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Bleach treatment of plants was studied as a simple alternative to axenic tissue cultures for demonstrating phytodegradation of aqueous and gas-phase environmental contaminants. Parrotfeather (Myriophyllum aquaticum), spinach (Spinacia oleracea), and wheat (Triticum aestivum) were exposed to 0.525% NaC10 solutions for 15 s, then rinsed in deionized water. Plate counts indicated that 97 to 100% of viable bacteria were removed from parrotfeather and spinach. Transformation rates for 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) by bleached and untreated parrotfeather were virtually identical. Similarly, treated and untreated spinach, wheat heads, and wheat leaves removed methyl bromide (MeBr) from air at the same rates. However, wheat root with attendant adhering soil was rendered inactive by bleach treatment. Parrotfeather roots examined by dissecting microscope and by electron microscope showed no significant damage caused by bleach treatment.  相似文献   
Summary A cyanide-degrading pseudomonad was isolated by selective enrichment in a chemostat inoculated with coke-plant activated sludge and maintained at a dilution rate of 0.042/h for 60 days with a feed of 10 mg/l cyanide. The isolate, a facultative methylotroph capable of growth on methanol and methylamine, degraded cyanide to formate and ammonia; it could utilize the released ammonia as a nitrogen source but did not further metabolize formate under the experimental conditions employed. Both cyanide-degrading enzyme activity and respiratory resistance to cyanide were inducible and were enhanced by repeated exposure to the compound. Cell-free extracts stoichiometrically converted cyanide to formate and ammonia in a reaction that did not require oxygen. Enzyme activity, lost upon dialysis, was restored by less than equimolar ratios of NAD(P)H or ascorbate to cyanide, indicating that the reductants did not function directly as co-enzymes.  相似文献   
经济杀菌灭藻剂OACL控制工业循环水中有害微生物的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了经济杀菌灭藻剂OACL对异氧菌、硫酸盐还原菌和铁细菌的杀菌作用。结果表明,在实验室条件下,其杀菌率平均为99%以上,在pH5和pH7时分别为97.8%和88%。而在现场投药试验条件下为92%以上。可以认为,OACL是一种新型的、经济的高效杀菌灭藻剂。  相似文献   
Elevated concentrations of Cu and Zn have been found in the upper part of three sediment cores collected from Llangorse Lake, in south Wales. Palaeomagnetic evidence from one of the cores and 210Pb analysis of another, suggests that the increase in sediment Cu and Zn concentrations began during the eighteenth century. A sharp increase in the concentrations of these metals in the sediment profile appears to have occurred during the latter part of the eighteenth century and these concentrations remained high until the mid to late nineteenth century.The absence of known ore deposits and industry around the lake suggests that the lake and catchment soils were increasingly contaminated by long-range aerial transport of emissions from the expanding activity of Cu and Zn smelters located some 80 km upwind in the Swansea area during the Industrial Revolution. Evidence from agricultural crop returns indicates a significant increase in the amount of land devoted to tillage in the catchment, particularly to cereal production, during the late eighteenth and the first half of the nineteenth century which included the Napoleonic Wars. This agricultural shift appears to coincide with increased concentrations of Cu and Zn in the lake sediments. It is suggested that newly ploughed soils, contaminated with metals for many years by long-range aerial transport from the Swansea area, eroded, and were carried into the lake by catchment run-off and added to the sediment burden of Cu and Zn. A subsequent decline of Cu and Zn emissions due to the collapse of the non-ferrous smelting industry and reduced soil erosion because of a 50% reduction of tillage due to an agricultural depression in the second half of the 19th century may explain the fall in Cu and Zn concentrations in the upper part of the sediment profile. The most recent sediments (20th century) show the increase in heavy metals characteristic of many lakes around the world.  相似文献   
We have discovered a bacterial contaminant in some cell cultures of Datura innoxia (Mill.). The bacterium was tentatively identified as a species of Hyphomicrobium on the basis of its morphology and life cycle, and was isolated and grown in pure culture on a defined medium. The contaminant was not macroscopically observable in plant cell cultures. It caused neither a reduction of plant cell growth nor a noticeable increase in culture turbidity. Furthermore, it was not readily detectable by many standard assays for culture contamination: it would not grow alone in plant culture medium or yeast extract potato dextrose medium, and grew only very slowly on nutrient agar or beef-peptone medium. Repeated treatments with a combination of streptomycin (100 g/ml) and carbenicillin (100 g/ml) eliminated the contaminant from D. innoxia cell cultures without harming the plant cells.  相似文献   
人工湿地及其在工业废水处理中的应用   总被引:123,自引:2,他引:123  
论述了人工湿地污水处理技术的机理和优点,人工湿地利用基质、植物和微生物这个复合生态系统的物理、化学和生物的三重协调作用,通过过滤,吸附、共沉淀、离子交换,植物吸收和微生物分解来实现对废水的高效净化,同时通过营养物质和水分的生物地球化学循环,促进绿色植物生长并使其增产,实现废水的资源化与无害化;人工湿地污水处理系统具有出水水质稳定,对营养物质去除能力强,基建和运行费用低,技术含量低,维护管理方便,耐冲击负荷强,适于处理间歇排放的污水和具有美学价值等优点,该技术不仅能够在发展中国家和发达国家的城市生活污水处理中广泛应用,其在工业废水处理中的应用也正在不断受到重视,根据人工湿地在工业废水处理中的研究和应用现状,指出了人工湿地处理特殊工业废水的前景及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
关于生物医药产业园区建设的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概括了生物医药产业园区的发展历史,介绍了目前世界上几个主要国家和地区生物医药产业园区的发展现状,详细阐述了我国生物医药产业园区的发展现状,深入分析了目前我国生物医药产业园区存在的问题,最后提出了对我国生物医药产业园区的几点思考和发展对策。  相似文献   
基于社会网络分析法的生态工业园典型案例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨丽花  佟连军 《生态学报》2012,32(13):4236-4245
以丹麦卡伦堡和广西贵港生态工业园为例,应用社会网络分析法分析典型生态工业园的组织结构和网络结构。用簇系数、平均最短距离、传递性以及核心-边缘结构来衡量其稳定性,分析其不同结构特征。卡伦堡生态工业园的簇系数为0.715,远高于贵港生态工业园的0.246,说明其聚合性较好;从最短距离长度来看,卡伦堡和贵港分别为2.110和2.236,复杂性弱;从传递性来看,两者传递性皆低于25%,节点之间联系性不够强;从核心-边缘结构来看,卡伦堡各节点之间的异质性(0.057)高于贵港(0.005),可见贵港参与主体的中心性较为均衡,而卡伦堡差异性较大。两者都以一个产业或者企业集团为网络核心;网络内其他节点联系不够紧密,长链条联结较少;网络复杂性弱。  相似文献   
共轭亚油酸(Conjugated linoleic acid,CLA)具有抗癌、抗动脉粥样硬化、减肥和免疫调节等生理活性。共轭亚油酸可以通过酶法异构化获得,将底物亚油酸异构形成具有生物活性物质-共轭亚油酸的异构酶称为亚油酸异构酶。因此,通过介绍亚油酸异构酶的来源、作用机制、酶学性质和基因工程菌生产等方面的研究进展,结合不断发展的基因工程技术,旨在提高亚油酸异构酶的活性、产量和异构化效率,以扩大反应底物范围,降低生产成本,从而推进共轭亚油酸的规模化、可持续性的工业生产。  相似文献   
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