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激光光漂恢复技术测定了异硫氰基荧光素标记的林蛀卵表面分子在第一次卵裂前的运动。发现固着在玻片上的剥离“细胞膜”的分子运动形式为扩散。扩散系数为(4.6±1.3)×10~(-12)cm~2/s,可动部份为15%。完整卵子上的分子运动形式为流动。细胞膜在不停地流动着。它可能起着协助细胞质运动的作用。细胞膜流动的速度随时间而异,卵裂前不久,在大多数的卵子上,出现两个流动较慢的谷,少数细胞只测到一个谷。这可能与光漂起始时间,光斑与未来分裂沟的距离,和卵子间的差异有关。也讨论了这种速度变化与表面收缩波的关系。  相似文献   
Na+/H+ antiporters comprise a super-family (CPA) of membrane proteins that are found in all kingdoms of life and are essential in cellular homeostasis of pH, Na+ and volume. Their activity is strictly dependent on pH, a property that underpins their role in pH homeostasis. While several human homologues have long been drug targets, NhaA of Escherichia coli has become the paradigm for this class of secondary active transporters as NhaA crystal structure provided insight into the architecture of this molecular machine. However, the mechanism of the strict pH dependence of NhaA is missing. Here, as a follow up of a recent evolutionary analysis that identified a ‘CPA motif’, we rationally designed three E. coli NhaA mutants: D133S, I134T, and the double mutant D133S-I134T. Exploring growth phenotype, transport activity and Li+-binding of the mutants, we revealed that Asp133 does not participate directly in proton binding, nor does it directly dictate the pH-dependent transport of NhaA. Strikingly, the variant I134T lost some of the pH control, and the D133S-Il134T double mutant retained Li+ binding in a pH independent fashion. Concurrent to loss of pH control, these mutants bound Li+ more strongly than the WT. Both positions are in close vicinity to the ion-binding site of the antiporter, attributing the results to electrostatic interaction between these residues and Asp164 of the ion-binding site. This is consistent with pH sensing resulting from direct coupling between cation binding and deprotonation in Asp164, which applies also to other CPA antiporters that are involved in human diseases.  相似文献   
Apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT) catalyses uphill transport of bile acids using the electrochemical gradient of Na+ as the driving force. The crystal structures of two bacterial homologues ASBTNM and ASBTYf have previously been determined, with the former showing an inward-facing conformation, and the latter adopting an outward-facing conformation accomplished by the substitution of the critical Na+-binding residue glutamate-254 with an alanine residue. While the two crystal structures suggested an elevator-like movement to afford alternating access to the substrate binding site, the mechanistic role of Na+ and substrate in the conformational isomerization remains unclear. In this study, we utilized site-directed alkylation monitored by in-gel fluorescence (SDAF) to probe the solvent accessibility of the residues lining the substrate permeation pathway of ASBTNM under different Na+ and substrate conditions, and interpreted the conformational states inferred from the crystal structures. Unexpectedly, the crosslinking experiments demonstrated that ASBTNM is a monomer protein, unlike the other elevator-type transporters, usually forming a homodimer or a homotrimer. The conformational dynamics observed by the biochemical experiments were further validated using DEER measuring the distance between the spin-labelled pairs. Our results revealed that Na+ ions shift the conformational equilibrium of ASBTNM toward the inward-facing state thereby facilitating cytoplasmic uptake of substrate. The current findings provide a novel perspective on the conformational equilibrium of secondary active transporters.  相似文献   
Series of nanoporous carbons are prepared from sunflower seed shell (SSS) by two different strategies and used as electrode material for electrochemical double-layer capacitor (EDLC). The surface area and pore-structure of the nanoporous carbons are characterized intensively using N2 adsorption technique. The results show that the pore-structure of the carbons is closely related to activation temperature and dosage of KOH. Electrochemical measurements show that the carbons made by impregnation-activation process have better capacitive behavior and higher capacitance retention ratio at high drain current than the carbons made by carbonization-activation process, which is due to that there are abundant macroscopic pores and less interior micropore surface in the texture of the former. More importantly, the capacitive performances of these carbons are much better than ordered mesoporous carbons and commercial wood-based active carbon, thus highlighting the success of preparing high performance electrode material for EDLC from SSS.  相似文献   
