,当前没有受威胁物种。(3)农业和生物资源利用以及放牧是啄木鸟的主要威胁因素。(4)共检索到研究啄木鸟的有关文章1 024篇,研究覆盖了140种啄木鸟,其中,文章数最多的物种是红顶啄木鸟(Leuconotopicus borealis)(162篇)。研究主要集中在巢相关特征(129篇)、生境选择特征(122篇)、取食行为(112篇)、繁殖行为(99篇)和种群状况(66篇)等基础生态学内容。这些研究为啄木鸟生物学、生态学积累了一定的基础,但物种覆盖程度还远远不够。在生物多样性急剧丧失的大背景下,亟需开展更为广泛和深入的研究。本研究对全球啄木鸟的濒危格局与研究现状进行了全面的分析,以期为后续啄木鸟的研究与保护工作提供参考。  相似文献   
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