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B. E. Silkstone 《Oecologia》1987,74(1):149-152
Summary Low levels of artificial damage were imposed on the leaves of Betla pubescens and B. pendula in early summer 1985. Sixteen tress were used and the damage was distributed throughout the canopy in two ways. It was either randomly dispersed on the tree, or restricted to a localised region of the canopy. Up to 250 leaves/tree were damaged and the position of control leaves was marked as appropriate. At the end of the summer the experimental and control leaves were collected for analysis. Subsequent patterns of grazing by naturally-occurring herbivores were affected by the previous damage to the foliage. Fewer artificially-damaged leaves received subsequent insect grazing damage. The frequecy distribution of insect damage to previously-damaged leaves was significantly different from that of the control leaves, and less leaf tissue was removed from those experimental leaves which did receive subsequent insect attack. The evidence presented suggests that wound-induced changes in leaf palatability do occur in B. pubescens and B. pendula in the field and that a major role is to disperse the damage throughout the canopy.  相似文献   
Human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) are presumed to have robust DNA repair pathways to ensure genome stability. PSCs likely need to protect against mutations that would otherwise be propagated throughout all tissues of the developing embryo. How these cells respond to genotoxic stress has only recently begun to be investigated. Although PSCs appear to respond to certain forms of damage more efficiently than somatic cells, some DNA damage response pathways such as the replication stress response may be lacking. Not all DNA repair pathways, including the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) pathway, have been well characterized in PSCs to date. MMR maintains genomic stability by repairing DNA polymerase errors. MMR is also involved in the induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in response to certain exogenous DNA-damaging agents. Here, we examined MMR function in PSCs. We have demonstrated that PSCs contain a robust MMR pathway and are highly sensitive to DNA alkylation damage in an MMR-dependent manner. Interestingly, the nature of this alkylation response differs from that previously reported in somatic cell types. In somatic cells, a permanent G2/M cell cycle arrest is induced in the second cell cycle after DNA damage. The PSCs, however, directly undergo apoptosis in the first cell cycle. This response reveals that PSCs rely on apoptotic cell death as an important defense to avoid mutation accumulation. Our results also suggest an alternative molecular mechanism by which the MMR pathway can induce a response to DNA damage that may have implications for tumorigenesis.  相似文献   
T. P. Young 《Oecologia》1987,71(3):436-438
Summary I report here longer thorns induced by large mammal herbivory on the tree Acacia depranolobium. I compared trees that had been browsed by domestic goats to trees protected from goat browsing. Thorns on browsed branches within the reach of goats (<125 cm above the ground) were significantly longer than thorns from higher branches on the same browsed trees, and significantly longer than branches at similar heights on unbrowsed trees. It appears that increased thorn length was an induced response to large mammal herbivory in Acacia depranolobium, both among and within individual trees.  相似文献   
Summary Incubation of Heliothis zea (Boddie) eggs on foliage of Lycopersicon hirsutum f. glabratum C.H. Mull (accession PI 134417) results in neonates with elevated levels of tolerance to the toxic effects of PI 134417 foliage attributable to 2-tridecanone found in the glandular trichomes which abound on that foliage. The neonates from such eggs are also shown to have elevated levels of tolerance to the carbamate insecticide carbaryl. Incubation of eggs in an atmosphere containing 2-tridecanone similarly produced elevated levels of tolerance to 2-tridecanone among resulting neonates, indicating that 2-tridecanone is the likely inducing agent and that exposure to 2-tridecanone vapor, which is known to emanate from PI 134417 foliage, is sufficient for induction. Analysis of the cytochrome P-450 content in gut microsomes of fifth instar larvae indicated that exposure of larvae to 2-tridecanone in artificial diet or to PI 134417 foliage resulted in significantly elevated levels of cytochrome P-450 relative to larvae fed diet without 2-tridecanone or foliage of L. esculentum which contains no 2-tridecanone. In addition, removal of the glandular trichomes from PI 134417 foliage eliminated the ability of that foliage to induce elevated levels of cytochrome P-450. These results provide circumstantial evidence that cytochrome P-450 may be involved in the induced tolerance to xenobiotics among neonates from eggs exposed to 2-tridecanone or PI 134417 foliage.Support for this research was provided by the USDA Competitive Research Grants Program in Biological Stress under Grant No. 83-CRCR-1-1241 and Grant No. 85-CRCR-1-1615, and the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service. Paper No. 10856 of Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC, USA 27650. Use of trade names does not imply endorsement of products named nor criticisms of similar ones not mentioned  相似文献   
Although the principles and the necessity for good laboratory practice (GLP) guidelines to confirm the credibility, integrity, and quality of non-clinical laboratory studies have been known for more than a decade, culture collection activities are not subject to them. Because of recent advances in biotechnology, culture collections face increased demands not only for quality cultures but also current information. When applied in culture collections, GLP guidelines prove to be an excellent management tool as well as a cost-effective system of providing authentic and reliable microbial and cell cultures and associated data.  相似文献   
