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1.  Rats which survived hypoglycemia by insulin, hypoxia by 10% O2, or ischemia by carotid ligation and hypotension to 40 mm Hg, evidenced no changes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) uridine. Animals which died soon after the above interventions or as a result of KCl-induced cardiac arrest had elevated CSF uridine concentrations.
2.  Injection of whole blood or the soluble contents of lysed blood cells into the lateral ventricle of rats reduced CSF uridine to less than one-half normal at 24 hrs but values returned to normal 3 days later. Changes in hypoxanthine resembled those of uridine, but were less dramatic, whereas xanthine concentrations were largely unaltered. Intraventricular injection of plasma or saline did not alter CSF uridine.
3.  It seems most likely that low CSF uridine concentrations previously reported in head injury patients may be secondary to the effects of blood cell contents in the cerebrospinal fluid, rather than responses to altered metabolism in neurons or glia cells.
草鱼出血病病毒对其它鱼的感染性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用草鱼出血病病鱼分离出的草鱼出血病病毒(Grass carp hemorrhage virus,GCHV)感染其它常见鱼并用ELISA方法检查感染鱼组织提取液,结果表明:青鱼、鲢鱼、布氏鳌条对GCHV抗体呈阳性反应;鲤鱼、鳙鱼、鲫鱼、团头鲂、泥鳅则呈阴性反应。综合感染鱼发病症状及死亡特征,初步认为:青鱼对GCHV是易感的,GCHV能在鲢鱼、布氏蟹条体内增值,但毒力较低,鳙鱼、鲫鱼、团头鲂、鲤鱼、泥鳅能抗GCHV感染。  相似文献   
摘要 目的:观察依托咪酯联合右美托咪定对高血压基底节区脑出血患者脑糖氧代谢和氧化应激的影响。方法:纳入2020年1月-2022年12月期间我院收治的90例高血压基底节区脑出血患者,采用随机数字表法将患者分为对照组和研究组,各为45例。对照组患者接受依托咪酯乳状注射液麻醉,研究组患者接受依托咪酯乳状注射液联合右美托咪定注射液麻醉。对比两组血流动力学[心率(HR)、平均动脉压(MAP)]、糖氧代谢指标[氧饱和度(SjvO2)、脑氧摄取率(CEO2)、脑动静脉氧差(AVDO2)]、氧化应激指标[丙二醛(MDA)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)]和不良反应。结果:麻醉诱导后5 min(T1)~手术完毕时(T4)时间点,研究组心率(HR)、平均动脉压(MAP)低于对照组(P<0.05)。T4时间点,研究组SjvO2高于对照组,CEO2、AVDO2低于对照组(P<0.05)。T4时间点,研究组SOD高于对照组,MDA低于对照组(P<0.05)。两组不良反应总发生率对比未见差异(P>0.05)。结论:依托咪酯联合右美托咪定可更好维持机体血流动力学,改善脑糖氧代谢,减轻氧化应激,对高血压基底节区脑出血患者发挥出良好的麻醉效果。  相似文献   
目的:研究大鼠骨髓间质干细胞(MSCs)移植治疗脑出血的可行性。方法:分离MSCs后,连续传代培养、扩增,Brdu标记的MSCs通过颈动脉、侧脑室2种途径移植入脑出血大鼠模型体内,采用爬行计分法评估神经功能的恢复程度,并观察脑部Brdu阳性细胞的分布。结果:通过侧脑室、颈动脉移植后大鼠神经功能改善,明显优于对照组(P<0.05);经颈动脉注射组较经侧脑室注射组爬杆实验评分低(P<0.05)。移植的MSCs主要迁移到出血灶、大脑皮层、海马区等处。结论:MSCs移植对脑出血具有保护作用,而经颈动脉给药疗效优于经侧脑室给药。  相似文献   
高血压脑出血是当今社会一种发病率及死亡率都非常高的神经科疾病,对于它的治疗,则是神经内外科的重点难点。目前治疗高血压脑出血的方法分为内科保守治疗和外科手术治疗两种,作者阅读了大量国内外临床相关文献,综述了高血压脑出血相关内外科治疗的方法,以及具体应用,望能为其相关研究提供有益的思路。  相似文献   
通过考察阿托伐他汀(atorvastatin, ATO) 对自发性高血压大鼠(spontaneously hypertensive rats, SHR) 肾脏炎性损害的影响, 探讨了 ATO 对高血压肾脏并发症的防治作用。将4周龄SHR分为高血压模型组和ATO治疗组(8mg/kg),以同周龄的Wistar-Kyoto大鼠为正常对照。灌胃给药8周后, 采用酶联免疫法(enzyme linked immunosorbent assay)测定血浆和肾组织血管紧张素Ⅱ(angiotensin, AngⅡ)含量;测定诱导性一氧化氮合酶(inducible nitric oxide synthase, iNOS)及细胞间粘附分子-1(intercellular adhesion molecule-1, ICAM-1) 的蛋白表达和亚硝酸阴离子(nitrite, NO2-)含量,以评价肾脏炎症状态; 以苏木素伊红(hematoxylin and eosin)和过碘酸六胺银染色(periodic acid-silver metheramine) 染色示SHR肾小球和肾间质形态学病变,并以尿蛋白含量为指标衡量肾脏功能。结果显示...  相似文献   
Green tea contains active ingredients which are beneficial for health. While numerous studies have been conducted on the components extracted from green tea, few studies have investigated the active ingredients in tea residue. In this study, proteins were extracted from green tea residue via an optimised alkaline extraction combined with enzymatic hydrolysis, of which, an acidic protease was selected to prepare an enzymatic hydrolysate because of its high angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity. The composition characteristics of extracted green tea proteolysis products were elucidated, including amino acid composition, molecular weight distribution and possible amino acid sequences. In addition, the protein hydrolysate had anti-digestive properties, maintained its activity of inhibiting ACE enzyme at different temperatures, pH and metal ions, and exhibited antihypertensive activity in animals. In conclusion, the optimised alkaline extraction and enzymatic hydrolysis conditions of a ACE inhibitory peptide from green tea residue is an optimal extraction method to maintain its antihypertensive activity, providing the basis for the clinical application of green tea for blood pressure reduction.  相似文献   
