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Summary Plant growth performance was studied in 118 potato monohaploids and in their diploid parents. Of these monohaploids 76 were also investigated at the protoplast level and eight of these were used in protoplast fusion experiments as well. No correlation was found between relative performance of greenhouse grown and in vitro grown plants. No or only weak correlations were found between different in vitro characteristics such as plant growth, protoplast yield per gram plant material, plating efficiency and callus growth. This indicates the unpredictability of these characters.The protoplast fusion experiments indicated that only in some genotype combinations increased callus growth rates may be found. However, it is not clear whether such calli were hybrids or not. In protoplast monocultures only diploid and tetraploid regenerants were obtained. After fusion, tetraploids but also some triploids could be regenerated. The finding of triploids indicates that monoploid protoplasts were involved in fusion. Isozyme analysis and morphological assessment of the plants pointed out that the majority of the fusion regenerants were hybrids. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   
Transglutaminases (TGs), a family of calcium-dependent transamidating enzymes, are involved in functions such as apoptosis and inflammation and play a role in autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative disorders. In this study, we describe a novel array-based approach to rapidly determine in situ TG activity in human umbilical vein endothelial cells and J82 human bladder carcinoma cells. Amine arrays were fabricated by immobilizing 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane on glass slides. The assay was specific and highly reproducible. The average coefficient of variation betweens spots was 2.6% (n = 3 arrays), and the average correlation coefficients between arrays and between arrays/reactions were 0.998 and 0.976, respectively (n = 3 arrays). The assay was successfully applied to detect changes in TG activity induced by maitotoxin and to analyze inhibition of the TG activation with cystamine and monodansyl cadaverine. In addition, the assay demonstrated that intracellular reactive oxygen species regulate the maitotoxin-induced activation of TG. Thus, the array-based in situ TG activity assay constitutes a rapid and high-throughput approach to investigating the roles of TGs in cell signaling.  相似文献   
Summary The physical localization of sequences homologous to three cloned genes was determined by in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes. Previous work had assigned the skeletal myosin heavy chain gene cluster (Myh), the functional locus for the cellular tumor antigen p53 (Trp53-1), and the cellular homologue of the viral erb-B oncogene (Erbb) toMus musculus chromosome 11 (MMU11). Our results provide regional assignments ofMyh andTrp53-1 to chromosome bands B2C, and ofErbb to bands A1A4. Taken together with in situ mapping of three other loci on MMU 11 (Hox-2 homeobox-containing gene cluster, theSparc protein, and theColla-1 collagen gene), which have been reported elsewhere, these data allowed us to construct a physical map of MMU11 and to compare it with the linkage map of this chromosome. The map positions of the homologous genes on human chromosomes suggest evolutionary relationships of distinct regions of MMU11 with six different human chromosome arms: 1p, 5q, 7p, 16p, 17p, and 17q. The delineation of conserved chromosome regions has important implications for the understanding of karyotype evolution in mammalian species and for the development of animal models of human genetic diseases.  相似文献   
Methylation of 2-125I-lysergic acid diethylamide (125I-LSD) at the N1 position produces a new derivative, N1-methyl-2-125I-lysergic acid diethylamide (125I-MIL), with improved selectivity and higher affinity for serotonin 5-HT2 receptors. In rat frontal cortex homogenates, specific binding of 125I-MIL represents 80-90% of total binding, and the apparent dissociation constant (KD) for serotonin 5-HT2 receptors is 0.14 nM (using 2 mg of tissue/ml). 125I-MIL also displays a high affinity for serotonin 5-HT1C receptors, with an apparent dissociation constant of 0.41 nM at this site. 125I-MIL exhibits at least 60-fold higher affinity for serotonin 5-HT2 receptors than for other classes of neurotransmitter receptors, with the dopamine D2 receptor as its most potent secondary binding site. Studies of the association and dissociation kinetics of 125I-MIL reveal a strong temperature dependence, with very slow association and dissociation rates at 0 degree C. Autoradiographic experiments confirm the improved specificity of 125I-MIL. Selective labeling of serotonin receptors was observed in all brain areas examined. In vivo binding studies in mice indicate that 125I-MIL is the best serotonin receptor label yet described, with the highest frontal cortex to cerebellum ratio of any serotonergic radioligand. 125I-MIL is a promising ligand for both in vitro and in vivo labeling of serotonin receptors in the mammalian brain.  相似文献   