The 231-residue capsid (CA) protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) spontaneously self-assembles into tubes with a hexagonal lattice that is believed to mimic the surface lattice of conical capsid cores within intact virions. We report the results of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements on HIV-1 CA tubes that provide new information regarding changes in molecular structure that accompany CA self-assembly, local dynamics within CA tubes, and possible mechanisms for the generation of lattice curvature. This information is contained in site-specific assignments of signals in two- and three-dimensional solid-state NMR spectra, conformation-dependent 15N and 13C NMR chemical shifts, detection of highly dynamic residues under solution NMR conditions, measurements of local variations in transverse spin relaxation rates of amide 1H nuclei, and quantitative measurements of site-specific 15N–15N dipole–dipole couplings. Our data show that most of the CA sequence is conformationally ordered and relatively rigid in tubular assemblies and that structures of the N-terminal domain (NTD) and the C-terminal domain (CTD) observed in solution are largely retained. However, specific segments, including the N-terminal β-hairpin, the cyclophilin A binding loop, the inter-domain linker, segments involved in intermolecular NTD–CTD interactions, and the C-terminal tail, have substantial static or dynamical disorder in tubular assemblies. Other segments, including the 310-helical segment in CTD, undergo clear conformational changes. Structural variations associated with curvature of the CA lattice appear to be localized in the inter-domain linker and intermolecular NTD–CTD interface, while structural variations within NTD hexamers, around local 3-fold symmetry axes, and in CTD–CTD dimerization interfaces are less significant.  相似文献   
The cellular energy and biomass demands of cancer drive a complex dynamic between uptake of extracellular FAs and their de novo synthesis. Given that oxidation of de novo synthesized FAs for energy would result in net-energy loss, there is an implication that FAs from these two sources must have distinct metabolic fates; however, hitherto, all FAs have been considered part of a common pool. To probe potential metabolic partitioning of cellular FAs, cancer cells were supplemented with stable isotope-labeled FAs. Structural analysis of the resulting glycerophospholipids revealed that labeled FAs from uptake were largely incorporated to canonical (sn-) positions on the glycerol backbone. Surprisingly, labeled FA uptake also disrupted canonical isomer patterns of the unlabeled lipidome and induced repartitioning of n-3 and n-6 PUFAs into glycerophospholipid classes. These structural changes support the existence of differences in the metabolic fates of FAs derived from uptake or de novo sources and demonstrate unique signaling and remodeling behaviors usually hidden from conventional lipidomics.  相似文献   
Abstract. A technique for fine-scale vegetation mapping with the aid of low-altitude aerial photography was developed. The procedure is as follows: 1. The site is divided into a lattice pattern - in case the site is too large to fit into a single photograph with satisfactory resolution. The coordinates of every lattice point are surveyed to be used as control points for geometric correction. A photograph of each block of the lattice is taken using a remote-controlled camera system lifted by a captive helium balloon. 2. The vegetation is classified on the basis of a phytosociological survey. 3. The shapes and locations of vegetation patches appearing in the photographs are entered into a computer, using a digitizer. A geometric correction is carried out through coordinate transformation referring to the coordinates of the control points and subsequently a draft vegetation map is produced. Finally, discrepancies are corrected and the map is coloured to produce the final version of the vegetation map. This technique was applied to vegetation mapping at a bar, 500 m wide and 2 km long, in the river Yoshino in Shikoku, Japan. A fine-scale vegetation map was obtained and used to analyse the influence of plants on geomorphic processes and community-specific hydrogeomorphic conditions on the bar.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A non-dispersive infrared gas analyser equipped with a Luft-type sonic detector and flow-through reference cell was automated to monitor the total volume of carbon dioxide (CO2) respired by single insects or groups of insects. The infrared analyser was interfaced with an integrator for quantification, a microprocessor to control intermittent air flow through the insect respiration chambers, and a microcomputer for data storage and reduction. This technique has been used to monitor the CO2 Output of diapausing and non-diapausing mature fifth instar larvae and of developing pupae of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). The resulting data were accurate, quantitative and reproducible.  相似文献   
In this work we describe a non‐invasive and precise technique to record the heartbeats of a spider. A linear output Hall effect transducer in conjunction with a small magnet was used to monitor the micromovements on the dorsal surface of the abdomen of the tarantula Aphonopelma hentzi (Girard) (Theraphosidae). The exoskeleton in this region is in direct contact with suspensory ligaments connected to the heart, and the dorsal cuticle of the opisthosoma moves with each heartbeat. The technique allowed the discrimination of the different stages of the spider's cardiac cycle. The method can be also adapted for a smaller spider or other arthropods. We believe that the method proposed in this paper allows investigators to gain insights into a spider's natural heart rate by gathering unbiased data with a non‐invasive and very precise technique. We have found the resting heart rate of A. hentzi to be 5.6 ± 1.47 beats/min, which is lower than previously reported values.  相似文献   
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