Differential diagnosis of hypertensive heart disease (HHD) and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is clinically challenging but important for treatment management. This study aims to phenotype HHD and HCM in 3D + time domain by using a multiparametric motion-corrected personalized modeling algorithm and cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). 44 CMR data, including 12 healthy, 16 HHD and 16 HCM cases, were examined. Multiple CMR phenotype data consisting of geometric and dynamic variables were extracted globally and regionally from the models over a full cardiac cycle for comparison against healthy models and clinical reports. Statistical classifications were used to identify the distinctive characteristics and disease subtypes with overlapping functional data, providing insights into the challenges for differential diagnosis of both types of disease. While HCM is characterized by localized extreme hypertrophy of the LV, wall thickening/contraction/strain was found to be normal and in sync, though it was occasionally exaggerated at normotrophic/less severely hypertrophic regions during systole to preserve the overall ejection fraction (EF) and systolic functionality. Additionally, we observed that hypertrophy in HHD could also be localized, although at less extreme conditions (i.e. more concentric). While fibrosis occurs mostly in those HCM cases with aortic obstruction, only minority of HHD patients were found affected by fibrosis. We demonstrate that subgroups of HHD (i.e. preserved and reduced EF: HHDpEF & HHDrEF) have different 3D + time CMR characteristics. While HHDpEF has cardiac functions in normal range, dilation and heart failure are indicated in HHDrEF as reflected by low LV wall thickening/contraction/strain and synchrony, as well as much reduced EF.  相似文献   
《Free radical research》2013,47(1-3):167-178
Free radicals have been postulated to play an important role as mediators in the pathogenesis of shock syndrome and multiple-organ failure. We attempted to directly detect the increased formation of radicals by Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) in animal models of shock, namely the endotoxin (ETX) shock or the hemorrhagic shock of the rat. In freeze-clamped lung tissue, a small but significant increase of a free radical signal was detected after ETX application. In the blood of rats under ETX shock, a significant ESR signal with a triplet hyperfine structure was observed. The latter ESR signal evolved within several hours after the application of ETX and was localized in the red blood cells. This signal was assigned to a nitric oxide (NO) adduct of hemoglobin with the tentative structur ((a2+ NO)/23+)2. The amount of hemoglobin-NO formed, up to 0.8% of total hemoglobin, indicated that under ETX shock a considerable amount of NO was produced in the vascular system. This NO production was strongly inhibited by the arginine analog NG-monomethyl-arginine (NMMA). The ESR signal of Hb-NO was also observed after severe hemorrhagic shock. There are three questions, namely (i) the type of vascular cells and the regulation of the process forming such a large amount of NO during ETX shock, (ii) the pathophysiological implications of the formed NO, effects which have been described as cytotoxic mediator, endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) or inhibitor of platelet aggregation, and (iii) the possible use of Hb-NO for monitoring phases of shock syndrome.  相似文献   
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