The present study demonstrates the feasibility of measuring acetylcholine in perfusion samples collected by means of in vivo brain dialysis in the striata of freely moving rats. The output of the dialysis device was directly connected to an automated sample valve of a HPLC-assay system that comprises a cation exchanger, a post-column enzyme reactor, and an electrochemical detector. The presence of an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (neostigmine) in the perfusion fluid was required for the detection of acetylcholine in the perfusate. Increasing concentrations of neostigmine induced increasing amounts of acetylcholine. Continuous perfusion with a fixed concentration (2 microM) of neostigmine resulted in gradually increasing amounts of collected acetylcholine over time although a considerable variation between successive samples exists. The brain dialysis technique was further validated by studying the effect of various drugs. Systemically administered atropine increased the output of acetylcholine, whereas the addition of tetrodotoxin to the perfusion fluid resulted in a complete disappearance of the neurotransmitter.  相似文献   
用光镜及扫描电镜观察了体外高代培养的含牛焦虫颗粒的牛外周血白细胞的形态及在细胞周期中细胞表面的特征性变化。这种经多年传代的含虫的牛外周血白细胞恢复了分裂和繁殖的能力,目前已成为较稳定的细胞系。细胞表面具多种伪足突起,如叶状、丝状及绒毛状。细胞周期中备期细胞表面的主要特征是:S期:细胞平扁,边缘具薄的时状伪足及丝状伪足;G_2期:细胞中部隆起,表面具少量绒毛状伪足;G_1期:绒毛状结构少或无,而出现丝状及小的叶状伪足,细胞仍保持球形;M期:细胞球形,表面密被以绒毛。作者根据扫描电镜的观察认为光镜下所观察的两类细胞,实际上是反映了一种细胞处于不同发育阶段时的特征。  相似文献   
Acidic inorganic phosphate (Pi) pool (pH around 6) was detected besides the cytoplasmic pool in intact cells of Chlorella vulgaris 11h by 31P-in vivo nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. It was characterized as acidic compartments (vacuoles) in combination with the cytochemical technique; staining the cells with neutral red and chloroquine which are known as basic reagents specifically accumulated in acidic compartments. Under various conditions, the results obtained with the cytochemical methods were well correlated with those obtained from in vivo NMR spectra; the vacuoles were well developed in the cells at the stationary growth phase where the acidic Pi signal was detected. In contrast, cells at the logarithmic phase in which no acidic Pi signal was detected contained only smaller vesicles that accumulated these basic reagents. No acidic compartment was detected by both cytochemical technique and 31P-NMR spectroscopy when the cells were treated with NH4OH. The vacuolar pH was lowered by the anaerobic treatment of the cells in the presence of glucose, while it was not affected by the external pH during the preincubation ranging from 3 to 10. Possible vacuolar functions in unicellular algae especially with respect to intracellular pH regulation are discussed.Non-standard abbreviations EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - MDP methylene diphosphonic acid - NMR nuelear magnetic resonance - PCA perchloric acid - PCV packed cell volume - Pi inorganic phosphate - Pic sytoplasmic inorganic phosphate - Piv vacuolar inorganic phosphate - ppm parts per million - SP sugar phosphates - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   
Callus tissue was induced in young stem segments cultured on MS based media supplemented with 0.25–0.5 mg l-1 2, 4-D. Shoots were differentiated on media containing 0.5–1.0 mg l-1 BA and 0.5–2.0 mg l-1 IBA or 0.1–0.2 mg l-1 NAA. The same media were suitable for shoot multiplication. Shoot elongation and rooting were strongly inhibited by BA and stimulated by auxins IBA and NAA. Medium containing 0.5 mg l-1 IBA was optimal for rooting. Root elongation was stimulated by light and inhibited in darkness. Transfer of rooted plantlets to outdoor conditions was feasible and special hardening procedures were not required. Among more than 5000 plants produced by this procedure only 9 off-type plants with variegated leaves were found.  相似文献   
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