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The DnaE intein of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 (Ssp DnaE intein) is the first split intein identified in nature. Its N-terminal fragment (Int-n) is attached to the end of the N-terminal half of the DnaE protein (DnaE-n) to form the precursor DnaE-n/Int-n, while the C-terminal fragment (Int-c) precedes the C-terminal half of the DnaE protein (DnaE-c) to form the precursor Int-c/DnaE-c. Int-n and Int-c fragments in the separate precursors catalyze, in concert, a protein trans-splicing process to splice the flanking DnaE-n and DnaE-c into a functional catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase III. They then release themselves from the precursors. Previously, the Ssp DnaE intein has been used to reconstitute a protein trans-splicing mechanism in stably transformed Arabidopsis thaliana, resulting in successful reassembly of an intact and functional GUS from two halves of a split GUS protein. In this report, transient expression using a biolistic particle bombardment approach is described for functional analysis of Ssp DnaE intein. Analyses confirmed that the Ssp DnaE intein could catalyze protein trans-splicing not only in model plants but also in monocot and dicot crops. It also demonstrated that when up to 45 amino acid residues were removed from the C-terminus of the Int-n fragment, the Int-n fragment was still able to function in the protein trans-splicing process.  相似文献   
It has been reported that it is difficult to express cationic antibacterial peptides in engineered bacteria because such peptides are highly toxic to the host bacteria cells and sensitive to intracellular proteases. Antibacterial peptide CM4 (ABP-CM4) is a small cationic peptide with broad-spectrum activities against bacteria, fungi and tumor cells, which may possibly be used as an antimicrobial agent. Here we tried to express ABP-CM4 in Escherichia coli cells using either the GST fusion system or the intein-mediated fusion expression system. In order to investigate the possible use of these two fusion partners in cationic small peptide expression and purification, a mutant ABP-CMt, which is a highly positively charged peptide with +9 charges at neutral pH, was designed. In the present study, we have shown that both ABP-CM4 and ABP-CMt peptides can be expressed and purified by the intein-mediated expression system but not by the GST fusion expression system. Thus the intein-mediated peptide expression and purification system potentially could be employed for the production of recombinant protease-sensitive and cytotoxic peptides.  相似文献   
Inteins are naturally occurring intervening sequences that catalyze a protein splicing reaction resulting in intein excision and concatenation of the flanking polypeptides (exteins) with a native peptide bond. Inteins display a diversity of catalytic mechanisms within a highly conserved fold that is shared with hedgehog autoprocessing proteins. The unusual chemistry of inteins has afforded powerful biotechnology tools for controlling enzyme function upon splicing and allowing peptides of different origins to be coupled in a specific, time-defined manner. The extein sequences immediately flanking the intein affect splicing and can be defined as the intein substrate. Because of the enormous potential complexity of all possible flanking sequences, studying intein substrate specificity has been difficult. Therefore, we developed a genetic selection for splicing-dependent kanamycin resistance with no significant bias when six amino acids that immediately flanked the intein insertion site were randomized. We applied this selection to examine the sequence space of residues flanking the Nostoc punctiforme Npu DnaE intein and found that this intein efficiently splices a much wider range of sequences than previously thought, with little N-extein specificity and only two important C-extein positions. The novel selected extein sequences were sufficient to promote splicing in three unrelated proteins, confirming the generalizable nature of the specificity data and defining new potential insertion sites for any target. Kinetic analysis showed splicing rates with the selected exteins that were as fast or faster than the native extein, refuting past assumptions that the naturally selected flanking extein sequences are optimal for splicing.  相似文献   
The identification of inteins in viral genomes is becoming increasingly common. Inteins are selfish DNA elements found within coding regions of host proteins. Following translation, they catalyse their own excision and the formation of a peptide bond between the flanking protein regions. Many inteins also display homing endonuclease function. Here, the newly identified coccolithovirus intein is described and is predicted to have both self-splicing and homing endonuclease activity. The biochemical mechanism of its protein splicing activity is hypothesised, and the prevalence of the intein among natural coccolithovirus isolates is tested.  相似文献   