Summary We have isolated and characterized a new mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, carrying a single mutant allele that we designate ngm2-1, which is defective with respect to induced mutagenesis. This mutant was isolated by screening mutagenized clones for reduced frequencies of reversion of the his1-7 allele, induced by N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. As judged by the reversion of his1-7 and ilv1-92, ngm2-1 mutant strains are also deficient with respect to mutability induced by methyl methane sulfonate, ethyl methane sulfonate and, at least partially, by UV. UV-induced reversion of the ochre mutation arg4-17 and the frameshift mutation his4-38 was not much affected by ngm2-1, however. Like rev3 and rev7 mutations, ngm2-1 also has little influence on the reversion of the proline missense allele, cyc1-115. Ngm2-1 mutants are only at best very slightly more sensitive to the toxicity of the four mutagens used, and homozygous diploids sporulate normally.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of cold soils on stem sap flow, shoot gas exchange and water potential of Picea engelmannii (Parry) was investigated during the snowmelt period in the Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming, USA. Shoot net photosynthetic rates were higher in young trees (1.5–1.8 m in height) growing in cold soils (<3.5° C) associated with snowpack, than trees in warm soils until about 1500 h. Higher shoot photosynthetic rates of trees in cold soils continued after snow was removed and could not be completely explained by higher visible irradiance over highly reflective snow. Following soil warming higher photosynthetic rates were evident in these trees for five days. High nutrient availability associated with snowmelt may improve shoot nutrient status leading to higher gas-exchange rates during snowmelt. Shoot conductance to water vapor was higher in trees in cold soil until midday, when declining shoot conductance led to lower intercellular CO2 concentrations. Midday through afternoon shoot water potentials of trees in cold soils were similar or higher than those of trees in warm soils and the lower afternoon shoot conductances in cold soils were not the result of lower bulk shoot water potentials. Decline in net photosynthesis of trees in cold soils at 1500 h paralleled increases in intercellular CO2 concentrations, implying a nonstomatal limitation of photosynthesis. This scenario occurred consistently in mid-afternoon following higher morning and midday photosynthesis in cold soils, suggesting a carbohydrate feedback inhibition of photosynthesis. Diurnal patterns in stem sap flow of all trees (cold and warm soils) reflected patterns of shoot conductance, although changes in stem sap flow lagged 1–3 h behind shoot conductance apparently due to stem water storage. Total daily stem sap flow was similar in trees in cold and warm soils, although diel patterns differed. The morning surge and night-time drop in sap flow commenced 1–2 h earlier in trees in cold soils. Overnight stem sap flow was lower in trees in cold soils, possibly due to higher resistance to root water uptake in cold soils, which may explain lower predawn shoot water potentials. However, midday shoot water potentials of trees in cold soils equalled or exceeded those of trees in warm soils. Higher resistance to root water uptake in P. engelmannii in cold soils was apparently overshadowed by transpirational forces and significant shoot water deficits did not develop.  相似文献   
Summary Three types of experiments indicate that the functional organization of the mountain birch may influence the ways in which the tree responds to simulated or natural herbivory. The first experiment showed that herbivory to both short and long shoot leaves affects plant development but, because growth largely proceeds by resources of the previous year, is manifested only in the year following the damage. The second experiment showed that even partial damage to a single long shoot leaf caused the axillary bud of that leaf to produce a shorter shoot the next year. Therefore, the value of a leaf depends also on the organ which it is subtending. In the third experiment we manipulated the apical dominance of shoots in ramets and caused improvement to leaf quality in extant shoots. Ramets within a tree responded individually, probably mediated by disturbance of the hormonal control because removal of apical buds elicited the response although removal of the same number of basal buds did not. Induced amelioration is a different response to induced resistance. The two responses are triggered by different cues and may occur in the same plant. By altering hormonal balance of shoots it is potentially possible for herbivores to induce amelioration of food quality. The ways in which herbivory is simulated may explain variability of results obtained when herbivory-induced responses in plants have been studied.  相似文献   
Structural requirements for florigenic activity among gibberellins (GAs) and GA derivatives, including several new ones, applied once to leaves of Lolium temulentum, were examined. The compounds were applied to plants kept either in non-inductive short days (SD) or exposed to one inductive long day (LD). Inflorescence initiation and stem-elongation responses were assessed three weeks later. Among the GAs used, the range in effective dose for inflorescence initiation was more than 1000-fold, but substantially less for stem elongation. Some GAs promoted both stem elongation and inflorescence initiation, some promoted one without the other, and some affected neither. The structural features enhancing florigenic activity were often different from those enhancing stem elongation. Except in the case of 2,2-dimethyl GA4, a double bond in the A ring at either C-1,2 or C-2,3 was essential for high florigenic activity, though not for stem elongation. A free carboxy group was needed for both. Inflorescence initiation in Lolium was enhanced by hydroxylation at C-12, ?13 and ?15, whereas hydroxylation at C-3 reduced the effect on inflorescence initiation but increased that on stem elongation. A 12β-hydroxyl was more effective than the α epimer for inflorescence initiation whereas the reverse was true for stem elongation. Although such differential effectiveness of GAs for inflorescence initiation and for stem elongation could reflect differences in uptake, transport or metabolism, we suggest that it is indicative of specific structural requirements for inflorescence initiation.  相似文献   
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