Inteins excise themselves out of precursor proteins by the protein splicing reaction and have emerged as valuable protein engineering tools in numerous and diverse biotechnological applications. Split inteins have recently attracted particular interest because of the opportunities associated with generating a protein from two separate polypeptides and with trans-cleavage applications made possible by split intein mutants. However, natural split inteins are rare and differ greatly in their usefulness with regard to the achievable rates and yields. Here we report the first functional characterization of new split inteins previously identified by bioinformatics from metagenomic sources. The N- and C-terminal fragments of the four inteins gp41-1, gp41-8, NrdJ-1, and IMPDH-1 were prepared as fusion constructs with model proteins. Upon incubation of complementary pairs, we observed trans-splicing reactions with unprecedented rates and yields for all four inteins. Furthermore, no side reactions were detectable, and the precursor constructs were consumed virtually quantitatively. The rate for the gp41-1 intein, the most active intein on all accounts, was k = 1.8 ± 0.5 × 10(-1) s(-1), which is ~10-fold faster than the rate reported for the Npu DnaE intein and gives rise to completed reactions within 20-30 s. No cross-reactivity in exogenous combinations was observed. Using C1A mutants, all inteins were efficient in the C-terminal cleavage reaction, albeit at lower rates. C-terminal cleavage could be performed under a wide range of reaction conditions and also in the absence of native extein residues flanking the intein. Thus, these inteins hold great potential for splicing and cleavage applications.  相似文献   
The backbone and side chain resonance assignments of an engineered intein based on Mycobacterium tuberculosis RecA have been determined based on triple-resonance experiments with the uniformly [13C,15N]-labeled protein.  相似文献   
内含肽介导的蛋白质剪接是一种自发的翻译后事件,内含肽可介导其自身从前体蛋白上切除,同时将其两侧的外显肽连接起来.在过去10多年中,基于蛋白质剪接原理发展出的蛋白连接技术被广泛的用于蛋白质工程的研究中.这些技术打破了化学合成方法中对目标物大小的限制,有助于化学和生物学的研究.针对近年由蛋白质连接演化出来的新技术及其应用做简要的阐述.  相似文献   
Inteins are auto-processing domains that implement a multistep biochemical reaction termed protein splicing, marked by cleavage and formation of peptide bonds. They excise from a precursor protein, generating a functional protein via covalent bonding of flanking exteins. We report the kinetic study of splicing and cleavage reaction in [Fe–S] cluster assembly protein SufB from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtu). Although it follows a canonical intein splicing pathway, distinct features are added by extein residues present in the active site. Sequence analysis identified two conserved histidines in the N-extein region; His-5 and His-38. Kinetic analyses of His-5Ala and His-38Ala SufB mutants exhibited significant reductions in splicing and cleavage rates relative to the SufB wildtype (WT) precursor protein. Structural analysis and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations suggested that Mtu SufB displays a unique mechanism where two remote histidines work concurrently to facilitate N-terminal cleavage reaction. His-38 is stabilized by the solvent-exposed His-5, and can impact N–S acyl shift by direct interaction with the catalytic Cys1. Development of inteins as biotechnological tools or as pathogen-specific novel antimicrobial targets requires a more complete understanding of such unexpected roles of conserved extein residues in protein splicing.  相似文献   
In this work, the intein fusion approach was used for expression and purification of cathelicidin-like peptide SMAP-29 from Escherichia coli cultures. To overcome the high toxicity of the antimicrobial peptide against host cells, both C- and N-terminal fusions with Sce VMA intein were evaluated. The fusion of SMAP-29 with the N-terminus of intein had a dramatic lethal effect. In contrast, chimeric constructs harboring SMAP-29 linked to the C-terminus of intein displayed no significant inhibition of bacterial growth. Expression of intein-SMAP fusion protein was then induced in ER2566 E. coli strain by IPTG addition and different experimental conditions were tested in order to optimize the recovery of the soluble protein complex. Peptide purification was carried out by affinity chromatography: the chitin binding domain linked to intein was used to immobilize the chimeric protein on a chitin column and intein-mediated splicing of target peptide was obtained by thiol addition. Microbroth dilution assay showed that recombinant SMAP-29 displayed a high, dose-dependent bactericidal activity. These data demonstrate that the fusion of SMAP-29 with C-intein was able to inactivate the antimicrobial properties of the cathelicidin peptide allowing the expression of fusion protein in the host cell. The intein-mediated purification supplied an effective way to recover the fusion partner in its proper biologically active form.  相似文献   
To directly express native recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli, a new expression vector pSB was constructed using Ssp DnaB mini-intein. Using the vector, native proteins could be produced with the help of C-terminal self-cleavage of the intein. In this study, we cloned hIFNalpha-4 gene into pSB and used E. coli strain Origami B (DE3) as the host. Expression experiments were carried out both in Shake flasks and a 5 L bioreactor. The results indicated hIFNalpha-4 could be expressed in the form of soluble protein with correct folding in E. coli. The maximal hIFNalpha-4 content was 21.7% of total protein, and the antiviral activity of the protein was 1.2x10(8 )IU mg(-1). Overall, good effects were achieved with this system. This intein-mediated protein expression system opens up a useful method for production of native recombinant protein in E. coli.  相似文献   
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